Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 7... · Web viewCorporate Priorities 2015/16 – Q3...

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Transcript of Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 7... · Web viewCorporate Priorities 2015/16 – Q3...

Report to Trust Board – 21 April 2016Report Title Corporate priorities 2015/16 – Q3 and Q4 monitoringReport from Johanna MossPrepared by Johanna MossState impact on CQC domain (if applicable)

Well led

State impact on corporate priorities

Summarises the extent to which the 2015/16 corporate priorities have been successfully delivered.

List of attached appendices (if applicable)

Appendix 1 – detailed assessment of delivery of corporate priorities in Q3 and Q4

Reference documents that are not attached (e.g. previous reports or appendices)

Brief Summary of ReportThis paper provides a detailed assessment of delivery against our corporate priorities during Q3 and Q4 of 2015/16.

Action RequiredThe Board is asked to note this paper.

Item 7

Corporate priorities 2015/16 – Q3 and Q4 monitoring

This paper provides a detailed assessment of delivery against our corporate priorities during Q3 and Q4 of 2015/16. Performance against the corporate priorities was mixed, with consistent delivery in five areas;

Theatre Refurbishment: Execute the City Road theatres maintenance plan efficiently and safely, with as little disruption to our patients and staff as possible.

The Moorfields Way: Continue the development and implementation of the Moorfields Way (TMW)

Education: Progress the implementation of the Education Strategy Moorfields Pharmaceuticals: Implement the agreed restructuring of our

pharmaceuticals commercial activities to deliver a commercially viable business. Private Patients: Continue the development and expansion of our private patient


Progress in our key capital development programmes (Project Oriel, St Georges and Moorfields East) was limited, largely due to external factors which impacted Moorfields’ ability to progress the projects. Actions were taken to mitigate these issues in Q4 which has enabled some progress to be made and which will support delivery of these continued priorities in 2016/17.

Similarly, progress in the corporate priority relating to the electronic medical record (EMR) has been significantly enabled by the arrival of a new Chief Information Officer during Q3. This will enable delivery of the EMR priority agreed for 2016/17.

Our focus on quality and safety will continue during 2016/17, strengthened by the new leadership arrangements in place at executive level and by lessons we will learn during the imminent CQC inspection.

The Board is asked to note delivery against the 2015/16 corporate priorities.

Corporate priority Q3 RAG rating Q4 RAG ratingTransformation: Implementing key work streams that will deliver significant improvements in patient experience and operational effectiveness.Theatre Refurbishment: Execute the City Road theatres maintenance plan efficiently and safely, with as little disruption to our patients and staff as possible.Ocular Oncology: Conclude the safe transfer of the management of the ocular oncology service from Barts Health to Moorfields, ensuring that the service is operationally and financially sustainable.Quality and Safety: Continue to drive improvements in quality and safety across the organisation by implementing the 20 key objectives set out in the trust’s Quality PlanProject Oriel: Progress the development of our new joint facility with the IoOElectronic Medical Record: Continue the development of our electronic medical record systemThe Moorfields Way: Continue the development and implementation of the Moorfields Way (TMW)


Education: Progress the implementation of the Education StrategySt Georges : Progress planning for the re-provision of Moorfields’ facilities at St GeorgesMoorfields East: Progress the establishment of a surgical hub in the East of LondonResearch and Development: Maintain our excellence in R&D through continued progress in the implementation of the joint R&D strategyMoorfields Pharmaceuticals: Implement the agreed restructuring of our pharmaceuticals commercial activities to deliver a commercially viable business.Private Patients: Continue the development and expansion of our private patient services

Johanna MossDirector of strategy and business development14 April 2016


Appendix 1

Corporate Priorities 2015/16 – Q3 and Q4 Monitoring

This report provides an update to the Trust Board on progress against the Q3 and Q4 milestones for the 13 corporate priorities for 2015/16. A refreshed monitoring format is included in this report and it would be helpful to get feedback from Board members on the format and content.

The key to the RAG ratings is as follows:

Action completed in quarter plannedActions not fully completed in quarter but plans in place to complete in next quarterActions no complete in quarter and high risk of non-completion in next quarter

Priority Area Transformation: Implementing key work streams that will deliver significant improvements in patient experience and operational effectiveness.

