Ministry Formation Conference - Diocese of Orlando, …€¦ · Ministry Formation Conference 2018...

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Transcript of Ministry Formation Conference - Diocese of Orlando, …€¦ · Ministry Formation Conference 2018...

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



Learning Session A 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

101 - Teaching Children with Autism in Typical Classrooms | Presented by: Dcn. Lawrence Sutton

Autism is at present, a rapidly growing developmental disorder in the United States. It is estimated that 1 in 68 children are current afflicted by this disorder (CDC). Teaching children with disabilities, especially autism, is often very different than teaching children without disabilities. Children with autism often require different methods and accommodations in order to understand educational material competently. This presentation will focus on how to meaningfully include children with IDD.

102 - Living the Sacrament of Marriage in the modern Society | Presented by: Dcn. Felix & Digna Montañez

Modern society conveys many challenges and trials which defies the life of the sacrament of Marriage. This workshop intends to unfold the reality of these challenges and offer tools to support the couples to live up to their sacrament.

103 - The Evangelizing Liturgy | Presented by: Dennis Johnson, Jr.

See the Mass as a Spirit-filled celebration of conversion and re-commitment to Christ through a fuller understanding of the dynamics that call Catholic people to renewal and to follow Jesus. Explore ways to live the Eucharist daily and to accompany others in encountering the evangelizing liturgy.

104 - All Things to All People part 1: Working with Middle Schoolers | Presented by: Gina Deighan

Tips and advice on working with middle school aged youth, particularly regarding faith.

106 - Boundaries | Presented by: Lisa Sojourner

How to find balance in your responsibilities and relationships.

107 - Keep the Hugs Coming! | Presented by: Anna Luisa Huffman

The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers. ~Terri Guillemets. So, how do we keep the hugs coming? This workshop will explore ways to encourage volunteer catechists to return each year to be disciples of the Word in your catechetical programs.

108 - In the beginning | Presented by: Dan McGowan

Current trends in Faith Formation.

109 - Discipleship: A friend request from God! | Presented by: Denise Kriscunas

Jesus tells us “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” How do we practice these 3 actions (deny ourselves, carry our cross daily, follow Jesus) in our everyday lives? What does it mean to deny ourselves? What does it mean to carry your cross daily? How do we follow Jesus?

110 - Best Practices in Religious Instruction: Teaching to reach students | Presented by: Jayme Hartmann & Kelly Wilkes

Discover, review, and examine foundational tenets of teaching from a "best practice" perspective that takes into account the scope of catechetical instruction in the parish-setting from the point-of-view of apprenticing young disciples to know and encounter Jesus.

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



112 - Moving from Ministry to Mission | Presented by: David O’Brien

We minister in the church but we hope our ministry fuels the mission of the church-to build the Kingdom of God by transforming people, families, communities and society. Come explore how to make your ministry more relevant and effective for the larger mission.

113 - Prayer That Leads to Mission | Presented by: Rev. Benjamin Lehnertz

A relationship with God that is marked by frequent prayer is the rocket fuel of ministry.

114 - The liturgy as an encounter with other cultures | Presented by: Rev. Emmanuel Akalue

The Church is about universality; we are Catholic! All are welcome to the Table of the Lord (the celebration of the Holy Mass) The main purpose of the liturgy is to facilitate collective worship of God through full and active participation of all as the body of Christ. This is truly a consequence of the incarnation and Pentecost. It is a unity within the diversity of cultures; no one and no culture is to be left out. Come, experience God through openness to the rich heritage of diverse cultural expressions of the one faith. The Lord is waiting for you

116 - Eucharist: Satisfying the Hunger of our Youth and Young Adults | Presented by: Amanda Livermore

Who am I? What is my life’s purpose? Do I even matter? Young people are searching for clarity of their identity and hunger for substance within their daily lives. This session will explore ways in which the Eucharist relieves the hunger of our young people while providing practical opportunities for youth to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist. We will also engage in discussion about the responsibility placed upon us when we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, empowering young people to be Christ’s hands and feet in the hungry world.

117 - Pray, Serve, Share, Witness: With All Your Heart: Part I | Presented by: Joseph Citro

Overview of the discipleship model, With All Your Heart / Con Todo Nuestro Corazón – a bilingual, bicultural model that is organized around a continuing annual cycle of four connected seasons that constantly build on one another. The presentation will introduce the process for implementing the model at a parish. A network of these parishes is forming a National Learning Community to share their challenges and their successes with the supportive guidance of Greater Mission. This bold and creative path to parish mission advancement in line with the challenge of Pope Francis is supported actively in the Diocese of Orlando by the Catholic Foundation of Central Florida.

