Mexico | MC 2013-2014 Job Descriptions

Post on 02-Mar-2016

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Mexico | MC 2013-2014 Job Descriptions

Transcript of Mexico | MC 2013-2014 Job Descriptions

Job Descriptions

13 14

“La Catrina” – Mexican Folklore

Member Committee


Member Committee President 13.14        The  main  role  of  the  President  is  to  facilitate  the  implementa3on  of  Global  Direc3on  towards  the  achievement  of  the  AIESEC  2015  Vision  leading  the  MC  Team  in  order  to  achieve  planned  results  by  the  end  of  the  term.  Work  with  the  LCP  Team,  involve  them  and  encourage  them  to  have  a  proac3ve  role  in  implemen3ng  the  Na3onal  Direc3on.  Represent  AIESEC  Mexico  in  the  external  environment,  the  interna3onal  network  and  AIESEC  Interna3onal,  to  increase  the  credibility  and  posi3oning  of  AIESEC  in  Mexico.  Manage  and  control  the  financial  sustainability  and  legality  of  our  opera3ons.  

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MCP


External  Managing  LCPs  Commission  |  Internal  Representa3on  |  MC  Team  Management  |  Country  Management  

Public  Rela3ons  and  Networking  |  External  Bodies  Management  |  Account  Management  and  Sales  

Measure of Success

•  %  Realiza3on  of  the  Na3onal  plan  •  No.  and  Growth  of  all  ELD  Programs  •  Quality/NPS  Score  of  all  ELD  Programs  •  Legality  of  AIESEC  in  Mexico  opera3ons    

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  AIESEC  Interna3onal  •  Subordinates  for:  LCPs,  MCVPs  •  Cooperates  with:  MCPs,  LCPs,  MCVPs,  BoA,  Supervisory  Group.  

Member Vice-Committee President ���Talent Management 13.14

       The  main  role  of  MCVP  TM  is  to  ensure  the  quan3ty  and  quality  of  AIESEC  Experiences  to  our  members  and  deliver  rights  tools  for  learning,  development,  and  increased  produc3vity.  The  MCVP  TM  needs  to  focus  the  organiza3on  culture  towards  increasing  their  impact  as  well  as  build  opportuni3es  for  partnerships  to  provide  more  learning  opportuni3es  for  members.  Also,  MCVP  TM  is  responsible  for  the  development  of  Local  Commi]ees  through  the  focus  on  of  improving  the  membership  experience  (integrated  experiences,  pipeline  management,  member  reten3on,  personal  and  professional  development)  and  membership  effec3veness  (membership  educa3on  and  skills  development,  results-­‐orienta3on,  development  of  exchange  culture,  quality  HR  capacity  to  increase  opera3ons)  

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success

•  %  of    Plan  Realiza3on  •  Growth  and  Quan3ty  of  TMP  /  TLP  Experiences  •  Reten3on  rate  •  Number  of  Integrated  Experiences  •  Membership  Efficiency  Ra3o  

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  LCVPs  TM,  NST  •  Cooperates  with:  MC  Team,  LCPs,  AI.  

TM Force Management

•  TM  Process  Management  and  Implementa3on    •  TM  NSTs  Management  •  LCVPs  TM  Educa3on,  Coaching  and  Tracking  Administrator  

Mexico  –  Talent  Management  WIKI  •  Promote  opportuni3es  for  members  –Conferences,  Leadership  

Roles  in  other  countries  etc.  •  Develop  and  manage  na3onal  programs,  campaigns  and  


•  Ensure  Competency  Model  Management  and  implementa3on  at  local  and  na3onal  level.  •  Ensure  with  MCVP  LCD,  leadership  development  at  local  level  

(transi3on,  selec3on  for  leadership,  leadership  prepara3on).  •  TMP  &  TLP  Management    

Membership Development

•  Crea3ng  and  Implemen3ng  Members’  Educa3on  Cycle  aligned  with  TMP&TLP  including  func3onal,  organiza3onal  knowledge  as  well  as  ensuring  hard  and  sog  skills  development.  

•  Track  and  coach  the  performance  of  the  LTT  (Local  Training  Teams),  in  order  to  deliver  quality  educa3on  and  training  process.  

•  Work  with  the  MCVP  External  Rela3ons  to  establish  na3onal  learning  partnerships  and  coordinate  with  them  the  topics  to  train  the  membership.    

Membership Education

•  Work  with  MCVP  OGX  GIP  &  GCDP  and  MCVP  COMM&IM  to  ensure  Programmes  Based  Recruitment  Implementa3on  at  local  

level.    •  Work  with  the  MCVP  LCD  to  ensure  strategic  planning  to  enhance  

LC  capacity.  •  Provide  educa3on  and  support  to  LCs  to  ensure  high  quality  

recruitment.  •  Co-­‐ordinate  with  MCVP  OGX  GIP  &  GCDP  to  deliver  pocket  

recruitments  to  meet  exchange  goals.    

