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Transcript of Moscow, June 2003 ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANIES AND NON ...


Moscow, June 2003


The Asian Experience

Presentation for the Third International Non-Performing Assets ForumElena Miteva, Administrator, OECD

This presentation draws on papers discussed at the OECD Forum for Asian Insolvency Reform and in particular on work by Robert Zafft, Senior Corporate Governance Specialist, OECD and Lampros Vassiliou, Senior OECD Consultant.

However, any mistakes and inconsistencies are to be attributed solely to the author.


To achieve long-term stability and growth, Asia needs to focus on the fundamentals of insolvency and creditor rights systems

1. In the aftermath of the crisis, emergency measures were taken to stabilise the economy and the financial sector

2. Post-crisis measures averted financial system meltdown, but did not successfully address the underlying behaviours and structural weaknesses

3. By mastering the fundamentals, Asian economies can address these behaviours and problems and achieve stability and growth


Asset Management Companies formed a crucial part of emergency measures to address the 1997 crisis

Creation of legal framework for investment in distressed assets and bulk sales of non-performing loans (NPLs)

Establishment of limited-life, specialised asset management companies (AMCs)

Introduction of new rescue procedures to insolvency regimes

Formal restructuring (often modeled on US Chapter XI); and

Development of informal workout practices

Informal restructuring (London approach).

Establishment of limited-life, specialised asset management companies (AMCs)


AMCs tactical goal was to restructure NPLs and contribute to the broader strategic aims of financial and macroeconomic stability


• To improve the quality of distressed assets• To preserve the value of the debtor’s

business as a going concern if The business is viable; and Return to creditors can be



• And more broadly, to prevent bank failures, stabilise the financial system and recover economic activity and growth


AMCs and similar specialised agencies proliferated throughout the region

Financial Restrucuting Advisory Committee

Financial Sector Restructuring Authority (FRA), Asset Management Corporation (for non-bank financial companies

Corporate Debt Restructuring Advisory Committee


DanamodalDanahartaCorporate Debt Restructuring Committee (CDRC)


Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation

Korea Asset Management Corporation (KAMCO)

Corporate Restructuring Co-ordination Committee (CRCC)


Indonesian Bank Restructuring Authority

Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA)

Jakarta InitiatveIndonesia

Agency for bank recapitalisation

Asset management company

Voluntary corporate workout

Source: IMF



Improved bankruptcy proceedings and promoted new rescue legislation

Implemented workouts and corporate restructuring through debt-equity swaps and lending working capital

Promoted foreign participation and ownership in real estate and corporate restructuring

Put into practice new financial expertise:

Worldwide marketing for distressed Korean assets;

Asset valuation technologies,

Structuring of financial transactions;

New financial instruments, such as mortgage and asset-backed securities, collateralised debt obligations

Korea’s KAMCO

is considered among the region’s

success stories


Examples (cont’d)

Co-ordinated sales across a range of selling institutions

Focused on 58 suspended finance companies

Used various packaging approaches

Sales were reported as the largest one day sales in history

Implemented (with varying degrees of success) techniques aiming to increase prices

Effective mechanism to dispose of foreclosed assets

FRA experience prompted the adoption of new procedures by the MoJ Legal Execution Department

Thailand FRA

For the first time in Asia, AMCs and rapid disposition agencies,

like FRA, have developed a culture for

bulk sales


Asian AMCs, by and large, achieved their strategic goals

Respected country specific challenges

Dealt with legal, institutional and structural shortcomings

Served as vehicle for reforms and financial innovation

Supported the involvement of the private sector


2. Post-crisis measures averted financial system meltdown, but did not successfully address underlying behaviours and structural weaknesses


In implementing emergency measures and pursuing strategic goals, AMCs faced serious constraints and made choices

• Banks recapitalised but not reformed • Little restructuring of the debtors owning the transferred NPLs

• Run by governments and potentially subject to interference• Still building expertise• Insufficient disciplines / incentives imposed on banks• Moral hazard • Limited period of operation

Tactical compromises

Institutional limitations of



At some point, failure to address these tactical, but critical issues can lead to another crisis

● Private estimates now place total NPLs in Asia at US$ 2 trillion, or nearly 30 % of the region’s annual GDP.

●There might not be enough fiscal and monetary liquidity for governments to recapitalise the financial system


3. There is a clear need to master fundamentals so crisis does not recur


To deal meaningfully with bad debt, AMCs need to master the basics


•Independent oversight board with clear mandate•Defined and transparent procedures •Improved reporting standards

Greater focus on restructuring

•The quality and speed of asset resolution is key•Taking ownership of NPLs and proactive managemen•Working with debtors to improve cash-flow of assets underlying NPLs

Greater powers and institutional capabilities

•For example, power to separate bad management from the debtor and to liquidate debtors, which cannot be expeditiously restructured•Training, knowledge transfer•leadership


To deal meaningfully with bad debt, AMCs need to master the basics (cont’d)

Incentives and disciplines for banks

•Enhanced accountability of banks and bank managers•Ensure banks put in place risk-analysis and credit management systems •Ultimate burden no longer transferable to AMCs

Greater protection of creditor rights

•Credible liquidation procedures and efficient secured transaction processes•Triggers and incentives for insolvency


Strong and credible regulators, free from political pressure


The state must actively involve itself

Providing sound legal and regulatory framework

Where necessary, providing resources

Governance, accountability and transparency

Ensuring a role for the private sector

Political will is key




OECD and Insolvency

The OECD is active in insolvency reform in Asia and Central / Eastern Europe since 1993.

OECD, in co-operation with APEC, AusAID and the government of Japan, established a Forum for Asian Insolvency Reform (FAIR) as a sustained policy dialogue platform for discussion and exchange of experience on insolvency reform.

The OECD participates in the World Bank Insolvency Initiative, aiming to identify principles and guidelines for sound insolvency systems.


The OECD Forum for Asian Insolvency Reform

The FAIR was born of the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis.

Private estimates now place total NPLs in Asia at US$ 2 trillion, or nearly 30 % of the region’s annual GDP.

In recognition of the challenges stemming from the enormous level of bad debt, FAIR shared goal is to take sound policy and to ground it in the situation and circumstances of each country of the region.


The OECD Forum for Asian Insolvency Reform (cont’d)

The First FAIR (Bali, 2000) focused on recent developments and the role of the judiciary

The Second FAIR (Bangkok, 2002) discussed informal workouts and insolvency reforms in Thailand

The Third FAIR (Seoul, 10-11 November 2003) will examine the approaches to maximising value from distressed assets and NPLs


Founded in 1961 as a follow on to the Marshall Plan, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development promotes international codes, guidelines and principles by which countries can make their economic systems compatible.

Co-operation programmes (49)Co-operation programmes and participation in OECD bodies* (16)OECD Members (31)

* Non-Members not participating in OECD bodies take part in OECD meetings and activitiesupon ad hoc invitations.

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For More Information on FAIR