Millions Live With Hearing Loss

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Millions Live With Hearing Loss

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Millions of people in the world

    have hearing loss that can be

    treated or prevented

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Photo: Patiricia Castellanos De Munoz, CEDAF, Guatemala

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    360 million people live with

    disabling hearing loss

    32 million o these are children (

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    pevalece of dsabl hea loss fo all oulato by selected eos*

    (threshold >=41 dB or adults 15 years o age or more, and threshold >=31 dB

    children under 15 years o age, WHO 2011 estimates)


    Disabling hearing loss prevalence per 100 population

    2.72% 4.41%

    4.42% 6.13%

    6.14% 7.58%

    Data not available

    Not applicable

    *Selected regions: High-income, Central/ Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Sub-Sahara Arica, Middle East and North Arica, South Asia, Asia Pacifc,Latin America and Caribbean, and East Asia.

    The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression

    o any opinion whatsoever on the part o the World Health Organization concerning the legal status o

    any country, territory, city or area or o its authorities, or concerning the delimitation o its rontiers or

    boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines or which there may not yet be

    ull agreement.

    Data Source: WHO Deaness Prevalence Estimates (MBD Unit)

    Map Production: Prevention o Blindness and Deaness (PBD Unit)

    World Health Organization

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    global estimates

    Hearing loss is unevenly and unequally distributed across the world.

    Nearly one third o people aged above 65 live with disabling hearing loss.Prevalence decreases exponentially as income increases.

    axily 15% l ul uli g ig l; 25% g bv 65 y.

    Source: MBD, WHO, 2011 DHL estimates.









    South Asia: 2.4%

    Sub-Sahara Africa: 1.9%

    Asia Pacific: 2%

    East Asia: 1.3%

    Middle East and North Africa: 0.92%

    High Income: 0.5%

    Latin America and Caribbean: 1.6%

    5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

    Y= 0.0266x - 0.334




    Average GNI per capita (thousands US Dollars)

    Central/East Europe and Central Asia: 1.6%

    pevalece of dsabl hea loss chlde vesus oss atoal come (gni)

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Photo:Nazmul Bari, CDD, Bangladesh

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    ChroniC ear infeCtions

    In some settings, the prevalence o chronic ear inections may be as high as 46%.Ear inections are usually accompanied by discharge rom the ear. This can lead to

    hearing loss and may cause lie-threatening complications, such as meningitis and brain


    Studies show that the global burden o illness rom chronic otitis mediab aects rom

    65 to 330 million people with ear discharge.

    Otitis media is largely preventable, and can be eectively managed through medical and

    surgical approaches.

    Incorporating primary ear care into primary health care is a cost-eective way to reduce

    the long-term morbidity and mortality caused by chronic ear inections.

    b Chronic otitis media: chronic ear inection.

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  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Photo: Andrew Smith, LSHTM

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    Childhood deafness

    32 million children have disabling hearing loss. Causes include:

    Maternal inections such as RubellaMeningitis, measles and mumps

    Severe jaundice ollowing birth

    Birth anoxiaChronic ear inections

    Use o ototoxic medicines

    Low birth weightNoise

    Higher prevalence o childhood hearing loss is associated with lower levels o development

    across regions, as illustrated in the fgure below:

    Early detection and management o hearing impairments are important elements o appropriatesupport or dea or hearing-impaired babies, helping them to enjoy equal opportunities in society.

    d ig-ii cil xic lyvl c, lgug cgiiv kill, ic y

    ul i l lig ifculi i cl.

    South Asia: 2.47%

    Asia Pacific: 2.10%

    East Asia: 1.35%Y= -0.002x + 0.3291

    Middle East and North Africa: 0.95%








    55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

    Average parental literacy rate (% of population of 15 or more years old)











    Latin America andCaribbean: 1.7%

    Central/East Europeand Central Asia: 1.6%Sub-Sahara Africa: 2%



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    reoal evalece of dsabl hea loss chlde ude 14 yeas

    vesus aveae adult lteacy

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Photo: Ron Brouillette, Tanzania

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    age-related hearing loss

    The prevalence o hearing loss among adults above 65 years is thought to be up to fve times

    higher than that or people below 65 years old.

    Age-related hearing loss is termed presbyacusis.

    Exclusion rom communication can have a signifcant impact on everyday lie, causing a eeling

    o loneliness, isolation and rustration, particularly among older people who have hearing loss.

