Ministry of Altar Serving€¦  · Web viewRose is optional for Gaudete and Laetare Sundays, the...

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Transcript of Ministry of Altar Serving€¦  · Web viewRose is optional for Gaudete and Laetare Sundays, the...

Prayer before Serving

Father in Heaven,Your son, Jesus Christ,showed His love for You by serving His needy brothers and sisters.

I now ask You to give me Your helpAs I serve You and Your people.

Open my mouth to praise You in word and song.Open my ears to hear Your word.Open my hands to do Your work well.

Take from my heart all evil and distracting thoughts.Help me to know what I should do and to do it well.

Help me to serve reverently at Your Holy Altar, and so give You praise and glory, now and forever.





1. Preparing to Serve Mass

2. Postures at Mass

3. Altar Server Positions and Duties

4. Altar Server “Do’s and Don’ts”

5. Serving within the Order of the Mass

6. Serving Directions for Funerals

7. Serving Directions for Benediction

8. When to sit, stand and kneel at Mass

9. Church Years

10. Dictionary of Church Terms


IntroductionBeing a server means serving God and God’s people at Mass. As servers give themselves to help the priest and people worship better, they also receive God’s help and blessing. Pope John Paul II once told a group of servers who came to visit him, “Serving at the Eucharistic table, and at the various liturgical celebrations, you draw directly ‘from the wells of salvation’ the strength necessary to live well today and then also to face your future more energetically.”

To learn all the matters of liturgical worship and its spiritual meaning is a true gesture of love for God.

Like baseball, the Liturgy thrives on “team work,” the more of it, the better.

Part of the ministry of servers is to help “set the pace” for all those who take part in the Mass. What you do there and how you do it can help other people to understand the Mass better and make their love for God stronger. The people in the Church will be watching you carefully. They are not so interested in seeing you make a mistake but to see what it is really like to involved in the Mass.

It makes a difference how we carry the candles, whether and how we genuflect or bow. What kind of posture we have when sitting or standing, whether we seem to be prayerful and participating in the Mass. Many servers have little awareness of this today. At Mass our outward actions and appearance tell others a lot about how we are feeling on the inside. At Mass, our actions and appearance should show that we love God and God’s

people. It should be clear that we think serving is worth doing and doing well. We should try to be the best servers we can be.

Practice is important just as listening to your coach give instructions and careful practice makes a good athlete, so listening to the directions from your instructor and careful practice will make you a good server. Practice is work, so please come on time and be ready to learn how to serve God and God’s people.

Happy Serving!


Preparing to Serve MassMass Schedules

Sunday’s schedule covers 2 to 3 months in advance, weekday schedules are posted in the classrooms and a copy is sent to your home address.

Before you come to Church

1. Get a good nights rest2. Be sure your shoes are clean and not squeaky and are what is

appropriate for serving Mass. Some shoes are not.3. If you have a cold, be sure to have a hankerchief or Kleenex in

your pocket. 4. Be sure your face and hands are clean and hair is brushed. Try

to look your best. You try to look your best when you go to a special party…no? So why not look your best at the time of your important service to God and His people.

When you come to Church

1. Arrive at the Church at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass

2. Sign in the Altar Server’s book for your assigned Mass time.3. Locate and put on a properly fitted server alb.4. Check with the Sacristan for special instructions and duties.5. Use the bathroom facilities before Mass begins.6. Always treat your Church and all it contains as VERY special


7. You may be asked to place needed books in their proper places in the Sanctuary. You should know where they are kept and where they are used in the Sanctuary.

8. Candle bearer servers check the Credence table to be sure the bowl and finger towel, cruet for water, and chalice and wine goblets are there. Cross bearer servers check to be sure Ciboria are on the Credence table with the Sacramentary.

9. You may be asked to light the Altar Candles prior to Mass.10. Be quiet in the Sacristy and avoid making unnecessary noise.11. Take part in the time of prayer with the priest prior to Mass.12. Be especially ready to help the priest if he is a visiting priest.


Postures at MassPosture is how you are using the different parts of your body.

Walking – we do a lot of walking every day. Don’t walk stiffly around the Altar or Sanctuary like a tin soldier but don’t be lumber like a grizzly bear. Walk with your back straight and your head held high.

Bowing – When you bow to the priest, bow your head slowly and gracefully. When you bow to the Altar, bow deeply at the waist and bring yourself slowly to your full height. Don’t walk and bow at the same time.

