Model-based control algorithm development of induction ......Regarding the control algorithms of...

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Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116


Model-based control algorithm development of inductionmachines byusing a well-definedmodel architecture and rapid control prototyping

Krisztián Horváth1 ·Márton Kuslits2 · Szilárd Lovas1

Received: 3 January 2019 / Accepted: 25 January 2020 / Published online: 10 February 2020© The Author(s) 2020

AbstractThis paper presents a new control algorithm development approach for induction machines by using model-based designand a systematically built model architecture implemented in MATLAB/Simulink. The model architecture follows a three-layer structure, and it is developed according to the principle of functional decomposition and the needs of reusability andexpandability. The first model layer consists of elementary model and algorithm components, the second contains a machinesimulation model and a field-oriented control (FOC) algorithm, built upon the first layer’s components, and the third realisesthe executable models by connecting the models and algorithms defined in the second layer. Furthermore, rapid controlprototyping (RCP) is discussed as an experimental validation method, and an experimental setup with RCP is also introduced.The application of the presented methods is demonstrated by simulations as well as by experiments, and by using a controlalgorithm based on FOC as an example.

Keywords Induction machine ·Control algorithm development · Field-oriented control (FOC) ·Model-based design (MBD) ·Modular architecture · Rapid control prototyping (RCP) · MATLAB/Simulink

AbbreviationsDRFOC Direct rotor field-oriented controlDSC Direct self-controlDTC Direct torque controlECU Electronic control unitFOC Field-oriented controlHIL Hardware-in-the-loopMBD Model-based designNIC Network interface controlPMSM Permanent magnet synchronous machinePWM Pulse width modulationRCP Rapid control prototypingSRTT Simulink Real-Time targetTI Texas instrumentsUI User interface

List of symbolsids d-Axis stator current (A)

B Krisztián Horvá

1 Széchenyi István University, Egyetem tér 1., Gyor 9026,Hungary

2 Independent researcher, Gyor, Hungary

iqs q-Axis stator current (A)idr d-Axis rotor current (A)iqr q-Axis rotor current (A)ia , ib, ic Phase currents (A)vds d-Axis stator voltage (V)vqs q-Axis stator voltage (V)vdr d-Axis rotor voltage (V)vqr q-Axis rotor voltage (V)va , vb, vc Phase voltages (V)ψds d-Axis stator flux (Wb)ψqs q-Axis stator flux (Wb)ψdr d-Axis rotor flux (Wb)ψqr q-Axis rotor flux (Wb)ω Speed of reference frame (rad/s)ωr Rotor electrical speed (rad/s)ωm Rotor mechanical speed (rad/s)ϕ Position of reference frame (rad)ϕm Rotor mechanical position (rad)Rs Stator resistance (�)Rr Rotor resistance (�)Ls Stator inductance (H)L r Rotor inductance (H)Lm Mutual inductance (H)Te Electromagnetic torque (Nm)


1104 Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116

Tl Load torque (Nm)p Number of pole pairsJ Rotor inertia (kgm2)D Viscous friction coefficient (Nms/rad)T0 Static friction (Nm)

1 Introduction

Induction machines are widely used for their well-knownadvantages such as reliability, robustness, and low cost.Besides their advantages, induction machines may requirecomplex control solutions when used in demanding, some-times safety-critical applications like, e.g. electric vehicledrives. Development of control algorithms and embeddedsoftware formotor controllers, however, may be challenging,and software quality, reusability, and functional safety mea-sures may be required. In this context, model-based design1

(MBD) methods may help to fulfil the emerging require-ments. MBD relies on the joint simulation model of themachine and the associated control algorithm under develop-ment, i.e. the control algorithm is developed in a simulationenvironment which provides early validation capabilities bysimulation experiments. This approach speeds up the devel-opment and improves the software quality as it helps to revealerrors and design flaws early [1].

