Post on 11-Feb-2022

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MAY 2020

MT CALVARY CONNECTION Visit our website:



in the Word


with the Gospel


in Christ

Rev. Jim Price, Pastor

Paul White, DCE

Alice Stohs


Sharon Bush

Business Manager

Mt. Calvary



17535 Say Road

Wamego, KS



It is strange to think that a virus most had never heard of at Christmas kept us from gathering for worship as we normally would have by Easter. How quickly our world has been changed by COVID-19.

Something that has not changed is the fact that this world is still God’s. Even as we take appropriate measures and vigorously support the work being done in the field of medical science to combat this global pandemic, the big-

gest news story of the year is not how a virus changed our lives for a time, but what God has done in Christ to secure our lives forever.

The Resurrection of Jesus which we celebrate in this Easter season tells us the most im-portant breakthrough to impact us will not be the discovery of a COVID-19 vaccine (though we are right to pray such a discovery); nor will the greatest recovery we experi-ence be economic (we ought to pray for that too). Our hope now as always rests in the good news that Christ has rescued us in love by serving as our sacrifice for sin and con-quering our death by His resurrection.

What this means for those who hear and believe the Gospel is that we have good news to give others no network news will share. As Charles Spurgeon reminded Christians during a deadly cholera outbreak in England in 1866, “Now is the time for all of you who love souls. You may see men more alarmed than they are already; and if they should be, mind that you avail yourselves of the opportunity of doing them good. You have the Balm of Gilead; when their wounds smart, pour it in. You know of Him who died to save; tell them of Him. Lift high the cross before their eyes. Tell them that God became man that man might be lifted to God. Tell them of Calvary, and its groans, and cries, and sweat of blood. Tell them of Jesus hanging on the cross to save sinners.”

In the days to come we will continue pray for those working in the fields of medicine, economics, and government. They all have a part to play. The Church has its part too as we live out and share our faith in the risen Lord. In Christ, Pastor Jim Price

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Peace to you in the Name of our Risen Lord!

Peace. Not a feeling that many of us are feeling right

now. Sure busy families may see a reduction in sports

and clubs which may be opening a few evenings, but I

have yet to hear anyone describe their past month or so

as peaceful. Instead I have heard sorrow over missed or

delayed occasions. I have heard panic in the face of im-

pending job loss or salary reduction. I have heard feel-

ings of inadequacy as people try to learn new skills and

management strategies considering transforming job

expectations or at-home-schooling situations. But I have

yet to have the conversation with anyone who is feeling


But peace is exactly what Christ gives to us in this season of Easter. Peace as we see again that the resurrec-

tion is real. Peace in knowing that His work is done. Peace as we celebrate that victory over death is not only

for Jesus, but it has also been given to us, His beloved children.

I hope that in this new normal you are finding time to reflect on God’s love and promises by diving into scrip-ture. Hopefully, you are feeling fed and refreshed by the weekly worship services posted on Youtube. Per-haps you have already picked up your Portals of Prayer or have found a devotion on a Bible app. There are many great free offerings currently at or If you need direction, please reach out so we can point you in the direction of quality resources to help you dig into God’s Word.

One last reminder, our kids are struggling to feel peace right now too. From very young to young adult, their

lives have been uprooted and changed into something new at an alarming pace. And parents, you are most

likely finding yourselves with more time around your kids than a couple of months ago. Use it. Bring out your

devotional material, share it with your kids. Show them the importance of your faith. Gather around the

Word at dinner. Find a nighttime devotional.

This time of faith-at-home learning is very likely to have a strong impact on your child’s faith development. I

have always championed the idea that the children that remain in the faith are those who’s parents’ faith is

on active display. Those who teach Sunday school, help with ushering, sing the hymns in church, etc.. Right

now, your faith is on display. Your child is observing your actions to see how important this “God Stuff” really

is. May this season of social distancing teach your child that faith is not something that only happens on Sun-

day at church, but that it is a lifestyle of growing closer to God through His Word.

If you are reading this and feeling inadequate, God’s peace be with you! Maybe not a peace that tells you

that you have it all together, but a peace that reminds you that Jesus came to dwell with the inadequate. He

walked with them, He ate with them, He died for them. For you and for me.

God’s Peace

DCE Paul

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Aubri Alexander daughter of Royson & Wendi

Ian Bottom son of Tanya & Kevin

Colby Figge son of Rex & Sherry

Nathan Holz son of Steven & Teresa

Jonah Jantz son of Eli & Amanda

If we have missed any graduates who are members of Mt. Calvary, please let us know.

The National Day of Prayer is an annual day of ob-servance held on the first Thursday of May, desig-nated by the United States Congress, when people are asked "to turn to God in prayer and meditation". The president is required by law to sign a proclama-tion each year, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day.

