Morning Exercises You Can Do Before Going To Work

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Morning Exercises You Can Do Before Going To Work

Morning Exercises You Can Do Before Going

To Work

There are a lot of studies showing how exercise in the morning can lift up the mood of someone and can make them perform better all throughout the day.

Here are the morning exercises you can do every morning to help you improve your performance all day long.

Go For A Quick Jog, Walk Or Run

Connect with nature. You can go for a short run, jog or run every morning for at least 15 minutes. This can warm up your body for the tasks you have to do as you go on with your day.

Do Some Pushups

If you prefer to do your morning stretches indoors, you can also do pushups. Kick things up with variety of pushups for your chest, arms and legs.

Try Lunges

If your focus is to tone your thighs, glutes, hips and back, you can do lunge exercises every morning. With this exercise, you can try a set of between 8 and 12 reps.

Wake Your Body Up With Crunches

If you are targeting your abs, you can try bicycle crunch to target muscle groups. You can start from 15 to 20 reps and gradually increase it every day.

Start Your Day With Stretching Inchworm

This is a gentle way to warm up your body. Take a deep breath and start stretching your body. This kind of exercise can help you improve your blood circulation.

Morning exercises are mood boosters, no doubt about it. If you want a more precise exercise that is suited for your body needs, you can seek look for personal training program that is designed specifically for you.