Genuflecting – Keep your hands in front of your chest while you go down on your right knee. Keep your body upright. Be sure you don’t trip on your alb.

Kneeling – Your body should be upright and your hands should be in front of your chest.

Standing – Always stand up straight with both feet firmly on the floor. Don’t lean against furniture or walls.

Hands – Unless you are sitting down or carrying something, your hands should be kept joined in front of your chest palm to palm. Hold your hands the way the priest does. Keep your hands high up on your chest.

Eyes – During Mass always look towards the place where the action is happening: the Celebrant’s chair, the lectern, or the Altar. When the Scripture is being read you should be looking at the reader. When you talk

to someone, you want that person to look at you…right? The same is true at Mass. Look at the priests and other ministers as they speak and act in the Sanctuary.

General Appearance – Know what you are to do while serving Mass and when you are to do it. Look as though you CAN do it. Don’t look like serving Mass is the worst punishment or the most unpleasant thing you can think of.

Don’t be afraid to smile an ancient prayer in the Bible says, “I will go to the Altar of God, to God who gives joy to my youth.” Psalm 42:4


Altar Server Positions and DutiesCross Bearer

Leads the Procession, in the event Incense is used the Server carrying the Thurifer leads

Presents the Sacramentary to the Priest for the Opening and Closing Prayers

Places the Sacramentary on the Altar during the Collection Ring Bells during the Imposition of Hands and the Elevation of the

Blessed Sacrament Places the Ciboria Tray on the Altar Removes the Sacramentary following Holy Communion Removes the Ciboria Tray from the Altar following Holy

Communion Leads the Recession out of the Church, in the event Incense is used

the Server carrying the Thurifer leads

Candle Bearer

Follows the Cross Bearer in the Procession into the Church Stands with Candles at the Proclamation of the Gospel Brings the Water Cruet to the Altar for the Priest Assist the Priest in the Washing of Hands Ring Bells during the Imposition of Hands and the Elevation of the

Blessed Sacrament Helps to clear the Altar following Holy Communion If Incense is used, assists the Priest with the Thurible

Follows behind the Cross Bearer in the Recession

Cross Bearer/Candle Bearer

Assists the Priest in Receiving the Offertory Gifts:

1. Collection Basket placed in Front of the Main Altar2. The Book of Intentions is placed on the Main Altar3. Breads and Wine is placed on the Altar in the Center


Do…Pray every day.Invite your friends to join the ministry.Dress properly for Mass.Always be at least 15 minutes early.Watch carefully what the best Altar servers do.Be patient with yourself it takes time to learn all the steps.Ask your parents and your priest for help in understanding the Mass.Ask questions before the Mass begins.Attend all training sessions and workshops.Learn how to use the Sacramentary.Learn the names of all the vessels used at Mass.Understand how to set up the Altar.Learn all the parts of the Mass.Look carefully at the Altar server schedule for your name.Be sure you and your parents know when you are to serve.Come to every Mass you are scheduled to serve if you can.Call for a substitute if you cannot make your scheduled Mass.Contact the person who makes the schedule as early as you can for changes.Be kind towards anyone.Try to practice the message of Jesus you hear on Sunday.Make a habit of asking if anything else needs to be done before leaving.Take a moment to say a prayer in Thanksgiving for the Mass and the parish.Learn the liturgical seasons in the Church.


Leave the Altar when Mass begins for any personal reason unless it is an emergency.Miss meetings or your assigned Mass without a proper excuse. Be disrespectful toward others.Bring attention to yourself either by your behavior or what you are wearing.Run, chat, or do anything that shows lack of reverence whenever you are in the Altar area. You are in sacred space.Panic if you make a mistake.Don’t chew gum at Mass.


Serving within the Order of the Mass

All servers will assemble at the main doors of the Church when the 5 minute bell rings. The servers will participate in a prayer with the priests and all other ministers prior to the Mass. An Entrance Procession may include Candles, Cross and sometimes a Thurible. If you are asked to carry one of these objects, please do so with joy and pride. Hold them high enough for all the people to see. When you arrive at the Sanctuary, separate to allow space for the priest and/or deacon to be in the center in front of the Altar.