Although the systematic application of MBD is notwidespread, yet inmotor control development, several papersdeal with related problems. Since models have a distin-guished role in MBD, one may review first the literaturewhich deals with simulation models of machines. Thesemodels are often implemented in MATLAB/Simulink envi-ronment as that is used widely for simulation and controldesign of electric drives. The fundamental literature inthis topic is [2]. In [3], an early implementation of elec-tric drive models in MATLAB/Simulink is described. Animportant contribution of that study is the introduction ofa higher abstraction level approach based on physical signalconnections. The latter is the state-of-the-art simulation tech-nology today as used in many simulation environments likeMATLAB/Simscape and Modelica. Paper [4] describes aninduction motor simulation model, including control algo-rithms and their implementations in MATLAB/Simulink.Studies [5–7] focus on the application ofMBDmethods withemphasis on motor control software development. Paper [8]describes the MBD-procedure of the embedded control soft-ware of an on-board charger device. Besides the generalpresentation of the MBD-procedure, it focuses on safety

1 For avoiding confusion, one should be aware that the term model-based refers to the development method instead of models potentiallyapplied in control algorithms as in the case of internal model controlmethods, for example.

and software quality issues of embedded systems and pointsout that the application of MBD is a possible way to over-come the related problems. Study [9] discusses conceptsw.r.t. the utilisation of the block diagram interface and blockhierarchy of MATLAB/Simulink. The same study describesmodelling considerations like, e.g. functional decompositionas well. Paper [4] also describes some aspects of func-tional decomposition similarly to [9] and presents a referenceimplementation of models and algorithms by using the user-defined library features ofMATLAB/Simulink.However, theusage of these features is spontaneous rather than systematic.In paper [10], component variability and reusability conceptsin MATLAB/Simulink environment are discussed.

Regarding the control algorithms of induction machines,fundamental methods are field-oriented control (FOC) byBlaschke [11] and direct torque control (DTC) by Taka-hashi [12]. Alternatively, Depenbrock [13] proposed anapproach similar to DTC, the direct self-control (DSC).Study [14] compares FOC and DTC methods and concludesthat FOC usually shows lower current and torque rippleand may provide better steady-state performance besidesvery low speeds. In contrary, better torque response maybe achieved by using DTC (or DSC), and DTC does notrequire any mechanical transducers on the machine shaft incontrast to FOC (see in [14] aswell). By using estimator algo-rithms, however, rotational sensors might be eliminated fromthe FOC scheme as well, see [15–17] for example. Further-more, there are several variants of FOC schemes. For squirrelcage induction machines, the direct rotor field-oriented con-trol (DRFOC) technique is usually applied, as discussedin studies [18,19]. Since FOC-based methods have becomeindustrial standard algorithms for induction machine control(see [20]) and this paper aims at a new development method-ology of complex motor control algorithms, only DRFOC isconsidered as a control algorithm example in the rest of thepaper.

If one regards the deployment of control algorithms intoan actual physical environment, rapid control prototyping(RCP) becomes a key technology in theMBDworkflow.RCPconsists of a dedicated high-performance real-time capa-ble target computer and the corresponding software toolswith which the control algorithms may be validated effi-ciently in the actual physical environment, replacing all orbypassing some of the functions of the electronic controlunit (ECU) of the system. Depending on the latter, one mayconsider ECU fullpass and ECU bypass RCP configurations,see [21–23]. The same papers discuss the background andprinciples of RCP applications, describe the general require-ments of RCP systems (surplus performance, broad range ofI/O, transparency through virtual instrumentation, etc.), anddistinguish between ECU fullpass and ECU bypass configu-rations. Textbook [24] describes RCP as a method appliedtypically for ECU bypassing and presents an application


Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116 1105

example related to engine control development. Study [25]discusses various RCP applications, especially ECU bypass-ing over CAN. RCP is applied in control development ofelectric drive systems aswell. Giving a big picture, paper [26]discusses the complete development procedure of electricdrive control systems, including MBD, RCP, and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing methods. Other works focus onmore specific problems. For example, Rubaai et al. [27] applyRCP in a cascade ECU fullpass configuration for controldevelopment of servo drives, study [28] for a cascade posi-tion control of a permanent magnet synchronous machine(PMSM)-based servo system, and [29] in ECU fullpass con-figuration for development of speed control algorithm forbrushless DCmachine. In paper [30], RCP andHIL solutionsare utilised for failure analysis of induction machine drives.AnRCPsystem is also applied in [31],where a rotor bar breakdetection method is presented and investigated experimen-tally. Studies [32,33] use RCP approach to verify a dynamicemulation strategy ofmechanical loads and for a novelmodelpredictive speed control method of a DCmotor, respectively.

There are mixed methods (e.g. on-target prototyping)involving some RCP-like solutions as well. For example,work [34] applies on-target RCP for FOC and servo algo-rithm development of induction machines. Similarly, Kangand Park [35] use on-target RCP for induction machine FOCwith space vector modulation. Paper [36] presents an RCP-like approach for on-target simulation in order to developFOC for PMSMs.

