Netheril – The First Age (-3859 DR to -3534 DR)

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Transcript of Netheril – The First Age (-3859 DR to -3534 DR)

Netheril – The First Age (-3859 DR to -3534 DR)

This book is designed to be a campaign guidefor DMs and players alike wishing to explore thefar history of Netheril as the scene for theirgames. Groups can hopefully play at any pointduring the timeline presented, but is designed tobe played after -3600 DR.


The First Age of Netheril was time of the dawnof human civilisation in the north. Just asImaskari was in the east, and Jhaamdath andCalimshan in the south, the people of Seventonwere the first in the north of Faerun to settleand begin a sedentary, agricultural existence asopposed to the nomadic hunter gatherer lifestyleof the Ulou people that dominated the rest ofthe North.

Seventon began life during the First Age as agroup of fishing and farming settlements thatbanded together in order to better protectthemselves from the predations of goblinoidsand other monsters.

From these humble beginnings a large empire ofwondrous magic would grow to dominate theNetheryl Basin and all the lands around it formany millennia, only to be swept away in a fewcenturies of war culminating in a final,devastating catastrophe.

Important History

Many of the Netherese clans kept asophisticated written and oral history of theirpeople. The elders were most often theguardians of these histories, and the vigilanceand accuracy varied from elder to elder and clanto clan.

The histories of the eldest clans speak of a timewhen the Netherese people lived on endlessplans in far off lands filled with plentiful gamethat they would hunt on their great horses.Other histories tell of how the Netherese wereservants to the great lizard kings of the past thatruled from a gigantic castle in the mountains.Yet more histories tell of how the Netheresehave always lived on the shores of the NarrowSea and survived on the bounty of fish itprovides.

Which history is true; if any, is unknown to theNetherese, and has been the cause of many adispute amongst the clans.

What follows are a number of pivotal eventsknown to history (although not all were knownto the Netherese at the time) that had some kindof effect upon the Netherese and their society.

- -7400 DR: The elf realm of Ilodhar ofthe Hidden Vale falls to a horde of ogresand goblinoids.

- c. -7000 DR: Dwarves from Sarphiltravel west and found halls beneath theChannel Mountains.

- c. -5500 DR: Precursors to the primitivebarbarian tribes in the North beginarriving in the Netheryl Basin,completing their journey along the polarice from lands far to the east.

- -4300 DR: The realm of Thaeravel, theLand of Alabaster Towers is formed inthe south western half of the NetherylBasin with the death of Rasilith theAzure dragon and the hands of hisspawn.

- -4200 DR: A great winter engulfs all theland occupied by the people ofSeventon. When the winter finally lifts 2




entire villages are found empty by thesurviving clans.

- -3900 DR: The goblinoids of theHidden Vale begin launching attacksagainst the human villages to the north.The settlement of Cantas is abandonedwithin a year.

- -3869 DR: Malandor Nether; shaman ofGerrhs, becomes elder and chieftain.

- -3859 DR: The nation of Seventon isloosely formed with the signing of theAlliance of Seventon. The settlements ofFerenwycc, Gerrhs, Gyllarn, Gûctarv,Moreann, Nasieve, and Jainuicc combinein a defensive pact against thehumanoids of the south.

- -3856 DR: Malandor Nether beginsusing his power and influence toimplement changes in the Alliance thatfavour him and his clan.

- -3848 DR: Alandril Nether “theYounger” is born under a solar eclipseand rumoured to be favoured by thegoddess Selûne.

- -3847 DR: The Abbey of the Moon isfounded far to the east in theDragonsheart Mountains thereafternamed the Abbey Mountains.

- -3846 DR: Malandor Nether is crownedUbey of Netheril when he renamesSeventon after himself.

- -3845 DR: Avrauntra “the tree spirit”arrives in Seventon to teach the peoplethe ways of magic.

- -3830 DR: Therion Marick of Gerrhsbecomes the first arcanist of Seventon,having learned to cast the first arcanespell under the tutelage of Avrauntra.

- -3827 DR: Malandor Nether “theElder” is slain and his son; AlandrilNether, assumes the position of “Bey ofGerrhs” and “Ubey of the Nethers”.

- -3655 DR: An orc horde rampagesthrough the north from the Spine of theWorld Mountains, largely blunted by theefforts of the elves of Illefarn and the

High Forest. A number of orcs aredeflected east towards the NetherylBasin where they are attacked by theRengarth barbarians.

- -3654 DR: Arthindol the Terraseer(secretly Issarnathass of the sarrukh ofOreme) appears to the humans ofSeventon and begins to school them inthe Art. Rival colleges of magic to theArcanus Magere are soon started in theseven settlements of Seventon by theearly students of the Terraseer.

- -3653 DR: The Alliance of Seventonbegins to expand west at the urging ofthe Terraseer, they begin using theNarrow Sea to explore the rest of theNetheryl Basin, avoiding the Rengarthholy mountains.

- The settlement of Harbourage isestablished in the Channel Mountains asa stopping point before passing to thewestern side of the Narrow Sea.

- The Netherese soon encounter magicallyskilled gnomes in the hills andmountains that split the Narrow Sea (theChannel Mountains) and “welcome”them into the Alliance of Seventon.

- -3637 DR: The Netherese begincolonising the western shore of theNarrow Sea to allow further expeditionsinto the west as instructed by theTerraseer. The town of Xentith isestablished as the first settlement on thewestern shore of the Narrow Sea.

- The Rengarth barbarians and humans ofSeventon establish diplomatic relationsand begin trading with one another. TheRengarth are secretly looking for allies tohelp them with the orcs.

- -3605 DR: Another orc horde arrives topillage the north. Again they are defeatedby the elves and the survivors flee eastinto the Netheryl Basin. Those orcs notkilled by the Rengarth barbarians areencountered by the explorers ofSeventon for the first time.

- -3548 DR: Explorers of Seventonencounter the dwarves of Delzoun on




the Bay of Ascore. A profitable trade insteel soon emerges between the twonations.

- The port of Runlatha is founded in theBay of Ascore to help trade with thedwarves of Delzoun.

