National Transit Database An Introduction to Reporting Transit...

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National Transit Database – An Introduction to Reporting Requirements


September 29, 2018Presented by:

Kelly Shawn

RLS & Associates, Inc.

Session Content

1 Background

2 NTD Financial Reporting

3 NTD Service Data

4 NTD Asset and Resource Data

5 NTD Federal Funding

6 NTD Certifications

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♦ States with the Most Rural Transit Agencies?

1. Georgia: 85

2. North Carolina: 83

3. California: 81

4. Kansas: 79

5. Michigan: 72

NTD Rural Trivia

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♦ States with the 5311 Ridership/UPT?

(in millions)

1. Colorado: 15.3

2. California: 7.2

3. Michigan: 6.7

4. Washington: 6.3

5. Tennessee: 4.8

NTD Rural Trivia

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♦ Top Rural Transit Systems Ridership/UPT?

(in millions)1. Roaring Fork Transportation Authority: 4.8

2. Town of Mountain Village: 2.8

3. Pigeon Forge Fun Time Trolleys (TN): 2.8

4. Town of Ocean City (MD) 2.6

5. Park City (UT) 1.9

NTD Rural Trivia

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Module 1

♦ Congressionally Mandated Reporting Process Initiated in 1974

♦ Requirement codified at 49 U.S.C. §5335○ Condition of Funding

♦ Reports Must be Filed by Recipients/ Subrecipients○ Section 5307

○ Section 5311


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♦ Reportable Elements○ Public Transportation Only

Public Transportation Excludes• Passenger Rail Service

• Intercity Bus Service

• Charter Bus Service

• School Bus Service

• Sightseeing Service

What to Report On

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♦ FTA Requires All Transit Agencies That Financial Data Be Reported on the Accrual Basis of Accounting○ Generally Not an Issue in Section 5307 Reports

○ Section 5311 Subrecipients May Include Nonprofits That Use Cash Basis of Accounting Such Organizations Should Ensure their CPAs Prepare

Secondary Schedule With Re-Statement of Revenues/Expenses Adjusted to Accrual Reporting

Accounting Basis

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♦ FTA Apportions Section 5307 Funds, in Part, Based on NTD Data

♦ Small Percent of Section 5311 Funds Based on a Formula That Includes○ Vehicle Revenue Miles

○ Land Area

○ Low-Income Population

♦ Tribal Transit Funds Also Uses NTD Data

♦ Failure to Report○ May Jeopardize Funding

Why FTA Reviews Data

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♦ Service Data○ 100% Actual Counts

○ Some Data May be Reported on a Sampled Basis Unlinked Passenger Trips (UPT)

Passenger Miles Traveled (PMT)

Actual Data

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Type Funding Characteristic

Urban Full § 5307 • Operates 30 or More Vehicles in All Modes

• Operates Less Than 30 Vehicles But Operates Fixed Guideway/Busway

Reduced § 5307 • Operates Less Than 30 Vehicles • No Fixed Guideway/Busway

Separate § 5307 • Does Not Directly Operate• Contracts w/ Other Reporting Agency

Rural State DOT § 5311 • Rural Transit Operator (§5311)• Intercity Bus (§5311(f))• Tribal Transit (§5311(j))

Tribal Reduced Tribal Transit • Tribal Transit (§5311(j))

Reporting Entities

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♦ State DOTs Normally Report on Behalf of All Section 5311 Subrecipients○ At State Option, Subrecipients May Elect to Have

Subrecipient Directly Report

♦ Section 5311(f) – Intercity Services ○ Because of Federal Funding, Must be Reported

♦ Tribal Transit○ Funded by State DOT – Report via State DOT

○ Direct Funding From FTA – Direct Reporter


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♦ Voluntary Reporters○ Generally, Public Transit Operators That May Not

Receive Section 5307 or Section 5311 Funding Encouraged, But Not Required, to Report

♦ Volunteers

○ Some Volunteer Services are Reportable Under NTD Shared Ride

Part of Transit System’s Services

Data Maintained by Transit System


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♦ Urbanized Areas

♦ Nonurbanized Areas

♦ Service Area○ Units

Square Miles

Population• Can Be Result from Latest Census

• Can Be “Official” Estimates

○ Area Measured Based on ADA Definition for Fixed Modes

○ Service Area for Demand Response Modes


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♦ Transit Systems Typically Report Services They Buy From Third Parties○ Contractors Typically Do Not Report Directly

