Msed251 temperate deciduous forest (2)

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Msed251 temperate deciduous forest (2)


By: Gina Schwandt and Daraka McLeod

Where is it found?

Eastern half of North America

Middle of Europe Southwest Russia,

Japan, and eastern China

Southern Chile and Middle East coast of Paraguay

New Zealand and Southeastern Australia

Temperate deciduous forests are located in the mid-latitude areas which means that they are found between the polar regions and the tropics.


Average annual temperature: 50°F Average rainfall: 30 to 60 inches/ year

Major Plant Groups

Oak Beech Maple Chestnut Hickory Elm Basswood Linden Walnut Sweet Gum trees

Rhododendrons Azaleas Mountain Laurel Huckleberries Lichen Club Mosses True Mosses

Trees Shrubs


American Bald Eagle American Black Bear Coyote Platypus Chipmunk Red Squirrel White Tailed Deer Wolves Weasel

National Symbol of the U.S.

Wing Span- up to 8 feet Nest in pine trees Raptor, “Bird of prey” Eat fish, small birds,

reptiles and mammals Used to be endangered,

but are not just a threatened species

American Bald Eagle

Animal of Prey Live in farmlands,

brushy and forested areas in southern Canada and mostly all of the mainland United States. Also throughout Central America to Boliva

Solitary animal

White Tailed Deer

Predator and Omnivore

Can run up to 25mph

Weigh between 220-590lbs

American Black Bear

Facts about Temperate Deciduous Forest Experience four seasons: Winter, Spring,

Autumn, and Summer. Deforestation and invasive species are

issues that are upsetting the balance of Temperate Deciduous Forest ecosystems.