- -3544 DR: The Vandaldt tribe of theRengarth barbarians settles thepermanent trade post known as VandalStation in an effort to garner trade frompassing merchants of Seventon.

- -3540 DR: Explorers from Seventonencounter the elves of the High Forestand establish diplomatic relations withthem; a number of humans are acceptedas magic apprentices, although secretlythe humans are spying on the elves forany signs of weakness.




Life and Society

Life during the First Age of Netheril was hardfor the average Netherese; indeed it was hard forthe exceptional Netherese as well. Theseprimitive peoples lived a nomadic, hunter-gatherer existence for millennia before settlingdown on the south eastern shores of theNarrow Sea to fish, herd animals, and growcrops.

Once settled the Netherese began to attract theattention of monstrous creatures that raidedthem for food and supplies (and in some casesjust for fun). Over several centuries a number ofearly settlements were destroyed, until onlyseven survived.

By this time, the people of Seventon wereestsablished fishermen or farmers that spenttheir lives gathering enough food to surviveanother day, while fending off the increasingattacks of monsters. Tribal rule governed thesettlements and people would enforce their ownsocial rules, or turn to the elders for advice ondisputes they could not settle among themselves.

The Clans: The settlements of the Netheresewere clan based and each village was dominatedby the most powerful clan which was usually thefounding clan (the settlement named after theclan chief at the time of its founding).

Each clan was led by a chief who wasresponsible for the defence of the settlementand for settling disputes that could not beresolved by whatever rules the clan lived by. Thechieftain was chosen from among the mostcapable members of the clan by the elders.

These elders were often the eldest, wisest,richest, and or most powerful members of theclan. They were the advisors to the chief andquite often the real power in the settlement.When Malandor Nether attained the position ofelder it was not unusual for it to be a hereditaryposition which allowed the ruling clans tofurther concentrate power among their kin andturn the position of chief into a puppet positionor one that was rarely awarded to non clanmembers.

Technology: The level of technology attainedby the Netherese was relatively low compared tomodern Faerun. The scarcity of copper meantthat metallic tools were scarce and theNetherese were only able to craft copper,




used a variety of natural ointments, powders,berries, and mushrooms to produce variouseffects (healing, explosions, hallucinations, etc)that most considered magical. A few were evenable to produce genuine magic such as conjuringlight from nowhere or summoning a smallanimal when needed.

There were no such thing as mage schools, therewas no universal magical script. A genuine

magic user had to painfully research all hisspells, including the most basic of cantrips (adangerous, time consuming, and expensive task)and when he perished his knowledge often diedwith him. Those lucky few that were tutored bytheir fathers or grandfathers (who would havebeen clan elders) often hoarded the knowledgefor themselves and while they may have passedit on to their children it is more than likely thatat some point the chain of knowledge would be

NethereseFound almost exclusively on the south eastern shore of the Narrow Sea, these humans are of medium height and medium build with fair skin, brown eyes and brown or raven black hair.Netherese TraitsAbility Score Increase: Netherese are clever and precise granting them a +1 bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence scores.Skills: You gain proficiency in Nature, Survival, Medicine, or Perception.Feat: You gain one feat of your choice.Outlook: Netherese humans have a rather fatalistic attitude to life. They live in a dangerous land in the middle of a swamp surrounded by monsters and powerful beings or nations. Most Netherese accept that life will be short for them, but through luck and the grace of Selune their kin may survive.As a result Netherese are fairly accepting of others (life is too short to be petty) and are hard working in the hope that their efforts will help ensure the survival of their children, family, and clan. Historic events have shown the Netherese that cooperation is the key to survival.Characters: Netherese humans are embracing civilisation and leaving behind the traditional trappings of tribal life. The harsh environment ensures many Netherese take up the skills of a warrior to survive. Those privilieged few that are blessed with magical aptitude often find themselves enrolling in one of the magical academies that are unique to the Netherese at this time in the North. As civilisation advances more and more Netherese are finding intellectual and craftsman skills are increasingly desirable for trade. In short all classes are likely to be found among Netherese characters.Society: Netherese society is at this point in time evolving from its tribal beginnings towards civilisation. The Alliance of Seventon is paving the way for creating social structures within Netherese society including education and employment in the armed forces.The tribal clans still dominate life in Seventon, holding power on the council and in the towns where almost all Netherese live.Language and Literacy: All Netherese speak a language known as Loross which is surprisingly sophisticated considering the current level of civilisation in Seventon. Unusually the Netherese employ the draconic script for writing and literacy levels are again abnormally high for human societies at this time. Most members of the clans can read and write, as can all elders and shamans, literacy is seens as a sign of priviliege among the Netherese and the clans and the Alliance ensure their members show their privilege.Magic: Magic among the Netherese is still in its infancy and is heavily influenced by a number of outside sources including the elves and the Terraseer. The Arcanus Magere has become the major repository of magical knowledge and its walls house 40 or more spells devised by its members.The Netherese have not yet discovered a reliable means of manufacturing magical items although a number of these have been found or are claimed to have been created




broken as a family line ended or produced nomagically gifted (or inclined individuals) and sothe knowledge would need to be discovered allover again.

No trade in magical spells existed until thecoming of Malandor Nether in -3869 DR.

Magic items were just as rare as genuine magicspells, and were often created by accident ratherthan intention (despite the best efforts of theshamans). Occasionally ancient and powerfulitems were uncovered from ancient ruins thatdotted the lands around Seventon, althoughthese items were hard won as they were usuallyguarded by ancient horrors that the explorerunwittingly unleashed upon his kin when heplundered its tomb or prison.

Malandor Nether's ascent to the position ofelder changed the magical traditions of theNetherese in many ways and the echoes of hisactions reverberated far into the future.

Malandor learned the shamanistic ways from hisgrandfather (before the old man suddenlydisappeared) and appeared to have a genuinetalent, able to conjure animals and even flameout of nowhere. Soon after attaining theposition of elder, Malandor began to acquirenew magics with dizzying speed. Afterbecoming chief the other elders of Malandor'sclan also showed a marked increase in magicalpower (roughly translating to the ability to cast2nd level spells). It would appear that inexchange for power, Malandor had begun toshare his secrets with his fellow elders.

