Mozilla Open Badges and Web Literacy Map

Post on 19-Aug-2014

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Slides for a presentation at the Stone stand (C102) during BETT 2014.

Transcript of Mozilla Open Badges and Web Literacy Map

WebLiteracyMap&Doug Belshaw / Stone stand, C102 / #bett2014

Who are you?

Dr. Doug BelshawMozilla Foundation

Mozilla!(global non-profit)

“Mozillians are champions of a web where people know more, do more and do better”

Mitchell BakerMozilla Chair & Chief Lizard Wrangler

An Open Badge is different to a digital badge because of the metadata hard-coded into it.

CC BY SA Kyle Bowen

This is how it works

A person or organisation issues a badge

Earner chooses to put it in their backpack

Collections of badges can be shared to unlock new opportunities

and possibilities.

An Open Badges backpack

Example of metadata in an Open Badge

Badges in my blog sidebar


“Literacy is a condition, not a threshold.”

(Martin, 2006)

Web Literacy comprises the competencies and skills that Mozilla and our community of stakeholders believe are important to pay attention to when getting better at reading, writing and participating on the web.

We need a map of the territory

...a Web Literacy Map

• a Sense check for those creating learning pathways

• something to which you can align Open Badges

• potentially a distributed curriculum from various providers (large and small)

The Web Literacy Map is:

