Millie Leung - Spotlight Author on the May 2016 'The Power of Performance Newsletter'

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Transcript of Millie Leung - Spotlight Author on the May 2016 'The Power of Performance Newsletter'



W ith the much-anticipated publication of your book, your work as an author is not complete. Yes, there is much to celebrate and you should be very proud, but you have embarked on an exciting journey which will feature many challenges

and, in the end, a like number of rewards.

The great news is as a Black Card Books author, your journey will greatly benefit from a number of available proven services and programs designed to ensure your book, while an important element, is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your sustainable marketing success. Communicating via The Power of Performance Newsletter, your iPromote team is committed to ensuring you are made well aware of those services and programs, and their many benefits to you as an author looking to keep your momentum going via marketing opportunities which will help you be recognized as a respected and leading expert in your field.

Previously, The Power of Performance Newsletter addressed the importance of establishing strong relationships with traditional media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, and television and radio stations. How to establish those contacts and nurture them to your advantage was reviewed; the goal being becoming recognized as a credible and reliable spokesperson that editors, journalists and broadcasters will come to rely on as a go-to source, when opinion and analysis is sought. And you were introduced to Black Card Books’ Big News Media Campaign, which guarantees coverage with the major media organization of your choice – an exciting prospect indeed!

In this edition of The Power of Performance Newsletter, the focus is on Black Card Books’ Fund It Speech Campaign. This provides a unique credibility-building opportunity to speak before a large audience at no charge to the client other than a commitment to purchase copies of your book. You gain incredible experience as a speaker with a message that resonates, and you sell copies of your book. The client is able to offer free tickets to employees and guests who will benefit from hearing your message. It’s the ultimate win-win scenario.

The Fund It Speech Campaign is but one of many ways Black Card Books continues to make good on its fierce commitment to its authors and their continued success post-publication. Your success can and will extend far beyond your book launch. You are in control. You make it happen. The life-changing journey you’ve undertaken can be, should be, everything you envisioned and more. Black Card Books is with you every step of the way.

May 11, 2016


The Power of Per for mance newsleTTerThe source of Good news

and Great results





“You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”

This popular expression points to something much more lucrative than a whole bunch of back scratching. It’s at the core of Black Card Books’ Fund It Speech Campaign, which puts you in front of an audience at no cost to the host organization other than a commitment to purchase an agreed-upon number of copies of your book. Your back is scratched; your client’s back is scratched. Everyone is a winner.

As an author, you have much more to offer than the wisdom and advice printed on the pages of your published book. Your book is a great start, but it’s a launching point, not a destination. Getting yourself in front of audiences and sharing your expertise and advice is crucial to further establishing yourself not only as a published author, but as someone who knows your material like the back of your hand. You are someone whose core message is relevant to those who have come to hear you speak.

Getting Before An Audience A Matter Of Give And Take

Black Card Books is committed to providing you with helpful tools to guide you on your journey as an author and help you fully maximize marketing strategies and approaches. In the previous edition of The Power of Performance Newsletter, we featured Attaining Media Coverage: Now Is Not The Time To Be Silent. Now your journey continues with The Fund It Speech Campaign: The Big Stage Beckons.

As an author looking to take the next big step in marketing yourself as a credible, recognized authority in your area of expertise, getting in front of an audience is key. The effect of that is immeasurable as word of the value of your message, and your ability to effectively deliver it, quickly spreads. That brings you more speaking invitations. ClICk HERE to learn simple but effective ways on how to find money around your book through the Fund It Speech Campaign.

On the surface, getting your foot through the door as a speaker can be a daunting task. Where to begin?

The Fund It Speech Campaign is designed to make that mission not only less daunting, but a reality. It’s all about selling yourself as a credible expert on the subject you have chosen to focus your book on. You walk onto the stage and take to the microphone as a published author. You have instant credibility. Your address will only add to that, setting the foundation for a reputation as a must-be-heard expert in your field.

Soon enough, unsolicited invitations to speak will come your way. What a wonderful position to be

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AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT Millie Leung - Sharing Her Life-Changing Journey

To The Benefit Of Thousands

As a highly sought after mentor, speaker and trainer, Millie leung is the embodiment of anything being possible if you put your heart into what you believe and go for it.

Millie’s drive and commitment to her message has seen her speak to audiences throughout the Asia-Pacific region, in such locales as Australia, Malaysia, Hong kong and Taiwan. Her most recent speaking engagement in Singapore saw her address more than 10,000 entrepreneurs from across Asia, all anxious to hear, and benefit from, her techniques for starting and building a successful business, and the mindset that type of success requires.

In June, Millie’s book, Mind And Money Makeover: How To Transform Your Life In 3 Years Or Less And Live Your Dreams, will be launched. On its pages, Millie reveals a proven five-step system that will transform your life and enable you to realize your dreams, shatter common and limiting beliefs that prevent you from reaching your full potential, and offer you a proven formula for generating more income.

As Millie says, one doesn’t need luck or special talents to change one’s life. One just has to decide it’s time to do so.

It was in September 2011 that Millie began her journey towards financial freedom. As a senior merchandising manager with a Seattle-based firm, she seemingly had all she needed to make her happy, but inside, she was consumed by a desire to work towards achieving her dreams, not someone else’s. By November 2013, together with her husband, she had established 10 streams of income – a number that continues to grow – and she has become financially free.

