Mysteries of Magism

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Transcript of Mysteries of Magism

Like all the Mysteries of Magism, the Secrets of "the Great Work" have a threefold signification: they are religious, philosophical, and natural.

The philosopichal gold, in religion, is the Absolute and Supreme Reason: in philosophy, it is the Truth; in visible nature, the Sun; in the subterranean and mineral world, the most perfect and pure gold.

It is for this that the pursuit of the Great Work is called the Search for the Absolute; and the work itself, the work of the Sun.

All the masters of the Science admit that it is impossible to attain the material results, unless there are found in the two higher Degrees all the analogies of the universal medicine and of the philosophal stone.

Then, they say, the work is simple, easy, and inexpensive; otherwise, it consumes fruitlessly the fortune and lives of the seekers.

The universal medicine for the Soul is the Supreme Reason and Absolute Justice; for the mind, mathematical and practical Truth; for the body, the Quintessence, a combination of light and gold.

The prima materia of the Great Work, in the Superior World, is enthusiasm and activity; in the intermediate world, intelligence and industry; in the lower world, labor: and, in Science, it is the Sulphur, Mercury, and Salt, which by turns volatilized and fixed, compose the AZOTH of the Sages.

The Sulphur corresponds with the elementary form of the Fire; Mercury with the Air and Water; and Salt with the Earth.

The Great Work is, above all things, the creation of man by himself; that is to say, the fall and entire conquest which he effects of his faculties and his future. It is, above all, the perfect emancipation of his will, which assures him the universal empire of Azoth, and the domain of magnetism, that is, complete power over the universal Magical agent.

This Magical agent, which the Ancient Hermetic philosophers disguised under the name of "Prima Materia," determines the forms of the modifiable Substance; and the Alchemists said that by means of it they could attain the transmutation of metals and the universal medicine.

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There are two Hermetic operations, one spiritual, the other material, dependent the one on the other.

The whole Hermetic Science is contained in the dogma of Hermes, engraven originally, it is said, on a tablet of emerald. Its sentences that relate to operating the Great Work are as follows:

"Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtile from the gross, gently, with much industry.

"It ascends from earth to Heaven, and again descends to earth, and receives the force of things above and below.

"Thou shalt by this means possess the glory of the whole world, and therefore all obscurity shall flee away from thee.

"This is the potent force of all force, for it will overcome everything subtile, and penetrate everything solid.

"So the world was created."

All the Masters in Alchemy who have written of the Great Work, have employed symbolic and figurative expressions; being constrained to do so, as well to repel the profane from a work that would be dangerous for them, as to be well understood by Adepts, in revealing to them the whole world of analogies governed by the single and sovereign dogma of Hermes.

So, in their language, gold and silver are the King and Queen, or the Sun and Moon; Sulphur, the flying Eagle; Mercury, the Man-woman, winged, bearded, mounted on a cube, and crowned with flames; Matter or Salt, the winged Dragon; the Metals in ebullition, Lions of different colors; and, finally, the entire work has for its symbols the Pelican and the Phœnix.

The Hermetic Art is, therefore, at the same time a religion, a philosophy, and a natural science. As a religion, it is that of the Ancient Magi and the Initiates of all ages; as a philosophy, we may find its principles in the school of Alexandria and the theories of Pythagoras; as a science, we must inquire for its processes of Paracelsus, Nicholas Flamel, and Raymond Lulle.

The Science is a real one only for those who admit and understand the philosophy and the religion; and its process will succeed only for the Adept who has attained the sovereignty of will, and so become the King of the elementary world: for the grand agent of the operation of the Sun, is that force described in the Symbol of Hermes, of the table of emerald; it is the universal magical power; the spiritual, fiery, motive power; it is the Od, according to the Hebrews, and the Astral light, according to others.

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Therein is the secret fire, living and philosophical, of which all the Hermetic philosophers speak with the most mysterious re-serve: the Universal Seed, the secret whereof they kept, and which they represented only under the figure of the Caduceus of Hermes.

This is the grand Hermetic arcanum. What the Adepts call dead matter are bodies as found in nature; living matters are substances assimilated and magnetized by the science and will of the operator.

So that the Great Work is more than a chemical operation; it is a real creation of the human word initiated into the power of the Word of God.

The creation of gold in the Great Work is effected by transmutation and multiplication.

Raymond Lulle says, that to make gold, one must have gold and mercury; and to make silver, silver and mercury. And he adds: "I mean by mercury, that mineral spirit so fine and pure that it gilds even the seed of gold, and silvers that of silver." He meant by this, either electricity, or Od, the astral light.

The Salt and Sulphur serve in the work only to prepare the mercury, and it is to the mercury especially that we must assimilate, and, as it were, incorporate with it, the magnetic agent. Paracelsus, Lulle, and Flamel alone seem to have perfectly known this mystery.

The Great Work of Hermes is, therefore, an operation essentially magical, and the highest of all, for it supposes the Absolute in Science and in Will. There is light in gold, gold in light, and light in all things.

The disciples of Hermes, before promising their adepts the elixir of long life or the powder of projection, advised them to seek for the Philosophal Stone.

The Ancients adored the Sun, under the form of a black Stone, called Elagabalus, or Heliogabalus. The faithful are promised, in the Apocalypse, a white Stone.

This Stone, says the Masters in Alchemy, is the true Salt of the philosophers, which enters as one-third into the composition of Azoth. But Azoth is, as we know, the name of the grand Hermetic Agent, and the true philosophical Agent: wherefore they represent their Salt under the form of a cubical Stone.