○ In Instances Where a Transit System Purchases Services from Another NTD Reporting Transit Agency, the Provider, Not the Buyer, Reports the Service

Purchased Transportation

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♦ NTD Defines 20 Different Modes of Service○ Service and Financial Data Generally Reported by


○ For Most Transit Agencies, the Following Service Modes Suffice Bus (MB)

Commuter Bus (CB)

Demand Response (DR)

Vanpool (VP)

Trolley Bus (TB)

Demand Response Taxi (DT)

Modes of Service

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♦ Route Deviation/Point Deviation○ May Be Classified as Demand Response Under

the ADA if Certain Conditions are Met (e.g., Deviate for All)

○ Classifies as Fixed Route (MB) for NTD Reporting

Modes of Service

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Module 2

♦ Types of Expenses○ Capital

○ Operating

♦ Definition

○ Equipment or Other Assets Useful Life Greater Than 1 Year

Unit Acquisition Cost Greater Than $5,000

○ NTD Definitions in Sync With Elements of the Super Circular See 2 CFR Part 200. 33


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♦ Section 5311 That Classify Some Operating Expenses as “Administration”○ State DOT Option

○ Reported Under NTD as Operating Expenses

♦ Operating Expenses○ Operating Expenses Must Reflect Fully Allocated


♦ Full Reporters Must Use

○ USOA Function Codes

○ USOA Object Codes


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♦ Fully Allocated Costs○ NTD Recognizes That Some Costs Incurred by the

Transit Agency Will be “Indirect” Expenses These Are NOT Indirect Expenses as Traditionally

Viewed by An Entity• Indirect Costs are Those Costs Incurred for a Common or Joint

Purpose Benefitting More than One Cost Objectives» Facilities or Administration of a Nonprofit Agency

» Support Departments of a Local Government, Such as HR, Accounting, Legal, etc.

○ These Indirect Costs are Allocated to the Transit Program Through the Agency’s Indirect Cost Allocation Plan


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♦ In NTD Reporting, FTA Asks That Such Costs as the GM’s Salary (and Other Costs Not Directly Attributable to a Single Mode of Service) be Distributed to the Benefitting Modes○ NTD Recommends Allocation Using a Service

Basis Suggested Bases:

• Revenue Hours

• Revenue Miles

• Number of Employees


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♦ Allocation of These Expenses Must be Made to Both Directly Operated and Purchased Transportation Expenses

♦ Allocation of Shared Direct Expenses to Modes○ City A Operates Fixed Route Services and

Complementary Paratransit

○ All Services Operated from Same Facility Managerial Costs and Facility Costs Must be Allocated


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Shared Direct Expenses – Not Attributable to a Single Mode

Shared Operations Salaries $325,000

Shared Facility Expenses $275,000

Subtotal – Shared Expenses $600,000

Allocation Basis – Revenue Vehicle Hours

Bus (MB) Revenue Hours 980,500 76.56%

Demand Response (DR) Revenue Hour 300,250 23.44%

Total Revenue Hours 1,280,750 100.00%

Allocation of Shared Direct Expenses to Mode Percent Amount

Allocation to Bus (MB) Mode 76.56% $459,340

Allocation to Demand Response (DR) Mode 23.44% $140,660

♦ Ensure Proper Treatment of Revenues○ Understand FTA Definition of Fares

Fares Paid (at Point of Sale or Paid in Advance) Count as Fares

Fare Assistance Programs Do Not Count as Fares, But State Revenues

○ In Some Cases, It May be Necessary to Allocate Fare Revenues Transfer Between Mode with Single Fare Payment


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♦ Key to Proper Classification of Revenues○ Understand NTD Definition of the Various

Revenue Categories

♦ Flex Funds, or Funds Transferred Into an FTA Program (e.g., STP or CMAQ), Are Included in Federal Grant Funds Total

♦ Subrecipients of Section 5311 and Section 5311(f) Report Revenue by Mode


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♦ Purchased Transportation is Subject to Some FTA Requirements○ A Written Agreement That:

• Obligates the Seller to Provide the Operations For a Specific Monetary Consideration

• Specifies a Contractual Relationship For a Certain Time Period and Service

• Obligates The Seller to Provide to the Buyer the Operating Statistics Required By the NTD Annual Report

