Mobile_Flow_Easterseals_8_29_2013 rev 1

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mobile_Flow_Easterseals_8_29_2013 rev 1

App start Splash Screen

Main Menu

News Donate Calendar Find US Volunteer My Account

Login Screen Returning User




Registration Tab

If Easter Seals Employee

Manage Event

News TabDonate


TabFind Us


Volunteer Tab

My Account


Manage Event Tab

Login Tab

General main screen flow

Option Not Available




Enter Necessary details

Register with server

Verify data



Auto login user after successful


Registration Flow


Valid Login

Validate with Server

Login details

Easter Seals Employee


Load Additional Menu options in

Home screen


Load Home ScreenNo


Home Screen


Login Flow

Forgot PassWord


Invalid Password Message


Check with server for new news. Load

Cached News articles until this

New ArticlesFetch from


Load more articles on scrolling. Use lazy

loading for thumbnail loading to

speed up scrolling

User clicks on an article. Load full

screen article

Fetch from server


News Screen flow (INCOMPLETE)


User enters his/her details

Launch Easter seals donate web page in

a web view

Donate Screen flow


Calendar Screen flow

Load Calendar events from the

server. Load Current month list

Fetch data from server

User can select from any of the options,

Volunteer opportunity

etc.Fetch data from server and display

User clicks on an event then show

details of that event. User can register for an event from this

screen. Easter seals employee could add an appointment into

this calendar.

NOTE: my events are denoted by a

different color

Find Us

Search By zip Search by area Search by Name

Fetch data from the server, load only

new data and show pins. Zoom to users

current location

Check for new updates from


Local search DB. Display list of

location on map using pins

Find us flow


Show list of Events for which users can

register as a volunteer

Pull data from server. Only show events

which are approved by


User selects Event to register for. Incase

of a already registered user,

Auto fill data. Ask for confirmation

from user

Update details for the event. Email QR code

to user

Display success message and also save the QR code within the app.

Show link to Calendar page

Volunteer flow

My Account

Push notification status sent to server

Forgot password Link. Data sent to

serverLogin/ Logout Profile details

Fetch Data from server

My Account Flow (Review Required)

Manage Event

Select Event from list

Is Event activated?

Check with Server

Display error message to User

No yes

Coordinator sees the menu. Scan to

register an entry or scan out a volunteer

Scans QR code

Data sent to server for

update and validation

Also show QR code data to the user for


Update counter and display to the users.

Manage Event Flow

Notifications1. Text with Bar Code Link2. Email With Bar Code Link3. Link to Volunteer Print Your Bar Code

Volunteer Registration Page

Name: Address:Email:Phone: Event 2

Event 1

Event 3

Event 4

Event 5

Bar Code Link Page

Name: Address:Email:Phone:

Event SupervisorTimeLocation

Event 5

Notifications1. Text with Certificate Link2. Email With Certificate Link3. Link to Volunteer Print Your Certificate

Coordinator Scanner Page

Scan – Bar Code

Name: Address:Email:Phone:

Event SupervisorTimeLocation

Event 5

Supervisor Dashboard

Name Address Phone Email Comments Event

Reports Volunteer Details

For Got PassWord