Mumbai -400 051 - GSK · 1/6/2019  · June 7, 2019 The Corporate Relationship Department BSE...

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Transcript of Mumbai -400 051 - GSK · 1/6/2019  · June 7, 2019 The Corporate Relationship Department BSE...

June 7, 2019

The Corporate Relationship Department BSE Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai- 400001

GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd.

24-25 Floor, One Horizon Center Sector 43, DLF Phase 5, Golf Course Road Gurugram (Haryana), India - 122002

T +91 124 4336500

F +91 124 4336600


The Listing Compliance Department National Stock Exchange of India Limited Exchange Plaza, C - 1, Block - G Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra Mumbai - 400 051

Sub: Scrutinizer's report of the business transacted at the National Company Law Tribunal convened meeting of the equity shareholders of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited held on June 1, 2019

Dear Sir / Madam,

We hereby submit the revised scrutinizer's report in relation to the business transacted through (i) postal

ballot; (ii) e-voting process; and (iii) polling paper at the venue of the meeting of the equity shareholders of

GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited ("Company") convened and held on Saturday, June 1, 2019

at 12:00 Noon at Punjab Public School Auditorium, The Punjab Public School (Senior Wing), Nabha - 147201,

Punjab pursuant to an order dated April 12, 2019 in Company Application No. CA (CAA) No. 4/Chd/Pb/2019,

passed by the Hon'ble Chandigarh bench of the National Company Law Tribunal, for approving with or without

modification(s), the proposed scheme of amalgamation among the Company and Hindustan Unilever Limited

and their respective shareholders and creditors under Sections 230 to 232 and other applicable provisions of

the Companies Act, 2013 ("Scheme").

The enclosed revised scrutinizer's report dated June 6, 2019 is being submitted as the previously submitted

scrutinizer's report dated June 1, 2019 contained an inadvertent typographical error. As may be noted from

the revised scrutinizer's report, the proposed resolution approving the Scheme was passed by the requisite

majority of the equity shareholders of the Company.

We request you take the above information and the revised scrutinizer's report on record.

Thanking You,

For GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited

._Ai� Shanu S� Company Secretary

CIN: L24 231PB1958PLC002257 Registered Office

Patiala Road Nabha (Punjab), India 147201


1 Mr. Atr:l V. Soori, AdvocateT",bur:a1 appointed Clairpersnn fcr the l,,ieetir:q;

2 Mr. Nishant Anand, AdvocateTrrbunal appornted Alternate Chairpersan fcr the l,{eetrng

Sutr: Tribunal convened meeting of the Equity $hareholders of 6laxosmithKlineConsurner Healthcare Limited held on Saturday, June 1,2019 at 12:00 Noon atPunjab Public $chool Auditorium, The Punjab Public Schnol {Senior Wing}. Nabha* 147?01, Punjab.

R€specieri Srr's.

[:iirsi.:&ni tc order Caterl April 1t ?0'19 {'.Order') of lrr* l.{on b]e Chandigarh Bcnch of tneNatt*nal Conrnany La,,'l Triburral at Charcirqarh l'Triburral'i pas:eci in Conrpany Applrcairon NrCA {CAA] Nc 4iCHDlPBl20i! tl was drected u;lr:r,:llia lo hnld the m*etrng of ihe equliyshareholders of GlaxoSmithKline Consun:er Heaithcare Lrrr"lite,l I Cornpany"l for lhe purpcse clcansicierrng ano if thougnt fit apptovirrg with or y;rth,lrrt mrdifrcatrnni$), {he propasecl schenre *famelgamatt*L: amcrngsl the Con:par':y and Hinduslan Unile,;cr Lrmiied and their rcspeclvesharelt,rlders and credil*rs urrder sections 230 lc 232 an* alher applrcable provisions ol lheCon:panics Act ?013 ('scheme'.1

The n'rceting o{ Ihe equrty sharenolciers *f the Comparry,,.;as accorCrngiy held on $aiurclayJune i. 2019 at 12 C* Noon at Furlalr Publi: Schanl Auditonum The Funlab Publrc Scha*l{Senrcr S/ing1, Nal:ha * 14720'1. Pr-rrrlab r"'Meeting } for the puipose nl seckrng tne cons*rlregardtng passing the follOwrnq resolutlon as cnntarned tn tne nolice conver:ir.ig ttreh,leeting

