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Volume 13 Issue 7 July 2019



July Events/Activities at The Grove

Sunday Regular Schedule Wednesday Night Regular Schedule

Life Groups - 9:15 am Snacks & Fellowship Time - 6:00 pm DivorceCare - 6:15 pm

Worship - Sanctuary - 10:30 am Enrichment at the Grove - 6:30 pm Kids Quest - 6:30 pm

Student Worship Service - 6:30 pm

1 Boy Scouts - 7:00pm

2 Terrific Tuesday - 9:30am

Senior Center - 10:00am

Nominating Committee Meeting - 2:00pm

Crew 228 - 6:30pm

3 No Wednesday Evening Services

4 Independence Day (Office & Daycare Center closed)

6 Gym Reserved from 11AM - 3PM

7 Regular Sunday Schedule

Southern Gospel Choir Rehearsal - 3:00pm

8 Boy Scouts - 7:00pm

9 Terrific Tuesday - 9:30am

Crew 228 - 6:30pm

10 Potluck Fellowship Meal (Memory Lane) - 6:00pm

DivorceCare - 6:15pm

Kids Quest - 6:30pm

Student Worship - 6:30pm

14 Regular Sunday Schedule

Southern Gospel Choir Rehearsal - 3:00pm

Deacons Meeting - 4:00pm

15 Boy Scouts - 7:00pm

16 Terrific Tuesday - 9:30am

Senior Center - 10:00am

Crew 228 - 6:30pm

17 Regular Wednesday Schedule

20 Mission Trip to Guatemala (July 20-26)

21 Regular Sunday Schedule

Southern Gospel Choir Rehearsal - 3:00pm

Boy Scouts - 7:00pm

23 Terrific Tuesday - 9:30am

Crew 228 - 6:30pm

24 Potluck Fellowship Meal (Mexican Fiesta) 6:00pm DivorceCare - 6:15pm Kids Quest - 6:30pm

Student Worship - 6:30pm

28 Regular Sunday Schedule Southern Gospel Choir Rehearsal - 3:00pm Terrific Tuesdays Musical - 6:00pm (Sanctuary)

29 CentriKids Camp at Shocco Springs (7/29-8/2)

Scouts - 7:00pm

30 Crew 228 - 6:30pm

31 Regular Wednesday Schedule

Weekly AA Meetings

Mondays - 7:00 p.m.

Thursdays - 7:00 p.m.

Saturdays - 7:00 p.m.


Singing through the Summer!

It’s summer at Locust Grove, which means it’s time for two of our biggest musical events of the year!

These are great opportunities for fun, fellowship, and worship through song.

Legends at Camp Garner Creek

The “Terrific Tuesday” Kids

Performance Sunday, July 28th at 6:00 pm

School’s out, and the kids are less-than-thrilled to be headed to

“church camp” at Camp Garner Creek, until they hear about some of the legendary stories of heroes in the Bible: Daniel in the lions’

den, Queen Esther, and Joshua at Jericho.

Through catchy songs and quirky characters, our kids will learn

that God has a special purpose for all of us, and that each of us

is called to be a hero of faith.

Songs from the Great American Church Songbook

Summer Southern Gospel Choir

Rehearsals Sundays at 3:00 pm, beginning July 7

Sing-Along Concert Sunday, August 25th at 6:00 pm

Our summer Southern Gospel choir is open to music lovers

of any (or no) experience. We’ll sing fun arrangements of some

of the best-known and loved hymns and songs of the Southern

Gospel tradition, closing with a sing-along concert in the Rock Chapel. You can sing in the choir, or sing in the audience!

Either way, come and join us for this celebration of praise.


You never know what will stick with you. For me, one of those things is a movie I happened across one lazy Sunday afternoon my first year of college. It was a rare kind of movie, in that it was about a preacher. Not many of those, and fewer still where the preacher isn’t at least a bit of a villain.

The movie was “A Man Called Peter” and was not about the apostle. It was about Peter Marshall, a Presbyterian who, as a penniless young man of 24, emigrated from Scotland to the U.S. His seminary education was paid for by his Sunday School class, and after graduation he served churches in Georgia before accepting a call to pastor New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC - popularly known as “the church of Presidents.” Dr. Marshall was recognized as a compassionate pastor and a powerful preacher, willing to speak truth to power. He became a U.S. citizen in 1938, and in 1947 was appointed Chaplain of the United States Senate.

I recently came across several quotes from his sermons and prayers to the Senate, and thought their tone and spirit valuable.

“Most of us know perfectly well what we ought to do; our trouble is that we do not want to do it.”

“Lord, where we are wrong, make us willing to change; where we are right, make us easy to live with.”

“Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.”

“Give according to your income lest God make your income according to your giving.”

“The choice before us is plain: Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration. I am rather tired of hearing about our rights and privileges as Americans. The time is come - it is now - when we ought to hear about the duties and responsibilities of our citizenship.”

“A different world cannot be built by indifferent people.”

“If you hug to yourself any resentment against anybody else, you destroy the bridge by which God would come to you.”