Programmes Based


Talent Tracking and Pipeline Management

•  Manage  the  pipeline  of  the  MC  with  the  MCP.  •  Educate  LCs  on  how  to  manage  the  talent  pipeline  •  Support  LCs  on  how  to  conduct  the  AIESEC  XP  packaging  to  

increase  results.    •  management  and  audit  with  TMP  &  TLP.    

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP Talent Management

Member Vice-Committee President ���Outgoing Exchange ���

Global Internship Programme 13.14          Ensure  the  growth  and  strategic  development  of  the  GIP  on  the  outgoing  side  at  na3onal  level.  Take  into  account  interna3onal  and  na3onal  policies  and  procedures,  downscale  strategy  and  direc3on  from  na3onal  office,  lead  to  growth  in  quality  and  quan3ty  by  developing  and  delivering  tools,  process  and  exchange-­‐based  product.  Together  with  MC  VPOGX  GCDP,  MC  VPICX  GIP  and  MC  VPICX  GCDP  is  responsible  for  the  maintenance  of  the  exchange  system  and  for  building  the  interna3onal  rela3on  of  AIESEC  in  Mexico  allowing  the  na3onal  organiza3on  to  connect  with  the  AIESEC  network.    

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success

•  Number  of  GIP  EPs  realized  •  Market  segmenta3on  and  focused  Raising  by  LCs  •  Absolute/rela3ve  growth  of  GIP  •  No.  of  days  decreased  in  GIP  Delivery  •  Cleaning  of  GIP  Pipeline    •  Quality/NPS  Score  from  GIP  EPs  

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  NST  OGX  GIP,  LCVPs  OGX  GIP  •  Cooperates  with:  MC  Team,  Global  MCVPs,  AI  

Exchange  strategy    

•  Support  GIP  raising  through  internal  analysis  •  GIP  interna3onal  coopera3on  •  Aligning  and  implemen3ng  global  GIP  strategies  at  na3onal  level  •  Focused  Raising  of  GIP  EPs  based  on  LC  Reali3es  

•  Internal  audit  and  quality  training  •  Implement  and  track  servicing  and  support  to  exchange  

par3cipant  •  Track  delivery  and  servicing  to  all  the  stakeholders  

Exchange  quality  


•  Local  outgoing  prepara3on  seminar  guidance  and  coordina3on  •  Na3onal,  regional  and  local  conference  •  Together  with  all  the  MCVPXs,  ensure  the  educa3on  of  exchange  


Conference  management    

•  Develop  GIP  product  for  student  market,  meet  the  trends  and  needs  

•  Marke3ng  and  selling  strategy  for  GIP  product  •  Build  up  the  campus  rela3on  and  the  brand  in  student  market  

ER  strategy    

LC  coach     •  Coach  and  track  LC  in  planning  and  implementa3on  of  LC  strategy  •  Coach,  train  and  track  LC  VPs  OGX  GIP  

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP OGX GIP

•  OGX  GIP  member  development  •  Market  Analysis  of  new  areas  and  educa3on  backgrounds  to  tap  

into.    Educa3on    

Member Vice-Committee President ���Outgoing Exchange ���

Global Community Development Programme 13.14        Ensure  the  growth  and  strategic  development  of  the  GCDP  on  the  outgoing  side  at  na3onal  level.  Take  into  account  interna3onal  and  na3onal  policies  and  procedures,  downscale  strategy  and  direc3on  from  na3onal  office,  lead  to  growth  in  quality  and  quan3ty  by  developing  and  delivering  tools,  process  and  exchange-­‐based  product.  Together  with  MC  VPOGX  GIP,  MC  VPICX  GIP  and  MC  VPICX  GCDP  is  responsible  for  the  maintenance  of  the  exchange  system  and  for  building  the  interna3onal  rela3on  of  AIESEC  in  Mexico  allowing  the  na3onal  organiza3on  to  connect  with  the  AIESEC  network.    