118 - History of the Diocese of Orlando | Presented by: Renae Bennett

This workshop provides an overview of the history of the Diocese of Orlando, created on June 18, 1968 from counties formerly part of the Diocese of St. Augustine. Throughout its 50 years of dynamic growth and change, the people and parishes of the diocese have created the story of who we are as a Catholic people in Central Florida.

119 - Called to be Joyful Advocates for Life, Dignity, and the Common Good | Presented by: Alejandro Capote

“Politics…remains a lofty vocation and one of the highest forms of charity, inasmuch as it seeks the common good,” as Pope Francis wrote in The Joy of the Gospel. During this breakout session, you will learn more about: political issues of concern to us as Catholics, the Catholic Bishops’ political advocacy in our state, and how you and your parish can become increasingly involved.

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



120 - Planificación de la lección para catequistas | Presented by: Nelson Matthew

Es importante enseñarles efectivamente la fe a los niños. En esta presentación, catequistas, educadores

y voluntarios se familiarizarán con las responsabilidades y expectativas de lo que requiere la enseñanza

de la fe para los niños. Una planificación efectiva comunica el objetivo de la clase, las estrategias y las

actividades de aprendizaje que llevan al resultado.

121 - Qué necesito para proclamar el Evangelio | Presented by: Rev. Hector Vazquez Saad

Como entrar en el proceso de discipulado

Encuentro personal con Cristo

Vivir la vida Sacramental

Buscar formación de acuerdo a los documentos de la iglesia.

122 - El Seguimiento Discipular de Cristo en la Lectio Divina | Presented by: Br. Ricardo Grzona

La historia de la Iglesia tiene unos grandes capítulos sobre el "Seguimiento de Cristo". Analizaremos el rol de la Lectio Divina en los grandes seguidores que formaron escuelas de oración y haremos un ejercicio con los participantes.

123 - Querigma: conteúdo e mensagem | Presented by: Roseane Barbosa

Refletir acerca do primeiro anúncio e a evangelização, cujo núcleo central é pessoa de Jesus, bem como sua missão e o anúncio da Boa Nova do Reino que são o centro de toda a vivência cristã.

124 -Disciple et Sacrement | Presented by: Rev. Jean Gaetan Louis Boursiquot

Le disciple fait face à la réalité circonscrite: religiosité populaire, foi, culture, mentalité, pratique des sacrements, dans l'univers Haitien, et indique des pistes pour une pratique chrétienne inculturée et authentique

125 - Walking with the Catechumen: Companions on the Journey | Presented by: Jody Breaud

The four steps of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults are pre-catechumenate, catechumenate, purification and enlightenment, and mystagogia. Stops along the way are the rites of acceptance, election and initiation. This presentation will assist a parish community along with particular catechists, godparents, and clergy in walking with those who are looking for a new life in Christ.

126 - Praying the Bible with the Saints | Presented by: Tom Ryan

In this multi-media presentation, Professor Tom Ryan of Loyola University New Orleans selects engaging examples from the Catholic tradition of Saints reading and praying with the Bible. In doing so, he shows what we can learn for our own engagement with the Bible and its implications for the life of faith today.

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



Learning Session B or Lunch I 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM

201 - Meaningful Preparation and Inclusion of those with Autism and/or other Developmental Disabilities | Presented by: Dcn. Lawrence Sutton

Children and teens with Autism are part of our Catholic Communities. All have the right to be active in our Parish communities in meaningful ways, but require specific preparation. Through a Sacramental preparation program which relies in part on understanding autism along with simple accommodations to classrooms which can greatly facilitate learning with an autistic child and utilizing Peer Mentors; children and teens with autism seem to learn about their faith in amazing ways.

202 - Catholics Funerals: "Celebration of Faith and Life" | Presented by: Dcn. Pedro Laboy

We will be exploring Catholic Christian Funerals. This will help us to understand, Why, When and How as Catholics we pray and express our beliefs on funeral services.

203 - All Things to All People part 2: Teaching faith beyond the textbook | Presented by: Gina Deighan

Ideas on how to incorporate relatable and engaging activities into religion lessons; paying special attention to the multiple intelligences.