Code generation for ECUs is also an aspect of MBDmethodology, and application of code generation tools rep-resents the state-of-the-art method for production target codeimplementation of embedded systems. Paper [37] discusseshow the code generation capabilities of MATLAB/Simulinkcan be applied in the development process of critical embed-ded systems. Code generation applied in controller develop-ment of PMSMs is discussed in [38].

The present paper describes a new approach to controlalgorithmdevelopment of inductionmachines. Thepresentedapproach follows the MBD methodology, strongly relieson MATLAB/Simulink features, and—contrary to the priorworks—strictly follows a systematic modelling concept. Foralgorithm design and simulation, a reusable model archi-tecture is introduced, which is a novelty in motor controldevelopment. The presented architecture follows a three-layer structure. The first model layer contains the elementarymodel and algorithm components, defined by the principleof functional decomposition. The second layer contains amachine simulation model and a DRFOC algorithm, builtupon the first layer’s components, while the third realisesthe executable models by connecting the models and algo-rithms defined in the second layer. Moreover, the applicationof the proposed method including the experimental valida-tion by RCP is demonstrated by using the DRFOC-based

control algorithm as an example. The RCP configurationis built in such a way that the software component realis-ing the DRFOC algorithm is deployed onto a specialisedhigh-performance target computer ensuring the excessivecomputing power and transparency required for researchor early-stage development activities. The authors disclosethat the paper extends the results of the former conferencepaper [39]. As novelties over [39], the model architecture isextended, an RCP-application is included, the demonstrationmodels and algorithms are improved, and an experimentalsetup is developed as well.

The content of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2describes the theoretical induction machine model and theapplied DRFOC algorithm used in the rest of the paper. Sec-tion 3 describes the core contribution of the paper, namelythe new model-based development approach, including themodel architecture, principles of RCP, and the experimentalsetup. Finally, Sect. 4 presents an implementation examplewith experimental results based on the principles and meth-ods described in Sect. 3.

2 Theoretical models and algorithms appliedin the paper

This section describes the theoretical models and algorithmsapplied in the paper. The simplified system model of aninduction motor drive consists of a plant model and a con-trol algorithm where the plant model is a lumped parametermodel of a squirrel cage induction machine, and the controlalgorithm is the DRFOC. All of the models and algorithmspresented in this section are derived according to [20,40,41].

2.1 Lumped parameter inductionmachinemodel

The dynamic model of an induction machine is a lumpedparameter type by its nature and consists of an electricaland a mechanical submodel. The standard notations of themachine model are listed in the list of symbols.

2.1.1 Electrical model

The electrical model characterises the electromagneticbehaviour of the induction machine. The model may be for-malised byvoltage equationswritten in a two-phase referenceframe. The well-known stator voltage equations in rotatingreference frame follow as

vds = Rsids + d

dtψds − ωψqs (1)


1106 Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116


vqs = Rsiqs + d

dtψqs + ωψds. (2)

Similarly, rotor voltage equations may be written in the samerotating reference frame as

vdr = Rridr + d

dtψdr − (ω − ωr )ψqr (3)


vqr = Rriqr + d

dtψqr + (ω − ωr)ψdr (4)

where vdr = 0 and vqr = 0 because in squirrel cage inductionmachines the rotor electrical circuit is short-circuited.

ψds,ψqs,ψdr, andψqr may be calculated byflux equations.Flux equationsmaybewritten for both the stator and the rotor.Stator flux equations result as

ψds = Lsids + Lmidr (5)


ψqs = Lsiqs + Lmiqr. (6)

Similarly, rotor flux equations are

ψdr = L ridr + Lmids (7)


ψqr = L riqr + Lmiqs. (8)

By using the stator current and rotor flux components, theelectromagnetic torque of the machine follows as

Te = 3


L r(iqsψdr − idsψqr). (9)

Equations (1)–(9) represent the electromagnetic behaviourof the induction machine in any rotating reference frame.Equations (1)–(4) become simpler by substituting ω = 0;therefore, this choice of ω is applied in the following. Thischoice of ω, however, is applied only for the electrical modelof the machine. For the control algorithm, there is a differentchoice.