If you are carrying nothing, bow to the Altar when the priest does. After the Priest approaches the Altar, the cross bearer will proceed to the right side of the Altar and the candle bearers will proceed to the left. The server carrying the cross will place it on the appropriate holder behind the Altar and the servers carrying the candles will place them in the holder just behind the wall of the Sanctuary.

The server who is the cross bearer, will pick up the Sacramentary from the Credence table and stand in front of the priest following the Gloria. Hold the book firmly and close enough so the priest can read it. Once the priest has read the Opening Prayer, the server will return the book to the Credence table. (If the priest will do a sprinkling of the people with Holy Water to remind them of their baptism one server on the left side of the Altar should be prepared to assist with a Holy Water bucket.)

All servers should join in the Penitential Rite and the Glory to God. You should know all the prayers and responses of the Mass by heart and be able to say or sing them with the people. It is not as hard as you may think

because the same prayers will be used over and over again. If you don’t have to use a booklet, you can be more attentive to the priest. When the priest has finished the Opening Prayer, (which usually ends with the words, “…forever and ever” or “…through Christ our Lord), the server says, “Amen,” with the community. Sit quietly and listen to the Scripture readings – there are usually two readings before the Gospel reading. Look at the reader and be attentive to the reader. The readings are the Word of God. God is speaking to us. That demands our attention and nothing less. Look at the reader not at the floor or the wall. You are the example for the community. Join the people at the end of the readings as they say, “Thanks be to God.”


Serving within the Order of the Mass (Continued)

Join the people in singing or saying the responsorial use the Missal or Hymn Book if you need them. All join the community in singing the hymns when you are not performing another duty. When the priest rises to read the Gospel stand and join in the Alleluia with the community. If you are a candle bearer when the priest rises, go to retrieve your candle and stand in front of the Ambo one server on each side facing each other across (should there be one server bearing the candle the server will face the community). If the priest will use the thurible to incense the Gospel prior to proclaiming the Gospel, a server will be available to present the thruible to the priest. The server will remain standing on the Altar with the thurible until the priest has finished the Gospel reading. Join the community in the response following the Gospel, “Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.” At that time the servers with the candles and the server bearing the thurible will return the candles and the thurible to their stands and take their seat on the Altar for the Homily.

After the Homily, stand for the Profession of Faith (the Creed) and for the Prayers of the Faithful. Say the Profession of Faith with the community and respond with the people to the Prayers of the Faithful, “Lord, hear our prayer” or other response being used that day. Following the Prayers of the Faithful, during the collection, the Altar server on the right side of the Altar will bring the Sacramentary to the Altar and place it in the middle of the Altar and then return to his/her seat. At this same time, the Altar Servers on the left side of the Altar will bring up the Chalice and the extra wine goblets and place them on the Altar (the chalice would be placed next to the

Sacramentary on the Altar and the extra wine goblets are placed just to the very right side of the Chalice) and then take his/her seat.

There is a procession with the gifts. The people will bring up the collection basket, Book of Intentions, wine decantor and communion breads. Go with the priest to the edge of the Sanctuary and he will offer you the gifts to place at the Altar. Make as many trips as necessary to do this gracefully. Not more than one object in your hand at one time. The decantor of wine and the ciborium of bread are placed on the center of the Altar convenient for the priest to retrieve them. The collection basket is placed in front of the Altar and the Book of Intentions is placed at the left far corner of the Altar. Following the Presentation of Gifts, all Altar Servers return to their seats.


Serving within the Order of the Mass (Continued)

One Server on the left side of the Altar will then retrieve the cruet of water and present it to the priest. Make sure the handle of the cruet is facing the priest. The priest will pour some water into the wine. Wait for the priest to return the cruet to you. Then, bow your head slowly and gracefully and return it to the Credence table. Two servers will then take the water cruet, the bowl and towel to the priest for the washing of his hands. The server who is holding the water cruet will pour the water over the priest hands and the other server will hand the priest the towel. When there is only one server, hold the bowl and the cruet and put the towel over your arm. When the priest is finished, bow your head slowly and gracefully and, return the water cruet, bowl, and towel to the Credence table.