After uniting the villages under the Alliance ofSeventon, Malandor Nether attempted to gainyet more power for himself and throughdiplomacy, blackmail, and violence he attainedthe position of "Ubey" (literally translated aschief of chiefs) among the villages of Seventon.It was at this point that his magical tutelage tooka different turn.

Those elders that sided with Malandor began toexhibit new and darker magics, magics thatcould spread weakness, poison, disease, deathand worse (some spoke of the dead returning asmindless monsters that slew the enemies of theelders). Those that did not side with Malandordisappeared.

The appearance of an outsider in -3845 DRchanged the magical direction of the Netherese

once again when a being known as the TreeSpirit (although she called herself Avrauntra)came unbidden to the region and began to teachher ways to all that wanted to learn.

Avrauntra established a tradition of master andstudent that persisted far into the future ages ofSeventon and she taught the Netherese newways of magic by removing the fear andsuperstition that surrounded it. Avrauntra's mostsuccessful student was one Therion Marick ofGerrhs who is known to Netherese history asthe first Arcanist. Therion established the firstschool of magic in the history of Seventon; theArcanus Magere, whose principles were foundedupon what he learned at the feet of Avrauntra.

Shortly after Therion's "graduation" as a studentof Avrauntra, Malandor Nether was slain andthe "Necromancer King" and his chiefs weresoon cast out by Alandril Nether who appearedto be more goodly and just than his father.

Finally in -3654 DR another stranger appearedto the Netherese, this time to direct the magicaldiscoveries of Seventon down its final pathtowards its ultimate doom.

Arthindol the Terraseer appeared as a muchmore enigmatic and mysterious being than eitherAvrauntra or Malandor (and many assumed thathis flashy and more impressive magic made himmore powerful, they were of course mistaken).He set up several schools of magic to rival theArcanus Magere, each one starting a newspeciality in magical learning, many of whichbecame rivals to the other schools over theirdifferent philosophies and discoveries.

Arthindol also spent a great deal of time amongthe political elite of Seventon and greatlyinfluenced the policies of the Alliance ofSeventon. Many believe it was his influence thatdirected the Alliance west via the Narrow Seawhich ultimately led to the most importantdiscovery in the history of Netheril (the NetherScrolls) and the dawn of the Nether Age.

It is clear to modern historians that the magicalculture of Seventon was of great interest tooutsiders that were intent on influencing ittowards one avenue or another for their ownagenda. To the Netherese though the last twocenturies of the First Age were ones of greatmagical discovery that only quickened during thefollowing ages.





Netherese: The people of Seventon were a darkhaired and light skinned race of nomads thatarrived in the Netheryl Basin around -5000 DR,they roamed the Seventon region for centuries,gradually moving towards a more sedentarylifestyle that revolved around fishing on theNarrow Sea and farming the rich soil.

As a people the Netherese were naturally giftedin the magical arts, although this gift did notbecome apparent until later ages whenincreasingly larger proportions of the populationbecame arcanists. Some believe this gift was aresult of past associations with the lizard kingsof the ancient histories of the Netherese (whichmany believe to refer to dragons), the Nethereseclaimed it was as a result of divine blessing,while the more scholarly believe such magicalskill comes merely as a result of the intellectualand questioning nature of the Netherese.

The average Netherese makes an excellentfarmer or fisherman, and a fair hunter andwarrior. They are naturally inquisitive and veryaccepting of strange people and attitudes, easilyadapting their ideals and philosophies toencompass new information. This meant theNetherese exhibited much less of thesuperstitious and somewhat neophobic (a fear ofanything new or unknown) tendencies thatcharacterises many primitive cultures.

Rengarth: The Rengarth were a tribe ofbarbarians of Ulutiun racial stock known as theKaiulutiuns. They regarded all the lands west

and north of the Narrow Sea as their territory,although they never contested the landsoccupied by the dwarves of Delzoun. Thesouthern arm of the Channel Mountains washoly ground to the Rengarth and where theirancestor spirits supposedly lived. They thereforehomicidally purged any intelligent beingsencountered there.

The lands south of the Narrow Sea such as theSeventon region and Thaeravel were largely leftunoccupied by the Rengarth (although theyclaimed much of Thaeravel as their own theyjust failed to actively contest the more populatedregions against the magically strong nation). Thiswas because of the "evil spirits" that lived there(at least thats what the Rengarth claimed).

The lands south of the Channel Mountains werestill filled with ruins and artefacts left over fromthe time when the Empire of Isstosseffifil ruledthe entire basin. These lands were flooded in acataclysm and although it washed over thesouthern lands on its way towards the lowlandcentre, it pooled and settled in the northernlands and scoured them clean. Thus thesouthern half of the basin was superficiallycleaned of the sarrukh taint, while the north wassubmerged for a century and its evil lifted out ofthe ground and carried into the new boundariesof the Narrow Sea.

So although the Rengarth claimed certain landsfor themselves it was usually in more of aprotective capacity (i.e. protecting themselvesfrom the horrors that lived there) and soinvestigated any moving into the area lest they

The Tribes

The Rengarth people were divided into a number of tribes that roamed the Rengarth lands following great herds as their ancestors had done for millennia.

Each tribe followed its own path throughout the year, criss-crossing with other tribes as they travelled. Inevitably all tribes met during the summer months on the plains known as the Rengarth Ancestral Lands where the greatest hunting opportunities lay.

The most powerful and ancient tribes such as the Vandaldt and the Akordt claimed the best land and roamed the Rengarth Ancestral Lands all year round. Other smaller tribes such as the Spyrgardt wandered the frozen tundra north of the Narrow Sea where the game was scarce. Tribes such as the Redgardt and Angardt roamed the southern edge of the Rengarth Ancestral Lands bordering the Flats. The tribes on the fringe of Rengarth territory were often the least superstitious and traditional of tribes and the most open to new ideas of the Netherese.

In all during the First Age there were over 100 tribes with membership varying from 100 to 2000 members. The names of these tribes indicate they were a tribe of the people of whoever the tribe was named after while the Rengarth name indicated that as a whole all the tribes were the people of Rengar.




unleash the evils within.