Purchased Transportation

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♦ Purchased Transportation is Subject to Some FTA Requirements○ A Written Agreement That:

• Requires Both Parties to Sign the Written Agreement

• The Buyer Pays the Seller the Full Costs of Operating the Service

» The Seller Does Not Receive Any Public Funding for Operating the Service Except From the Buyer

» The Transit Agency Purchasing the Service Must Report Fully-Allocated Costs and Service, Assets, and Resource Data

Purchased Transportation

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♦ Purchased Transportation is Subject to Some FTA Requirements○ A Written Agreement That:

• The Purchased Service Must Be Branded Under the Transit Agency Buying the Service

» Users of the Service Should Recognize That the Buyer of the Service Is Actively Managing and Funding the Service

» The Seller (Purchased Transportation Provider) Operates the Service on Behalf of the Buyer

Purchased Transportation

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♦ Purchased Transportation is Subject to Some FTA Requirements○ You Must Also Report Nature of Procurement and

Procurement Method Used

○ Full Reporters Must Report Purchased Transportation By Function Code

Must Include Profit

Purchased Transportation

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♦ Contributions and Donations○ Reportable Under NTD as a Revenue as a Local Revenue


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♦ Full Reporters○ Must Report Capital, by Class

Improvements Relating to Existing Transit Services Through Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, or Replacement of Capital

Capital for Expansion of Service, Implementing New Services, or Building a New Facility to Accommodate Planned Services

○ Sometimes this Classification Between Replacement and Expansion Can Get Blurred


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♦ Full Reporters○ Project Classes


passenger Stations

Administrative Buildings

Maintenance Buildings

Revenue Vehicles

Service Vehicles (Non-Revenue)

Fare Revenue Collection Equipment

Communications and Information Systems



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♦ Full Reporters○ You Must Also Report Expenses, by Mode, by

Function Operations

Vehicle Maintenance

Facility Maintenance

General Administration

Function Codes

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♦ Full Reporters○ You Must Also Report Expenses, USOA Object


○ Few Systems Use USOA as the Native Chart of Accounts Requires Entities to Develop a “Cross-Walk” to

Translate Native Codes to USOA Codes

Best to Consult With USOA Manual to Ensure Accuracy in the Cross-Walk

Object Codes

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♦ Full Reporters○ Transit Agencies Must Identify the Portion of

Total Expenses Directly Related to Operating Complementary Paratransit Services in Compliance With the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) Requirements

○ Typically, these are DR Expenses Cases Where Transit Operates Other DR Services,

Another Allocation of DR Expenses May be Necessary

ADA Complementary Paratransit

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Module 3

♦ Services Supplied○ Service Scheduled and Operated by the Agency

♦ Services Consumed○ Amount of Passenger Usage of Service

♦ Services Operated○ Peak Service

♦ Directional Route Miles○ Segment Types

Fundamental Elements

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♦ Services○ Revenue Hours

○ Revenue Miles

○ Unlinked Passenger Trips

♦ Services Exclude○ Deadhead

○ Operator Training

○ Maintenance Testing

Services Supplied

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♦ Deadhead in Demand Response Operations○ Revenue Time Includes All Travel Time From the

Point of the First Passenger Pick-up to the Last Passenger Drop-Off, as Long as the Vehicle Does Not Return to the Dispatching Point This Means that DR Vehicles Can Be in Revenue Service

Even if There Are No Passengers On-Board• FTA Considers Whether the Vehicle is Available for Revenue


Services Supplied

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Services Supplied

♦ Deadhead in Fixed Mode Operations○ Deadhead Does Not Include:

Services Not Considered Public Transit• Charter Service

• School Bus Service

• Sightseeing Service

• Operator Training Fueling

• Maintenance Testing

• Lunch Breaks

Services Supplied

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♦ Vehicles Available for Annual Maximum Service (VAMS)○ Includes

Vehicles Available for Revenue Service


Vehicles in/or Awaiting Routine Maintenance

○ Excludes Vehicles Awaiting Sale

Contingency Fleets

Vehicles Undergoing Extensive Rehabilitation

Services Supplied

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♦ Vehicles Operated in Annual Maximum Service (VOMS)○ Largest Number of Vehicles in Revenue Service at

Any One Time During the Reporting Year DR - May Include Atypical Service

FR – Excludes Atypical Service

Services Supplied

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♦ Unlinked Passenger Trips○ Fixed Route