Now Millie’s goal is to share her journey with as many people as possible, ensuring they avoid the mistakes she made, are exposed to the lessons she learned and inspire them to get started on their own journey towards financial freedom by building a profitable home business.

To learn more about Millie leung’s book, Mind And Money Makeover: How To Transform Your Life In 3 Years Or Less And Live Your Dreams, and her author services, visit her website at or her Facebook page at Fifty percent of the net proceeds from the books sold will be used for programs that support education and children in need.

Congratulations Millie! Your BCB team is proud of your accomplishments. We are confident that you will continue with even more successes!

“The reasons I wrote my book were to elevate my brand, expand my audience reach and further expand my business. As taught by Gerry Robert, I plan to develop a series of products based on my book in the future (such as eBook/Kindle, an online webinar training series, in-person workshops, a coaching program, etc.) and I look forward to securing more publicity from the book too.” —Millie Leung

Are you inspired by Millie Leung’s author journey? How would you like Black Card Books to help you find the money around your book through the Fund It Speech Campaign and boost your author credibility? We can provide you assistance on this and so much more! Contact your iPromote team right away so we can help. You may get in touch with us at for more information.

The ability to Inspire, Influence, and make an Impact to your audience are some key qualities of great speakers. An audience likes to listen to real-life stories, and a great speaker ensures that the audience feels hopeful and enlightened with the message. While there are various influencing techniques, a good speaker always uses positive influence to gain the audience’s trust. Making an impact is not just about the speech content but

highly involves on how you look and how you sound. Mastering these qualities makes every speaker marketable to his or her target audience.

INSPIRED ACTION“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” —Zig Ziglar

WHAT OTHER BCB AUTHORS ARE DOINGDr. Daleen Smal – Author of The Art Of Money: How To Win The Wealth Game

With a consuming passion for helping others manage their finances and grow their wealth, Dr. Daleen Smal penned her soon-to-be-released book The Art Of Money: How To Win The Wealth Game.

Following her retirement after 37 years as an economist with the South African Reserve Bank, Daleen now shares her investing and financing expertise to the benefit of numerous businesses in diverse sectors. Her goal is to provide strategic direction and leadership by applying her comprehensive knowledge of international and domestic economies. To that end, Daleen leads, supports and

helps her business partners achieve success in the ventures to which they devote much of their time and efforts. Based on her experience with the South African Reserve Bank, Daleen is a tireless proponent of the benefits of teamwork and the creation of opportunities for others.

Daleen’s strategies, combined with effective planning and plain hard work, have brought her multiple successes, from delivering her message before thousands of entrepreneurs and business heavyweights, to sharing stages with world-renowned speakers and business people.

As Black Card Books’ newest bestselling author, Daleen’s determined and all-encompassing commitment to empowering others is truly inspiring. That she so willingly and enthusiastically assists those who have had few opportunities to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams is particularly uplifting.

To learn more about Dr. Daleen Smal, visit

Congratulations for being BCB’s newest Bestselling Author! You are AMAZING, Daleen!

For more inspiration from authors’ successes, be sure to visit Gerry’s website by CLICKING HERE.

“I am waiting in anticipation for BCB to deliver my book, and for its release on Amazon and the media marketing strategy provided through BCB. They have an amazing system in place to support authors.”  —Dr. Daleen Smal

Black Card Books is thrilled your book is published and you can add the title ‘author’ to your résumé. That is indeed a magnificent milestone! But as mentioned so many times previously, your journey has just begun. To that end, Black Card Books offers Premium Services designed to keep your momentum going and take you to dizzying new heights, not only as an author, but also as a leading figure in your field of expertise.

Among the Premium Services offered to support you beyond your book’s release are the Book launch Campaign, the Author Website Campaign, the Big News Media Campaign and the Amazon Bestseller Campaign. Each is currently being offered individually at a huge savings, or you can package them together and realize an incredible 75% savings. Either way, the value offered to you as an author looking to capitalize further on your book is immeasurable.

To find out more about the Premium Services offered, connect with your iPromote team at and setup your FREE Discovery Consultation with Marybeth Haines to see if this service is right for you. Marybeth will be delighted to review each campaign in more detail and, together with you, decide which package is best suited for you moving forward.

There is money to be made around your book beyond its sales. Numerous marketing opportunities await and they are destined to take you to the next level. Black Card Books remains committed to helping you discover those opportunities and putting into action a plan that will elevate you to unbelievable heights.

Don’t miss out learning great tools for your success! Always stop by Black Card Books’ blog to see this at:

CLICK HERE to hear a personal message from your iPromote team!

Cheering for YOU! Your iPromote team

Marybeth Haines It is an honour to be here

supporting YOU! As we walk each step forward, we step together in

teamwork! If you’re open to taking action, I’m open to standing beside you with full support!

Clarissa SayamanI am so thrilled to be a part of

your journey to success! Great opportunities abound and I encourage

you to grab them and take that next step, knowing that you have a team that will support you along the way.

Krystle Sta. Clara I am absolutely excited for your success! Side by side, hand in hand, we’ll guide and assist you every step. Your commitment is double our commitment!