CIA: Regretfully, with restrictions of “social distancing” that resulted in closed access to our members in care facilities, hos-pitals, & home-

bound, Compassion-in-Action was not able to deliver Easter Baskets to our members this spring. We encourage each of you to make a phone call and send a card or note to someone in our congregation who needs to know our church family cares for them. Your prayers mean so very much!

Mt. Calvary delivers MEALS ON WHEELS

IN JUNE There is a sign-up sheet posted on

the Information Desk at church.

Drivers should arrive no later than 10:45a.m. at the Wamego Senior Center. Make sure you feel well when you deliver meals and you have washed your hands.

We will provide gloves, but not face masks; and instructions on how to safely deliver the meals.

Provide your mobile phone in case we need to get hold of you while you are delivering.

In case you cannot deliver on your assigned day, please call the Senior Center at 456-2260 to have your route reassigned.

If for some reason the governor decides to ex-tend the stay-at-home order, and you are not able to come in to the church to sign-up, we will send out an email with contact information on how to get signed up to deliver.


Adult Education (chair.) Andrea White

Paul White Chris Blevins Ashley King


(chair.) Jessica Allen Charla Adcock

Josh Hahn Robin Kolterman

Angie Matthews


(Chair) Logan Adcock

Amanda Jantz

Kay Ann Hewlett

Nick King

Christy Roscovius

Kara Titus


(chair.) Lanny Bosse Nick Adcock

Chris Blevins

Brian Blume

Brett Bruning

Carl Griese

Erick Horton

Marty Jahn

Eli Jantz

Jamie Klein

Brian Koch

Curtis Thompson Thomas von Seggern


(chair) vacant Sharon Jensen

Teresa Purkeypile Kara Titus

Fellowship (chair.) Lindsey Blevins

Prudence Fager Susan Hatfield Diane Landon

Incorporation (chair.) Tom Maurer

Krista Hahn

Missions (chair) Todd Steinbach

Robin Kolterman Krista Hahn

Linda Highland


President Mr. Joshua Hahn


Vice President Mr. Jon Ulmer 806-317-0002

Recording Secretary Mrs.Autumn Schuck


Treasurer Mrs. Marcia Maurer


Stewardship vacant


(chair.) Gordon Stohs Pat Burns

Tim Winter

Kirk Zerbe

Paul Zillmann

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ATTENTION BOARD CHAIRS: Please look over your board members and let me know of any changes.

17535 SAY ROAD, WAMEGO, KS 66547


Our world, like every-one else’s, has been kinda upside down these past weeks. We

have missed so much the comradery of our little group but jumped at the opportunity to be helpful during this pandemic. Working independently, we were able to make dozens and dozens of surgical masks, requested by KState Vet School, as their sup-ply went to hospitals and medical facilities. Also, we responded to request for masks for the Pott County Sherriff’s office and others in the area.

Thanks to email and the inter-net the ladies have been able to continue with our BLOCK-of-

the-MONTH project that be-gan in January and will culmi-nate with a finished quilt in December for those who par-ticipated. Each Piecemaker chose their own theme and colors. Some decided to make theirs a Christmas quilt. Here’s some snapshots of our talent!

Our JUNIOR PIECE-MAKERS were really get-ting some momentum going when the pandemic hit. Our plans for fun projects during spring break didn’t materialize but hoping and praying the summer months will provide opportunities to continue learn-ing more about quilting (HSTs, PTD and RST) mak-ing mission quilts and growing in new found friend-ships.

A mother’s hug lasts long after she lets go. Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.


CHALLENGE: Make the block (or sever-al) by June 17th and then we draw to see who gets them all! The more blocks you make the more times your name goes into the pot. Come July you could have a patriotic quilt (the size depending on how many blocks are made.)


• Cut 1 3 1/2" square, 3 assorted strips 1 1/2" x 3 1/2", and 3 assorted strips 1 1/2" x 6 1/2"

• Sew the short strips together, then sew to the square.

• Sew the 3 long strips together and then sew it to the upper part.

It should measure 6 1/2" square. (be sure to use a 1/4" seam and PTD (press toward the dark) (Don't worry about the gray border in the photo. We will figure out how we want to do that after June 17th!)

Lord, we exist to give You glory. We exist

because of Your glory, and in Your glory,

as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.

We give you thanks and praise for every

breath and moment You have given to us.

We repent of our sin; for the shameful

things we have done against You and for

our silence when we did not speak up to

proclaim Your Name, profess Your Word,

or protect and practice Your will. We ask

Your forgiveness.

We pray that the knowledge of the glory of

the Lord will spread across our nation and

the entire earth as we seek Your Kingdom

and righteousness; as we walk in obedi-

ence to You, and in humble unity, love one

another. Jesus, the Bible says that You are

“the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.”