2.1.2 Mechanical model

The mechanical part of the machine model is defined by theequation of motion as


dtωm = Te − Tl − Dωm − sgn(ωm)T0


where ωm = 1pωr.

2.2 DRFOC algorithm

This section introduces the applied control algorithm, whichis a variant of theDRFOC. The block diagramof a commonlyusedDRFOCalgorithm is depicted in Fig. 1.As shown in thatfigure, the magnetic field and the electromagnetic torque arecontrolled independently from each other, while the rotatingreference frame is fixed to the rotor flux vector.

In the chosen reference frame, the rotor flux is equal toψdr and ψqr = 0. Based on Eqs. (3) and (7), the ψdr may becalculated from the ids stator current component by using thetransfer function

G (s) = Ψdr(s)

Ids(s)= Lm

LrRrs + 1

. (11)

The rotor flux position may be calculated from Eqs. (4) and(8) as

ϕ = pϕm + RrLm

L r


dt (12)

where ϕm = ∫ωmdt .

According to the DRFOC block diagram in Fig. 1, theflux and torque of themachine are controlled in the rotor flux-oriented reference frame through the d- and q-components ofthe stator current, respectively. In the applied scheme, phasecurrents ia and ib and the mechanical position of the rotor ϕm

are measured. The phase current ic is calculated accordingto Kirchhoff’s law for Y-circuit:

ia + ib + ic = 0. (13)

In order to obtain the stator current components ids andiqs from the phase currents, the Clarke- and Park- transfor-mations are applied, which may be written by the followingmatrices:

C = 2


⎡⎢⎣1 − 1

2 − 12

0√32 −





⎤⎥⎦ and P =


cosϕ sin ϕ 0

− sin ϕ cosϕ 0

0 0 1

⎤⎥⎦ .


The current references for the control loops are calculatedfrom the flux and torque references as follows. The d-axiscurrent reference results as

i refds = ψ ref



Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116 1107

Fig. 1 Block diagram of the DRFOC algorithm

whereψ ref is the flux reference. The q-axis current referencemay be calculated as

i refqs = 2




L r


T refe

ψ ref (16)

where T refe is the electromagnetic torque reference.

In the current control loops, the PI controllers may bedesigned to the linear parts of the plant model, which maybe written as

vlinds = Rsids + Lsσd

dtids (17)


vlinqs = Rsiqs + Lsσd

dtiqs (18)

where σ is the leakage coefficient, i.e. σ = 1 − L2m


In order to improve the control performance, the outputs ofthe PI controllers should be corrected by the nonlinear partsof the voltage equations. These nonlinear parts are calcu-lated by the decoupling algorithm according to the followingequations:

vnonlinds = L2mRr


(ids − ψdr


)− Lsσ

(ωr + RrLm

L r





vnonlinqs =(

ωr + RrLm

L r


) (Lsσ ids + Lm

L rψdr

). (20)

Finally, the phase voltages may be calculated from vds andvqs by using inverse coordinate transformations. The inverse

Park- and Clarke-transformations may be obtained as multi-plications by P−1 andC−1. As shown in Fig. 1, the outputs ofthe inverseClarke-transformation block act as control signalsof the inverter.

3 Key elements of the proposedMBD-approach: modular modelarchitecture and RCP

This section is the core contribution of the paper as it presentsthe new MBD-based development approach through its keyelements. Firstly, the new, well-defined three-layer modularmodel architecture is introduced with emphasis on softwaredevelopment andmaintenance aspects. Functional decompo-sition and componentisation aspects of the machine modeland the DRFOC algorithm are discussed as well. Subse-quently, an RCP concept including an experimental setup isdescribed for validation of the control algorithm in the actualphysical environment. Finally, certain aspects of embeddedcode generation are discussed.

3.1 Derivation of the three-layer model architecture

Before the implementation of the simulation model of theinduction machine, one may take some modelling consid-erations into account. For example, Eqs. (1)–(9) and (10)are two loosely coupled descriptions of the electrical andmechanical behaviour of the induction machine. Because ofthe loose connection, it is straightforward to treat these equa-tions separately when they are implemented in a simulationmodel. Similar considerations also may apply to the DRFOCalgorithm. As shown in Fig. 1, the control algorithm con-sists of many well-defined components like the coordinatetransformations, PI controllers, etc., as described by expres-


1108 Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116

Fig. 2 Three-layer architecture of libraries and models

sions (12)–(20) as well. These components might be treatedseparately during the implementation procedure, leading tofunctional decomposition of the complete system.