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success

•  Number  of  GCDP  EP  realized  •  Realiza3on  Rate  •  X+L  realized  (both  L+X  and  X+L)  •  Absolute/rela3ve  growth  of  GCDP  •  Quality/NPS  Score  from  GCDP  EPs  

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  NST  OGX  GCDP,  LCVPs  OGX  GCDP  •  Cooperates  with:  MC  Team,  Global  MCVPs,  AI    

Exchange strategy

•  Support  GCDP  raising  through  internal  analysis  •  GCDP  Interna3onal  coopera3on  •  Aligning  and  implemen3ng  global  GCDP  strategies  at  na3onal  


•  Internal  audit  and  quality  training  •  Implement  and  track  servicing  and  support  to  exchange  

par3cipant  •   Track  delivery  and  servicing  to  all  the  stakeholders  

Exchange quality


•  Local  outgoing  prepara3on  seminar  guidance  and  coordina3on  •   Together  with  all  the  MCVPXs,  ensure  the  educa3on  of  exchange  

system  Conference


•  Develop  GCDP  product  for  student  market,  meet  the  trends  and  needs  

•  Marke3ng  and  selling  strategy  for  GCDP  product  •  Build  up  the  campus  rela3on  and  the  brand  in  student  market  

ER strategy

LC coach •  Coach  and  track  LC  in  planning  and  implementa3on  of  LC  strategy  •  Coach,  train  and  track  LC  VPs  OGX  GCDP    

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP OGX GCDP

•  OGX  GCDP  member  development     Education

Member Vice-Committee President ���Incoming Exchange ���

Global Internship Programme 13.14        The  main  role  of  MCVP  ICX  GIP  is  to  ensure  the  development  of  sales  strategy  at  na3onal  level  in  order  to  increase  the  number  and  quality  of  incoming  exchanges.    Build  and  maintain  the  rela3onships  with  partners  and  all  AIESEC  network,  manage  the  Mexican  legality  in  front  of  migra3on  office  and  ensure  the  local  commi]ees  legality.  Also,  MCVP  ICX  GIP  has  to  track  the  LCVPs  ICX  GIP  and  manage  the  Na3onal  Support  Team.  

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success

•  %  Plan  Realiza3on  •  Number  of  TNs  realized  •  Number  of  corporate  projects  run  •  Realiza3on  rate  in  the  ICX  GIP    •  Absolute  growth  in  ICX  GIP    •  Quality/NPS  Score  of  GIP  TNs  

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  LCVPs  ICX  GIP,  NST  ICX  GIP    •  Cooperates  with:  MC  Team,  AI  and  AIESEC    Network    

ICX and Sales

•  Support  to  all  LCVPs    ICX  GIP    •  Increase  Incoming  Exchanges  through  internal  and  external  

analysis  •  Develop  products  based  on  exchange  

•  Exchange  Pipeline  Management  •  AIESEC  in  Mexico’s  Interna3onal  Coopera3ons  •  External  market  segmenta3on  and  research  •  Develop  and  implement  local  sales  strategy  

•  Work  with  the  MCVP  ER  at  na3onal  level  to  increase  partnerships.  •  Delivery  and  account  management    

Strategy Management

•  Manage  rela3onship  with  Na3onal  Migra3on  office.  •  Legal  representa3ve  with  TN  takers  •  Manage  legal    status  of    AIESEC  Mexico  trainees  •  Migra3on  processes  management    

Legal representation

•  Deliver  quality  Exchange  Management  to  our  partners  sand  trainees  

•  Ensure  a  quality  service  to  our  partnerships  and  trainees    

Quality management

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP ICX GIP

Member Vice-Committee President ���Incoming Exchange ���

Global Community Development Programme 13.14        The  MCVP  ICX  GCDP  role  is  to  develop,  downscale  and  implement  the  na3onal  direc3on  of  ICX  GCDP  area.  Educate,  coach  and  track  the  local  VPs  ICX  GCDP  and  the  respec3ve  Na3onal  Support  Team.  Ensure  the  interna3onal  representa3on  of  Mexico  and  maintain  the  local  en33es  updated  with  the  interna3onal  direc3on  and  strategies.  Also,  is  responsible  of  making  sure  of  the  quality  of  the  internships  offered  and  the  implementa3on  of  the  labor  and  immigra3on  laws  of  the  country.    

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success

•  #  of  Realized  GCDP  TNs  •  Absolute  growth    •  Realiza3on  rate  of  GCDP  TNs  •  #  of  na3onal  and  local  GCDP  projects  implemented  •  Quality/NPS  Score  of  GCDP  TNs  

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  LCVPs  ICX  GCDP,  NST  ICX  GCDP    •  Cooperates  with:    MC  Team,  AI  •  Interna3onal  Network    

ICX GCDP National Strategy

•  Assess,  develop  and  implement  na3onal  projects    •  Run  market  research  and  analysis  and  supply  and  demand  

analysis  •  Exchange  area  management    •  Provide  guidance,  tools  and  materials  to  downscale  the  na3onal  

strategy  of  the  area    •  Interna3onal  coopera3on  management    

•  Drive  the  sales  strategy  of  ICX  GCDP  area  at  local  level  •  Educate,  coach  and  track  LCs  in  terms  of  local  projects  

implementa3on  •  Design  campaigns  and  ini3a3ves  for  local  projects  implementa3on  •  Cooperate  with  MCVP  ER  for  the  na3onal  sales  strategy  execu3on  