'R€SOtyED THAT, pt"rr.sttartl ip lltc,i:tnl,isrr:r;s af Seclr*ns ?30 tu 23i tt1;tlrrilllrr ii1"1gl1g;1fu,,4r

/-rrarirsi.-)Ils u.'f ilrc Cortrp*nirs Acl. 2C13 i ',4c|'l lhe ai:p/icabl* ru/e,:. circul;;,r: ald rulifrc,;iiorrs

1rr:rrry ir loru*j ll)c pror?s/fl,rs r:f C;rcr,.l;-ir.rv'c C#ll...fi1 LS/tlRl2*l i.€i rjllcil ,V;lrch i0 ?0tI ,:s,Sttlcr;r'r'*rl lrrstt ltnlg ful lilrq,+ is.:^rrrld l:y !l'tc: 5r:r:rirrlir,:,s Lr6rJ &rc:hi:rl!,-* fio;rrd rt{ !rt;Jttt. ii;r:Si:i:trrilils aric/ Ere;h*t:ge 8o;rrJ of lrrdiii iLrsiicg CIhlg.lliorrs irrrd Diiclosiir{:} /{(:qiirr.-:rrrrii:ts,lH*gui;iiions i015, as amenrJed fi"urrr frrne tis ltrne.lfun ri:*scrvtllorr lellers. b*tl1 tlat*d i:*l:ruary15. 3019, lss#ec/ i.:y 8SF Lnriled and lhe fu*llorra/ Sl*ck [.lc/ii:rrglx tf lrrrlj] Lririle#, anrJ sulr;*cllr-: lhe llrtf'uisro,rts nf ffue lt;eli;*r?r;dirnr,-,I;1.:-s*ct-ttratt att.l ih*, arllr/es of a-r-qo*i;;li** itlGI*rcSrtrrllrKlrilt] Corrsiltte,r 14eatilt;are Lirrrrir:el i'Iransferor Caotpany'] .lrq/ srilrlr;r.:i la llrr,:iipi-Ya.)'"';l *l lhc Chandrgatlt [1r:tr,-:it r.t! y11a,2 Hlrr'/-r1r !',laltrxt;:l Cr.rrnli;rgy l_;*1.; iril]:1;ri,,:l ii1i,trirria/ii.,arlr l.Tribunal ) ilri(;; suttrfr:l ac siirtl oli;er atr-;t;l{;r.;/s. pt_,r;lliss jays aq* _c;,i54ljr/}, ll ,:rr;ti:qu!altiry *rtd ofl:*r .rt,,1hr-lnli6s, nS rlij]: b* r;*ca:S5i'lt,/ fl6$ SyiryCf/ fp Srallr (0/tdriutr),ti1rjrrrurjtfiL';llttrrts iis l?lcry ir: presrnhcd or rrri:r:seC /,ry llle Tri!::t;nei *r t:y any rertu/;tlorlr, rsr t:l|;*r;trln*tiliss, tlhi,le trr;ittliny slcli r,'orisells. cpprc,l,als.:lrd;:rrnrrssiot;s_'r.r,hr*il Ji*3, hx aurer:d fc:t:y llt* lrrx]rcj cf clirccl*rs o{ tl}e Tr:nsfr:ror Ccntpary {'8oard" nlrict lrrrr shp/1tr* d0cil;erJ I*r1)r?illr iJr]# rr;tli,rr]r: ijr]{: t}r ft1ti} t:("}t!}f}ilf,Jei,Il CC;iSlilr;hlr# lu l:e ClJrtsliliil*Cl h-i: llrC fo;lrlj ajl..}rrt


r'l :\i .r'.,' t\\ !