The Rengarth were supreme hunters and themost capable and fearless of warriors, havinghoned their hunting skills on the great rothe ofthe north and defended their homes from allsorts of monsters that were left as a legacy bythe sarrukh and phaerimm.

The Rengarth's initial encounters with theNetherese came around -3800 DR when theAlliance of Seventon sought to explore itssurroundings for the source of the goblinoidattacks. As they passed through the WesternForest and the mountains beyond the explorerswere savagely and ruthlessly attacked by theRengarth barbarians, and pursued as they fledback towards Seventon. None of the Netheresesurvived the explorations despite repeated foraysbeing made over the years, and the Alliance onlybecame aware of the Rengarth when a searchparty witnessed the explorers being slaughteredas they fled back home.

Attempts to establish diplomatic relations withthe Rengarth failed utterley and the Netheresesoon abandoned the idea of trading and gettingto know their barbarian neighbours until muchlater.

It wasnt until -3637 DR that the Netheresefinally managed to engage in a peaceful dialoguewith the Rengarth and it was then that theydiscovered that the Channel Mountains weresacred land to the Rengarth and their law stated

that all trespassers must be slain. Peace with theRengarth was possible because in -3637 DR theNetherese had taken to the Narrow Sea toexplore the surrounding lands and so theylanded on the far western shore of the sea andestablished a settlement (Xentith) on a smallstrip of land leading into the Narrow Sea thatthe Rengarth did not claim as their own. Thusthe Netherese came to the Rengarth landswithout passing through sacred land and werethus regarded cautiously as strangers and soonafter welcomed as vital trading partners.

The support of the Rengarth as trading allieswas crucial for the survival of the Netherse inthe Frontier Lands (as the Netherese came tocall them) where they were far from home andsupplies and relied on the Rengarth forinformation, food, protection, and survival lore.The Rengarth visited Xentith throughout theyear for trade and once the Nethereseestablished Runlatha, the Rengarth created theirown permanent settlement that wouldfundamentally change Rengarth society as wellas provide more trading opportunities for thesea going Netherese traders.

The Rengarth worshipped place spirits andpowerful animals in a manner not unlike theUthgardt of the modern realms. They had noconcept of organised religion (as the Netheresewere beginning to establish) and no reliablemagical abilities that could be called upon. Infact the Rengarth were highly superstitious and

The Way of Rengar: The Rengarth people follow a lifestyle known as the Way of Rengar. According to the shamans of the Rengarth when Rengar left on his final spirit journey he left instructions for the truest of warriors to follow his way to find his secret.Most shamans and the Rengarth in general have interpreted this to mean that he wanted the Rengarth to emulate him in order to receive the rewards in the next life.As a result the Rengarth are hunters and warriors that defend their family from the evil monsters that threaten their lands. They are strong, and independent, with each tribe and each family unit acting as self sufficient as possible. Most infamous is the Rengarth hatred of magic; Rengar was a fanatic against all things magical. Magic creates monsters and destroys all it touches, corrupting true warriors, and twisting natural creatures into monstrosities. Rengar unearthed many tombs filled with monsters and magic and personally destroyed them all.The Rengarth follow in his footsteps as much as possible, but have mellowed in their attitudes towards some magical races, particularly beneficial ones like the elves and dwarves and fey creatures of the forest.However there are some fanatical Rengarth outcasts that speak of the Way of Rengar being quite literally a path to his final resting place that should be followed. Much like the Rengarth claim all the lands Rengar wandered during his lifetime, these fanatics claim that his footsteps should be followed from the frozen tundra in the north to the Sky Column mountains where his final journey ended as he sought to save the Rengarth from the Viks (demons) that plagued the Rengarth in his final years.




regarded all overt displays of magic as the workof evil spirits that ruled the land in the distantpast. This superstition and fear led the Rengarthto regard the elves of the High Forest withsuspicion and to attack any that displayedmagical ability that was not in line withshamanistic rites. The Rengarth avoided theFlats to the south which belonged to Thaeravel;a land ruled by sorcerous beings. In the FirstAge the Netherese were just discovering theirmagical affinity and so the Rengarth neverencountered any magic users from Seventon andso regarded the Netherese as being likethemselves but weaker because of their civilisedways, and thus worthy trading partners.

Gnomes: The gnomes of Silmarca were a largeextended family that lived exclusively within thewater bound Channel Mountains (not settingfoot in the far northern or southern ends of thatrange which existed outside of the Narrow Sea).They had supposedly lived there for untoldmillennia as part of a dwarven nation that wasshattered by giants from the north. Theyreferred to the Channel Mountains as Ranar’sRock and supposedly this was the site of thecapital of a once great nation that ruled this land(the gnomes believe it was a nation of dwarvesand gnomes).

After initial encounters with the people ofSeventon in -3653 DR, the gnomes began totrade with the Netherese at the fledglingsettlement of Harbourage, wandering downfrom the mountain slopes in groups with gemsand metals to sell (iron was particularly prized bythe Netherese). The Netherese quickly noticedthe gnome’s affinity for magic and after tradingfor as much magical knowledge as the gnomespossessed, the Netherese decided they wereholding back further secrets and tried to take itfrom them by force.

Within a few months, the Spears of Seventonhad been deployed to Harbourage with arcanistsin support and the gnomes were all rounded up.The eldest gnomes were forced to sign a treaty“welcoming” the gnomes into the Alliance ofSeventon and informing them of their rights.They were to be given a seat on the council foreach settlement with a population of 5,000 ormore. They were to abide by the rules of theAlliance and in return they would be protected.

The first decree of the council after“welcoming” the gnomes was that all magical

wares had to be declared for tax purposes.When this did not turn up the hoards of spellsthe council was expecting it “arrested” a numberof the high profile gnomes (a pointless exercisesince the gnomes were watched and guarded intheir homes anyway) for tax evasion. Aftersuitable interrogation the council discovered thegnomes possessed no further magical knowledgeand so the very next decree of the council wasthat all non humans in Alliance territory wouldbe rehomed with patrons in Seventon (for theirown protection). This meant the gnomes werecarted off to Seventon and rehomed among therich and powerful as virtual slaves.