204 - From Conflict to Forgiveness, The Disciples Path | Presented by: Heidi Peckham

As we walk our journey of Discipleship, know that at some time you will need to embrace forgiveness. Forgiveness is a bridge that connects us in many ways. Last year we spoke of Conflict and the many road blocks conflict can create. This year we will pick up the trail of conflict, and make our way to Forgiveness, a necessary bridge for strong discipleship. In this workshop, we will look at the elements of Forgiveness, what it is, and what it is not. Who needs to grant forgiveness, who needs to seek forgiveness and what to do when you do NOT want to do either! This path of forgiveness can be winding and confusing, but we can help you set your GPS.

206 - The Hidden Adventure | Presented by: Andy Sojourner

Based on Colossians 3:3- How to see divine reality in your life and how to help those in your ministry see it in theirs

207 - The Power of Five | Presented by: Maggie McGowan

When trying to create, grow, or rebuild a youth ministry program, five seems to be the number of things that we can focus on for success. Come and discover the power of 5!

208 - Inclusion of all persons with special needs within our church | Presented by: Kathryn Harding

Brief description of who our special needs population is and how to fully include them in our religion classes, youth ministry, and church events.

209 - Marriage: the Way to a Life of Discipleship | Presented by: Willie and Gigi Santiago

Living the Sacrament of Marriage is not always easy yet it can be fun. Come and explore the richness that can be had by living the Vocation of Marriage with grace and humor.

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



211 - Reaching Out to the People of God: First Stop, Your Own Home! | Presented by: David O’Brien

Missionaries. Aren't they the priests, sisters and young adults who serve in Africa, Asia or Latin America? Maybe years ago but our reality in the Church today is that our culture is secular and requires us to be missionaries in our everyday lives as spouses, parents, workers, neighbors, Americans and global citizens. How? Come find out what you are already doing and what else is possible?

212 - Kerygma: Getting to the Core of the Gospel Message | Presented by: John Molloy

We have been sent out to proclaim the Gospel or Good News to all nations, but few of us can articulate what it is. In this workshop, we will discuss the foundation for conversion and fullness of faith that often gets lost or forgotten in our teaching. If you are committed to faithfully handing on the Catholic faith, you won't want to miss this workshop!

213 - When Hope Has Changed | Presented by: Sally Kopke

Bringing Christ to the sick when death is anticipated. Understanding their fears, needs and mourning. Helping them pray their goodbyes. Helping you pray your good byes.

215 - Introducing Teens to the Eucharist | Presented by: Amanda Livermore

Effective practices and catechesis which will inspire a love of the Eucharist in teens

216 - Peer Ministry of Magic | Presented by: Rick Grinstead

What would it look like if high schoolers where leading high schoolers to Christ? Middle schoolers to middle schoolers? Come find out what it truly looks like to have the youth lead in this Peer Leadership Session.

217 - Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response: Breaking Down the Bishops’ Pastoral Letter for Today’s Parish | Presented by: Marta Sweeney

It has been 25 years since the Bishop’s Pastoral letter, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response was introduced. Stewardship is a holistic approach to discipleship. However, it is often misconceived as being a fundraising tool – stewardship is more than giving money! We will identify items presented in the pastoral letter and explore how integrating faith with one’s life empowers parishioners to be good stewards – disciples of Christ.

218 - Catechist Lesson Planning | Presented by: Nelson Matthew

The most important thing above all is to teach the faith effectively to children. Catechist must be a person of prayer who beliefs of the Church through a systematic and thoughtful approach. For the most part, it is crucial that catechists are aware of basic educational policies, concepts, and strategies to accomplish this goal. In this workshop, catechist, educators and volunteers will become familiar and reminded of the qualifications and responsibilities to present authentic teaching of the church. Furthermore, adherence to the directives of the DRE protocol is at plus. One of the most important components of being a catechist is Lesson Planning. Planning and preparation are key factors for good classroom organization and management. To teach the faith effectively to children, catechists must be persons of prayer who communicate the beliefs of the Church through a systematic and thoughtful approach. In order to accomplish this goal, they must be aware of basic educational policies, concepts, and strategies. Children learn in many different ways. Needs vary and creative approaches help children to learn effectively. An effective lesson plan communicates the objective of the instruction and outlines the teaching strategies and learning activities which lead to this outcome. The Director of Religious Education assists the catechist in the task of lesson planning by:

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



How to write a lesson plan

Reviewing the section on lesson plans in the catechist manual

Assigning a mentor to assist in the writings of lesson plans In this workshop, you will receive sample format for lesson plans.