Executive Lead John Quinn

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGOverall the work of this priority area will be taken within the clinical pathway transformation groups. The actions that are remain relevant and open will be form part of the action plans for these.

Action compliance varied.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q3 Objective

Q4 Progress RAG

Reducing the amount of time our patients wait when they visit the hospital in high priority areas;

Completion of the pathway mapping exercise.

Pathway mapping not complete

Programme extended to acknowledge the learning from the pathway mapping exercise. Any quick wins implemented.

Pathway mapping for Glaucoma and Uveitis have been completed. This work will help advise

actions for the new transformation programme

Phase one of the outpatient improvement programme at St George’s underway.

This is not started. A new strategic building approach is in discussion.

Phase one of the outpatient improvement programme at St George’s completed.

This is not started. A new strategic building approach is in discussion

Proposal for the development of one floor of Caton Street as a virtual / optometry-led glaucoma clinic costed and agreed.

Not on schedule to be reviewed as part of the new transformation programme.

Caton Street development on schedule.

Not on schedule to be reviewed as part of the new transformation programme.

Number of patients identified for virtual clinic model increasing and information developed to help patients to understand this initiative.

Virtual clinic working and number increasing month on month.

Number of patients identified for the virtual clinic model optimised.

Virtual clinic model now up and running. Scaling up plans yet to be developed. Will be part of the transformation programme.

Floor walker pilots underway at St George’s and at City Road.

Floor walker pilot started.

Identify the opportunity / capacity for parallel clinics

Floor walker now in place

Agree patient pathways to facilitate stratification, and understand demand.

Uveitis pathway stratification not started.

Set up a dedicated clinic for anterior uveitis.

Uveitis pathway stratification being worked up. Not complete.

Develop a method sheet to facilitate a higher rate of discharge for appropriate patients.

Glaucoma discharge work underway

Establish new clinic profiles for dual consultant clinics.

Glaucoma review being undertaken and


discharges being done at the Croydon site. This work needs to be rolled out across the organisation and will become part of the outpatient transformation programme

Review and update scrutiny forms to acknowledge stratified clinics.

Not started in Q3. Business case implementation complete.

Not taken forward. This action will be assessed as part of the transformation programme and included if relevant to the programmes work.

Identify resources required to support pre-planning of care and review clinic templates accordingly.

Not started – will be part of the transformation programme.

Establish the role of clinic co-ordinator, and the principle of clean start

Not started – will be part of the transformation programme.

Introduce performance dashboard.

Not started. Work started with information team to develop. This will extend into next financial year.

Business case implementation

Not started.

Improving theatre efficiency throughout the network

Complete staff consultation , finalising the employment of staff within specific roles

Process of staff engagement undertaken

Introduction of new processes for the admitted pathway


Complete feasibility study for reallocation of admitted pathways and present to the TMB

Ensure practice development facilitator in place to provide daily



training and mentorship strategy for theatre staff

In liaison with teams improve the theatre session start times identifying first patient to start the list

All policies and procedures updated and disseminated to all theatre staff

Processes all updated and standard operating processes updated and disseminated.Complete

Conduct review of theatre timetable to re-plan sessions and commence the process for introducing service specific theatres.

This process has started and been mapped out. Yet to be implemented

Complete review for the emergency admitted pathway

Improving administrative processes at all points along the patient pathway including booking processes to reduce the incidence of appointments being cancelled and rescheduled, and the management of medical records to minimise the number of missing notes;

Implement action plan developed in line with the second stage review and the outcome of the TMB presentation,

Action plan started. Outpatient meeting started.

Continue to implement action plan developed in line with the second stage review and the outcome of the TMB presentation

Will be incorporated into the outpatient transformation programme. Also a restructure of admin processes will be undertaken as part of the clinical review structure to bring them under one leadership.

Agree and define outcome measures to be used to measure the success of this work including the number of outpatient appointments subject to hospital initiated

Will be incorporated into the outpatient transformation programme. Also a restructure of admin

Successfully deliver agreed performance targets, including <3% of outpatient appointments

As above


cancellation and rescheduled appointments as a percentage of the total number.

processes will be undertaken as part of the clinical review structure to bring them under one leadership.

subject to hospital initiated cancellation (against 3.8% in 2014/15, and <12% of appointments rescheduled (against 15.9% in 2014/15).