Transit Agencies Must Count Passengers Each Time They Board Vehicles, No Matter How Many Vehicles They Use to Travel From Their Origin to Their Destination

If a Transit Vehicle Changes Routes While Passengers Are Onboard (Interlining), Transit Agencies Should Not Recount the Passengers

○ Demand Response Transit Agencies Must Include Personal Care Attendants and

Companions in UPT Counts as Long as They are Not Employees of the Transit Agency

Services Consumed

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♦ Unlinked Passenger Trips○ 100 Percent Counts

○ Two Percent Rule Agency May Miss Counts Due to Equipment

Malfunction or Other Reasons

If Incidence is Less that 2% of Total UPT, Agencies May Estimate UPT Count

• Greater Than 2% Requires Statistically Valid Method

Services Consumed

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♦ Unlinked Passenger Trips○ Use of Automatic Passenger Counters (APC)

○ Requires FTA Approval Benchmarking (First Year)

• Less Than 30 VOMS» 15 Trip Sample

• Greater Than 30 VOMS

» 15 Trips OR Half Number of APC Equipped Vehicles (Up to 50 Trips), Whichever is Larger

• Manual Samples Here Do Not Need to Meet Statistical Significance

Sampling and Maintenance Plans

Services Consumed

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♦ Unlinked Passenger Trips○ Use of Automatic Passenger Counters (APC)

Sampling and Maintenance Plans• Manual Samples

• Description of APC System

• Sampling Procedures

• Flagged Rejected Trips

• Percentage of Trips Without Valid APC Data

• Description of Differences – Manual vs. APC Data in Distance Between Stops

• Percent Difference (<5%)

» Manual vs. APC UPT

» Manual vs. APC PMT

Services Consumed

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♦ Full Reporters○ Requirement to Report Unlinked Passenger Trips

for ADA and Sponsored Services (Two Separate Counts)

○ ADA UPT Should be Included in Total UPT

Services Consumed

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♦ Sponsored Services ○ This Category Typically Includes Service Provided

Under Contract to a Human Service Agency Medicaid

Older Americans Act


Sheltered Workshops

○ Reported As Sponsored and Included in Total UPT

Services Consumed

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♦ Passenger Miles Traveled (PMT)○ Only Full Reporters

○ First Time Reporters UPT/PMT Data Samples

• Confidence Level 95 Percent

• Precision Level +/- 10 Percent

○ Sampling Requirements Scaled by Population Size and VOMS

○ Refer to NTD Sampling Manuals

Services Consumed

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♦ Days Operated○ Weekdays

○ Saturday

○ Sunday

♦ Days Not Operated Due to Strikes

♦ Days Not Operated Due to Officially Declared Emergencies

♦ Partial Days Count as a Day Operated

Days Operated

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♦ Time Service Begins○ First Revenue Vehicle Pull-Out

♦ Time Service Ends○ Last Revenue Vehicle Pull-In

♦ Peak Periods○ Periods When a Transit System Provides

Additional Services to Handle Higher Passenger Volumes

○ Possible That Some Systems May Not Have a Peak

Service Hours/Peak Periods

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♦ Fixed Modes (FR and Rail) Only○ DRM is the Total Mileage In Each Direction That

Public Transportation Vehicles Travel in Revenue Service

○ DRM Includes A Measure of the Route Path Over a Facility or

Roadway (Which Does Not Include Any Data Related to the Service Carried on the Facility, Such as Number of Routes, Vehicles, or Vehicle Revenue Miles)

A Measure With Regard to Direction of Service (Which Does Not Include the Number of Traffic Lanes or Rail Tracks Existing in the Right-of-Way (ROW)

Directional Route Miles (DRM)

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♦ Reportable Events○ A Fatality Confirmed Within 30 Days of the Event

○ An Injury Requiring Immediate Medical Attention Away From the Scene for One or More Persons

○ Property Damage Equal to or Exceeding $25,000

○ Collisions Involving Transit Revenue Vehicles That Require Towing Away From the Scene for a Transit Roadway Vehicle or Other Non-Transit Roadway Vehicle

○ An Evacuation for Life Safety Reasons

Safety Data

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♦ Reportable Events○ These NTD Definitions Differ from Drug & Alcohol