\' ! \1


ildir.\*nisl i;.hi{il ,hf Eoad rn;i}. ,x}rilt/}i:lle lo ererris{ lf,s 1:*r,rr:r"s irrrJurJirlg lil* po!'i'*Is conlnrrerji:y liirs rcsolulrunj, ll;e schc;lrc cf arn;/g*rnailrol ut,.turt,; li;e frarrsler t,r Cotnparty nri<J Hit;c/trsl;trrllttl*vr:r !..intitt::ti;lncl /it*rr're-11:fclri,e sll;:lrc/lol(.ic,',-( ;it t:i c:r-,;-lt!r.)rs tt,'rtJfr Scrliotrs 23S Io 2'3i ant!rlf/irrr ;ipplla;ai;/e 1.u,:,irsrons uf ftls Arl 1 Scheme J ri-\' d/l(,)/r)Jt*t,' 1* tlte Jtr:rlrl'a: t){ lli': fr,'0trrtitl

i(:]firicrxrrl me*lifig tf lfte *cTiril-;, sJ;arri<:)k]r:r.c r;f ii:e 7r::rnsft:ru; Cott;;"ratty ':rld pl;:Ced hei:l* iltts:!tL''t{tr}t.) ltt,,1r11J i.< iri:r1,1]i i1i)pt t)\,,e.1

RESOLVED FIJRTHER THAT. //re Soirrrj !:,* attrJ i-s i:r:rcf r arrll;r:r't"rciJ tr rjo si/ suih a;lsil*rrJs. niaiitrrs ;irrC l,rrii:g-r ils ,l ll.),t]. r'i its ;;hsc1r;i* r/iscrelr*rt ri(:r:;'rr rcqtlistlc. rirrsir;ilio

filr{lr}t{t/llrrlJ untl:ociir.cJ in li:* SCI;cnrt:;rrrj l* al(afllI si;cit rttt)l}/ii.'t.ilirll}s. atrt(:rtiiittcrrtlSlrllr;laliorrs atlti/ a{ ton{Jiliori$. iI alr,.!'. l',1tlcl; ltiy lr* r*r?uit*rJ a/iat cI itrtp*s*l/ h;r 11r* ir;l"turtaiiyhilr; si;nclioninp lhe Scncrne or,b-y *ny allhorls:s rltdcritpl:iic;t1:fr:r lilt,'.. or il-\ rrla.y l){} rt:tluirt:t}

for"/he /.lllr,osc ,lIr*s*ltrrrrr? s/ry quesfror]$ o/ Jr{lJls or rlrii::uilies /it*f ntr:y artss '

l. i\nkrta Uniy.:1. the r.Lnder"signed. Ccrnpar:y Sectetary rn ptactice, appr:inled by th* l-ion'i:ieTribr-rnai ,-rrr-lc tl":e sard Order, as Scrutinizar. to scr"rlinrre the voting dtne through pallirg paper

at the saicl Me*trng. subnrtt nry reporl a* urrdet.


Dased orr the recnrds provided by the ilranagenleni *f th* Cornpary I und*rstand as foll*ivs

1 Noiices relating to the lurleeting \r"!er* dispatched between Aprl 23, ?01$ and Apr"rl t4 2119to all those equity shareholders whr had not regrsiered therr emarl lDs lvr'.h the Conpanyarrcl tlre depositnry parlrcrpants and tc wirorr enraiis \ffBle nrt delivereci {ie .1 l3'1 1 nL:t clf

57 158 e..iJrty sharehclders as cn Apr';l .1 2.30 19] ar:q1 electroricaily b7 enrarl to those rc'itysl"rareholciers lvho had regrsteieci therr emarl lD's u;rlh the C*mpany and the riepcsrlorypartrcrpants ir.e 45.85; out cf 5i,168 *quity sharehclders as on April 12,2C191

The Conrpany pui:lrshed adveriisen:ents rn relation t* lhe lrr{eeting on April 24.20lS rn''!:irtitttt{.tl [.r1-ve-ts" {Englrsh) Prrr:1ab ed;lion anC *n Aprrl 25 201* rn "Ptttl;rh, lt'ibt.itt,:iPr:njabii Clrandrgarh editror.r indicating the day. clale. place ancl iinre of lhe lleeting

Ti're Comi:any lrad provided the equrty sharel-rolders with the iacility fcr casting lheir v*te b;,r

\,!ay of postal ballnt nr by way of e-votrng usrng facilrty througl'Karvy Frrttech Pr,valsLrmited i Karvy ) and vcting by wa'l ci pallrng paoers at tne Meetrng ror tne etrir,lvsnar*roiders attendrng the Meeirng and i,rho hlve nct ca$t th*tr vole by posial baliol *r strr:irn$

-lhe equrty sirarelrolders oithe Conrpany holdrng equity shares as on Friday. Apni 12 2019

i cut-off date") were entrtled to vole on the resolutrnn as c,snlained in the Nolrc* oi theMeeting