Deliver the relevant objectives of the clinical records department recovery plan.

Started. Deliver the relevant objectives of the clinical records department recovery plan.

Initial objectives complete. Now moving to outsourcing option part of review

Monitor performance against the agreed outcome measures

Started. Monitor performance against the agreed outcome measures, and achieve year-end targets including <0.5% of the number of records used being temporary, (as compared to 0.7% in 2014/15)

0.3% temporary rate hence complete

Implementation of the digital tracking of records project.

Not started. Complete the implementation of theDigital tracking of records project

Still ongoing. Finalising the business plan.

Award records storage contract.

Not awarded. Continue the delivery of the longer term strategy.


Commence the delivery of the longer term strategy.



Progressing plans to implement six day working where appropriate.

TBC in line with the objectives of the action plan and the agreed performance milestones.

Ongoing. TBC in line with the objectives of the action plan and the agreed performance milestones.



Priority Area Theatre Refurbishment: Execute the City Road theatres maintenance plan efficiently and safely, with as little disruption to our patients and staff as possible.

Executive Lead John Quinn

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAG

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective

Q4 Progress RAG

Execute the City Road theatres maintenance plan efficiently and safely, with as little disruption to our patients and staff as possible

Complete the refurbishment programme for theatres seven and eight, and re-commission these theatres.


Quality, activity and income targets achieved.

Activity dropped during the move

The programme is due to be completed on 4th December 2015.



Priority Area Ocular Oncology: Conclude the safe transfer of the management of the ocular oncology service from Barts Health to Moorfields, ensuring that the service is operationally and financially sustainable.

Executive Lead John Quinn

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGService performing in line with most targets. 14 day and 2 week waits are slightly below.

Service performing in line with most targets. 14 day and 2 week waits are slightly below.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGConclude the safe transfer of the management of the ocular oncology service from Barts Health to Moorfields, ensuring that the service is operationally and financially sustainable.

Ensure that service is performing in line with standards included in the performance matrix.

Service performing in line with most targets. 14 day and 2 week waits are slightly below.

Ensure that service is performing in line with standards included in the performance matrix.

Service performing in line with most targets. 14 day and 2 week waits are slightly below.


Priority Area Quality and Safety: Continue to drive improvements in quality and safety across the organisation by implementing the 20 key objectives set out in the trust’s Quality Plan

Executive Lead Tracy Luckett & Ian Tombleson

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGGood progress made in some areas but competing priorities and changes in key posts has resulted in slippage in some areas.

Focus on CQC preparedness has impacted on the rate of progress. Good development in trust wide awareness of safeguarding (mental capacity act)

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGPreparing for a visit to Moorfields

Develop and agree the core event letters that need to be produced by PAS, including asking patients whether they would like to receive information via email or in large print.

PAS letters reviewed including GP letter and made more patient-friendly.

Introduce a process to formalise changes to core letter templates on PAS.

Review and update all current information leaflets, publish them on the trust’s website and ensure that they are available in the Health Hub.

Paediatric patient information has been reviewed and the communication team are branding and uploading these.

Conduct a benchmarking exercise involving clinical services and other ophthalmic providers to establish gaps in patient information.

Work has commenced on a systemic review of the adult information leaflets.

Develop a plan for the next suite of information videos and request funding.

Consider the feasibility of providing audio information via the trust’s website.

Having appointments, care and treatment at Moorfields;

Complete refurbishment and expansion of intravitreal suite.

Work underway and completion date remains on schedule

Completion of build Building complete and open. Favourable feedback from patients and staff

Interpreting services proposal implemented, subject to approval.

Successfully piloted telephone scheme into two clinical areas

Initial proposal to extend to the wider organisation (city road only)

Agreed that the review and implementation of


the wider project will form part of the transformation programme

Introduce new ECLO service in MEH East.

ECLO commenced in September 2015 and is actively recruiting a cohort of emotional support workers.

Complete the recruitment of six emotional support workers to support the Moorfields East ECLO service

A total of nine emotional support workers are in place. Informal feedback from patients and staff are supportive of the service.

Start receiving reports from the Symbiotic system.