Although concepts like functional decomposition andcomponentisation are general, this section presents tech-niques which are partially dependent on the application ofMATLAB/Simulink. Features of MATLAB/Simulink likeblock libraries, library links, masks, and model referenc-ing provide algorithm development tools which are similarin function to object-oriented programming methods [42].Libraries contain the prototypes of blocks and library links,and masks realise instantiation of the linked components.These properties render MATLAB/Simulink to be a usefulenvironment for the development of complex algorithms likecontrol algorithms of induction machines.

By using the mentioned features of MATLAB/Simulink,almost infinite variations of functional decompositions andmodel architectures may be implemented. In order to find asuitable choice, one should consider the complexity of thesystem. In this case, a three-layer architecture of librariesand models has been created, see in Fig. 2. Layers are thecomponent layer, the model layer, and the utilisation layer.The component layer contains the atomic components ofthe system, which result from the functional decomposi-tion. Components are grouped into three separate librariescontaining simulation model components, control algorithmcomponents, and general components. The applied structureof grouping follows from the nature of the motor controlproblem; however, a different structure might be applicableas well. The second layer is the model layer, which con-tains the main components of the complete system, namely


Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116 1109

the simulation model of the induction motor, and the controlalgorithm2 (DRFOC). Components applied in these subsys-tems are linked to the prototypes in the component layerlibraries. The third layer is the utilisation layer, where themodels are actually applied, either for simulation or for codegeneration. This layer realises the instantiation of compo-nents; thus, parameters are applied in this place.

The presented three-layer structure ensures the variabilityof components andmodels aswell, similarly to [10].Variabil-ity means that libraries in the first and second layers might bechanged or replaced by alternate versions. By using this capa-bility, it is simple to develop modified versions of the controlalgorithm. Similarly, it is also easy to adapt the system for dif-ferent machines by associating the existing algorithms withaltered parameter files.

The presented architecture also facilitates software main-tenance. Regarding the general component library, for exam-ple, it is apparent that any change in that librarywill propagateautomatically through the links to all instances of the affectedcomponents. Thus, if a component is instantiated multipletimes, it is sufficient to maintain only its prototype imple-mentation.

3.2 Rapid control prototyping

RCP may be regarded within the MBD-procedure as a coun-terpart of simulations, as it similarly allows early validation,but in the actual physical environment. By usingRCP, controlalgorithms may be efficiently validated in the actual physicalenvironment, even if the final target hardware (ECU) is notavailable yet. The core of RCP is a dedicated real-time capa-ble target computer and the associated software stack whichprovide

– surplus computing performance and a high number ofI/O channels,

– quick and easy access by automated target configuration,code generation, and deployment driven by themodellingenvironment,

– a transparent execution environment in which all param-eters may be tuned, and all signals may be monitored inreal-time and logged with high sampling rate, and

– additional supportive tools like user interface for virtualinstrumentation, experiment control, and automation.

By usingRCP,wemay embed and execute control algorithmsin the actual physical environment, besides the advantageousconditions listed above.These properties also open the oppor-tunity to execute computationally ineffective experimentalalgorithms and to iterate with them rapidly, as may occur in

2 To be precise: the term control algorithm refers to model implemen-tation of the control algorithm here.

early development phases and research projects often; there-fore, RCP holds a key role in MBD. The same propertiesapply for HIL applications as well, although the aim is dif-ferent in that case. Usually, similar or the same tools may beused for both RCP and HIL applications.

RCP systems may be set up in different configurations.In the simplest case, the RCP target computer completelyreplaces and substitutes the ECU of the actual system. In thiscase, the RCP target computer has the same interface as thereplaced ECU has and obviously, all the functions performedby the ECU are done by it. In the literature, this configurationis often called as ECU fullpass [22,23].

An alternate and more widely used configuration is thatthe original ECU still remains in the loop and does the inter-face handling and maybe executes some parts of its originalfunctions. In this case, only a specific part of the controlalgorithm is executed on the RCP target computer, whichis connected to the ECU through a dedicated communica-tion interface. This configuration is usually called as ECUbypass, and the dedicated communication interface as theECU bypass interface [21–25].

Some literature mentions the possibility of the so-calledon-target prototyping as a possible variant of RCP, see [23]for example. In that case, however, the target platform is stillthe original ECU; thus, some of the above listed propertiesare not available.