“I need Thee, O Lord, for a curb on my tongue; when I am tempted to making carping criticisms and cruel judgements, keep me from speaking barbed words that hurt, and in which I find perverted satisfaction.

“Restrain my judgements. Make my criticisms kind, generous, and constructive.”

“May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.”

Marshall served in his role of Senate Chaplain for two years before he died of a heart attack at the age of 47. He accomplished much in a relatively brief career. His wife Catherine became the best-selling author of Christy and many other books, including the biography of Peter on which the 1955 film was based. Not only is it now easy to get ahold of the film, it’s still a good use of a lazy Sunday afternoon. The scene in which he preaches at Annapolis on December 7, 1941 is guaranteed to move you.

For many reasons, preachers don’t have the same voice of respect and authority they once had in the American public square, but in part it’s due to popular and prominent Christian voices becoming identified with cultural and political factions. Still, it’s intriguing to think of a voice like Marshall’s regularly ringing in the ears of power.

As we give thanks this month for our nation and its freedom, may we pray that the voices we raise - and those heard most clearly - will echo the ideals of Christian virtue: love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, humility. As Christians, we must always affirm that these virtues are what God blesses. Sam

Messages From A Man Called Peter

Discipleship Matters

Reflections on Spiritual Formation in

the Church

“Be following me.” Matthew 9:9


Wow, I find it next to impossible to be writing a July newsletter, but it pounced on us so

energetically and packed with activities I feel as though it's image blurs in comparison to events

approaching us. June sped by with Life Groups engaging with Seuss Sundays and Wednesday

nights involving teachable moments through movie nights, pizza time, Wacky Wednesdays and

overall fellowship. I continue to be humbled that volunteers meet with open hearts and eager

energy to unveil expository scripture references via well-received author, Dr. Seuss'

stories. Children consistently amaze me with their own scripture parallels that renew adult’s views

of life and hidden scripture in such well renowned literature; Children, our peep hole to the

soul. Our Children's Church volunteers arrive with curriculum packed full of videos pertaining to

scripture based lessons, bible reading, and crafts pertaining to the events unveiled via standards

set forth in the lesson as well as personal insight.

I express my deep admiration and gratitude to my interns, Maggie Broyles, Garrett Ancell, as well

as Ally Williams whose home base now resides with the Youth. I'm finding renewed hope in the

future of our carrying of the Gospel simply because of their willingness to serve our staff, church

body and children's ministry in such selfless ways.

June brought VBS, Father's Day celebration, Terrific Tuesdays and Wacky Wednesday and July

ushers in July 4 celebrations, Terrific Tuesdays, Wacky Wednesdays, and Kid's camp. We'll even

be sending off some team members to Missions work with Guatemala. Please jump into July with

jubilation and jack rabbit style anticipation of a God centered celebration of Life!



In July, 12 missionaries from Locust Grove will return to Guatemala for this year's summer mission trip. We are very excited that God is growing the ministry in Guatemala as a new partner, Wilson Lumber Company, has decided to begin working in a village near Chuluc called El Portrerillo. To help Wilson launch their efforts, we have overlapped 1 day of work between the Locust Grove team and the Wilson team - Sunday July 21. On this day we are providing buses to transport the people of Chuluc to the village of Portrerillo to serve as "local missionaries". We will hold a day of worship together, share a meal prepared by the people of Chuluc, and play with the children of the 2 villages on the school grounds. Our overarching theme for both teams is the story of Jonah and the whale and his resistance to share God's

word with the city of Ninevah.

While in Chuluc, our team will focus on Jonah related crafts, activities, stories, and an afternoon at our creation of the "Chuluc Movie Theatre" for a showing of the story of Jonah (complete with popcorn and souvenir tickets). Our team will also hold several events at a new home site for the family of the little boy Ever. If you attended our sponsorship meeting, you heard the story of this severely impoverished and outcast family in Chuluc. In addition to building a new house for this family, our team plans to provide new clothes, conduct lessons in house keeping and hygiene, and set an example

of discipleship for the people of Chuluc.

If you are a sponsor, it's time for you to prepare a gift bag! Pack a 1 gallon ziploc bag for our team to deliver to your sponsored child. Stuff it with goodies that are age appropriate for your child (toys, toiletries, books in Spanish, etc). We also ask that you send photos of you and your family along with an encouraging card or letter written in Spanish. Gift bags must be dropped off at Locust Grove no later than July 14!!!!

We are also accepting additional gift bags for any children we encounter who won’t otherwise receive one and money donations are needed to help provide food to the village, provide supplies for Bible School, pay for buses, and pay for clothes and supplies for the family of Ever. Please share details of our efforts with your friends

and family and let them know how they can help.

Donations can be made in person at Locust Grove or online at the following link. Please designate “Friends of Chuluc” on your donation.


Thank you for your prayers and your continued support of our work

in Guatemala.

