Ndcc twitter workshop 5th march 2015

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Ndcc twitter workshop 5th march 2015

Task 1 1. In your browser, go to:

search.twitter.com (Note: don’t type www.)

2. Search for the name of your business or some topics within your field

3. What did you find?

What is Twitter?

• Twitter lets you write and read messages of up to 140 characters, or the very length of this sentence, including all punctuation

• These messages (also known as tweets) are public.

• You decide whose tweets you want to read.

• Combines features of chat room, instant messaging and blogging

• 175 million registered Twitter users

• 90 million tweets per day

• Twitter works equally well from your desktop or your mobile

Twitter - benefits

• Be part of the conversation

• Build your brand

• Generate leads

• Market research

• Breaking news

• Build interest

• Beneficial to SEO

• Networking

Don’t think about Twitter as an advertising channel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

d u b l i n c i t y u n i v

Task 2: What is your business name / brand identity?

Choose a ≤ 15 character username

that conveys you /your brand / your

marketing objective

Task 3: Check Social Network Username

Availability on www.namechck.com

Task 4:

Record your usernames and passwords

in one place

Social Network URL Username Password

Task 5: Set up your Twitter Account.

In your browser, visit www.twitter.com

Complete the required steps

Eggheads verboten!

• Press “#Discover”

• Press “Find friends”

Task 5

Follow some people

Who to Follow?

• Industry leaders and influencers: – what are they talking about?

– What do they read?

• Competitors: – See what competitors are doing

– Who is following them?

– How are they interacting with their audience?

• Competitors customers / followers

• News: – General news / Industry news

• Entertainment: – Actors

– Sports people

– Singers




Task 6 – Send your first Tweet

twitter – typically 140 characters including spaces

Some tips

• Twitter is a great channel for dialogue (human touch)

• Create a dialogue with followers and don’t just push

promotions about your brand in their face

• Share information and ideas:

• link to your blog and site

• post pictures

• join conversations using hashtags #northdublin

• Don’t spam: Spamming is the ultimate mistake that many

twitter marketers end up making early on in their marketing


• Know what you intend to promote and who you are promoting


• Participate in the conversation & create a dialogue with your

target audience

• Don’t over promote products and services – post info about

your company, your industry, relevant news stories, events etc.

• Ask thoughtful questions, take polls – find unique ways to get

your target audience to respond to you

• Be helpful, polite and say thank you

• People love free stuff

More Twitter Marketing Tips

Twitter – Important to note

• Personality, style and voice are key to your success

• Be passionate about your tweeps

• Response times are important

• Engage influencers and create evangelists

• Relationships take time to build

• PR opportunities are amazing

• Small monetary budget but high demand on time

• Break down barriers and become the expert in your area

Don’t think about Twitter as an advertising channel

Task 7 – Create a List

Task 8 – Create useful lists

1. Create a list of your competitors and keep it set to private

2. Create a list of benchmark companies in your space (in Ireland or International)

3. Create a list to track friends

4. Etc.

Task 9 – Shorten Links

Task 10 – Retweet Somebody

Task 11 – Direct Message Somebody

Twitter - hashtags

• Hashtags are a great way to organise your tweets around a specific topic.

• Just add # before the word




ie.linkedin.com/in/seanpdonnelly www.twitter.com/seanog1982