The gnomes had little option to protest becausethey numbered less than 4,000 individuals andwere scattered across the mountains in smallvillages which meant they had no power to resistand no authority to protest on their behalf withno votes on the council (something the Alliancewas aware of when they "welcomed" them intothe Alliance).

The gnomes were subjected to much magicalexperimentation which resulted in more than afew monstrosities; it is believed that one of theorigins of Spriggans lie with the magicaltinkering the Netherese performed upon thegnomes in this and later ages.

Dwarves: The dwarves of Delzoun were anelusive race of beings full of mystery to theNetherese. The Netherese had heard rumoursfrom passing traders of a race of powerfulhumanoids that lived beneath the ground andwere masters of metal and fierce warriors.

The Netherese found further support of these"earth spirits" when they encountered thegnomes of Silmarca (whom they first assumedto be the dwarves at their initial meeting). Thegnomes spoke of the dwarves and their greatfortresses amid Ranar's Rock (what the gnomescalled the Channel Mountains) and their skillwith steel and metals so strong they couldshatter rock.

When the Netherese encountered the Rengarth,the barbarians spoke of spirits of the earth thatlived to the north near the edge of the NarrowSea and it was at this point that the Netheresefinally had a name for these creatures – dwarves– from the Rengarth words Dwore Vess (forearth spirit)

It wasnt until -3548 DR that the Netherese




encountered the dwarves on the western edge ofthe Narrow Sea. This meeting point became theport of Runlatha which soon grew into the mostprofitable trading port in the Frontier Lands andthe gateway to the dwarven riches. The dwarvesin turn created the port of Ascore at the base ofthe cliff which determined the far eastern borderof their land.

The dwarves needed food to feed their growingpopulation and in return they traded steel andprecious gems to the Netherese which wouldbecome the beginning of a very profitable andever changing agreement between the twonations.

Soon dwarven stone ships were regularly leavingAscore and travelling between Harbourage andXentith, delivering much needed iron and steeland coming home laden with crops.

The Netherese magic coming out of theArcanus Magere was of little interest to thedwarves as it was still in its infancy and thedwarves regarded it as near worthless next to themight of their rune magic.

Elves: The Netherese lived in a land surroundedby elves (and at one point filled with the elves ofIlodhar now lost and ruined). To the west werethe elves of Eaerlann, Sharrven, and Siluvanede.To the east were the elves of Rystall Wood andCormanthyr.

Eaerlann: The elves of Eaerlann hadlong been keeping watch on the peopleof Seventon, interested in their magicaldevelopment and the baleful influencessteering that course.

Official interaction between the twoNetherese and Eaerlanni elves onlyoccured at the end of the First Age, butthe elves had agents living among theNetherese for centuries that werehelping steer their development towardsa more enlightened path.

Eaerlanni – Netherese relations werevery friendly right from the firstencounter and it wasnt long beforeambassadors were moved into theEaerlanni capital of Glaurachyndaar.

Of course the Alliance had an ulteriormotive behind wanting to be friendswith the elves. They were spying on theirnew found friends, assessing their

strengths and looking for weaknesses.

The other elven nations of the HighForest were far enough away from theborders of the Netheryl Basin that theyhad no interaction with the people ofSeventon, and only heard of them fromtheir Eaerlanni neighbours. The elitistSiluvaneden elves wanted nothing to dowith the primitive humans. The elves ofSharrven preferred to deal with thehumans through their younger andvibrant cousins in Sharrven.

Rystall Wood: The moon, wood, andwild elves of Rystall Wood (which theNetherese called the Eastern Forest)were under the rule of theimpressionable and increasingly paranoidCoronal Enajharas.

The young Coronal had withdrawn hisrealm from interaction with the nation'slongtime elven allies in Cormanthyr. Sothe Rystalli interaction with theNetherese was never going to beanything better than frosty during thistime.

In reality the Rystalli elves viewed thehumans as little better than pests, maybeone step above goblinoids. Any humansfound despoiling the forest were takenby the elves and never seen or heardfrom again (presumably killed).

On the borders of the Rystall Wood(which is as far as any human ever gotinto the forest), the Netherese almostalways encountered the roaming wild elfclans (with the occasional wood elf).This ensured diplomatic relationsbetween the two peoples was nearimpossible to establish as the wild elvestended to act first and consider thingslater.

Cormanthyr: Like the elves of Eaerlann,the elves of Cormanthyr had longwatched the humans of Seventon.

Their covert spying had led them toregard the humans were not yet ready orworthy to learn from the elves and soremained a secret from the Netheresewho had not yet expanded south enoughto find the realm of Cormanthyr.





The political situation of the Netherese began aseach settlement was effectively ruled by themost powerful clan which decided what matterswere of most import and what actions were tobe taken in relation to that. The powerful clansalso decided matters of law and justice for thoseliving in the settlement.

There were those that were in opposition to theruling clan and may even have disregarded theirlaws and acted contrary to their rulings, but theywere in danger of being punished by the morepowerful clan which inevitably could out musclethose that did not conform. Only when largenumber of those in opposition to the ruling clanunited with common purpose could they defytheir rulers.

The decision of these clans were made by thechief (or Bey) of the clan, who was chosen bythe elders when the previous chief died (or wasremoved). The elders acted as advisors to theBey, because they were often the wisest, eldest,richest, and or most powerful members of theclan, as a result the laws and policies of asettlement were often decided by the elders ofthe most powerful clan in residence.

The Alliance of Seventon: The coming ofMalandor Nether in -3869 DR as Bey of Gerrhscame against a backdrop of annual raids bygoblinoids from the south. In the past 50 yearsthe most southerly of the Netherese settlementswas destroyed by these raids and the Netheresewere in danger of being wiped out.

Malandor Nether used every tool at his disposalto unite the seven remaining villages against thegoblinoid threat. Within 10 years the Alliance ofSeventon was signed (named for the sevenvillages that forged the pact) and the Netheresewere saved from certain destruction at the handsof ogres and goblins.