In this work, an ECU bypass RCP configuration is usedas follows. A PC-based target computer (HP BX383AVwith Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.3 GHz, see [43]) is appliedwith software tools provided by the Simulink Real-Timetoolbox; thus, the target computer is called Simulink Real-Time target (SRTT) hereinafter. The bypassed ECU is amotor controller which is based on a Texas Instruments (TI)Hercules TMS570LC437 microcontroller [44] and the asso-ciated TI DRV8301-HC-EVM Rev-D power stage, whichincludes a three-phase full bridge circuit driven by pulsewidth modulation (PWM) [45]. In addition, an AnalogDevices EVAL-AD2S1210EDZ resolver interface is appliedfor rotor position measurement [46]. The ECU bypass inter-face is based on raw Ethernet communication, which isperformed by a TI TMDX570LC43HDK 10/100 Mbit/secnetwork interface controller (NIC) on the ECU side, and byan IntelGigabit EthernetNICon theSRTT side [47]. Ethernetis applied here due to its relative high package frequency andbandwidth capacity which are required for this ECU bypassconfiguration since theDRFOC algorithm is executed at highsampling rate. The complete experimental setup is super-vised and controlled by the host computer, which providesreference and enable signals from its virtual instrumentationuser interface (UI). The layout of the physical connectionsof these components is depicted in Fig. 3, while the actualexperimental setup is shown in Fig. 4.


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Fig. 3 Components of the applied RCP configuration

Fig. 4 Experimental setup: host computer 1, SRTT 2, motor controller3, induction machine 4, power supplies 5

The motor controller performs the measurement of cur-rents and the rotor mechanical position, controls the PWMoutput, and deals with low-level functions like, e.g. over-current protection. The DRFOC algorithm itself, however,is bypassed and executed by the SRTT. In order to executethe DRFOC algorithm on the SRTT, all the necessary signalslike measured phase currents and resolver position are sentthrough the bypass interface. After receiving these, the SRRTexecutes the DRFOC algorithm, and sends back the results(phase voltages) to the motor controller through the bypassinterface. Additional signals like references and enabling areoriginated from the host computer’s UI. The flow of thesesignals is observed in Fig. 5.

The procedure is driven by the SRTT which acts as amaster in the ECU bypass communication. After the motorcontroller receives a message consisting the updated phasevoltages, an interrupt is executed,which triggers the responsemessage, which includes the last measurements of ia , ib, andϕm. In the meantime, the update of the PWM outputs and thesynchronised measurement of ia and ib are performed on themotor controller side. The whole cycle is executed with thesampling time Ts = 10−4 s, which is the sampling time of

Fig. 5 Signal flow within the RCP configuration

the control algorithm as well. The sequence of execution isseen in Fig. 6.

3.3 Automated code generation and integrationinto an embedded target device

When the developed control algorithm reaches the requiredmaturity, it may be deployed on its final embedded target(ECU). Within the frames of MBD, state-of-the-art toolsprovide capabilities for automated target code generationfrom algorithm models defined on higher abstraction lev-els. In embedded system development, MATLAB/Simulinkand Embedded Coder are widely used tools for this pur-pose. Target code can be directly generated from Simulinksubsystems. However, it is practical to perform the code gen-eration procedure from a dedicated Simulink model. Themain reason for this is that this approach allows target-


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Fig. 6 Execution sequence diagram

specific components (e.g. interface blocks) to be added tothe model, which are not relevant in a simulation other-wise. Integration of the generated code into the completesoftware stack might be easier by using target-specific mod-ifications. The model and library architecture presented inFig. 2 support this approach (see the part of the code gen-eration model for embedded target deployment) becausethe control algorithm in the code generation model islinked to the corresponding library and therefore consis-tency between the algorithm design and the generated code isensured.

Typically, the top level of the control algorithm is gener-ated into a single function in the target language. In orderto ensure the proper operation of the algorithm, the gener-ated function has to be integrated into a real-time executionenvironment on the target device. The execution environ-ment must provide the same sampling time (Ts), which isconsidered for the control design and applied in the sim-ulation model. This may be fulfilled either by running thealgorithm on a real-time operating system or by calling itdirectly via timed interrupts. Besides the real-time execu-tion, the necessary inputs (phase currents ia , ib and rotorposition ϕm) must be provided by the target environmentas well.