The Philosophal Stone is the foundation of the Absolute philosophy, the Supreme and unalterable Reason. Before thinking of

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the Metallic work, we must be firmly fixed on the Absolute principles of Wisdom; we must be in possession of this Reason, which is the touchstone of Truth. A man who is the slave of prejudices will never become the King of Nature and the Master of transmutations. The Philosophal Stone, therefore, is necessary above all things. How shall it be found? Hermes tells us, in his "Table of Emerald," we must separate the subtile from the fixed, with great care and extreme attention. So we ought to separate our certainties from our beliefs, and make perfectly distinct the respective domains of science and faith; and to comprehend that we do not know the things we believe, nor believe anything that we come to know; and that thus the essence of the things of Faith are the unknown and indefinite, while it is precisely the contrary with the things of Science. Whence we shall conclude, that Science rests on reason and experience, and Faith has for its bases sentiment and reason.

The Sun and Moon of the Alchemists concur in perfecting and giving stability to the Philosophal Stone. They correspond to the two columns of the Temple, Jachin and Boaz. The Sun is the hieroglyphical sign of Truth, because it is the source of Light; and the rough Stone is the symbol of Stability. Hence the Medieval Alchemists indicated the Philosophal Stone as the first means of making the philosophical gold, that is to say, of transforming all the vital powers figured by the six metals into Sun, that is, into Truth and Light; which is the first and

indispensable operation of the Great Work, which leads to the secondary adaptation, and enables the creators of the spiritual and living gold, the possessors of the true philosophical Salt, Mercury, and Sulphur, to discover, by the analogies of Nature, the natural and palpable gold.

To find the Philosophal Stone, is to have discovered the Absolute, as all the Masters say. But the Absolute is that which admits of no errors, is the Fixed from the Volatile, is the Law of the Imagination, is the very necessity of Being, is the immutable Law of Reason and Truth. The Absolute is that which IS.

To find the Absolute in the Infinite, in the Indefinite, and in the Finite, this is the Magnum Opus, the Great Work of the Sages, which Hermes called the Work of the Sun.

To find the immovable bases of true religious Faith, of Philosophical Truth, and of Metallic transmutation, this is the secret of Hermes in its entirety, the Philosophal Stone.

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This stone is one and manifold; it is decomposed by Analysis, and re-compounded by Synthesis. In Analysis, it is a powder, the powder of projection of the Alchemists; before Analysis, and in Synthesis, it is a stone.

The Philosophal Stone, say the Masters, must not be exposed to the atmosphere, nor to the gaze of the Profane; but it must be kept concealed and carefully preserved in the most secret place of the laboratory, and the possessor must always carry on his person the key of the place where it is kept.

He who possesses the Grand Arcanum is a genuine King, and more than a king, for he is inaccessible to all fear and all empty hopes. In all maladies of soul and body, a single particle from the precious stone, a single grain of the divine powder, is more than sufficient to cure him. "Let him hear, who hath ears to hear!" the Master said.

The Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury are but the accessorial elements and passive instruments of the Great Work. All depends, as we have said, on the internal Magnet of Paracelsus. The entire work consists in

projection: and the projection is perfectly accomplished by the effective and realizable understanding of a single word.

There is but a single important operation in the work; this consists in Sublimation, which is nothing else, according to Geber than the elevation of dry matter, by means of fire, with adhesion to its proper vessel.

He who desires to attain to the understanding of the Grand Word and the possession of the Great Secret, ought carefully to read the Hermetic philosophers, and will undoubtedly attain initiation, as others have done; but he must take, for the key of their allegories, the single dogma of Hermes, contained in his table of Emerald, and follow, to class his acquisitions of knowledge and direct the operation, the order indicated in the Kabalistic alphabet of the Tarot.

Raymond Lulle has said that, to make gold, we must first have gold. Nothing is made out of nothing; we do not absolutely create wealth; we increase and multiply it. Let aspirants to science well understand, then, that neither the juggler's tricks nor miracles are to be asked of the adept. The Hermetic science, like all the real sciences, is mathematically demonstrable. Its results, even material, are as rigorous as that of a correct equation.

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The Hermetic Gold is not only a true dogma, a light without Shadow, a Truth without alloy of falsehood; it is also a material gold, real, pure, the most precious that can be found in the mines of the earth.

But the living gold, the living sulphur, or the true fire of the philosophers, is to be sought for in the house of Mercury. This fire is fed by the air: to express its attractive and expansive power, no better comparison can be used than that of the lightning, which is at first only a dry and earthly exhalation, united to the moist vapor, but which, by self-exhalation, takes a fiery nature, acts on the humidity inherent in it, which it attracts to itself and transmutes in its nature; after which it precipitates itself rapidly toward the earth, whither it is attracted by a fixed nature like unto its own.

"O how great and glorious is the presence of the Almighty God which gloriously shines from between the Cherubim!

"How adorable and astonishing are the rays of that glorious Light, that sends forth its bright and brilliant beams from the Holy Ark of Alliance and Covenant!

"Let us with the deepest veneration and devotion adore the great Source of Life, that Glorious Spirit who is the Most Merciful and Beneficent Ruler of the Universe and of all the creatures it contains!


The Angel of Ministration & Peace - This archangel who's name means "Light of God," brings divine light into our lives as he transforms painful memories and restores peace to our past. He helps turn our worst disappointments into our greatest blessings. Uriel assists us in releasing un-forgiveness and resentment. Uriel and his legions enfold us in waves of  peace when we cry out to him. Sometimes it takes the death of our most cherished dreams in the form of an unpleasant experience in order to realize the birth of new life, understanding, and opportunity. Uriel's goal is to assist you in anchoring yourself in love that is strong enough to withstand negativity. Invite his essence into your life to assist you in becoming a master of your energies.

Arch Angel Uriel’s (who is the most funny and easy going of the lot) name is said to mean "Fire Of God" and Webster says he represents clear thinking, his element is Earth, his direction is north, his season is summer, his color is white and his zodiac signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. He would then represent the bull.

