Negritude Movement

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Negritude Movement. '57. Ghana. Kwame Nkrumah. '63. Kenya. Jomo Kenyatta. Mount Kenya - bongo herd. Map of dialects in Kenya. Maasai . '62. '60. Congo (Zaire). Today: Civil War…. Mobutu Sese Seko. '75. Portuguese. Angola. More civil war…. 2002 – ceasefire agreement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Negritude Movement

Negritude Movement


• Kwame Nkrumah


• Jomo Kenyatta

Mount Kenya - bongo herd


Map of dialects in Kenya

Congo (Zaire)

Mobutu Sese Seko

Today: Civil War…




seMore civil war…

2002 – ceasefire agreement

South Africa

• South Africa was granted its independence from Great Britain in 1931


Apartheid: complete separation of races – segregation 1948 – National Party gains power (Afrikaner nationalism)Apartheid policy enforced by laws1959 – “homeland system” – Bantustans

Afrikaners• white South Africans of Dutch descent

African National Congress (ANC)• formed in 1912• fight for black right against minority rule (apartheid)• use strikes, boycotts, and demonstrations• banned by SA government

Nelson Mandela

Steve Biko

Nelson Mandela• Lawyer • ANC: leader of violent wing (“the spear”)• Armed struggle – jailed for 27 years (Robben Island)

• Symbol of anti-apartheid struggle• advocates peace and reconciliation

• Freed from prison & elected President in 1994

Steve Biko• Anti-apartheid activist

• murdered in police custody ‘77

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu• South African archbishop• Economic campaign

• foreign trade restrictions• Organized protest (i.e., Nation-wide school boycott)

• 1984 – Nobel Peace Prize

F.W. de Klerk

F.W. de Klerk • Afrikaner – lawyer – President in ‘89• ’90 legalize ANC & frees Mandela

Sharpeville Massacre

• March 21st,1960: South African police opened fire on a crowd of black protesters, killing 69 people.

• the shootings led the ANC and PAC to move away from nonviolent tactics

• RESULTS: • Apartheid government bans ANC & PAC• popular uproar from blacks - protests• international sympathy

End of Apartheid• Apartheid laws repealed under F.W. de Klerk

• ’92 referendum (white voters): minority majority rule • 1993 – de Klerk and Mandela

• awarded Nobel Peace Prize for work together• 1994: 1st universal election

• ANC (Mandela) vs. National Party (de Klerk)• ANC victory in elections(63% of votes): Mandela

becomes President & de Klerk becomes VP• forgiveness and reconciliation• 1996 New democratic constitution formed

• Equal rights for all citizens & a bill of rights

South Africa Today• 1999 – Mandela does not seek reelection

• President  Thabo Mbeki (1999-2008)• Problems:

• High unemployment (40% black pop.) • high crime rate• Lack of foreign investment• AIDS

1.What was apartheid in South Africa?

2.Who was Nelson Mandela and what did he do?

3.What two people worked together to end apartheid rule?