You have taught us to pray, commanded us

to love, and commissioned us to share

Your gospel of grace. Your glory fills our

hearts and families, it overflows into our

neighborhoods, workplaces, campuses,

churches, in our entertainment and media.

We give thanks for our military and ask that

Your glory would spread to, and through

them as they preserve freedom around the

world. We pray for our government, that all

of our leaders and laws would be filled with

Your glory, that they would magnify Your

Holy Word and honor Your will and ways.

We pray that Your grace and glory would

spread to bring hope to the hopeless, and

love where there is hurt and hate. God, use

us as we pray your promise, that “the earth

will be filled with the knowledge of the glory

of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

In Jesus Name, Amen!

Kathy Branzell

President, National Day of Prayer Task Force



God is the only hope for America. Our hope does not

rest in our economics, elections, or even education.

It is only by the grace and goodness of God that He

inclines His ear to hear our prayers. Philippians 4:6,

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer

and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests

be made known to God.”

In these days where anxious thoughts, words, and

deeds darken our nation we can rejoice that God

never changes. God is not shaken, but shines in the

darkness as He “is the One who has shone in our

hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory

of God in the face of Christ.” 2 Cor4:6

Prayer taps into God’s wisdom, strength, protection,

and peace. He stands ready to respond to our needs

when we humbly ask for divine intervention in the

affairs of men. His glory shines and is spread across

America as we humble ourselves in prayer and exalt

Him in praise.

In humble prayer we turn from sin to seek God’s

face and the promises in 2 Chronicles 7:14, knowing

that change, healing and transformation only comes

through prayer!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope this finds you doing well. The last few weeks have been such a different time for us all. We are starting to settle into a new normal and it sounds like more change is on the horizon as the state begins to lift re-strictions. Last week the Church Council met via a Zoom meeting to conduct normal church business. I would like to share some items that were discussed.

1. Church Services: we will continue to use the format of online services. Council is evaluating and considering all the current recommendations from the Local/State/Federal Governments, LCMS District and Synod, and local physicians within our congregation. We all hope for a quick return to normal services but at this time we will follow recommendations for a slow transition. There is no set timeline but will keep everyone informed as things change.

2. Church Finances: currently our church is in a good place with offerings and expenses. Offerings have been steady, and we have approximately 1-2 months’ worth of expenses in liquid assets. Following the recommenda-tions from LCMS Synod and on approval of the Church Council we applied for and received a small business loan through the Cares Act Payroll Protection Program. This loan provided us with 2.5 times our monthly pay-roll expenses ($54,820) to help prevent financial hardship. The terms of the loan are 1% interest rate with a re-payment term of 2 years. As stated in the loan promissory note from the Bank of the Flint Hills, the loan may be forgiven if at least 75% is utilized on payroll. This will ensure that we can continue to provide for our Called and Non-called workers.

3. Giving: As stated above, our Congregational Members have been awesome in maintaining their current level of giving. I encourage you to prayerfully consider continuing to give when you can.

a. Write a check and mail it to:

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church 17535 Say Road Wamego, KS 66547

b. Bill Pay option: Many banks have this option. Be sure to include type of offering (general offering, mis-sions, youth, etc.) in the Memo line.

c. Website: Visit and click on Connect & Support tab. Scroll down to the “GIVE to Mt. Calvary” tab. This will direct you to a secure way of giving online to the church.

d. Simply Giving: This is designed as an electronic monthly giving system. Fill this form . Send the completed form to Mt Calvary Lutheran Church, Attn: Sharon Bush. You can also email it to Sharon at

e. Credit Card Giving:

i. On your phone, go to AppStore or Google Play.

ii. Search for “Give Plus Church”. Download the free Vanco Financial Give + app.

iii. Once downloaded search our zip code (66547).

iv. Select Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church.

v. Follow the instructions to set up your account.

4. Helping Others: As we continue to navigate these unprecedented times, we must all continue to provide support for one another. Over the next few months, some of us may need assistance. We at Mt. Calvary would like to help. You are encouraged to let Pastor Price, Paul White, Alice, your Elder, or a member of Council know if you have any special needs. As a Congregation we have an AMAZING support network, now is the time to lean on each other. If you need anything (food, medications, clothing, transportation, house repairs, prayers, etc.) let us know.

Lastly, Council continues to strive to do GOD’S Work at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church. Our hope in the next few months is to plan some events and programs to strengthen our faith to: Growing UP in the WORD; Growing OUT with the GOSPEL; Growing TOGETHER in CHRIST. Please feel free to contact myself or any Council member if you have questions.

God’s Blessings

Joshua A. Hahn

Joshua A. Hahn

Congregational President

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