URIEL, who coordinates the work of all the Archangels within the gross material body, is Uriel - U-Ra-El, as known to the Egyptian forefathers. U stands for space and Ra for the sun: "Space - Sun - God". The great harmonizer of substance, Uriel keeps the Universal Law of Order and Harmony, both within and between each body. Uriel is the great harmonizer and balancer of substance. He brings you the red ray of light, that give us the energy to act in the present time and through this helps us discover our true potential.

This fourth Archangel confronts the souls of those who have erred or strayed form their spiritual path. For this, he is known as the "Angel of Repentance". Luckily though, Uriel also has a lighter side, and is known as the "Angel of Music and Poetry". Perhaps Uriel creates beautiful music and poetry to compensate for the darker side of human nature he deals with. Because of his creativity and insight, he is also the angel who interprets prophecies.Uriel is usually shown holding a flame or a fiery sword.Color - shades of silvery-white light.

**Update on  Arch Angel Uriel--"This Arch Angel wants you to know he is often portrayed as being of immense stature and holding an incense burner, a flame, or a lamp.  He may be visualized as being formed of a rainbow brightness with aura-wings of electric blue; a crystal diadem is upon his head.  His eyes penetrate the universe.*

Arch Angel Uriel can, and will, perform the "eleventh hour miracle"--when all hope seems gone, or time is against you, invoke him and he will descend suddenly and dramatically, sweeping natural laws aside and putting the world on its head, and you will know that the age of miracles is not gone and "the Lord IS God".

Devastating Earthquake Coming On A Passover12.24.2004

I was standing in a room. Suddenly the earth started shaking extremely hard. And I said, "There's no way the earth can take this!" It felt like it was falling apart.

Then I yelled, "YAHUSHUA, HELP!" There was a large TV on a stand that started to slip off onto the floor. I reached out to grab hold of the TV before it slide off the stand. Then the shaking stopped.

When I thought the earthquake was over, I heard a voice say...


Then the shaking stated again and it was just as violent as before.

My family and I were not harmed while there was massive destruction all around us. This earthquake occurred during the day.

I walked outside and my husband Niko said he had to go to the store for emergency supplies. My son said he was going with him.

I said, "No, please don't. Stay with me."

Then I looked into the sky land said, "Look! Look!"

My husband and other people standing around me were looking up where I was pointing.

They replied, "Look at what?"

I said, "Can't you see it?"

They said, "See what?"

And I started describing what I saw. It was like a colorful oil painting of the Last Supper that had come to life. I saw YAHUSHUA (Christ) surrounded by His disciples, taking communion. It was so beautiful! It was life size.

-- End of dream --

When I awoke, I asked YAHUSHUA why I dreamed of seeing the Lord's Last Supper, and He told me...


I don't know wFrom the Point of Infinity to the Point of Eternity,there is only One Being... One Life... One Consciousness...radiating in all directions, through all dimensions,the infinite, eternal Presence That Is!

And Life on planet Earth is but an expressionof the infinite creativity of the One.We are here to celebrate Its existence,here to discover our Unity with All That Is.

Now as never before, the times are ripe for a massive change.

Humanity, amidst colossal difficulties,has arisen from the soil of evolution on this majestic planet,one amongst so many others.And now the time has come for a New Beginning,a time of complete, total Renewalof what constitutes the Human Experience on planet Earth.We have to awaken...We are bound for the stars...And the Universe is holding its breath in keen anticipationof this magic moment when Humanity will soarthrough the Skies of Infinity.

The Immortal Child is about to be born...

"Remember this forever: You are the fruit of My womb. Within you are all My wisdom and all My potentialities, which are

infinite. You are the Immortal Child that my Life has begotten and in you I recognize Myself. Through you, I discover and fulfill Myself. Through you I exist and express My Reality whose name is Love... Love... Love..."h"Gaia, my child, you are the fruit of my womb and the Seed of Life sparkling within you is blessed among all others... You accepted very long ago, thousands of years ago on the human scale, to fulfill this very special Mission which you will now remember in full..."

It seemed to Gaia that this warm and deeply loving voice he felt with his whole being was emanating from the very rock surrounding them, and that he had known it for an eternity... and very intimately.

"Yes, you are beginning to remember, aren't you... You see again all those lives devoted to serving the Divine Light and to preparing yourself for what must now be accomplished... All those tests through which you have passed... All those joys and all those sorrows along the Path leading from the Darkness of ignorance to the Light of Truth...»

In a kaleidoscope of superimposed images, Gaia was reliving simultaneously all those moments of life, all those new awarenesses and spiritual realizations that marked the Way of his Awakening... Now, the great Wheel of Destiny had finished a full cycle and a new phase was about to begin... And it was the same for the planet as a whole. That too was now very clear to him. The fabulous being speaking to him was also going to experience a profound transmutation. Soon, nothing will be the same anymore... Very soon...

In a few years something colossal and magnificent, which has been in gestation since the appearance of the first cell on Earth, will happen, something so marvelous, so unexpected, that no human being now living on this planet is really able to grasp it. It will be a new Birth for all Life, a New Age of Harmony and Peace, the Realization of one the most secret plans of Nature. And it is Humanity as a whole who will take part in it. Everything dividing human beings and cutting them off from the Web of planetary Life, all cultures and creeds, will

disappear, soon to be forgotten, as one forgets a bad dream on awakening from the darkness of a long and troubled night.

Now, in a flash of unprecedented lucidity, Gaia sees all that is at stake at that very moment. All those aeons of patient effort that would soon be rewarded. All those beings from everywhere in the Universe who had contributed to the slow maturation of the planetary being that would soon be born, after some cosmic contractions, awaken to Unity and vibrate with Love, such a pure and powerful Love that the whole Universe would be touched, uplifted, transformed! For all that happens on Earth has repercussions everywhere in the Universe, just as all that happens in the Universe also affects the Earth.