I"hr: noslal ballol and e-voirrrg in ccnneclron yrilir lhe resoii.iti*n proposerj rr lhe Nnlc=;ltlre l'{eelinq cortr*nceC cn Thr"rrsday l"4ay 3, 21 1!t at S 00 p. M and endec cn Friday l',lay31 2C19 at 5 00 P tt,1. and the Karuy e,'yoting platfonr ivas ciisai:led the.*after

S Karvy has confirmed that the personsballot and polling paper st ihe venueClmparry as on ths cut-off flate

v;lro have vi-rted lhrcr"lgh e-votrns process. p*slalcf lhe lrleeting are the equity shareholders oi the

1, \ l'

.'! \.\,'3' \, -jg{


\ - - di.'.\1$" f,\ l!. { 1-II i ,/

\ 'r3."\



Tlrt uncJersigned Scrutinizer checlred anC v*rified ihe follnwrng docunlenisThe Pr*xy Register and the Attendance Regrslsr r:raintarn*d in respecl r:f tlre Me*trr-rg andllt* closure of tlre Pr*xy Register 4B ho".rrs prior to the sshedLrled trme of tire fuleetrng

ldentily proof issue*' by a stalut*ry authority {r e a Pr\N Carrli Aadhaar Cardl PasspariDrrvrng Licensel Voler lD Cardl etc


ln lerr-ns of the direct!otrs ccrrtarned in ire Orcier tire ctLrorunr frr ihe M**trng was fryed as3'3 shareholdersimemhets personaily present FL.rfil":er it ',ras rlire*terJ thnt if tlrr afor*sa,oquflrllilr lor the lvleetir-lg rs not pr*sent. then the Meotirg shali be adlournerl by 30 rnrnulesard thereafte|the BqL|t,v shar*hcider'$, prr$er'rt and voling sirall b* deen:ed lo constl'ir.rleti:e qucrun: The reqLrrsite qucrurrr,rfis prrsont at the schedrried lime Hence, the meellngivas cailed tc order

Polling pspers duly signed by th* Crarper:cns and ths undersignecl r,;*re har:cied over toih* eqliity shareholders or tc the aulirorrzed representatives along wrth prnxy holtiers ol ilreeqr-rrty sharei'roJders to ca$l their votes

Upcn the ccnclusion of lhe votrng sn the resoliitirn the lacked nall*l i:ox contarrinE lheftlled-in polling papers, rvas *pened iq ryi7 pressnce Thereafter the pollrng papers rtefeartanged and dilrgently scrr:tintzed The polling papers \$ere aiso r*conciled agair"rst rirevaltri ptoxy forn:s and authoriralions lhal prere recerved by lhe Con'rpany and als* agatnsilhe recorCs and registers nraintained by ths Conpany.

Thereafter the votes cast thrtuqh e-votrnE were uni:l**tk*ri i:y rne a{ter ccmpi*tir:n *f lhcMeetrng

Tire sr:nrn'lary of vct*s cast is as unijer

Pailiculars r


For iAgainst ;Invalid j


t i Voti n q tl r-ruSX_f.S],j-!_Ap-ejf3!-lhcj1t19e!!s

Particularsa) Votes wiii: a*sent--lit Votes w,th d ssentcl lrrvat cl votesd) Lota! vo,tes receivedel Ai:slained

No. of Valiri VotesPoll at E-voting PostatMeeting Ballot

:0 3't; 13iNit ,!.riNit i21 i, 228 140-Nil ' i I Nrl

Ns. of Voters




l\ ri


, Total Fercentagc

i ' (Y*)


. 5 0013 neElrgrDle

381 100.002 Neg1,g,hl*

No. of Equity SharesO IJ:J


.5i q,244


\,::\J,\ ! Er. t! \ \ .\a \

\ "^" \L ,'\V \ t\\ 1 \1 \ /t! \i ld


r t -V

g!11at11o_q ql] Lv"ot1[g

Pa rticu larse vclcs *i llr assentn Voles vvrti, disscrt:; lnva ilJ voles

^ ,", k-,^.^^.]U flLJ5;dIIIUU


i Upltrslh-ta-uEl. Srste! Batlql

- -Pa.rticularsJ l/otes \4rth assentb, Votes r,vrlh dissertc 1-valr: votesd) Total votes receiv*ede1 Abslarned