Start has been postponed until Q1 16/17

Start receiving reports from the Symbiotic system

Start date due Q1 16/17

Develop a formal process to learn from incidents, incorporating the duty of candour and the being open policy.

Strengthened the procedure by introducing a formal reporting structure within the serious incident process and recruitment of quality partners

Evaluate the impact of the additional reporting processes the dedicated focus of quality partners

Not achieved because of CQC preparation

Begin the implementation of the new model for ophthalmic nursing.

Scoping and stakeholder involvement continued and planned completion by Q4

Review completed document and share recommendations to key stakeholders

Draft document completed – aim to agree recommendations in Q1 16/17

Audit the effectiveness of the new MCA training and its impact on the quality of patient care.

MCA training continued throughout Q3- agreed to delay the re-audit until Q1

Review effectiveness and impact of training and agree work plan to implement recommendations

Recommendations progressing well. Improved understanding of MCA – re- audit due Q1-2

After a visit to Moorfields;


Continue to prepare for the forthcoming CQC inspection in May 2016, with an ambition of achieving a rating of at

Appoint two quality partners. Two quality partners now appointed (the second in Q4)

Continue to roll out local improvement plans.

Good progress made

Continue to roll out local improvement plans.

Good progress made Iterative site/local assessments Good progress made


least “Good”.

Ongoing site/local assessments

Good progress made Continuing refinement of organisational performance available

Good progress made and CQC self-assessment submitted in Q4

Refined organisational view of performance available

Good progress made


Priority Area Project Oriel: Progress the development of our new joint facility with the IoOExecutive Lead Johanna Moss

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGLimited progress in securing preferred site at St Pancras. Camden & Islington SOC sign off and letter explicitly referencing MEH

is positive and encouraging. Progress has been limited whilst new C&I CEO is awaited.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGSecuring a site for the new building

SOC signed off for the preferred site including MEH as a shortlisted option.

C&I MHT SOC signed off at Trust Board 28th January (so actually Q4).

OBC identifies preferred option.

Unable to draft MEH OBC until there is further certainty on securing preferred siteOutline business case (OBC)

commenced to identify the preferred option.

Unable to develop MEH OBC until there is further certainty on securing preferred site

Complete detailed assessment. Unable to develop MEH OBC until there is further certainty on securing preferred site

Maximising the return from the sale of the City Road site

Receive the SPD and assess implications.

LB Islington have not issued this yet. Probably awaiting Mayoral election result.

Make the decision to proceed and to procure advisors.

MEH has advisors on board who have performed very well. A review to be undertaken before moving to next stage.

Agree contract with UCL/IoO for the joint sale of the City Road site, the acquisition of a new site and the development of the new facility.

Sale proceeds not yet agreed.

Design development; Design brief signed off by TMB and the Trust Board.

Complete at a point in time. Will be refreshed nearer the time of going to market.


Launching the fundraising campaign.

Engage with major donor prospects.

Ongoing, some excellent meetings held with significant prospects.

Engage with major donor prospects.

Ongoing, some excellent meetings held with significant prospects.

Identify an additional 200 353 new major donor


new major donor prospects.

prospects identified during the course of the year.

Engage with consultants. Continued focus on engaging with consultants (particularly those not currently engaged with MEC).

Engaged with consultants Worked closely with c50 consultants during 2015-2016 of whom over 20 were new connections with little previous engagement with MEC.

Engage with volunteer leaders and host first volunteer event.

Planning for major gift prospect reception in March 2016 at the RICS and 1:1 meetings with a select number of potential volunteer leaders.

Host volunteer reception. Held a reception on 3 March for major donor prospects at RICS with over c100 individuals in attendance with a good mix of those who have supported us previously and others for whom this was their first engagement with us.


Priority Area Electronic Medical Record: Continue the development of our electronic medical record systemExecutive Lead Elisa Steele

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGConsultancy firm appointed to develop EMR business case.OpenEyes development continued with V12 – Biometry integration.Infrastructure focus was on satellite remediation project improving image back up, network switches and defining infrastructure improvements.

Development of outline business case. Affordability issues identified.Benefits workbook developed.OpenEyes development and support outsourced. V12 delivered and V13 commenced.Satellite site upgrade project continues with review of network links, completion of nightly central backups and deployment of replacement servers.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGAgreeing and delivering a commercial and technical solution to ensure a strong future foundation for the application

Draft Outline Business Case Consultancy firm appointed to support production of business case

Produce Outline Business Case

Options presented to S&I committee Jan 2016.Draft OBC presented to S&I committee March 2016.