219 - La Litúrgia Evangelizadora | Presented by: Dennis Johnson, Jr.

Ve la misa como una celebración llena del Espíritu de conversión y re-compromiso a Cristo a través de una mejor comprensión de las dinámicas que llaman a la gente Católica a seguir a Jesús. Explore maneras de vivir la eucaristía diariamente y de acompañar a los demás a encontrarse con la litúrgia evangelizadora

220 - Aprendiendo a Orar para el Discernimiento | Presented by: Br. Ricardo Grzona

El Papa Francisco nos propone para el Sínodo del 2018 LOS JÓVENES, LA FE Y EL DISCERNIMIENTO VOCACIONAL. Trabajaremos en el taller sobre cómo usar la Lectio Divina para acompañar a los jóvenes en su discernimiento y cómo tener elementos para retiros y jornadas.

221 - Como Vivir el Sacramento del Matrimonio en la Sociedad Moderna | Presented by: Dcn. Felix & Digna Montañez

La sociedad moderna plantea desafíos los cuales retan la vida del Sacramento del Matrimonio. A través de esta presentación se mostrará la realidad de estos retos y se proveerán herramientas para facilitar a las parejas el vivir de acuerdo a su sacramento.

222 - Llamados a ser Defensores Jubilosos de la Vida, la Dignidad, y el Bien Común | Presented by: Alejandro Capote

“La política…es una altísima vocación, es una de las formas más preciosas de la caridad, porque busca el bien común,” escribe el Papa Francisco en La Alegría del Evangelio. Durante esta sesión, aprenderá más sobre cuestiones públicas de interés para nosotros como la Iglesia Católica, los esfuerzos políticos de los Obispos Católicos en nuestro estado, y como usted y su parroquia pueden aumentar su participación.

223 - Liderar como Jesús | Presented by: Roseane Barbosa

Refletir acerca dos diferentes tipos de liderança à luz dos ensinamentos de Jesus, seu modo de liderar, ensinar e conduzir os discípulos no exercício da missão.

224 - Le Disciple, dans un monde à évangéliser | Presented by: Marie Delius

Le Disciple fait un survol général de ce qu'il perçoit comme "la vie de foi" dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, tant dans la société industrialisée que dans le tiers monde, tandis qu'il braque ses jumelles sur l'essentiel de la foi dans le géo culturel haitien d'aujourd'hui. Le Disciple dans le "Monde Haitien."

225 - Catechumens or candidates? What’s the Difference | Presented by: Denise Kriscunas

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults states, “Those who have already been baptized in another Church or ecclesial community should not be treated as catechumens or so designated.” (Appendix III #30) So what do we do with them? How do we meet their different needs and honor their individual faith journeys? Participants will discuss Appendix III in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, don’t forget to bring your book!

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



226 - Mary as an Example for Today Presented by: Tom Ryan

In this multi-media presentation, Professor Tom Ryan of Loyola University New Orleans reviews depictions of the Blessed Mother in the Bible and in tradition, including as Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Learning Session C or Lunch II 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

301 - The Anxious Disciple | Presented by: Heidi Peckham

Scripture tells us over and over, "be not afraid!" But in this chaotic world, that is easier said than done. If your mind is too busy to meditate, if you get overwhelmed by the call to discipleship, this workshop will give you some tips on how to find your path to peace. In this workshop, we will look at our emotions and find some tools that will allow us to recognize, honor and then let go of the unhealthy behaviors that keep us trapped in our discontent. Setting appropriate boundaries and recognizing our ability to experience and release our emotions can free us to become the Disciple God calls us to be.

302 - Never Say Service Project Again | Presented by: Jo Ann Paradise

It seems such a natural part of children’s formation that we include opportunities for “service projects.” Does that phrase or more importantly that perspective undermine a lifelong vision of stewardship, apprenticeship and discipleship? This workshop will explore a vision of service as the consequence of being missioned by Baptism.

303 - Meeting God on the Mountain: An Exploration of the Old Testament | Presented by: Marie Gallo-Lethcoe

The God of the Old Testament is often misunderstood. Join in an exploration of the covenants of the Old Testament and find out what they teach us about God the Father. You might be surprised!

