Mobtimizers - Mobile strategy - Mobile moments

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Mobtimizers - Mobile strategy - Mobile moments


Mobile Moments (CEO & Partner Brian Egerup Kjærulff)

Mobile Moments

“Mobile moments redefine every customer relationship. If a customer wants

information or service in a mobile moment, that is your moment to shine.”

Source: Forrester

“To succeed… you must understand their journey and identify their needs and context at each potential moment…”

Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research

A Mobile Moment - Songkick

Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research

A Mobile Moment - Songkick

A Mobile Moment - Songkick

Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research




the mobile moment and context

the mobile engagement

your platform processes, and mobile

for people

results to monitor performance and optimize outcome

Start small with a platform

to extend

Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research

Idea Framework

Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research


• What are customers motivations?

• What does the customer need?

• What is their context?


• Who are you and what are your preferences

• Where are you and where have you been

• What are you up to and what do you want

• What device / technology are you are using

Apply Context to The Mobile Experience

Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research


• How can we offer our customers what they need in their mobile moment?

• How will we drive ongoing engagement?

• What are the mechanics of the engagement?


Costumer Journey

Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research

Air Travel

Mobile moments - Take your spot on the most personal device

Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research


• Processes

• People

• Platforms

Design Your Platform, Processes and Mobile For People


Source: The Mobile Mindshift - Forrester Research

Analyze to Improve Outcomes

• Instrument your app or mobile service with analytics to drive performance and outcome improvements

• Develop insights based on how your customers use the app, develop and test hypotheses through A/B testing

• Consider the physical world implications of what you learn

• Iterate your app or services through agile processes

The Goal - become a leader in your category

Mobil Modenhed

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