Outline Business case approval by management committees and the Trust Board.

Put on hold pending arrival of new CIO

Outline Business case approval by management committees and the Trust Board.

Update presented to TMB January 2016.OBC presentation to TMB and Board deferred to April 2016 due to Capital position and affordability gap.

Ensuring its applicability in all Moorfields sites and services

Rectify space factors on satellite sites.

Implemented strategy to back up image devices to City Road. Reviewed

Replace servers and migrate servers to host server farms.

Kit received and installation commenced on 5 sites and due to complete 1st week of


options for satellite site links.

May subject to local site server room access issues being resolved.Third party engaged to review infrastructure.Wider Area Network strategy to be reviewed in 16/17

Commencing implementation of the planned clinical and operational benefits of the system.

Review and monitor the implementation of the digitalisation strategy and the EMR benefits realisation plan.

OpenEyes V 11 delivered. Version 12 development commenced.EMR benefits realisation plan put on hold pending arrival of new CIO

Review and monitor the implementation of the digitalisation strategy and the EMR benefits realisation plan.

OpenEyes Version 12 delivered and deployed in pilots.Development and support outsourced to third party. Version 13 development commenced.

Workshops with stakeholders to reviews, risks, specification and benefits, Jan 2016.

Produced first cut of benefits workbook for OBC.


Priority Area The Moorfields Way: Continue the development and implementation of the Moorfields Way (TMW)Executive Lead Sally Storey

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGSteady progress. Pleasing results from the Staff Friends and Family Test showing 90% of respondents had heard of TMW and 27% said they were seeing a difference.

Steady progress continues, with a template rolled out to all departments for action planning incorporating staff survey 2015 actions

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGIntegrating the commitments and behaviours into key organisational processes and systems, including appraisals and recruitment;

Roll out commitments-based recruitment process.

Bank of questions for use in interviews and selection

Consider introducing TMW based pay progression.

Pay progression based on TMW given some consideration but being held pending roll out of new appraisal timetable

Develop and implement training for managers in TMW based performance management.

Range of training material and guidance now available on the intranet supporting appraisals.

Making appropriate connections to other relevant organisational initiatives such as the transformation programme, Care Quality Commission (CQC) readiness planning, and learning and development programmes;

Develop TMW criteria/categories for the 2016 Moorfields’ Stars event.

TMW successfully built in to Moorfields Stars for 2016.

Support preparation for the CQC inspection.

Links made and full support provided

Support preparation for the CQC inspection.

Links made and full support provided.

Directorate and department level action planning, tailored to their specific needs and linking to staff survey action plans.

Implement action plans. Action plans developed and in progress.

Review results of the 2015 survey and refresh action plans as necessary.

2015 survey shows some improvements. Plans in development for areas requiring further action

Conduct 2015 national staff survey.

Survey conducted.


Priority Area Education: Progress the implementation of the Education StrategyExecutive Lead Sally Storey

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGFunding secured from Special Trustees. Discussions well advanced with the Institute of Ophthalmology with a

view to establishing this as a joint post. Work on a joint JD and specification underway.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGRecruiting a new director of education;

Review basis of appointment made.

Review extended to consider a joint appointment with the Institute of Ophthalmology

Discussions about this being a joint appointment with the Institute of Ophthalmology well advanced.

Reconsider appointment, if appointment not made / deferred.

Funding for a part time role secured.

Work on a joint JD and spec nearly complete.

Creating an integrated education directorate;

Confirm structure of new directorate and transfer appropriate staff (reliant on the director of education).

Contingent upon the appointment of a director

New directorate goes live. Contingent upon the appointment of a director

Formalising the strategic partnership with the IoO;

Finalise and sign off agreement (reliant on director of education).

Contingent upon the appointment of a director

Developing an education business plan;

Develop plan in conjunction with stakeholders (reliant on director of education).

Contingent upon the appointment of a director

Publish plan (reliant on the director of education).

Contingent upon the appointment of a director

Agreeing the education requirements for the new building.

Work ongoing. Work ongoing.