Truth will prevail, my Son..."

A deep sense of Peace overcomes him, and gentle sparks of Light run along his spine, flowing all around him like an incandescent fountain of Life... A Vision, a Perfect Path has just opened before him. Carried along again by the Divine Magic that fills the Earth and his body at the same time, Gaia suddenly has the Evidence, the Explosion of Light, the Confirmation of all his deepest intuitions...

All the tests that the Earth and Humanity are undergoing are the necessary ferment to catalyse the change, the transformation, the true Mutation that is occurring all over the Earth. Nothing would be possible if stagnation set in, if human beings and Nature were not continually confronted with new challenges to adapt themselves to the inevitability of their interdependence and to manifest the huge potential of cocreativity resulting from their close and harmonious interrelationship.

"Of course," Gaia says to himself, "humanity has still a lot to learn and discover to bring about the full manifestation of this Harmony. But the essential keystone of this Realization on the planetary scale of the inseparable Oneness of all that lives on Earth is about to be given to Mankind. And it is in this that I have a role to play...

What is asked of me is to totally merge my mind, my consciousness, with the Planetary Consciousness of the global being formed by the millions of species living on this world. From now on I will speak on behalf of the Earth and the Earth will express herself through me... While remaining what I am, for I am simultaneously this being of Life and myself...

There is no separation, no distinction between the two of us... I am... Gaia!... She is... Gaia..."

And I know, for it is written in Heaven, has been planned for thousands of years, I know that every circumstance and chance of life will conspire to make this Mission easier and to smooth away all the obstacles on the Way to the merging of Humanity ... with Gaia!

aReality is transcending fiction. What was just a dream has become reality. The money and all the necessary expertise were gathered quickly following publication of this book presenting a project, a Vision whose time has manifestly come... And a movie will also be made from the show so as to reach an ever wider audience in every nation and every language of the planet. The Plan is unfolding... The lights go out; only the hum of the ventilation is heard... Soon even this noise subsides, so intensely is the crowd captivated by the spiritual energy flowing through the audience and freezing in time this divine instant when, for the first time, humans will spontaneously attune their hearts and thoughts to the Force of Life permeating the entire planet. The Earth is holding her breath... and the whole Cosmos keeps watch, waiting for the Great Event...

A sound, a low frequency modulation, gradually rises and swells until the amphitheater is filled with a faint rumbling setting off a vibration in the people gathered to attend and participate in this planetary celebration of the Love uniting all Life on Earth and in the Universe.

Slowly, the Primordial Vibration dies down until only a warm and subtle barely audible whisper is left, which will remain as

a murmur in the background during the entire show, omnipresent like the Word at the origin of Creation and ever present, now, since the beginning of Time and until the apotheosis of the end of Time. And suddenly, there was Light!... A single spark, tiny at first, appeared in the center of the stage, held by a still invisible hand. Everyone holds their breath... Life has just been born.

And now, gradually a sound is heard, a gentle, infinitely gentle, human voice. And from this voice comes a lone chant which, little by little, gropingly, explores the register of musical sounds and tones. And then this voice transmutes itself into vowels, phonemes, more and more highly organized, and out of this search a language is born, expressing the heart's cry of a forlorn soul, the soul of the Universe...

"Why am I?... Why... Who am I?... Who... Who listens to what I say? Where can I find someone to listen to me? Why am I alone? So alone..."

Resuming its chant, the voice continues to pour out its solitude, relying on melody alone to express its feeling of loneliness and its desire to share, to commune with another being. After a few seconds, after what seemed an eternity, the voice fades away... Something is about to happen... Everyone feels the imminence of an event with incalculable, unimaginable consequences... And the voice begins again, on a solemn tone...

"I want to divide, to fragment myself into an infinity of Sparks of Life, of particles of beings, all alike unto myself, but each expressing a different facet of all that I am...So that there will be Love!"

Again, the low frequency modulation heard at the beginning swells until it becomes a thunderous rumbling. Then, the spark that has flickered constantly since its first appearance begins to shine with an ever greater intensity and, miracle of miracles, a second spark lights up from the first. And then begins a dance, the Dance of Life... Soon, a song of Love rises, a song born of two voices, a warm male voice, and a gentle

female voice...

For a few minutes, the audience and the millions of viewers witness an unforgettable sight. By the light of their sparks of Life, the two dancers perform a ballet expressing all the feelings of happiness, ecstasy and perfect harmony filling their hearts, while a choir concealed in darkness takes up with fervor and passion the melody of Love sung by the two Male and Female Archetypes.

Soon, a long thrill runs through the audience. The two beings have come close, joined their two polarities and, in a long kiss, have conceived to beget Life again...

The miracle of procreation, as marvelous as ever, is re-enacted once more, as if for the first time. And, from the Union of man and woman, is born a child, as if it were the first child born since the beginning of Time... The Immortal Child !...

In a vocal apotheosis, an immense Light springs from the union of the two sparks of Life and a small child, who is immediately recognized by the entire audience, comes forward towards the center of the stage, as Bearer of the Sacred Torch of Life, passed on from generation to generation, from species to species, from planet to planet, since the Dawn of Life, since the creation of the first living being.

Two trumpets then triumphantly herald the beginning of the great adventure of the evolution of Life through a multitude of forms and an infinity of worlds and environments. From Duality, Multiplicity is born...

Coming towards the choir at the front of the stage, Gaia, the Immortal Child, stands silently his eyes closed for a moment and a great silence gradually settles upon the audience, a silence hardly disturbed by the Primordial Vibration. In a resounding voice, he proclaims:

"People of the Earth, people of all lands, I have a message to

give you. Listen to it attentively and let your inmost soul echo it... May your heart be open at this hour. May you accept the gift of Love that Life offers us at this moment... I speak to you on behalf of the Earth and of all that lives upon Her face and beneath Her waters.