The Alliance of Seventon started as little morethan a defence pact between the seven villagesthat forced the seven villages to cooperate inmilitary matters. At least once a year the rulingclan in each settlement would meet at one of thesettlements (each chosen in turn) and decide onwhat to do about the goblinoid attacks andother military matters. It was the responsibilityof the attending clans to then return to theirsettlements and ensure the other inhabitantsconformed. The members also had to contribute

a tithe of trained warriors to the defence of theAlliance (these Spears of Seventon were usuallystationed at Gyllarn) and money to ensure theycould be maintained and provide for otherthings like defences etc.

The decisions of the Council were decided witha democratic vote. Each member of the councilwould vote on the course of action to be takenand the majority vote decided the result. Laterdevelopments would see the creation of "Kingof the Nethers" as a position which granted theholder the weight of 5 votes and would allowhim to dominate or greatly influence any vote ofthe Council.

The Necromancer Kings: Once the Allianceof Seventon was formed and the future of theNetherese secured for a time, Malandor Netherthen proceeded with the next stage of his plan.Having the complete backing from his ownelders, the Bey of Gerrhs then attempted tocement the power of the Alliance with himself.

Using his position as the Bey of Gerrhs andhead of the Church of Selûne, he gained regularaccess to every settlement in Seventon and wasable to meet with anyone, including the elders ofother clans. Malandor was able to corrupt thoseelders that would be tempted by magic andpower at any cost, he was able to bribe thosethat desired money, he was able to threaten theweak and eliminate the powerful, just as he haddone to become Bey of Gerrhs.

Malandor was able to centralise the headquartersof the Spears of Seventon in Gerrhs and soonafter became their commander. He thenconstructed a grand building to hold all themeetings of the Alliance Council. After the birthof his son and a successful expedition to theDragonsheart Mountains, popular opinion wasso high that he was able to appoint himself Kingof the Nethers amid much fanfare and applausefrom the populace.

It was then that Malandor's true nature becameapparent. As the supreme power in the Alliance,Malandor's opponents began disappearing ifthey acted or even spoke against him. He andhis allies (who were now ensconced as Beys ofthe other settlements) began acting withincreasing impunity which included performingever darker magic experiments upon people. Itwasnt long before people feared the dead risingfrom the grave and the rule of Malandor and the




Necromancer Kings was born.

Malandor Nether made Netheril much safer,stronger, and united against the goblinoidmenace but the people now feared and hatedtheir evil Ubey and his Bey's. It wasnt until-3527DR, nearly two decades later, that his reign wasfinally brought to an end when he was foundwith one of his own poisoned daggers in hisback.

The powers and the courage of theNecromancer Kings seemingly failed theremaining Beys and they were cast out into thewilderness by the people and their saviourAlandril Nether "The Younger".

The Alliance Restored: With Malandor Netherslain and the Necromancer Kings deposed,Alandril Nether restored the Council and theAlliance of Seventon. No more Beys wereappointed and instead it was agreed that eachsettlement have its own council of elders whichwould vote and appoint an Urbey (under-chief)to act as the representative of that settlementupon the Alliance Council.

The number of elders on each council variedwith the population and the demands of thevarious clans in resident and it was agreed thatthere would be a proportion of seats per clan (atleast one and usually held by one of their chosenelders) in accordance with the power and stationof each clan in the settlement. Thus the rulingclans in each settlement retained their majorityand control over their homes and a moredemocratic style of governance was brought into the Alliance which was now given completecontrol over the affairs of the settlements withinit, and the clans became the nobility of thisAlliance.


The economy of Seventon was only just formingin the First Age. It was built upon fishing andagriculture and that remained its strong pointthroughout this age.

Prior to -3653 DR when the Alliance began toexpand, the economy of Seventon remained selfsufficient and very small, with the majority ofthe wealth centralised among the ruling clansand the elders.

Following -3653 DR there was a tradingexplosion in Seventon as the Allianceencountered and established peaceful relationswith the Rengarth, the dwarves of Delzoun, andthe elves of Eaerlann in quick succession. As theage progressed, the Netherese were becomingincreasingly skilled in magic and metalwork, butthese skills paled in comparison to those of thedwarves and elves and only the metalwork wasof any value to their Rengarth neighbours (whopreferred trading with the Netherese to thedwarves and so sourced weapons and tools fromthem).

As a result Seventon's economy was basedlargely around importing iron and steel and theirproducts while exporting large amounts of foodand gold to the dwarves of Delzoun.

A smaller trade was evident between Seventonand the Rengarth (and the elves) in the trinketsand jewellery they were producing, but theappetites for these things were more as curios,and neither group valued gold particularlyhighly.

Ships passed with increasingly regularitybetween the ports of Harbourage, Xentith,Runlatha, and Ascore and the region ofSeventon. The dwarves took to the seas in theirstoneclad ships, while the Netherese plied thewaters with primitive oar driven vessels thatwere wide and deep, but flat bottomed andperilously vulnerable to capsizing in badweather.

The Alliance took a tithe of all revenues as tax,including a tithe on the value of trade goods.Corruption was inherent in the beginnings ofthe Alliance. The tithe collectors were usuallymembers of the noble clans and so allowed theirfamily and friends to pay decreased or no tithes,while overcharging others for their own pocket,and succumbing to bribery in other instances to




avoid paying a large tithe on a valuable trade byenriching the collector personally.

Piracy took its toll on the economy too. As soonas the Netherese took to the waters of theNarrow Sea, ships began disappearing (whichsome attributed to ghosts or the monsters of thesea) as pirates moored in little coves along theChannel Mountains preyed upon the unguarded.

Despite the losses a profitable trade between theFrontier Lands and Seventon grew and enrichedall involved.

Prior to -3827 DR, the people of Seventonmostly traded using barter, although the richerclans would use pearls as a form of currency.Following the reformation of the Alliance ofSeventon a system of currency was establishedthat included the silver Moons (crescent shapedcoins), and gold Neths (triangular coins).

Steel and copper were far more valuable thansilver, due to their scarcity, but their durabilitymade them unsuitable as coinage.


Like all tribal societies, the military might of theNetherese was dependant upon the whims andability of the strongest clans resident in asettlement. The strongest warriors of the clanprotected the settlement and its people(although usually only the clan members andproperty with any devotion) and the uniformityof skill and armament of these warriors wassorely lacking.

