Mom's Place Gluten-Free corn dog mix

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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BYU-IdahoCOMM 462Product Redesign

Transcript of Mom's Place Gluten-Free corn dog mix

Product Redesign by Josh Jacobs

Corn Dog Mix

Product Redesign Plan..........................2

Style Guide........................................4

Package Design...................................6

Photo Comparison...............................7


Mom’s Place Gluten-Free is a company based in Idaho Falls, ID that provides gluten-free recipies and products for almost any occasion.Mom’s Place Glu-ten-Free was created by a group of men and women who are either gluten intolerant, have family members who are, or who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Their backgrounds range from a stay-at-home mom to a firefighter and EMT, but they all share the same desire, to make gluten-free “a life style! Not a life sentence.” Gluten intolerance can happen at any time and at any age. For many people, the most iconic events of their childhood and young adult life happen either at home or at Grandma’s house. Which is why the product will tar-get mothers and grandmothers of all ages. To make Mom’s Place Gluten-Free Corn Dog Mix packaging more appealing to the target audience and

to increase sales, a couple changes will be made to the overall design and to the product itself. First, the current container will be changed to a box style format to make shelf storage easier. Second, the new packaging will incorporate the col-or scheme found throughout the company’s website so the consumer will be able to make the correlation between product and company. Third and last, advertisements will take the form of a pop-up coupon that will appear on the website’s home page advertising 40% off the first-time consumers next purchase of Mom’s Place Gluten-Free products when they enter in their email address. In addition to the inital 40% off, they will be notified through email when new discount coupons become available.

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40pt, 21pt

45.54pt13.28pt, 9.49pt



Body Copy:



1/4 in.

1/4 in.

2 inches




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Valid at only select retail stores. Only one coupon per purchase. EXPIRES 7/25/2015

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