A few thousand years ago, a being from far away in the Universe took on human forms and faces to teach you the Way back to the Lost Paradise. Very few listened to him. Many have betrayed him. Millions were killed and burned in His name. Cults dedicated to His memory were created. Alas! So many cathedrals, so many mosques and temples today only echo the rumblings of war and hunger that rage everywhere in the world.

The heart of Man has closed itself to the Call of the Creator and night has prevailed throughout past centuries. I come to announce to you that a New Day has dawned and that at last the heart of Man is opening itself to the Call of the Divine. Already, millions of beings have answered. Soon, the multitude will follow..."

Then, kneeling down, Gaia holds out his arm to one of the members of the choir and lights a fourth spark of Life with his Sacred Torch.

The latter turns round and does the same with two other members who turn round and do the same, and so on, until all the members of the choir raise high above their heads the sparks of Life thus lit.

Getting up again, Gaia says: "Go and spread Light in the world. May Love, Peace and Joy reign in all hearts. May Harmony return to Earth. May Man find the Way back to Paradise..."

Turning towards the audience in one single move, the choir breaks into a song of glory and elation, soon taken up in unison by the audience and the entire Earth. Moving among the audience, they pass on the Flame of Life to other people scattered among the audience, who in turn give a spark of Life

to everyone present without exception. Soon, the whole theatre is flooded with light and bathed in Peace and Love, while an orchestra takes up in crescendo an arrangement of the theme sung by the choir and the audience.

After a few minutes of indescribable ecstasy and communion, the song and the music gradually subside until they are just a murmur at the edge of the collective telepathy, while the sparklers distributed to the audience finish burning. Soon, there remains only the Flame carried by Gaia, still in the center of the stage. A spotlight comes on, projecting a halo of golden light around the child, and in a firm and confident voice, Gaia says:

"Dear brothers, dear sisters of Life, I thank you very humbly for your enthusiastic participation in the Celebration that we have begun together on behalf of all Life on Earth. I now have another short message to share with you, on behalf of the Earth, on behalf of Gaia...»

The child then meditates for a few seconds with his eyes closed, taking a few deep breaths, focussing all his energy and attention so as to be receptive to the Essential, the Unexpected... and all the audience does the same... The spotlight gradually dims... The Primordial Vibration then slowly becomes stronger bringing the whole audience to a new threshold of consciousness.

Slowly, the large screen used for the projection of the first part of the movie "The Immortal Child" lights up with a picture familiar to everyone today, the picture of planet Earth suspended in infinite sidereal space, half illumined by the rays of the solar star, with a full moon in the background...

The Primordial Vibration suddenly grows louder and deeper, transmuting itself into a marvelous heavenly melody, while the choir bursts into a wordless song of unbelievable beauty. The entire audience is moved to tears...

The Earth is speaking to each one of them in the most universal language there is, the language of music. The Earth

is speaking to each one of them in the most universal language there is, the language of music. Every person present, as well as all those watching the show broadcast live all around the world, receive in the secret alcove of their heart a message, a vision, an impression marking them indelibly with the seal of Oneness with all Life on Earth...

"You are my children, all, without exception, and I love you all. You are the fruit of millions, billions of years of patient labour. In you I have placed all my hopes and all my trust. I know that soon you will all awaken collectively to the eternal Oneness linking us through the Force of Immortal Life. By Life I have been shaped and I have become what I am, a being full of vitality, radiating Harmony and balance. It is the same for each one of you, for it is the same Life which has shaped you throughout your evolution and which endows each of your cells with the same vital fire that dwells in all the other cells of my immense planetary body.

You have now reached a point in your evolution where you can begin to participate consciously in the mysterious processes enabling Life to manifest its infinite potential of creativity. You are about to become co-creators of a new planetary Reality which will transcend all that has existed before. You alone know what This will be, for you alone have the power to create This...

My children, within you is the Key to a new world, to a regenerated Earth, to an unequalled Golden Age, and I have complete faith in you!

Victory is near...Victory is near...Victory is near..."

The spotlight then comes on again on a young man seen for the last time in the depths of Mount Shasta: Gaia, who has just uttered these last words and who, in song, accompanied by a band made up of some the best rock musicians in the world with the support of a full symphony orchestra and the same choir, opens a memorable concert which will remain in the

annals of History as a turning point of the awakening of planetary consciousness for the whole of Humanity. The "Earth Concert" has just begun!

For about nine hours at a stretch, the world's best musicians and rock bands of the world, coming from every continent, will play one after the other and sing in every major language of the world the Oneness of Humanity and the Joy of sharing together, in Peace, such a beautiful planet, such a beautiful age...*(See note at the end)

The show is now drawing to a close. For many long hours, millions of TV viewers have resonated to the rhythm of the songs played by some of the best musicians in the world. Everyone is now impatiently waiting for the finale of this historic concert. The last notes of the theme song, for which all the performers gather on stage in a chorus whose words, taken up in unison by the audience, reveal a burning desire for a better world, and the final round of applause, are followed at last by a silence full of emotion, heavy with meaning. Everyone waits with bated breath. What new surprise is now in store?... Everything seems to have been said, or almost everything... but not quite!...

No, not quite... A thin pencil of light cuts through the darkness and hits the giant screen on which the Earth, seen from afar and gradually coming nearer, appears against a starry background. A date in huge blazing letters suddenly flashes across the dark background of the sky...Then, to magnificent music carrying the soul to a peak of consciousness, begins a journey in images that will leave an indelible mark on human consciousness. Aboard an invisible craft travelling at vertiginous speeds beyond anything human imagination can conceive, a camera sets off on a tour of unsurpassed intensity to show a glimpse, too short but infinitely vivid, of Life as it has blossomed in other parts of the Universe. It is useless to try to describe with words what only the soul can apprehend...