As a result when the goblinoids began attackingthe Netherese they were able to easily exploitweaknesses in the defence of the settlementswhich varied greatly with time and location.

Malandor Nether saw that for the Netherese tosurvive they needed to unite and properlyprotect themselves against the goblinoidmenace. Thus he established the Alliance ofSeventon which in turn formed the Spears ofSeventon to protect it.

Before this pivotal moment in -3859 DR, thedefence of the Netherese was down to theindividual and what skill and arms he couldmuster. If he was unable to protect himself andhad no friends, family, or allies, then he wouldunlikely survive an attack from ogres andgoblins.

After the reformation of the Alliance ofSeventon when the Council was given completecontrol over all the settlements of the region,the Spears of Seventon became a tool of thecouncil that could be used for much more thandefensive purposes and as such became the firstarmed forces of the Alliance.

At the urgings of the Terraseer, the Allianceused the Spears of Seventon to expand west insearch of neighbours, wealth, and new magic.The Spears then became a tool of oppression asthe Alliance conquered and enslaved the unwarygnomes of Silmarca.

The dwarves of Delzoun and the Rengarth werefar too numerous and militarily powerful for theAlliance to even consider attacking, but it wouldseem that they had misjudged the peaceful elvesof Eaerlann as easy prey. The disastrous battlebetween Eaerlann and the Alliance saw the endof the First Age but also heralded possibly thegreatest (and most dangerous) discovery in thehistory of the Netherese; the Nether Scrolls.

Spears of Seventon: -3859 DR saw the creation




of the first military force in Seventon. Thismilitary force was little more than a band offarmers and fishermen (and the occasionalwarrior) outfitted with bronze tipped spears andhide armour, but it was organised, it was trained,and it was dedicated to protecting the Nethereseagainst the goblinoid threat.

The Spears of Seventon were garrisoned at everysettlement (although the headquarters becamelocated at Gerrhs, and the majority of theirnumber were at Gyllarn), and whenever thegoblins attacked the Spears marched to thedefence.

The sudden organisation of the Netheresestalled the goblin attacks for a time as they wereshocked by the swiftness with which theNetherese had developed this standing army andhow effective it was trained against ogres (usingpits and spears).

The goblinoid attacks continued and escalated astime went on and so it was with good fortunethat Avrauntra and the Terraseer arrived to armthe Netherese with magic against their enemiesas well.

The Alliance of Seventon agreed with theArcanus Magere that in return for funding eachgraduating arcanist would enrol in the Spears ofSeventon for at least 5 years. This move furthersecured Seventon, arming their defence withmagical fire.

The discovery of the dwarves and weapons ofiron and steel made sure that the future ofSeventon was established and secured for thenext age as the iron weapons and armour of theSpears of Seventon, backed up by magical aidfrom the arcanists was more than a match formarauding bands of ogres and goblins from thesouth.

For most of the First Age the average memberof the Spears of Seventon was (a 1st levelwarrior) armed with a bronze tipped spear, asmall round wooden shield and hide armour,officers were equipped with a short stabbingsword, small round wooden shield and hidearmour. The arcanists when they arrived to jointhe ranks of the Spears had to provide their ownequipment (although components were paid forafter use).

The dwarves were encountered in -3548 DR andfollowing that the armament of the Spears was

changed such that the average member wasarmed with an iron tipped spear, a small roundiron shield and supple leather armour, officerswere armed with an iron or steel arming sword(a short sword), a small round iron shield, and acoat of iron ringed mail.

After -3827 DR, the Spears of Seventon werelikely to be encountered in ever greater numbersin Gerrhs and Gyllarn as well as the ports ofNawseev and Gûstarve. They behaved more andmore like a police force in these towns,enforcing law and order and ensuring the will ofthe Council was obeyed (which included aidingtax collection).

If encountered in the Frontier Lands the Spearsof Seventon were stationed at guard posts andperformed regular patrols for a days marcharound the settlement to secure it from thedangers of monsters and brigands and raidingbarbarians. The Spears were much more hostileto non-Netherese, especially those in groups ofmore than 5 and those not immediatelydeclaring or looking like traders.

Finders: A special position and unitamong the Spears of Seventon was theFinder. These specialists were not justwarriors but experts in survival and thewilderness.

They were used by the Spears ofSeventon to explore the lands aroundthem and to explore already settled landssearching for treasure and danger.

Their place within the hierarchy, theirremit, their armament, and their locationwas highly fluid. They would travelwhere needed, do what was necessary,and return if possible. They existedoutside the normal ranks of the Spearsand could be found anywhere on anyform of mission.

Most normal people in Seventon hadlittle knowledge of the Finders, but theirimportance grew when these highlyskilled individuals explored the NarrowSea, found the gnomes of Silmarca, theRengarth, the dwarves of Ascore, theelves of Eaerlann, and eventually one oftheir number found the Nether Scrolls.





Organised religion among the Netherese wasonly in its formative stages. Historically theNetherese had worshipped ancestor, place,animal, and weather spirits in a similar fashionto the Rengarth; involving shamanistic rituals,dances, and sacrifice (although the Netheresealmost never performed human sacrifices, theyusually sacrificed wealth or animals).

Malandor Nether used the promise of religionand a higher power as one of the tools to unitethe Netherese people and settlements behindone banner (his own). He played upon the mostpopular of tales among the Netherese; of howtheir ancestors had been led to this sacred landby the light of the moon spirit (which he calledSelûne). Malandor claimed that this moon spiritwas much more powerful than all the otherspirits combined, and that she had shown himvisions that revealed the true path of theNetherese.

As he united more of the villages of Seventonand began to defeat the goblinoids with ease, thepeople's respect and awe for Selûne grew. Soonpeople began flocking to Malandor asking himto teach them about Selûne and how they couldserve this spirit of spirits.

Thus the Church of Selûne was born asMalandor Nether saw an opportunity to use it asanother tool to gain power.

