Modern technology impacts on vehicle suspension

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Modern technology impacts on vehicle suspension

Modern Technology Impacts on Vehicle Suspension

Vehicle suspension was originally invented by the American engineer name J.

Walter Christie to use on tank during World Wars II, it dramatically improved speed and recoil of the tank.

This Technology has been used on most vehicles since then, and it has been redesigned and improved.

This article is going to show you what design other designs of suspensions are being made, and how are they benefiting

the world.

The following examples such as hydraulics suspension, air bag suspension, and original spring suspension.

Different Types Of Vehicle Suspensions In

The World

Hydraulic not only works in the car, it also applied on many office and home furnishing.

Such as Office chair.

Also, modern robotic arms are used Hydraulic technology as well, since the arms are able to move in a much faster


Hydraulic suspension works very well in off road vehicles, since the drivers are able to lift up to travel through

dangerous mountains that regular suspension is not capable doing.

Air bag suspension uses air compressors, air tank, and rubber mounts bag instead of springs.

You can find these suspension on bus and 18 wheelers, because some of these vehicles constantly loading objects

so this will provide the convenience.

This design is actually very durable since the rubber

mounts bag last a lot longer than springs itself.

Ordinary Vehicle Suspension Used in Modern Time

Spring suspension has been developed over time, when it was first introduced there was only shock handling the

vehicle weight.

Then engineer realized that the shock blew so quickly since there wasn’t enough resistance to handle the vehicle


Certain grade quality of springs is actually able to handle a ton of weight, and they are small enough to fit in the shock


And the shock itself will handle the rebound of the vehicle, so the driver don’t feel every single pumps on the road.

This way the Driver will have a much comfortable driving experience.

If you drive an automobile vehicle on the road more likely you are benefiting from what we know the vehicle

suspension, and it always has benefited every single one of us since it was invented, and it has been redesigned and engineered to improve quality and stability since then.

There any many different forms of suspension and each one of them serve different purposes, that is the art of