After a few minutes, whirling with unforgettable impressions, with landscapes never seen before, with planets literally

exploding with Life, with peoples of a variety of forms and aspects, with civilizations at all possible stages of evolution, appears again the image of Terra Gaia, floating in the emptiness of space, brightly lit by her star and accompanied by her moon...

"This is where we are now today," continues Gaia's voice , strangely close, so close you could almost reach out and feel it. The screen is dark and a spotlight is lit up to reveal a man sitting at a table in the center of the now empty stage. He holds a pen in his hand and on the table is a large book on which he has just written these last words. Slowly turning towards the audience and the cameras, he raises the book for all to see, opened on two blank pages, spotlessly white.

"Nothing of what I have just told you is written as yet in the great Book of History. For it is up to you now to write the future History of the world...t year, on

Great clouds streaked with bright flashes are approaching from all sides the cosmic temple in which multitudes of beings, harmonized in a single whole, are gathered. Soon, like a huge fluffy cocoon, they completely surround the citadel of Light and an impenetrable silence falls. Only a fleeting thought appears from time to time without really disturbing the extraordinary stillness which prevails.

Down there on Earth, all Nature holds its breath again, as when Gaia himself passed through this crucial stage of evolution...

A thought of infinite gentleness and goodness then resonates in all the united hearts, while magnificent images appear, as if the whole scenery has suddenly changed and as if all the beings present found themselves actually transported into the heart of what this thought evokes for them. Again, words cannot express the inexpressible...

A Source of pure Light, spilling out trills of crystalline notes, pours over everyone present, who is fascinated, literally carried away to seventh heaven, and soon this pearly,

opalescent Light envelops each being, each spark of consciousness, in a white mantle of Peace, Love and Harmony...

And the Source above begins to rain down multicolored sparks, adding yet more enchantment to the scene... From these sparks of Life, threads of Light, pulsating with waves of energy, spread and soon link all that vibrates and lives under the dome to form a gigantic stellar brain... And, as the seconds pass, the number of interconnections between the different points of consciousness increases, gradually forming a complex and intricate web where thousands, millions, billions, an infinity of sparks of Life begin to run with increasing speed in all directions across the vast network, which is now the shape of an immense globe...

Each of these billions of beings now united, merged into a single gigantic whole, and already itself bearer of an immeasurable amount of knowledge and experience accumulated during millions of incarnations, shares in a trice what it knows with all the others while simultaneously receiving the knowledge of all the others... The activity going on inside the sphere reaches phenomenal, absolutely stupefying proportions!

After some time, whether minutes or centuries, it is impossible to tell so compressed, accelerated is the time, the incredible pace of the flashes of interconnections slows down and reaches a gentle, even stability, totally in phase, harmonized and... It's astounding! An unbelievably powerful thought suddenly thunders out to the Universe...

«We are all ONE!..."

Repeated, maintained, sustained, endlessly, this vibration of Oneness explodes like a supernova on the planes of consciousness of the worlds of Light and instantaneously ripples through the infinite Universes...

«We are all ONE!..."

And like an echo trillions and trillions of times more powerful, the whole Universe answers in a single thundering thought...


After aeons of patience, after heroic epics, after fantastic adventures, Life has finally achieved its Goal... The Immortal Child is born...

Everything seems to have been finished, everything seems to have been realized, everything seems to have been completed...

Yet everything is just beginning !... This birth to Unity is only the dawn, on another scale, of a new titanic venture of Life in its eternal Great Work of creation.

A new being is born to the cosmic pantheon and the whole Universe has witnessed...

Gaia smiles at the stars... "Home... at last..."

"Welcome... Gaia..." replies the Universe.

When Christ entered the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary to perform the closing work of the atonement, He committed to His servants the last message of mercy to be given to the world. Such is the warning of the third angel of Revelation 14. Immediately following its proclamation, the Son of man is seen by the prophet coming in glory to reap the harvest of the

Not until the issue is thus plainly set before the people and they are brought to choose between the commandments of God and the commandments of men, will those who continue in transgression receive the mark of the beast.     The most fearful threatening ever addressed to mortals is contained in the third angel's message. That must be a terrible sin which calls down the wrath of God unmingled with mercy. Men are not to be left in darkness concerning this important matter; the warning against this sin is to be given to the world before the visitation of God's judgments, that all may know why they are to be inflicted, and have opportunity to escape them.     In the issue of the great contest, two classes are developed. One class "worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark," and thus bring upon

themselves the awful judgments threatened by the third angel. The other class, in marked contrast to the world, "keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." Revelation 14:9,12. Though the powers of earth summon their forces to compel "all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond," to receive the mark of the beast, yet the people of God do not receive it. The prophet of Patmos beholds "them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God" (Revelation 15:2), and singing the song of Moses and the Lamb.