Table 1 Parameters of the applied induction machine

Description Symbol Value Dimension

Rated power 0.8 kW

Rated speed 3950 1/min

Rated frequency 140 Hz

Stator resistance Rs 4.7 �

Rotor resistance Rr 5.2 �

Stator inductance Ls 0.1788 H

Rotor inductance L r 0.1790 H

Mutual inductance Lm 0.1690 H

Number of pole pairs p 2

Rotor inertia J 0.0008658 kgm2

Viscous friction coefficient D 0.005028 Nms/rad

Static friction T0 0.02276 Nm

4 Implementation example

By recalling the introductory section, onemay remember thatMBD enables the early validation of control algorithms bysimulations and RCP. This capability is especially useful forsuch closed-loop control algorithms like the DRFOC (notethe closed current control loops in Fig. 1), as the behaviourof closed-loop controls is hardly predictable otherwise. Thissection presents an implementation example for such a sys-tem by using MATLAB/Simulink and utilising the methodsand principles described in the previous section. The firstsubsection presents how the executable simulation model,including theDRFOC algorithm, can be implemented. After-wards, a code generation model for RCP target deploymentis described. Finally, the simulation and experimental resultsare discussed and compared. In the experimental setup, aLenze MCA 10I40-RS0B2-Z0C0-STBS00N-R0SU induc-tion machine is applied with nominal parameters describedin Table 1 (for more details see [48]). These parameter val-ues of the machine are used in the forthcoming simulationsas well.

4.1 Simulationmodel

By starting from the top level, the executable simulationmodel implemented in MATLAB/Simulink environment isseen in Fig. 7. The figure may be associated with the sim-ulation model depicted in the top right of Fig. 2. Featuredsubsystems are the DRFOC control algorithm and the induc-tion motor simulation model subsystems. Both of them arefeatured in the model as links pointing to the correspondingmodel layer library blocks in accordance with the previ-ously described principles. It is also important to note thatthe DRFOC subsystem is designated with a thick boundaryline. This designation indicates the atomic subsystem feature


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Fig. 7 Top level of simulation model implemented in Simulink

of the MATLAB/Simulink environment. This feature allowscontrol of the execution and code generation properties ofblocks, like execution order and sampling rate, for exam-ple. Since the DRFOC block is distinguished in this way, itis also possible to control the simulation execution proper-ties of subsystems separately, e.g. the sampling rate of theDRFOC subsystem may be different compared to the rest ofthe simulation model.

Implementation of the DRFOC algorithm is shown inFig. 8. Subsystems of the MATLAB/Simulink implementa-

tion of the control algorithm are in correspondence with thefunctional components depicted in Figs. 1 and 2. Subsystemsare featured as links pointing to the corresponding componentlayer library blocks. Note that the subsystems are designatedas atomic subsystems. By using this feature, it is possible tocontrol the automated code generation process and ensure thegeneration of each subsystem into separate functions in thetarget language, thus enforcing the functional decompositionprinciple in the generated code as well.

4.2 Code generationmodel for RCP targetdeployment

By using the proposed RCP approach, the DRFOC algorithmmay be investigated experimentally as well.

As shown in Fig. 2, a specific code generation model isnecessary for RCP. Similarly to the simulation model, thecode generationmodel for RCP is also implemented inMAT-LAB/Simulink environment, as shown in Fig. 9. This modelconsists of subsystems for the Ethernet communication of thebypass interface and the DRFOC control algorithm, in accor-dance with the structure depicted in Fig. 5. Just as in the case

Fig. 8 DRFOC algorithm implementation in Simulink

Fig. 9 Top level of code generation model for RCP implemented in Simulink


Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116 1113

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3−1



i a[A


• ia (measured)• ia (simulated)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3−1



i b[A


• ib (measured)• ib (simulated)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 30





t [s]



• m (measured)• m (simulated)

Fig. 10 Comparison of simulated and measured variables

of the simulationmodel, theDRFOCblock is utilised as a linkpointing to the control algorithm block in the model layer asdepicted in Fig. 2; therefore, it contains the same algorithmthat is shown in Fig. 8. During the deployment procedure, aself-contained code may be generated from the model shownin Fig. 9, which may then be compiled and deployed to theSRTT.

4.3 Simulation and experimental validation

In order to demonstrate the proposed development approachthrough a working example, the DRFOC algorithm is inves-tigated by simulation, and the results are validated experi-mentally as well. The validation is based on the comparisonof the simulated signals to their measured counterparts. Inaddition, some derived quantities are also available in theRCP environment. The derived signals are not measured ornot measurable directly, but might be calculated online andalso compared to their simulated doubles.