304 - Raising Disciples: Understanding Adolescent Behavior | Presented by: Rose Ocaña

During this workshop the presenter will discuss the following topics: challenges of raising teenagers, typical characteristics of adolescents, biological and psychosocial foundations of adolescent behaviors, strategies for a better communication with our teens, indicators of abnormal behavior, getting help.

305 - How to Change the World: A New Approach to Teaching the Sacraments | Presented by: Sal Solo

What is our purpose in teaching the sacraments - to throw out the Good News and hope some of it sticks? Or to plant the truth so as to change their lives, that they may go on to change the world? The message of the Gospel and the traditions of the Church are timeless but the young people we wish to communicate them to are not. They are products of this age and cannot imagine life before smartphones and Internet. So if we want to help them change the world with their faith, then we must change a world of catechesis (well the methods anyway, not the message!) We can equip our young people to turn the world on its head, just as Jesus and the apostles did! Why am I here? What's the meaning of life? What's MY purpose in life? The questions all young people ask at some point. But how does their faith answer those important questions? How do we give their lives meaning? This session is designed to help you find a way to help them discover God's awesome purpose for their lives, using seven steps to changing the world; the seven steps Jesus took; tied in to the Seven Sacraments. In an explosion of multimedia, videos and music; it will stimulate your inner awesomeness in teaching the Sacraments!

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



308 - Transformers and Super Heroes: What is Your Super Power? | Presented by: David O’Brien

The Eucharist is the center of our faith so why are our people not being transformed by it. Where is the disconnect between Sunday (or daily) Mass and living our faith in our everyday lives? Come find out how to make the connections between Eucharist and living as on-fire disciples in the world.

309 - Church History: Our Story of Faith | Presented by: Thomas Burns

A close look at three dates which changed our Church forever.

310 - Leadership in Ministry | Presented by: Dcn. Joe Gassman

God uses certain types of leaders to prepare us for those good works (Eph. 4:11-12) and others to coordinate those good works. Still, others will be used to show us what those good works may be. Hence, three types of leadership are essential for the church to effectively accomplish the work God has for us to do.

311 - Front and Center: Connecting a Generation that Likes to Serve with the Eucharist as Source and Summit | Presented by: Kevin Dowd

Participants will examine their own experience of being taught about the Eucharist and then consider riches in the Church's tradition for how to connect this generation to the Sacrament. At the heart of this presentation is a belief that even if we are forming "good kids" who like to serve others and care about social justice issues, if we don't connect them with the Eucharist then we are forming humanitarians, not Christians. The presenter will use his own experiences working with high school and college students as well as share wisdom gathered from other groups in helping all of us in this central task of faith formation.

312 - Holy Spirit Connection | Presented by: Mary Blucker

My pastor, Fr. Eamon Tobin, tells us that "The Spirit is the very presence of Jesus within us". Let's connect with his presence through prayer, sharing, and activity; outdoor time in nature, weather permitting.

313 - Sacred Story Program: Catechesis from Childhood to Adulthood with Ignatian Spirituality (Sacred Story Youth – K-8; Sacred Story: Forty Weeks –An Ignatian Path to Christ) | Presented by: Sonia Canlas & Patricia Kahle

Sacred Story Program - Catechesis from Childhood to Adulthood with Ignatian Spirituality (Sacred Story Youth for PreK-8 and Forty Weeks for Adults)

A. SACRED STORY YOUTH (PreK-8) - Ignatian Prayer and Conscience Formation Program

Sacred Story Youth (SSY) is a new program designed to teach the classic Ignatian Examination of Conscience in a new way to children in Pre-K to Eight Grade.

It is intended for use by teachers and parents to help youth learn how to connect with God personally in prayer and understand spiritual discernment. SSY was developed by Jesuit Fr. William Watson, President of Sacred Story Institute, over two years and tested with hundreds of students and teachers.

B. FORTY WEEKS - An Ignatian Path to Christ with Sacred Story Prayer

Forty Weeks is an Ignatian Spirituality annual renewal program created by Fr. Watson, SJ for adults. A life-changing Program, Forty Weeks will introduce people to a heart-felt personal relationship with Jesus in daily prayer, spiritual discernment and a regular and fruitful practice of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



Sacred Story Prayer is the new rendition of St. Ignatius’ daily Examen of Conscience/ Consciousness for the third millennium. The goal is to help people pray and connect personally to Christ daily so as to learn how to live life as a Sacred Story gradually.