eThe Lord's servants have faithfully given the warning, looking to God and to His word alone. They have not coolly calculated the consequences to themselves. They have not consulted their temporal interests, or sought to preserve their reputation or their lives. Yet when the storm of opposition and reproach bursts upon them, they are overwhelmed with consternation; and some are ready to exclaim, "Had we foreseen the consequences of our words, we would have held our peace." They are hedged in with difficulties. Satan assails them with fierce temptations. The work which they have undertaken seems far beyond their ability to accomplish. They are threatened with destruction. The enthusiasm which animated them is gone; yet they cannot turn back. Then, feeling their utter helplessness, they flee to the Mighty One for strength. They remember that the words which they have spoken were not theirs, but His who bade them give the warning. God put the truth into their hearts, and they could not forebear to proclaim it.     The same trials were experienced by men of God in ages past. Wycliffe, Huss, Luther, Tyndale. Baxter, Wesley, urged that all doctrines be brought to the test of the Bible, and declared that they would renounce everything which it condemned. Against these men, persecution raged with relentless fury; yet they ceased not to declare the truth. Different periods in the history of the church have each been marked by the development of some special truth, adapted to the necessities of the people of God at that time. Every new truth has made its way against hatred and opposition; those who were blessed with its light were tempted and tried. The Lord gives a special truth for the people in an emergency. Who dare refuse to publish it? He commands His servants to present the last invitation of mercy to the world. They cannot remain silent, except at the peril of their souls. Christ's ambassadors have nothing to do with consequences. They must perform their duty, and leave results with God. PaNo man can serve God without enlisting against himself the opposition of the hosts of darkness. Evil angels will assail him, alarmed that his influence is taking the pray from their hands. Evil men, rebuked by his example, will unite with them in seeking to separate him from God by alluring temptations. When these do

not succeed, then a compelling power is employed to force the conscience.     But as long as Jesus remains men's intercessor in the sanctuary above, the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit is felt by rulers and people. It still controls, to some extent, the laws of the land. Were it not for these laws, the condition of the world would be much worse than it now is. While many of our rulers are active agents of Satan, God also has His agents among the leading men of the nation. The enemy moves upon his servants to propose measures that would greatly impede the work of God; but statesmen who fear the Lord are influenced by holy angels to oppose such propositions with unanswerable arguments. Thus a few men will hold in check a powerful current of evil. The apposition of the enemies of truth will be restrained, that the third message may do its work. When the loud cry shall he given, it will arrest the attention of these leading men through whom the Lord is now working, and some of them will accept it, and will stand with the people of God through the time of trouble.     The angel who unites in the proclamation of the third message is to lighten the whole earth with his glory. A work of worldwide extent and unwanted power is here brought to view.

sNow the rays of light penetrate everywhere, the truth is seen in its clearness, and the honest children of God sever the bands which have held them. Family connections, church relations, are powerless to stay them now. Truth is more precious than all besides. Notwithstanding the agencies combined against the truth, a large number take their stand upon the Lord's side.soGod placed His Spirit upon the builders of the earthly sanctuary. The artistic skill displayed in its construction was a manifestation of divine wisdom. The walls had the appearance of massive gold, reflecting in every direction the light of the seven lamps of the golden candlesticks. The table of shewbread and the altar of incense glittered like burnished gold. The gorgeous curtain which formed the ceiling, in-wrought with figures of angels in blue and purple and scarlet, added to the beauty of the scene. And beyond the second veil was the holy shekinah, the visible manifestation of God's glory, before which none but the high priest could enter and live. The matchless splendor of the earthly tabernacle reflected to human vision the glories of that heavenly temple where Christ our forerunner ministers for us before the throne of God.In the temple in Heaven, the dwelling-place of God, His throne is established in righteousness and judgment. In the most holy place is His law, the great rule of right by which all mankind are tested. The ark that enshrines the tables of the law is covered with the mercy-seat, before which Christ pleads His blood in the sinner's behalf. Thus is represented the union of justice and mercy in the plan of human redemption. This union infinite wisdom alone could devise, and infinite

power accomplish; it is a union that fills all Heaven with wonder and adoration. The cherubim of the earthly sanctuary looking reverently down upon the mercy-seat, represent the interest with which the heavenly host contemplate the work of redemption. This is the mystery of mercy into which angels desire to look, - that God can be just while He justifies the repenting sinner, and renews His intercourse with the fallen race; that Christ could stoop to raise unnumbered multitudes from the abyss of ruin, and clothe them with the spotless garments of His own righteousness, to unite with angels who have never fallen, and to dwell forever in the presence of God.

The midnight cry was a powerful message when it went like a tidal wave through the land. The very urgency of it - resulted in decisions for and against it.The result was a revealing of many hearts. Unfortunately, many preferred the world more than they wanted Christ.

vHere is the story of a battle that never takes place, after a preparation that involves whole nations. The story of Satan's last fight for supremacy - and then a view of the Great White Throne, and the Final Judgment. - And the awesomely beautiful heaven that, for God's people, shall follow. The story of the end of sin, and of life in the new earth. A story that helps us want to be there.All the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of God's redeemed at that time. Unfettered by mortality they will wing their tireless flight to worlds afar. With unutterable delight, the children of earth will enter into the joy and wisdom of unfallen beings. Here is the story of life in the New Earth - a story we want a part of.

e“Quickening The Pace”

Think not, my child, that the race is at the final stages. For I say unto you, that it is just beginning for you. All that was before you was just preparation for the next phase. The deeper the preparation, the greater the phase of operation!

For I have laid a deep foundation in you, and I have allowed the settling to occur. The sure foundation is set and ready for the development of My plans. Never under-estimate the process that you have just went through. For it was vital to your growthand to the maturity of the harvest to come. It will break forth!

Now, I am quickening the pace! I am sweeping through the lives of my people with sweeping changes, and course corrections. Do not fear change! For it is now in My Plan to bring you into the full activity that is necessary to fulfill the call. Allow Me to guide you into the Stream of

My Plan.

Do not allow distractions to divert you at this time. Focus on Me!

For the enemy will seek to divert you off course just as you are moving into My Plans for you. Keep in mind that I have allowed for this, and that I know where you need to be. Let Me bring forth the necessary changes with your destiny in mind! For I am about to Release the resources necessary to complete the task at hand. The Plan is in force, and it will come to pass.

The Vision is for this time, NOW!!!

The Transition is complete, and the instrumentation of the Vision is now in effect! Keep your eyes upon Me, and release the details to Me. Do not strive to bring forth the Vision! For I have all of the necessary details all worked out. The workings of My Spirit has laid out the necessary course ahead of you. Walk beside Me and learn……….