Priority Area St Georges : Progress planning for the re-provision of Moorfields’ facilities at St GeorgesExecutive Lead Johanna Moss

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGLeadership of project transferred to the capital investment & development directorate in January. Good progress has been made in Q4 in re-engaging the clinical team at St Georges and initiating discussions about purchasing land, to enable development of a standalone Moorfields facility.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGAgreeing a revised relocation plan with St George’s hospital management

TBC Two options identified and discussed with SGUH Strategy & Development Directors and indicative costings shared. MEH to respond with proposal after D Probert and Miles Scott meet to determine appetite to buy and sell.


Creating and implementing a delivery plan

TBC Not started. TBC

Agreeing and implementing a solution for our short-term space requirements.

Use existing space under implied lease discuss possibilities of extra space

Continue with existing space, confirmed no extra available Agreed with SGH DoE&F to create new leases including both theatres and inside the Act for security of tenure

Agree with SGH space for outpatients and surgical to regularise implied leases into documented signed leases including two theatres. These to be inside the landlord and tenant act for security of tenure. Buy 1/April/16

Draft lease terms agreed with SGH and legal teams but SGH Director of Estates has left the trust so lease not finalised or taken to respective Boards. New negotiations to begin with new incumbents.


Priority Area Moorfields East: Progress the establishment of a surgical hub in the East of LondonExecutive Lead Johanna Moss

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGFinding a site with a willing seller that suits the travelling needs of our patients and staff has gone very well.

Indications are that the HoT will be sensible but need to see them to progress to bus case completion.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGConcluding the options appraisal and finalising the business case;

Business case approved by the Project Board, the Trust Management Board and the Strategy and Investment Committee.

Business case written as far as possible pending site being secured.

Business case approved by theTrust Board, the Membership Council and Monitor (if required).

Business case written as far as possible pending site being secured. Will not be presented to the Board until a site has been secured.

Establishing a financing plan;

TBC Project affordable after finance teams refresh of capital projects in December 2015


Securing appropriate premises; TBC

Heads of Terms awaited from owners who are very keen to trade with MEH


Creating and implementing a delivery plan.

TBC To follow HoT above TBC


Priority Area Research and Development: Maintain our excellence in R&D through continued progress in the implementation of the joint R&D strategy

Executive Lead Peng Khaw / Maria Hassard

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGSlipped on a couple of issues but made up by Q4 Good progress contracts with external company are awaited from

them, but as a new therapy we anticipate needed to take sufficient time to get the position clear.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGRecruiting and retaining outstanding research talent;

Cornea /ED post advert out.

Advert scoped awaiting interview dates.

New MR researchFellow sessions in place.

Completed x4.

Increasing commercial trials and developing commercial partnerships.

Oxford Biomedica GTManufacture Nile St& Athena VisionSite requirements.

OB moved to Guys for GT manufacture.Athena progresses Nile St.

Cheisi potential UK referral site for Holoclar.

Discussions nearing completion. Hope to have contracts sorted by April / May.

Increasing patient access to research;

Pushing recruitment to meet CRN target.

Tracking to target. Genomics patient recruitment increaseLooking to stay on target

Tracking ahead of target.

Demonstrating value to funders and research impact via improved communication output, especially but not limited to, translational research;

Hiring editorial journalist to produce 3 case studies.

Press release for London Project.

.About 4 weeks behind schedule due to time taken to get researchers meeting time .Release occurred ahead of competitive PR.

Promoting research excellence event

Held on 29.02 Fight for Sight attended.


Developing the case for BRC and CRF renewal with UCL IoO formal review of academic position and future projections.

Schedule external BRC meetings and internal alignment plans.IoO SIG groups to complete review work up via consultation

Achieved and held in January

Completed Dec 15

Submit BRC PreQualifying questionnaire part 1 of re-application.New themes announced and joint clinical and scientist leaders appointed.

Submitted on time 14.02.16Achieved


Priority Area Moorfields Pharmaceuticals: Implement the agreed restructuring of our pharmaceuticals commercial activities to deliver a commercially viable business.

Executive Lead Alan Krol

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGSome objectives achieved but financial objectives below plan and plans for Ireland under revision.

Review of strategic options underway through the process established by the Trust and good progress being made. Financial objectives for the products business below plan due to exceptional costs associated with restructuring the business. Consolidated business (including manufacturing) on budget.