The daily Examen and frequent confession are the two dynamic spiritual tools the early Jesuits used to create their extraordinary evangelization success.

315 - Faith Strong: Finding Hope through Bereavement | Presented by: John Martin Braham

In the time span of one calendar year, Opelousas Catholic School experienced the death of five students and two staff members in unrelated events. Despite these most difficult circumstances, Opelousas Catholic has managed to turn these tragedies into triumph. With faith and focus, the school has assisted students, faculty and its surrounding community in coping with these losses and has managed to grow into a stronger faith community. John Braham, the Campus Minister, shares how they dealt with and now plan for tragedy.

316 - Save me...I'm a Youth Minister! | Rick Grinstead

Do you work with youth? Do you love it? Do you wish you didn't? This is the workshop for you. Come see how someone could make it for 23 years and still love it. You will be renewed and given new and current ideas to make your youth ministry great!

317 - La Corresponsabilidad, Respuesta de los Discípulos: Explicando la Carta Pastoral de los Obispos para la parroquia de hoy | Presented by: Doris Quiñones

La carta pastoral de los obispos, La Corresponsabilidad: Respuesta de los Discípulos, fue introducida hace 25 años atrás. La corresponsabilidad es un enfoque holístico del discipulado. Sin embargo, a menudo es mal interpretado como una herramienta de recaudar fondos – ¡la corresponsabilidad es más que dar dinero! En esta presentación identificaremos información presentada en la carta pastoral y exploraremos cómo la integración de la fe con la vida de cada uno les da el poder a los feligreses en ser buenos corresponsables – discípulos de Cristo.

318 - Funerales Católicos: " Celebraciones de Fe y Vida" | Presented by: Dcn. Pedro Laboy

Estaremos explorando los componentes de los Funerales Católicos. Esto nos ayudara a entender "Porque, Cuando y Como nosotros, los Católicos oramos y expresamos nuestras creencias en los servicios funerales.

319 - Desarrollar Discípulos Jóvenes mediante el uso de métodos eficaces | Presented by: Sori Govin

Cada catequista, no importa la experiencia, está constantemente en la búsqueda de estrategias y nuevas ideas creativas de enseñanzas para enseñar y transmitir la fe a nuestros aprendices. El taller explorará maneras simples que usted puede utilizar para mantener al creyente joven comprometido, emocionado y seguro en su ambiente parroquial. ¡Sori Govin nos ayudará a descubrir métodos eficaces de cómo construir un mundo lleno de discípulos de Cristo! Este taller está patrocinado por la Editorial de Religión RCL Benziger.

320 - Lecciones de Vocaciones | Presented by: Ricardo Salgado

Cómo promover vocaciones.

321 - Lectio Divina en la vida diaria | Presented by: Blanca Maldonado

PowerPoint presentation about the origin of Lectio Divina, 5 steps of Lectio and practice

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



322 - Métodos de leitura da Bíblia | Presented by: Roseane Barbosa

Refletir acerca dos métodos de leitura da Sagrada Escritura, de modo a apontar uma chave de interpretação e familiarização com textos bíblicos em sua leitura cotidiana.

323 - Disciple et Liturgie dans le monde | Presented by: Rev. Jean Gaetan Louis Boursiquot

Le disciple fait face à la réalité circonscrite: religiosité populaire, foi, culture, mentalité, pratique des sacrements, dans l'univers Haitien, et indique des pistes pour une pratique chrétienne inculturée et authentique

325 - Exorcism: Hollywood nightmare? Spiritual Development?| Presented by: Jody Breaud The Rite for Christian Initiation of Adults states: “The scrutinies, which are solemnly celebrated on Sundays and are reinforced by an exorcism, are rites for self-searching and repentance and have above all a spiritual purpose.” [141] This celebration of the Period of Purification and Enlightenment with 3 scrutinies and exorcisms will lead the elect “…to deepen their resolve to hold fast to Christ and to carry out their decision to love God above all.” [141]

326 - Eucharist and Adoration | Presented by: Tom Ryan

In this multi-media presentation, Professor Tom Ryan of Loyola University New Orleans offers reflections on Eucharistic adoration, a practice that today has appeal across age groups. He looks to the Bible and to the Mass for what they can teach us about adoration, which can in turn enhance our encounter with Christ at Mass and in the world.