When the priest invites the people to pray, join them in responding, “May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of His name, for our good, and the good of all His Church.” When the priest has finished the prayer over the gifts, join the people in responding, “Amen.” Join the people in answering the priest as he begins the Eucharistic prayers. Sing or say the Holy, Holy, Holy. Following this hymn, all servers will kneel at the stairs to the Altar. During the consecration at the imposition of hands (when the priest places his hands over the Breads and Wine) two servers will ring the bells and the other servers, if any, will bow deep at the waist. Then when the priest raises the Body of Christ and says, “Take this,

all of you and eat it, this is My Body which will be given up for you .” Servers will repeat the bells and if you have no bells take a deep bow when the priest holds up the Blood of Christ and says, “Take this, all of you and drink it, this is the Blood of Christ, which is given up for you.” Servers will repeat the bells and if you have no bells, take a deep bow.

Join the people in responding after the priest sings and says “Let us proclaim the mystery of faith.” All then proclaim their faith in Jesus, who has come to us and will come again. At the end of the Eucharistic prayer, the priest holds up the Body and Blood of Christ, and then says or sings, “Through Him, with Him, in Him, in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is Yours, almighty Father, forever and ever.” Join the people in singing or saying, “Amen.” This is your way of saying that you want to join your praise of God the Father to that of His Son, Jesus and that of everyone in the Church. Mean what you say when you say this “Amen.” Then stand for the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father).


Serving within the Order of the Mass (Continued)

The priest will say a prayer for peace, and he may invite the people to give a Sign of Peace to each other. At this time, the Altar server on the right side of the Altar will take the extra Ciboria and place them on the Altar. The priest may shake hands with you. After he does so, you should shake hands with the people around you. You should say, “The peace of the Lord be with you,” or some other words of greeting as you give the sign of peace. This is a time to show we are at peace with the Lord and one another. After the sign of peace, all servers will take their place standing with the Extraordinary Ministers and join the priest and people in singing or saying the Lamb of God. After the priest says, “This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of world. Happy are those who are called to His supper,” join the people in responding, “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you but only say the word and I shall be healed.”

After all ministers and servers receive Holy Communion, all servers should return to their place to kneel and pray. You should not talk to each other or disturb other people. You should think about the great gift God, our Father, has given us in the Body and Blood of Christ. The server on the right side of the Altar, following a prayer and quiet few moments, will take the Sacramentary from the Altar to put on the Credence table to be used for the

final prayer and blessing. The server will then return to his/her kneeling position. All servers will stay in their kneeling position and be very reverent until the priest has returned the Blessed Sacrament to the Tabernacle and returned to his seat. Then the server on the right side of the Altar will retrieve all the empty Ciboria from the Altar. Servers on the left side of the Altar at the 5:30PM and 1:00PM Masses will carefully fold and remove the corporals from the Altar and place them on the Credence table.

Then all servers will return to their seats. The priest will sit for a few minutes. The server on the right will be on the stairs and in position with the Sacramentary for the closing prayer and blessing. The priest will stand and say, “Let us pray.” The server will bring the Sacrmentary to the priest and hold it as he/she did in the beginning of Mass. Everyone stands for the prayer. Join the people in saying, “Amen.” After the priest Dismisses the People, return the Sacramentary to the Credence table and retrieve what you processed in with (Cross or Candles) for the Recession. Take your place outside the Sanctuary for the Recession out. The Cross bearer will go to the second pew in the center of the aisle and face the Altar.


Serving within the Order of the Mass (Continued)

The two servers with the candles will stand near the first pew one on each side of aisle and face the Altar. After the priest bows, (and if you are a server carrying nothing you will bow deep from the waist when the priest does) the Cross bearer will turn around and lead the Recessional out (servers with the candles should turn in toward each other when they turn around). Do not run ahead of the priest (it’s not a fifty-yard dash). If you have nothing to carry pick up a hymnal and join in singing with the community. Lead the priest out to the Baptismal Font and then return quietly to the Sacristy.

Ask the Sacristan if there is anything you can do for him/her and then when you have finished and been dismissed from your service remove your alb and hang in neatly in the closet. Avoid loud talking after Mass so you don’t disturb people in the pews praying. Before you leave the Church, say the “Prayer after Serving.”

Serving Directions for Funerals

In addition to the usual preparations for the Mass, the Easter candle is placed on the center of the step just inside the Sanctuary. (The Sacristan will place the Holy Water bucket and the Pall at the back of the Church.) You may be asked to assist with either one.