The Church of Selûne: The Church of Selûnewas officially born in -3852 DR by decree of theCouncil of Seventon. By that time it already hadan impromptu place of worship in Gerrhsadjoining the headquarters of the Alliance(established by Malandor).

The council decree granted permission toestablish the Temple of the Moon's Hand inGerrhs, making Gerrhs the official home of theChurch of Selûne, and Malandor Nether itshigh priest (his official title was Hand of theSilver Light).

In -3847 DR, on the back of fervour from thebirth of his son beneath a solar eclipse,Malandor Nether established a crusading orderof the church and led it east towards theDragonsheart Mountains where legend claimedthe image of Selûne hung above the highestpeak and led the Netherese to Seventon Bay.

There atop Selûne's Crest (the highest peak of

that mountain range), the Swords of the Ladyestablished the Abbey of the Moon anddefended it with unyielding fervour againstnumerous dragon attacks throughout the year.In their and Malandor's honour the range wasrenamed the Abbey Mountains. This event sawMalandor's popularity surge among thecommoners and allowed him to finally cementhis hold on the Council of Seventon.

After Malandor Nether's crowning as Ubey ofNetheril, the Church of Seventon became oflesser importance to him now that he hadachieved his goals. He abandoned the religionand in his absence the Church began to distanceitself from its patron and founder as he turnedtowards darkness. Instead the Church embracedthe common people and became a place ofsolace for those that were victims of Malandor'sevil.

Following Malandor's death the Church ofSelune was rewarded by the people and gaineduniversal popularity among the commonNetherese, with a shrine in every settlement anda large following at the growing number oftemples.

Malandor's son, the pious Alandril Nether, ledthe church after his father's death. He embarkedupon upon a crusade against an invisble enemythat he believed turned his father towards evil,the dark goddess Shar and her mortal followers.The Swords of the Lady were his ever loyalinstrument in this fight, but they were graduallydiscredited by a series of embarrassing mistakesand misinterpretations of conversations, events,and private correspondents between suspectedworshippers of Shar.

In the end Alandril Nether was driven mad byhis paranoia and the church disentangled itselffrom the Nether family, with the head of thechurch being nominated by the departing officeholder first and then gradually moving towardsan election by the most senior priests of eachtemple as more began to appear.

Organisation: The Church of Selûne began as asingle temple with an affiliated abbey far to thenorth.

By -3600 DR the towns of Jainuicc, andMoreann joined Gerrhs as having temples toSelûne with another planned for either Gûctarv,or Nasieve as the church decided to concentrateits efforts on attracting worship and donations




from sailors and shipwrights

Between -3852 DR and -3827 DR the "Churchof Selûne" was led by Malandor Nether who wassoon to become King of Netheril. During thistime the Church of Selûne was a single templewith an expanding number of shrines and later amonastic abbey far off to the east. The Churchstarted off as a favoured organisation byMalandor as he used it to gain political poweramong the Alliance, but was soon sidelined asMalandor grew secure in his role as Ubey andignored the Church leaving it to its own deviceswhere it quietly distanced itself from its founderand high priest and focused on secretly aidingthe poor and common folk against the acts ofthe elite.

Following -3827 DR, the role of high priestpassed to Alandril Nether who focused theChurch more upon rooting out the remainingevil legacies of his deceased father. Alandrildominated the organisation of the Church as hisfather had done, completely controlling as muchof the Church as he desired.

After Alandril's death, the leading priests of thetwo temples of the Church (one in Jainuicc andthe other in Gerrhs) decided to elect a highpriest between them, a democratic practice thatcontinued throughout the ages of Netheril.

By -3600 DR the Church of Selûne was headedby the Night's Silver (crown as in head not as inregalia) Estanneth Meril. This aged highpriestess had ably led the church for nearly 30years in a period of unprecedented prosperityand expansion.

Since the time of Alandril Nether the Church ofSelûne had been organised into loosely affiliatedtemples, abbeys, and shrines that obeyed thelight and uninterfering edicts of its high prieststhat largely left the temples to governthemselves (taking action only when eventsadversely affected the Church's reputation).Thus each temple set their own tithes fromparishioners, set their own criteria forrecruitment (both lay and secular) and evencreated their own religious texts as long as theystuck to the loose guidelines issued by the headof the Church who always resided in the Templeof the Moon's Hand in Gerrhs.

Dogma: The teachings of Selûne began as asimple scripture tasking the faithful with beingever watchful against the forces of darkness and

evil while following the servants sent by Selûneto guide them.

These servants were said to take the form ofblessed individuals; such as Alandril Nether(Malandor was decried as a false servant after hisdeath), and mythic beings such as Jergal theScribe of the Dead that helped Selûne in her roleas guardian and guide to the souls of the deadon their journey across the black sea of night tothe afterlife. Daily prayers were offered toSelûne and a number of her divine servants.

As time passed and the Netherese took to thesea the holy scriptures expanded so that Selûnebecame the guiding light and patron oftravellers, sailors, and the lost. It was during thistime (after -3654 DR) that the Church reallybegan to expand among the port settlements ofthe Narrow Sea and even into the FrontierLands as they were opened to the people ofSeventon.

Allies: The greatest ally of the Church of Selûnewas not the Alliance of Seventon, whichalthough the two organisations had beenfounded together grew more and more distantfor reasons unknown to the Church of Selûne.Instead the common people were the greatestsource of strength for the Church as they tookthe teachings of Selûne to heart and embracedher faithful as protectors against evil.

Resources: The Church of Selûne had access to asignificant amount of resources thanks to thebacking of a number of pious members of theAlliance Council, and others on the lesserCouncils (those of each settlement). As the onlyreligious organisation of note in Seventon; andthe only one with Alliance approval, they weregiven a substantial amount of donations eachyear that paid for the wages of priests, theupkeep of property, and allowed them toexpand with regularity every few years.

The Church of Selûne had enough money andequipment to arm its own military orders andeven had a ship or two at its disposal by -3600DR. It was not in the habit of hiring adventurersto perform services (preferring instead to relyupon its own membership) but was not aboveproviding aid to those in need that helpedfurther its goals.

Relics: Despite having existed for only a fewcenturies by -3600 DR, the Church of Selûnehad a colourful history already and acquired a