Priority Area Detailed Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Detailed Q4 Objective

Q4 Progress RAG

Following closure of the Moorfields Pharmaceuticals manufacturing unit, implement the agreed restructuring of our pharmaceuticals commercial activities to deliver a commercially viable business.

Review and update marketing plans in relation to CCGs

Marketing plans updates with Key Account Managers responsible for CCG implementation activities

Develop strategic options for the long term future of the business.

Strategic options have been identified and process established by the Trust to evaluate them. External advisers appointed. Outline business case is being prepared for consideration by the Trust.

Finalise product distribution agreements in retail optometry.

Arrangements with specialist wholesalers established

Review sales revenues and profit against agreed business plan.

Products business achieved YTD

sales revenues of £4,196K which were £739K or 15% below budget (£4,935)

achieved YTD EBITDA of £198K which was £158K or 44% below of budget (£356K)


Included in Trust financial reporting.

Establish long term sales team plans for Ireland.

Long term plans for activities in Ireland under review following the rejection of re-imbursement for the vast majority of products

Formal board review of position against business plan, and the longer term future of the business.

This will take place as part of the strategic options review over the next few months.

Develop a business plan and review of new ophthalmic ointment products.

Market opportunities reviewed but no new ointment products identified

Review sales revenues and profit against agreed business plan.

Board review of position against business plan.

Products business achieved YTD sales

revenues of £3,230K which were £173K or 5% below of budget (£3,403)

achieved YTD EBITDA of £217K which was £97K or 31% below of budget (£314K)

Included in Trust financial reporting.


Priority Area Private Patients: Continue the development and expansion of our private patient servicesExecutive Lead Maria Dimmock

Summary of Progress for Quarter 3 RAG Summary of Progress for Quarter 4 RAGThe focus has been on moving forward with the project to expand the private outpatient facilities following Board approval of the Full Business Case for capital investment in the Cayton Street facility in Q2.The intention to further expand private patient services across the Moorfields Network has failed to materialise due to difficulties in scheduling on-site meetings. However, the Purley service has been set up and marketing plans and materials agreed with local consultants.Work has begun on budget planning for 2016/17.

The focus continues to be on delivering the new private outpatient facilities and a Project Board and Project Team have been established to oversee and progress this. The programme is on schedule to complete the first of a 2-stage plan by the middle of Q1 2016/17.The intention to further expand private patient services across the Moorfields Network continues to be frustrated by the inability to set up on-site meetings and this continues to be pursued.The long awaited new website was launched in January and early indications are that it is having a significant effect on driving calls to the Moorfields Private Helpline.

Priority Area Q3 Objective Q3 Progress RAG Q4 Objective Q4 Progress RAGExpanding the City Road outpatient facilities through the development of the Cayton Street building;

Lease in place and renovation project commenced.

Tender process now complete and contract awarded to Cuffe PLC. Project team meetings established and project plan being developed.

Complete the project to facilitate the relocation of the refractive service from the Arthur Steele Unit into Cayton Street. The extension of the remaining John Saunders Suite (JSS) consulting space to follow in 2016/17.

Work commenced on 8th February 2016 with 2 phases. Phase one is due for completion mid-May 2016 and is currently running to plan.

Continued expansion of private patient services in the West End and at Moorfields Croydon/Purley, Ealing, Stratford and Northwick Park;

Commence private patients’ services commenced in Ealing Hospital, including associated surgery.

Multiple planned meeting dates with NHS General Manager have been cancelled at short notice. Continue to try to progress this.

Commence private patients’ services commenced in Northwick Park Hospital, including associated surgery.

Multiple planned meeting dates with NHS General Manager have been cancelled at short notice. Continue to try to progress this

Working in collaboration with Moorfields Private consultants through

The first meeting took place on the 5th November 2015 and was attended by 14

A further planned meeting with consultants (supported by the interim CEO and Trust Director of


the newly formed Advisory Group, and continuing to explore joint venture opportunities.

consultants, all of whom gave good feedback on the concept of the forum and felt it was important for information sharing and improved understanding of plans for private patients services.

Finance) will take place on 5th April 2016 regarding JV opportunities and the future direction for Moorfields Private.