The priest will sprinkle the casket at the beginning of the Mass. A server should be ready to assist the priest with the Holy Water bucket and he will sprinkle the casket and then the priest will say some prayers. When the priest turns to the altar (he is prepared for the procession down the Altar) the server turns also (usually it is one server). The server will place the water bucket on the Credence table and take the Processional Cross and slowly processes to the Altar.

The server will bow or genuflect (If there is more than one server and he/she is not carrying anything) when the priest does and then proceed to your place in the Sanctuary. The server will hold the book for the priest as usual. The book may be the Order of Christian Funerals. Check with the Sacristan.


Serving Directions for Funerals (Continued)

After the prayer, Mass begins as usual. Incense are used prior to the Gospel. Be prepared to stand at the top stair of the Altar near the Ambo when the priest rises to proclaim the Gospel.

Remain standing with the thurible until the end of the Gospel and or when the priest dismisses you. Mass resumes as usual at this point.

Serving at Benediction

Benediction means “blessing.” On Fridays we have Benediction following the Mass and special times throughout the year and sometimes the priest will have a prayer service and then Benediction to adore Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

On the Altar is a Monstrance, a large container made of precious metal that is used to show the host to the people. Sometimes the host is in a smaller container on the Altar before Mass begins.

The Thurible and stand are on the right side of the Altar. (The Sacristan prepares and lights the charcoals.) When it is time to process to the Altar, the server will carry the Thurible along with the incense boat. When you arrive at the Altar, only the priest bows. When the priest kneels the server kneels with the priest. The priest will prepare the Thurible with the incense. Some prayers and hymns are sung. The server will place the Thurible on the stand.

The server will retrieve the humeral veil from the Altar rail and places it on the priests shoulders (be sure to unfold it and place it on so it can easily be clipped by the priest). The priest will proceed to the Altar the server will retrieve the Thurible and return to kneeling position. The Priest will hold up the Monstrance and when he does this the server will incense the Monstrance until he places it back on the Altar. The server will put the Thurible back on the stand and assist the priest with removing the humeral veil and place it neatly on the Altar rail and then return to kneel and sing a song to honor the Blessed Sacrament. The priest and the server will stand. The priest bows, the server should bow too. Then the server will lead the priest out of the Sanctuary and return quietly to the Sacristy.


When to Sit, Stand, and Kneel at the Mass

During the: You Should:

Introductory Rites:

Sign of the Cross STANDGreeting STANDIntroduction STANDPenitential Rite or Sprinkling STAND“Glory to God in the Highest” STANDOpening Prayer STAND

Liturgy of the Word:

First Reading SITResponsorial Psalm SITSecond Reading SITGospel Acclamation STANDGospel Reading STANDHomily SITProfession of Faith STANDPrayer of the Faithful STAND

Liturgy of the Eucharist:

Preparation of the Gifts STANDPrayer over the Gifts STANDPreface STANDEucharistic Prayer KNEEL or STANDLord’s Prayer STANDSign of Peace STAND“Lamb of God” STANDCommunion STANDPrayer after Communion STAND

Concluding Rites:

Final Blessing STANDDismissal STAND


The Church Year

The Church year has fifty-two Sundays. The Church Year is divided into three main sections or cycles:

The Christmas Cycle which is a part centered on the celebration of Christmas and Epiphany. Advent developed in the second half of the fifth century as a spiritual preparation for the Christmas Cycle

The Easter Cycle is a part centered on Easter, the resurrection of Jesus. Lent developed in the fourth century as a period of

spiritual preparation for the great feast of Easter, with its reconciliation of penitents and baptizing of Catechumens

The Ordinary Cycle or Sundays, some occur after Epiphany, the rest of them after Pentecost. Occasionally an important feast day replaces one of the ordinary Sundays

The color of vestments that the priest will wear are dictated by the cycle of the year and other special times during the year:

White vestments are worn during the Easter and Christmas cycle, Feasts of the Lord, or Mary, Angels, All Saints Day and most Saints

Red vestments on Passion Sunday, Good Friday, Pentecost, Birthday Feasts of other Apostles, and evangelists, celebrations of Martyrs

Violet vestments are used during the seasons of Advent and Lent

Rose is optional for Gaudete and Laetare Sundays, the Fourth Sunday of Lent and the Third Sunday of Advent, respectively

Green vestments are worn during the Ordinary Cycles, unless replaced by an important feast day.


Altar Servers Dictionary

Ablution The ceremonial washing of the priest’s hands.