Requirements Post Accident Testing Requirements Have No

Associated $ Threshold

Safety Data

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Module 4

♦ All Entities Report○ Number of Vehicles in Total Fleet

○ Vehicle Type

○ Vehicle Length

○ Seating Capacity

○ Year of Manufacture

○ ADA-Accessible Vehicles

○ Ownership

Asset Data – Fleet Info

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♦ Total Vehicles○ Excludes Supervisory or Service Vehicles

○ Includes Active and Inactive Vehicles

○ Report by Type

♦ Manufacturer○ When Body-on-Chassis, Report Final

Manufacturer Ford Chassis

El Dorado Body• Report Manufacturer as El Dorado

Asset Data – Fleet Info

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♦ Mechanical System Failures○ Full Reporters

○ No DR Mode

♦ Energy Consumption○ Full Reporters

Asset Data – Fleet Info

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♦ Passenger Stations

♦ The Number of Elevators and Escalators Within Passenger Stations

♦ The Number of Maintenance Facilities By Size and Ownership Categories

Asset Data – Facilities

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♦ Maintenance Facilities

○ Heavy – Major Overhaul Conducted

○ General Purpose

♦ Typical in Smaller Programs

○ Do Both

○ Report as a General Purpose Facility

♦ Size is Based on Number Vehicles That Can Serviced, Not Fleet Size or Number of Vehicles Serviced at Facility

Asset Data – Facilities

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♦ If a Facility Serves Multiple Modes, Report Facility as a Percent by Mode

♦ Example

Asset Data – Facilities

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ModeVehicles Serviced Percent

No. of Facilities Reported

MB/DO 125 83.3% 0.8

DR/DO 25 16.7% 0.2

Total 150 100.0% 1.0

♦ NTD and TAMS Requirements

Asset Data – Facilities

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Asset Data – Facilities

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Module 5

♦ Service in Multiple Areas○ Two or More Urban Areas

○ Urban Area and a Nonurbanized Area

♦ If Primary Intent is to Serve One Area, All Data Reported to That One Area

♦ If Intent is to Service Both Areas, Allocation is Required

♦ See NTD “Serve Rules” Pertaining to Nonurbanized Areas

Multiple Service Areas

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♦ A Transit System Serves Both Urban and Rural Areas as Its Primary Service Area

♦ FTA Has “Serve” Rules When a System Meets the Criteria That Dictates an Allocation of Expenses1. If §5311 Funding Is the Only FTA Funding Used

to Support the Service, the Transit Agency Must Report All Federal Funding Data For the Service to the Rural Area

Serve Rules

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♦ FTA Has “Serve” Rules When a System Meets the Criteria That Dictates an Allocation of Expenses

2. If The Service Is Supported By §5311 Operating or Capital Funding and §5307 Capital Funding, the Transit Agency Must Report All Federal Funding Data For the Service to the Rural Area

Serve Rules

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♦ FTA Has “Serve” Rules When a System Meets the Criteria That Dictates an Allocation of Expenses

3. If The Service Is Supported By §5311 Operating or Capital Funding and §5307 Operating Funding, the Transit Agency Must Allocate Federal Funding Data to the Urbanized and Rural Areas In Proportion To The §5307 and §5311 Operating Funding Applied to the Service

Serve Rules

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Module 6

♦ All NTD Reports Require Certification from the CEO○ Full Reporter

○ Reduced Reporter

○ Separate Reporter

♦ State DOT Takes Care of Rural Reporters


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♦ Who Is a CEO?○ Transit Authority General Manager

○ Transit Authority Administrator

○ County or City Government Department Head

○ State Department of Transportation Division Head

○ Council Of Governments, Commission or Transit District Executive Director

○ City-Sponsored Demand Response System Executive Director

○ Whomever the Transit Agency Board Designates to Authorize the NTD Annual Report


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♦ Audit Certification○ For Most Transit Systems

Periodic Review by Independent Auditor or Anytime There is a Major Change in Accounting

○ Transit Systems in Large UZAs (>200,000) and Operation of 100 Vehicles (VOMS) Annual Certification Requirement


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♦ Some Waiver of NTD Obligations is Permissible○ Typically for Emergency Situations

○ Other Scenarios Where PMT Sampling or Other Sampling is Problematic


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Kelly Shawn, Senior AssociateRLS & Associates, Inc.

Corporate:3131 S. Dixie Highway, Suite 545

Dayton, OH 45439(937) 277-5007(703)919-9237


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