Learning Session D 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

401 - Why God Doesn’t Send E-Mails— It’s All About the Tone! | Presented by: Jo Ann Paradise

How many times have you been cautioned about the potential danger of e-mails? A warning we would do well to heed since 80% of communication happens through body language and tone. Is it no wonder then that God had to send his Son so that we would rightly “hear” his message? This workshop will Christo-centric catechesis means in our time and life situation. We will explore ways to facilitate an encounter with Christ that leads to intentional discipleship

402 - The Gospel Call: Worship, Washing, Walking | Presented by: Marie Gallo-Lethcoe

The Gospel of John gives us a clear vision of Jesus' command to "Love one another as I have loved you (JN 15.12)". Join us as we explore John 13 and the relationship between Eucharist, service, and Catholic social teaching.

406 - A Spirituality of Imperfection | Presented by: Kevin Dowd

We live in a culture that has made an idol out of perfection and forces our young people to wear various masks and cyber-masks to cover up the brokenness, loneliness, and imperfection of ordinary life. This culture impacts the Church as well and how we teach about the faith. In this presentation, we will use Paul's theology of grace and apply it to the current situation. A "spirituality of imperfection" reminds us that only God is perfect, and that we don't have to be perfect to approach God or to be His disciples. Pushing back against the idol of perfection, we will promote healthier young lives and make ourselves more open to the Grace that perfects us in Christ Jesus.

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



407 - The Bible is God Talking to You: Why Am I So Bored? | Presented by: David O’Brien

"I know the bible is important and contains a lot of valuable stuff but I'm not sure how to turn the stories and the key ideas into something relevant for myself and others." If this is something you wish you could do more effectively, come and explore some best practices for bringing the bible into our everyday lives.

410 - The Wonders of Weird | Presented by: John Martin Braham

Have you ever had a hang-up on an issue that held you back in your ministry? Maybe you have a public speaking fear; maybe you see the world in a different light that makes you fear what others think of you. Perhaps you want to do the right thing or make a stand on something and you are afraid to make a stand on your own. Throughout history, including the history of our church and scripture, people had life issues that they felt held them back from greatness. With a closer look, their shortcomings were actually their greatest strengths. We will see that God chose normal people with everyday issues and problems to deliver His message of love and hope to His people. Jesus Christ chose 12 men who barely had their lives together to deliver the good news of forgiveness and a divine love that leads to eternal life. In the present day, we are all called in all our brokenness and strange quirks and viewpoints to continue to deliver this message of love. This workshop will focus on using our weaknesses as strengths to get Christ’s message of love to a generation that is quickly turning off God and turning on the attitude of selfishness and greed. We will discuss ways to bring out the weird hang-ups of our students to show them that even through these “faults”, God has a plan for us. Parish ministry leaders, teachers and students alike, are called to an attitude of letting God lead, while at the same time gaining confidence in the unique way God created us to be true Disciples of Christ.

411 - Overview of Immigration and Refugee Services | Presented by: Deborah Cruz & Vanessa McCarthy

We will provide information regarding the journey of refugees coming to the US and immigration program updates.

412 - Develop Young Disciples by Using Effective Methods | Presented by: Sori Govin

Every catechist, no matter how experienced he or she may be, is constantly on the lookout for new and creative strategies to teach and pass on our faith to our learners. This workshop will explore simple ways that you can use to keep young believers engaged, excited and safe in your parish setting. Sori Govin will help us discover effective methods for how to build a world filled with Christ’s disciples! RCL Benziger Religion Publishers sponsor this workshop.

413 - Mystagogy: An Unending Mission | Presented by: Lydia Britton

How to make the period of mystagogy an encounter of God's self-revelation in the sacramental life of the Church.

414 - Unprecedented Growth of Missionary Disciples Emerging from Small Christian Communities | Presented by: Suzanne Pezzullo

Participants will learn how to coordinate SCC’S to form missionary disciples responding to the Word to go out and proclaim the Good News. Led by Suzanne Pezzullo, the St Vincent de Paul SCC Core Team will explain how they have inspired and implemented this rapidly growing ministry. In addition, members of the Space Coast Alliance of Small Christian Communities - a collaboration of 7 parishes in the Southern Deanery for 25 years will be on hand to share information on upcoming events and formation. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to implement this integral faith formation as old and as successful as the Road to Emmaus Gospel.