Acolyte Denotes the office ministry or order of clerics who assist at the Altar and at other liturgical functions.

Altar Server Also known as the Mass server, who is privileged to assist the Priest at the Eucharistic or other Liturgical Rites.

Adoration The practice of worshipping God, Father – Son – Holy Spirit.

Advent The Church’s liturgical season of preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ on Christmas.

Altar An elevated place or structure upon which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned or before which religious ceremonies may be enacted.

Ambo A raised podium in the sanctuary designed for proclaiming spiritual readings.

Asperges The rite of sprinkling and blessing the faithful with Holy Water.

Benediction The word means “blessing.” It is when we adore Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Blessing The gift of God’s grace.

Bow An inclination of the body made while standing to show reverence and respect.

Canon The Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass.

Celebrant The Bishop, priest, or deacon who leads the liturgical rite.


Altar Servers Dictionary Continued

Censer The container, which incense is burned, also called the thurible.

Chalice The cup or goblet used for the consecration of the wine at Mass.

Chasuble The outer liturgical vestment worn by the priest at Mass.

Ciborium A cup like a chalice with a cover or a dish like cup used for holding the Body of Christ and distributing of the Holy Eucharist to the faithful.

Cincture The white cord used to gather the alb at the waist.

Collect A short liturgical prayer, which conveys the idea of gathering the petitions of the people, addressed to God by the Priest now called the opening prayer.

Concelebrating The celebration of the same Mass by bishop, priest and deacon or by several priests.

Corporal Refers to the square piece of linen cloth, about twenty inches square, used during the sacrifice of the Mass and other liturgical ceremonies involving the Blessed Sacrament, the Body of Christ. The chalice, paten and host are placed on it, from the offertory or preparation of the gifts to the Communion ablutions.

Credence Table Table most often on the side of the altars where the servers sit to place things necessary to serve the Mass (chalice, cruets the Sacramentary, towels, extra bowls, extra breads and wine, Communion cloths, towels).

Crosier A pastoral staff conferred on bishops and abbots at their installations.


Altar Servers Dictionary Continued

Crucifier Cross-bearer; the server who bears a cross in liturgical processions.

Cruets The vessels used to hold the wine and water for the celebration of the Mass.

Divine Praises The series of praises addressed to God after benediction, before the Host is replaced in the tabernacle.

Doxology Declaration of glory. An expression of praise, to the Blessed Trinity – “Through Him, with Him, in Him” recited by the priest.

Elevation The Raising of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass that they may be seen and adored by all those present.

Exposition A way of worshipping Christ present in the sacrament by exposing the Host for people to see.

Genuflection To bend the right knee to the floor and rising up again as an act of reverence before the exposed or reserved Blessed Sacrament in the Church.

Homily Any kind of preaching of the word of God which closely follows a biblical text.

Host Bread made from pure wheat meal, used for the celebration of the Mass. This term is used for the consecrated bread.

Imposition of Hands When the priest places both hands over the bread and wine at the Canon of the Mass.

Lavabo The washing of the Priest’s hands during a

liturgical celebration symbolizing the purity of body and spirit for worship and prayer.


Altar Servers Dictionary Continued

Lectionary The book containing the biblical reading used at Mass.

Paschal Candle Large wax candle blessed at the beginning of the Easter Vigil and carried solemnly into the Church. It is used during the days between Easter and

Pentecost and throughout the year at baptisms and funerals.

Presentation Table The table located usually at the back of the Church used to keeps the gifts on (wine, bread, prayer book, sometimes cups, and collection) until it is time to present them to the priest.

Sacramentary The book of liturgical prayers, directives and rubrics used by the priest while offering Mass.

Tabernacle The prominently placed and suitably adorned receptacle in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in Churches, Chapels and Oratories.

Thurifer Thurible bearer; the server who carries the thurible.


Prayer after Serving

Lord Jesus Christ,You are the eternal High Priest.

You lead all Your saints in Heavenand Your people on earthin praising God, our Father.

Thank you, Lord Jesus,for letting me come before Your Altar,so that, with Your help,I can praise My Father in Heaven as His server.

Help me find joy in serving at Your Altar.Help me find gladnessin knowing and doing Your Will in all things.

Glory to you, Lord Jesus,and to the Father and to the Holy Spirit,as it was in the beginning is now and will be for ever.