For I am quickening the pace. All who will not gauge their steps, and their thoughts upon Me, will fall behind and will not be able to bring forth the appointed fruit. For the test is in the Obedience, not in the desire or the ability! I am searching the motives in the process. Keep yourselves pure and allow no compromise to defile you in the days to come.

Many will disqualify themselves by neglecting their obedience to the command. They will allow compromise and distraction to divert them and to defile them. For the pace has quickened. I would also say, that the path has narrowed! It will be vital to walk pure! Jealously guard the Keys to the Gates with Diligence! Allow no counterfeit to enter!

It is time to run, for I am quickening the Pace!

Can you not feel the Mighty Winds, and the Rains that are behind you, even now, breaking out with My Purposes? Run with My Vision, and herald the Call!

For the chariots are coming quickly…………

Great unrest will come as the enemy will try to cover himself and to keep the people in darkness. The time of unveiling the golden calf has come! The Idol will be torn down and destroyed in My House! For the struggle will bring forth the True Remnant who will not bow, and who will not yield. Much has been plotted against My Elect, yet, I am with them. For I know the plans that have been laid in secret, and I have brought them forth to exposure.

Train your eyes to see into the darkness, for the Light will soon fade as the Curtain is opened upon the Stage ofthe Earth. The audience will be surprised at who I will bring forth as My Players in the unfolding events. Many have thought that they would be the

lead warriors, but I say unto you, that I have in reserve My Elite who will come forth with My Radiance and My Authority. The vast treasuries have been opened for them to use at the Decree of My Word that goes forth.

My Sword has been extended into the Earth, and will not be sheathed again until the End. The Time of the Dread Warriors has come and the Earth will tremble as they march across the Earth. For the Lamp of the Lord has searched out the Outcast and the Lost, and it has marked the Chosen. The rest of the booty is marked for slaughter……..

The Changing of the Guards has brought forth the maturity of the Gatekeepers. The adjustments have been made, and the Gates are now properly realigned. The Strength of the Wall will now be made evident as each one advances upon the wall, and positions themselves at Station. For the Revelation will bring forth the battle cry that will hail the Warriors to action, and My Justice will be served.

For the Time of the Dread Warriors has come

r...there will come a time like that when the Spirit of God will be taken from the earth, there will be no more. The Church will remain a while , that's right, preaching , 'cause it has to preach to the Eternal lost , just as every ministry did, coming down through the age. The last part of every ministry preached to the Eternal lost. And there will be a ministry now that will preach to the Eternal lost after they have refused to receive It. 190 WORLD IS AGAIN FALLING APART -- SHREVEPORT LA -- 63-1127, this will hap What is a major drama to the inhabitants of earth is indeed an important pivotal point in the continuing evolution of conscious manifested awareness. In the totality of the galactic expression that constitutes the known reality, it is wondered how, this small beautiful planet at the outer reaches of this defined area can carry such importance. It is in the transition through the taking back of personal power/control of individual and collective destiny that is central issue. Just as the consciousness of the leader of a country, self-appointed or elected, expresses the composite consciousness of the people within that country, the planetary scenario that is being played out is the collective representation of the consciousness of the beings on that planet. This then is carried out into a further composite of consciousness in an expanding composite. We might say that earth is the collection point of victim consciousness, a point within a larger collective of this unhappy experience within this area of the galaxy. The solving of this situation by humanity on this planet will bring forth a clearing of this experience in an expansive ripple effect that will reach to the far corners of the galaxy. When visualized in a holographic context, it is indeed a “big deal.”

pIt is the clear and present desire for this incredible experience that must call and hold the minds of all that read and resonate with this information. Upon your mental shoulders rests the future of this planet. The question remains as to whether there is enough commitment and focus to bring about the desire to own and shepherd this planet and your continued progress. A galaxy of fellow god beings awaits your decision and your follow through.

The key to the application is in knowing that the intent must be in harmony with the flow of expansive creative energies that move and carry the manifestation of galaxies, solar systems, planets and individuals through to experience creation in the observation mode. It is necessary to understand that all that is considered reality first begins in the imagination, the mind of the conceiver. The focus of intent moves the process through the various stages of conception to energy conversion resulting in coagulation of that energy by slowing down the vibration until it manifests into observable, touchable matter or what is called manifested reality. What is considered reality is focused intent condensed through application of the Universal Laws by holding the intent firmly and “knowing” that the process works until it does. The slower the vibration of the focusing mind and the surrounding environment, the longer the process takes and the more difficult it is to hold the intent long enough. Through application and learning to hold the intent “lightly” without attempting to force its creation but again in “knowing” the validity of the process allows for “practice makes perfect.” en. The point to remember is that without the healing of the whole, the individual applications of the Law will do little to bring about the freedom of humanity from the planned scenario of control. It is, therefore, imperative that any personal application of the Laws be focused “within” the greater planetary focus. Thoughts regarding this are most productive if all is “seen and felt” within a holographic picture of all applications contributing to the success of the planet as a whole. Within that focus, each individual success in applying the Laws then contributes to and strengthens the greater focus. Furthermore, the individual then draws a greater contributing focus of energy from the planetary whole into their process, a wondrously helpful boost toward their desired goal. Again each are reminded to include the statement “for the highest and best good for all.” This releases the “thought thinking” aspect of the action of the Laws to utilize energies that otherwise would not be available to contribute to the whole (holographic) pattern.A great “talent” search was initiated in order to find a cohesive group willing to consider the dilemma that the situation upon this small planet contains. To say that it covered a great deal of manifested reality is an understatement. The vested interests in the future of this planet are varied, well established and of intensely determined purposeThere exists a holograph of experience that requires the completion of various segments of experience in order that completion may be experienced