415 - Vocations lessons | Presented by: Thomas Pringle

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



A teaching on how to promote vocations.

416 - Confirmed... Now What? | Presented by: Mary Buckler

How can teens keep the Holy Spirit alive after Confirmation? By serving! Learn about your gifts and how to use them to build God's kingdom for yourself, family, peers. community, world. Learn about the importance of the Eucharist and the need to feed ourselves in order to minister to/serve others.

417 - Pray, Serve, Share, Witness: With All Your Heart: Part II | Presented by: Joseph Citro & Panelist

A panel discussion of the amazing acceptance by parishioners of the discipleship model, With All Your Heart / Con Todo Nuestro Corazón; and exploring best practices of a bilingual, and bicultural model.

• Rev. John Britto, C.S.C., Parochial Vicar and With All Your Heart Parish Coordinator, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community, Viera, FL

• Rev. John McCracken, Parochial Vicar and With All Your Heart Parish Coordinator, St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Wildwood, FL

• Brian Seeber, With All Your Heart Parish Coordinator and Parish Council Member, Our Lady of Lourdes, Daytona Beach

• Christine Stillings, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator and With All Your Heart / Con Todo Nuestro Corazón Parish Coordinator, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, Apopka, FL

• Rory Kolarich, With All Your Heart: Heart to Serve team member, St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church, Winter Park, FL

418 - How to Change the World Part 2 (Catholic Social Teaching) | Presented by: Sal Solo

How do we put our faith into action? if it is really the Good News then isn't it too good not to share? Service hours for Confirmation candidates may fulfill a requirement but are we giving them tools to live a lifetime of service? The Church gives us Catholic Social Teaching as our guidelines. Basically a map to navigate the possibilities so that we will not be overwhelmed by the scale of the need and end up never making a start. Nobody can do EVERYTHING but EVERYONE can do SOMETHING to change the world! This session is designed to EDUCATE - to MOTIVATE - and to ASK OURSELVES what can I do? We will explore the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching for the iGeneration In an explosion of multimedia, videos and music. Filled with facts and figures, resources and websites, this is an essential part of training our people to really make a difference and change the world!

420 - Criando Discípulos: Entendiendo a los Adolescentes | Presented by: Rose Ocaña

Durante la presentación se discutirán los siguientes temas: retos de criar un adolescente, características típicas de los adolescentes, estrategias para mejorar la comunicación, indicadores de conducta anormal.

421 - Animando el V Encuentro | Presented by: Tomas Evans

Animando en proceso del V Encuentro, una dinámica presentación acerca del proceso de esta consulta que se realiza a nivel nacional, descubrir cuál es beneficio para las parroquias. Descubra cual es la riqueza que el V Encuentro entregará a su ministerio. Responderemos las dudas y esperamos que sea un impulso para animar a los que asistan a continuar este proceso.

422 -Vivir la vida diaria como Camino en el Señor con las hermanas y hermanos | Presented by: Dcn. Carlos Sola

Basado en el relato de los que caminan en Emaús compartiremos impresiones de qué significa para nosotros el vivir en clave de caminante, aprendiendo unos de otros y haciendo al Señor presente entre nosotros. En mi experiencia unas veces me comporto como los que van desencantados y agobiados; en

Ministry Formation Conference 2018



otras camino escuchando y sintiendo lo que los otro expresan y me hago sensible, solidario con el o ella, en ese momento me doy cuenta como Jesús me calienta el corazón y me anima para animar a otros! No te ha ocurrido a ti lo mismo? Creo que tengo que vivir la vida en clave del que camina… y tu que cuentas de tu Camino?

423 - Viver reconciliados | Presented by: Roseane Barbosa

Refletir acerca da importância do sacramento da reconciliação à luz da parábola do Filho Pródigo como fundamentação bíblica para o exame de consciência, a confissão e a restauração da graça de Deus na vida do cristão.

424 - Le Disciple, et son implication dans la Mission | Presented by: Max Jacques

Tout chrétien, pour peu qu'il héberge le Christ dans sa maison, se reconnait et se ressaisit automatiquement comme véhicule de l'Envoyé, et donc Missionnaire; Le Disciple essaie d'articuler foi et témoignage dans l'existentiel, la périphérie, et la proximité de l'Haitien d'outre-mer. Vwazinaj se fanmi. La Mission dans le "Sitz im Leben" de l'homme Haitien.