According to the principles of the MBD methodology,the simulation model and the RCP enable the investigationof the overall system performance, both within the simula-tion and experimental environments. Although various types

of investigations could be performed in this framework, theusual method is to check the step responses of the simu-lated and the actual systems. In this case, the step responsesrepresent the starting transient behaviour of the inductionmachine as well. After the machine reaches the steady-staterotation, a sudden load is also applied by engaging an elec-tromechanical brake. For comparison, the same scenarios areinvestigated both experimentally and in the simulation envi-ronment. According to this consideration, the torque and fluxreferences are set to T ref

e = 0.15Nm and ψ ref = 0.12Wb att = 0 s, respectively, while controller parameters are propor-tional gains KP = 2.35 and integral gains KI = 287.01. Forthe simulation, the rated parameters of the inductionmachineare set according to the values of Table 1.

The results of the simulation and the experiment are seenin Figs. 10 and 11. Figure 10 shows the directly measuredsignals compared to their simulated counterparts. As can beseen in this figure, the measured stator currents ia and ib, andmeasured rotor positionϕm are close to the simulated signals.The minor differences between the measured and simulatedphase currents result from the measurement inaccuracies. InFig. 11, the most important derived signals are compared totheir simulated pairs, showing similar conformity.


1114 Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116

Fig. 11 Comparison of simulated and derived variables

The flexibility of the simulation model and the trans-parency of the RCP system allow the monitoring of anyinternal variable as well. For example, the simulation modelmay be extended by a virtual power meters by which theelectric power flow or certain losses of the machine may bemonitored in the simulations, or in real-time through the vir-tual instrumentation, or by the acquired and post-processedmeasurement data. For example, we may monitor the statorOhmic loss PR being themost significant loss component, seeFig. 12. However, there are limitations, as well. Obviously,the model captures only a limited set of features; therefore,properties beyond the capabilities of the lumped parametermodel cannot be investigated. Typically, phenomena associ-ated closely with the material properties of the machine, e.g.stator core losses, are out of scope.

Basically, the DRFOC algorithm provides satisfactoryperformance as it follows the references, and both currentand speed ramp-up transients are quick enough. Also, wemay observe that the controller remains operable and keepsgenerating the rotating field even when the external loadsuddenly stops the rotation. Although these results do nothold significance here on their own, they show that thepresented framework is suitable for setting up a properlyworkingmachinemodel and control algorithm. Furthermore,

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 30





t [s]



• PR (derived)

• PR (simulated)

Fig. 12 Stator Ohmic loss

the results show that the run of the measured and derivedvariables are in correspondence with the simulation results;therefore it may be concluded that the presented RCP con-figuration and the corresponding experimental setup enablethe validation of the models and control algorithms.

5 Conclusion and future work

Application ofMBDmethods may help to cope with increas-ing challenges in the field of embedded system development.This consideration applies to control systems of electric


Electrical Engineering (2020) 102:1103–1116 1115

machines as well. In this paper, an application of the MBDmethodology is presented for control algorithm developmentof induction machines. Within the confines of the work, amodular, reusable three-layermodel architecture and anRCPapproach for experimental validation are introduced, and itis also shown, how the model architecture can support thesoftware development procedure. By using these findings,an implementation example is also presented, including sim-ulation and experimental validation, where the latter showshow the discussed methods can lead to an actually workingsystem.

Besides the discussed advantages, there are limitationsas well, especially in the applied machine model, which isa simple lumped parameter type one, and therefore, doesnot capture the properties related closely to the materialproperties or structure of the machine. Thus, a possiblefuture development is the extension of the machine modelby such properties, e.g. by current-dependent inductances ortemperature-dependent resistances.

The authors also plan to use the presented developmentapproach in various future research projects. For example,an application may be found already in [49], where Kalmanfilters have been added to the control component library asnew components and then utilised in the model layer forspeed sensorless state estimation of the induction machine.

Acknowledgements Open access funding provided by SzéchenyiIstván University (SZE).

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adap-tation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, aslong as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and thesource, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indi-cate if changes were made. The images or other third party materialin this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence,unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If materialis not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and yourintended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds thepermitted use, youwill need to obtain permission directly from the copy-right holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit


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