    The percentage growth in the number o people aged 65 years and above will be between

    1850% rom 20102020 in all regions. The number o people with hearing loss will

    consequently grow by similar proportions, paralleling these demographic changes.

    c Ten-year projections (20102020) assuming no change in current prevalence rates o hearing loss.

    abu i l bv65 y g vl iblig ig l.

    pecetae owth wold oulato of eole 65 yeas o olde, betwee 2010 ad 2020.c










    High income Central/ Eastern

    Europe andCentral Asia


    Middle Eastand North


    South Asia Asia Pacific Latin Americaand Caribbean

    East Asia










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  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Photo: ULBRA, CBM

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    noise is a major and avoidable

    Cause of hearing loss

    In many places, excessive noise has become the most compensated occupational hazard.Exposure to environmental noise has been linked to adverse health eects in the European

    region. Exposure to excessive noise is a major avoidable cause o permanent hearing

    loss worldwide.Noise-induced hearing loss is completely preventable through improved


    hig l c l ccu llig u xic ici.

    Some commonly used medicines (such as aminoglycosides and certain anti-malarial

    medicines) can lead to irreversible hearing loss.

    Ototoxicity can be prevented through awareness among health-care providers and by the

    rational use o drugs.

    d Ototoxic: Damaging to the ear(s).

    ni i cu cc i ll cui.

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Photo: Piet Van Hasselt, CBM

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    impaCt of hearing loss

    The main impact o hearing loss is on the individuals ability to communicate with others.

    Spoken language development in dea children is oten delayed.

    Hearing loss and ear diseases such as otitis media have a signifcant adverse eect on

    the academic perormance o children.

    In some countries, cultural or superstitious belies regarding hearing loss may create a barrier

    to prevention, treatment and/or rehabilitation.

    People living with disabilities, including hearing loss, have a much higher unemployment rate.Among those who are employed, a higher percentage o people with hearing loss work in the

    lower grades o employment, than in the general workorce.

    Lack o services and access may be a reason or proportionally higher unemployment among

    people with hearing loss.

    In addition to its individual eects, hearing loss aects social and economic development incommunities and countries.

    These negative impacts arise rom the interaction o hearing loss with the wider social

    environment, and can be signifcantly mitigated through early identifcation and appropriate

    management o hearing problems.

    e WHO Prevention o Deaness and Hearing Impairment, Report by the Director General A 39/14, 1986

    m iuly ig-ii cil ly civ yclig i vlig cui.

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Photo: Shelly Chadha, WHO

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    hearing aids: an unmet need

    It is estimated that in developing countries, about 20% o people who have hearing loss require

    hearing aids, suggesting 72 million potential hearing aid users worldwide.

    However, current production o hearing aids meets less than 10% o the global need.In

    developing countries, less than 3% o people who need a hearing aid are thought to have one.

    Making aordable and properly ftted hearing aids and ollow-up services available and

    accessible in all parts o the world will beneft many people with hearing loss.

    Hearing aid services must also address the issue o ftting, maintenance and battery provision.

    It is important to ensure ull access to learning and living environments or all persons with

    hearing loss. In particular, teaching in sign language benefts children with hearing loss, while

    provision o captioning and sign language interpretation on television acilitates access to


    Cu uci ig i l 10% glbl .

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    hearing loss Can be prevented


    Eective antenatal and perinatal care;

    Healthy ear and hearing care habits;

    Eective treatment or both acute and chronic ear conditions;Avoiding the use o ototoxic drugs, unless prescribed by a qualifed physician and properly

    monitored or correct dosage and side-eects;

    Reerring babies or early assessment o hearing, including prompt diagnosis and appropriate

    management, as required;

    Reducing exposure (both occupational and recreational) to loud noises.

    Hearing loss due to otitis media can be prevented by healthy ear and hearing care practices.It can be addressed through early detection, and appropriate medical or surgical interventions.

    Early detection and intervention is the most important actor in minimizing the impact o

    hearing loss on a childs development and educational achievements.

    People with hearing loss should have access to improved communication through the use o

    hearing devices, such as hearing aids, assistive listening devices and cochlear implants.

    People with hearing loss can learn to communicate through development o lip-reading skills,

    use o written or printed text, and sign language.

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  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss



    role of who

    Assists Members States to develop suitableprogrammes or primary ear and hearing

    care, integrated into the primary health care

    system o the country.

    Provides technical resources and guidance

    or training.

    Develops and disseminates guidelines to

    address the major preventable causes o

    hearing loss.

    Builds partnerships to provide aordable

    hearing aids and services to people in need.

    Raises awareness about hearing loss aswell as the opportunities or prevention,

    identifcation and management.

    Maintains a global database to describe the

    size and impact o the problem.

    Photo: Rajiv Dhawan, India

  • 7/30/2019 Millions Live With Hearing Loss


    Millions of people in the world

    have hearing loss that can be

    treated or prevented

    AwAreness is the key to prevention

    Learn more about hearing loss, its impact, prevention and management at: