#MWchat Part Two: How to Achieve Work-Life Balance

Post on 26-Jan-2015

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Career experts Charles Purdy, Cali Williams-Yost and Maggie Mistal share their best tips for finding a job that will allow you to achieve a healthy work-life balance. For more career tips, visit the Monster Facebook page at http://mnstr.me/GT7hds or follow @MonsterCareers and the #MWChat hashtag on Twitter.

Transcript of #MWchat Part Two: How to Achieve Work-Life Balance

#MWchat: Achieving Work-Life Balance in Today's Workplace

*Part Two*


Career experts share advice on finding a job with a flexible


Who Are Our Experts?


Maggie Mistal

Cali Williams-YostCharles Purdy

@MonsterCareers @CaliYost @MaggieMistal


What are some of the differences in Gen Y, Gen X & Boomer attitudes

towards work-life balance?


Gen Y has a greater, intuitive comfort with remote working, everyone has work-life fit to manage.

- C. Yost


Gen Y sees much less of a division between "work" and "life." They expect the two areas of their life to combine.

- C. Purdy


Gen Y expects to like their work, and therefore it seems less like “work”. Gen Y often puts family and friends before their career. - M. Mistal


How can job seekers identify companies with flexible work



Ask current and past employees and interview your prospective boss to find out what flexibility means to them.

- M. Mistal


Research companies on their "About Us" page & work your network to find out. 

- C. Purdy


Look at “best of” lists for company ideas. Those list are not perfect indicators, but are a good start. I highly recommend When Work Works (FWI/SHRM), an employee-based site.

- C. Yost


What are some work-life balance questions job seekers should ask of

prospective employers?


Ask how performance is measured. They should give clear answers, so it's not just about "desk hours.” Also make sure flexibility is a company policy, not at the whim of managers (a new boss could "change the rules").

- C. Purdy


Be very careful using the term work-life "balance" in an interview, since employers tend to hear "work less," not work differently.

I’d suggest asking - "Tell me about typical day? Do people work flexibly?" That way it's not so much about your work-life fit, but a more general question.

- C. Yost


I’d recommend asking "What matters to you more in terms of performance - face time or results?

- M. Mistal


Thanks for joining us for Part Two of the Work-Life Balance #MWchat recap. For tips on achieving work-life balance, read Part One.

Comments or questions? Reach us at #MWchat or @MonsterCareers.

Here’s a little more info about our experts


Maggie Mistal is a well-renowned career and life coach. She hosts “Making a Living with Maggie” on Martha Stewart Live Radio.

Cali Williams-Yost is a work-life flexibility expert. She blogs atworklifefit.com and contributes to various national publications.

Charles Purdy is Monster’s job search and career expert. You can find his advice at MonsterWorking.com.

@MonsterCareers @CaliYost @MaggieMistal

Additional Resources


Escape the 10 Tyrannies of Work/Life "Balance”: http://bit.ly/PuVGFq

Career vs. Family – Can You Have It All?: http://bit.ly/StLU3k

3 Keys to Finding Legitimate Work From Home Opportunities: http://bit.ly/HWH0eb

How to Get a Flexible Schedule: http://mnstr.me/axD3qE

Top Four Work-from-Home Scams: http://mnstr.me/9O1l1o


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