If I can answer any question please feel free to email or call me at

(256) 651-2930

In Christ

Kim Broyles

International Missions Leader



We are excited to be able to offer Steady for Life classes for women and men in the New Market community beginning August 6th. Classes will be held on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11:00-12:00 here at Locust Grove. Steady for Life is a 501(c)3 non-profit that has as its primary mission to equip adults with strength, flexibility and balance techniques to diminish the risk of falls.

The highly-qualified staff of twelve provide 28 classes per week all over Madison County. In addition to classes, Steady for Life provides social activities, travel, health seminars, screenings and special programs.

Helen Ford is excited to be our instructor. Help us spread the word!

Cost: $24 for a month of classes Full or partial scholarships are available, if needed.

To register or for more information - Contact:

Kim Davis, Director of Steady for Life at 256-652-2912

Kim.Steadyforlife@gmail.com OR

Denise Tyriver, Steady for Life Board of Directors Secretary at 256-655-3411



1 Connor Leggett, James Henry, Matthew Ray

2 Savannah Randolph

3 Kendra Johnson

4 Pauline Wharton, Dee Coryell, Jim Pillsbury

7 Patsy Waldon, Jim White, Tara Durboraw

8 Dewayne Hall

9 Pete Campbell, Shelli Kirby, Sam Hawkins

10 Ken Daniels, Jeff Kirby

11 Cody Webster

12 Kathryn McCullough

13 Donna Findley, Alex Hall

14 Trish Lane, Isabella Jackson

15 Carin Wright

16 Susan Yates

17 Joyce Meier, Brandon Henson, Casie Harris, Daeton Bragg

18 Maryann Rainey, Bob Payne, Reta Tumlin, Jimmy Hill,

Penny Hauke, Tyler Couch, Amanda Cooper

19 Melinda Avery, Ed Hargrove, Sean Cleary, Piper Brown

20 Tony Tumlin, Misty Reed

21 Shelby Gresham

26 Mary Emma Clonts, Lily Medlen

28 Sawyer Rich

29 Reese Juliet Carter

June 2 - 145

June 9 - 127

June 16 - 126

June 23 - 149


Media Schedule Phil Avery July 7

Daniel Carter July 14

Rodney Taylor July 21

Paul Clark July 28

Sound and Lighting Schedule Matt Hoffman July 7

Paul Clark July 14

Daniel Carter July 21

Rodney Taylor July 28

Security Team Joel Lewis June 30—July 6

Steve Newton July 7—July 13

John Simmons July 14—July 20

Rodney Taylor July 21—July 27

Drew Tyriver July 28—August 8

We extend our heartfelt sympathy to

the family of Lee Brunetti,

to Wally and Sandra Farnsworth

in the death of their daughter, Debbie Snipes,

To Bubba Kennedy and family

in the death of his sister, Cristie Edwards,

to the family of Earl (Chief) Reed,

to the family of Bonnie Spencer,

and to the family of Karen Wales.

Our Newest Members Joy Witte

Michael Worland

One of the great things about summer is having a little

extra time to spend with family and friends. There are

two remaining opportunities in July to come together as a

church family and share a meal. On Wednesdays, July

10 and 24, we’ll gather together for a potluck meal and

have time to fellowship together.

Wednesday, July 10 - Memory Lane (Good ‘ole

Southern foods like fried chicken, corn bread, okra, black

-eyed peas, macaroni and cheese, chicken and

dumplings, mashed potatoes, pork chops, meatloaf,

banana pudding, apple pie, and chocolate chip cookies)

Wednesday, July 24 - Mexican Fiesta (chips and salsa,

guacamole, Spanish rice, tacos, refried beans, fajitas,

enchiladas, etc.)

Life Group Attendance in June


Locust Grove Baptist Church

171 County Lake Road

New Market, AL 35761



Regular Schedule Sunday 9:15 am Life Groups for all ages 10:30 am Worship in Sanctuary

Wednesday 6:00 pm Snacks and Fellowship Orchestra Rehearsal 6:30 pm Kids Quest, Youth Worship, Enrichment @ the Grove

May Receipts Expenses

General Fund $43,423.98 $40,831.78

Year to Date $196,725.60 $207,407.76*

Locust Grove Baptist Church 256-379-2813 Robby White - Senior Pastor: rawhite@locustgrove.com Ext. 14

Jordan Lawson - Minister of Music and Worship: jordanlawson@locustgrove.com Ext. 12

Sam Hawkins - Minister of Christian Development: samhawkins@locustgrove.com

Robin & Stephanie Wright - Youth Ministers: lgmsyouth@bellsouth.net Ext 10

Lesha Everett - Guest Children’s Minister: leshaeverett@locustgrove.com

Brenda Bethune - Recreation & Events Coordinator: brendabethune@locustgrove.com Ext. 11

Jenny Naumann - Financial Secretary: jennynaumann@locustgrove.com Ext 16

Linda Hill - Church Secretary: lindahill@locustgrove.com Ext.10

Deborah Cantrell - Daycare Director: weekdayed@locustgrove.com Ext. 24

If you’ve moved, disconnected your landline, changed

email providers, added a new mobile number, etc. please

make sure the church office has your updated contact