No, of Voters



No,.gl Vgters111



No. of Equity Shares3 49 84,233



No, of Equity Shar*srll I lll< tti.I JL\J

.tu I


The ai:ove results *f e,votlng l":ave been canrpri*d i:y Karvy whrtlr has ireen relied r:pon byl'-c ;r.ldctsi,Jneo whrle reportrng

Atcorcjingly, the proposed resolr-itron approving lhe Schenre iras be*n apprcveC i:y iirereqr:rsiie malarrty o{ lhe equrtlt shareholders of lhe Compxny

Tire pnlling papers and otirer reccrds were lranded ever ts ihe Charrperson of thB Mestingafter its conclugir:n

Thar:kirrg you -tr L\t

{ANKTTA UNTYAL}Cornpany Secretary irr Practice$cruiinizer Appornled by the Hon'irle Trrburall"nenri:ership No 325'l 5

Date: Jiine 6 201SPlace: Cnandigarh


'1 Attenciance Register ior the Meeting as Annexnre 1.

? Polling paper$ of the equity sharehclders who voled at the Meetrng as Anne-XUIe*a

3 Proxv Register closeci 4S hours pr"ior to the Me*ting as Annexure 3

4 Re_eister sh,lr.,;irrg prorie* ailerrdrng the li,1**tirg as Annq:!re {5. /tuli:olrua1.rons, Forms oi Prnxv anii Atieldanr:e 5lips ar*ng v*rlh supponlng dr:ii,tniei'rts

as Atnexure 5

Pnstal Ballot Forms as Annexure 6

Detarled report received froni Karvy s 'r.rensitr as Annexurg-7



.1 .t ta- \". .t..t\.\ \\ xl. t \

.t''^. 1, I






(Ct-ta-1tt r

1 1f*. w*.Arv'


General information about company

Scrip code 500676



ISIN INE264A01014

Name of the company GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited

Type of meeting Court Convened Meeting

Date of the meeting / last day of receipt of postal ballot forms (in case of Postal Ballot) 01-06-2019

Start time of the meeting 12:00 PM

End time of the meeting 01:30 PM

Page 1 of 6


Scrutinizer Details

Name of the Scrutinizer Ankita Uniyal

Firms Name Ankita Uniyal

Qualification CS

Membership Number A32515

Date of Board Meeting in which appointed 12-04-2019

Date of Issuance of Report to the company 01-06-2019

Page 2 of 6


Voting results

Record date 12-04-2019

Total number of shareholders on record date 57168

No. of shareholders present in the meeting either in person or through proxy

a) Promoters and Promoter group 2

b) Public 29

No. of shareholders attended the meeting through video conferencing

a) Promoters and Promoter group 0

b) Public 0

No. of resolution passed in the meeting 1

Disclosure of notes on voting results

Page 3 of 6



Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special) Special

Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution? No

Description of resolution considered

Approval of the scheme of amalgamation among GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited and Hindustan Unilever Limited and their respective shareholders and creditors under sections 230 to 232 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act,2013 and other matters incidental thereto

Category Mode of voting

No. of shares held

No. of votes polled

% of Votes polled on outstanding


No. of votes – in favour

No. of votes – against

% of votes in favour on votes


% of Votes against on

votes polled

(1) (2) (3)=[(2)/(1)]*100 (4) (5) (6)=[(4)/(2)]*100


Promoter and Promoter Group



30471992 100 30471992 0 100 0


Postal Ballot (if applicable)

Total 30471992 30471992 100 30471992 0 100 0

Public- Institutions



3903921 80.4172 3903921 0 100 0


Postal Ballot (if applicable)

Total 4854582 3903921 80.4172 3903921 0 100 0

Public- Non Institutions



611463 9.087 608320 3143 99.486 0.514

Poll 8239 0.1224 8239 0 100 0

Postal Ballot (if applicable)

16430 0.2442 15110 1320 91.9659 8.0341

Total 6728964 636132 9.4536 631669 4463 99.2984 0.7016

Total 42055538 35012045 83.2519 35007582 4463 99.9873 0.0127

Whether resolution is Pass or Not. Yes

Disclosure of notes on resolution

Page 4 of 6


Details of Invalid VotesCategory No. of Votes

Promoter and Promoter Group

Public Insitutions

Public - Non Insitutions

Page 5 of 6


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