•  Assist  local  chapters  to  map  external  opportuni3es  for  social  community  development  programs    

Sales and project


•  Ensure  the  knowledge  and  implementa3on  of  the  Exchange  Program  Policies  in  all  the  en33es    

•  Develop  and  implement  the  na3onal  exchange  policies  •  Ensure  the  knowledge  for  a  qualita3ve  delivery  of  the  exchange  

program  for  all  the  en33es  involved  in  the  process  at  any  level.  •  Quality  and  impact  control  of  the  projects  implemented    

Exchange quality


•  Downscale  the  na3onal  ICX  GCDP  policies  regarding  the  labor  and  immigra3on  laws  of  the  country    

•  Legal  representa3ve  of  the  organiza3on  in  front  of  the  Na3onal  Immigra3on  Office  

•  Legal  representa3ve  of  the  organiza3on  in  front  of  the  TN  Takers  •  Final  responsible  of  the  legal  stay  of  the  interns  in  Mexico    

Education, sustainability

and knowledge management

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP ICX GCDP


•  Downscale  the  na3onal  ICX  GCDP  policies  regarding  the  labor  and  immigra3on  laws  of  the  country    

•  Legal  representa3ve  of  the  organiza3on  in  front  of  the  Na3onal  Immigra3on  Office  

•  Legal  representa3ve  of  the  organiza3on  in  front  of  the  TN  Takers  •  Final  responsible  of  the  legal  stay  of  the  interns  in  Mexico    

Member Vice-Committee President ���Finance & Legal 13.14

       The  MCVP  Finance  &  Legal  is  responsible  for  managing  the  Finance  way  to  support  the  term  goals  and  increase  the  long-­‐term  sustainability;  accoun3ng,  smart  use  of  the  resources.  In  addi3on,  he/she  is  responsible  of  the  legal  management  of  the  na3onal  en3ty  by  solving  all  legal  issues  and  giving  support  for  LC  level  (contracts,  status,  and  conferences).  He/she  has  to  also  manage  the  Na3onal  Finance  Team  and  the  Internal  Auditors,  and  educate  the  Local  Finance  Directors  and  members.    

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success

•  %  of  Plan  realiza3on  •  No.  of  AIESEC  en33es  who  have  at  least  3  months  of  

their  opera3ng  budget  as  a  reserve  •  External  Audit  Report  as  Posi3ve  •  Less  that  30%  of  the  Budget  covered  by  non-­‐

exchange  products  •  No.  of  months  of  reserves  at  Na3onal  Level.  

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  NST,  LCVPs  Finance  &  Legal  •  Cooperates  with:    LCPs,  GST,  AI    

Financial Subsystems


•  Ensuring  the  development  and  implementa3on  of  all  the  financial  system.  

•  NST  Finance  Management.  •  Educate  and  coach  the  LCVPs  Finance  &  Legal  on  financial  process  


•  Manage  the  Mexico  –  Finance  WIKI    •  Gather  and  promote  Good  Case  Prac3ces  from  interna3onal  and  

na3onal  level  of  learning  ac3vi3es  and  financial  processes  or  any  other  tools.  

•  Promote  opportuni3es  for  members.  •  Develop  and  manage  na3onal  programs  and  campaigns.  

•  Administra3ng,  upda3ng,  and  improving  the  Finance  Corner    

Managing Virtual Spaces

•  Legisla3on  &  Administra3on  •  Internal  Audits  management.  •  Legal  Compliance    

Legal Issues

•  Accoun3ng  Management  •  Tax  Returns  (Declaraciones  informa3vas)  

•  Deduc3ble  emission  and  tracking  (Deducibilidad)  •  Fiscal  Compliance    

Fiscal Issues

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP Finance & Legal

Banking Management

MC  Members  and  general  payments.  Interna3onal  and  na3onal  transfers.  Banking  rela3on  management.    

•  Campaigns  development  about  performance  sales  at  na3onal  level.  

•  Costs  Systems  Management  •  Financial  Models  Implementa3on  to  increase  the  organiza3onal  


Financial Monitoring

Banking Management

MC  Members  and  general  payments.  Interna3onal  and  na3onal  transfers.  Banking  rela3on  management.    

Member Vice-Committee President���Organizational Development 13.14

       The  MCVP  OD  role  is  to  support  the  na3onal  gradual  advancement  towards  the  organiza3onal  objec3ves  through  a  driving  LC  Development  services,  ensuring  the  achievement  of  2012-­‐2013  organiza3onal  goals  and  the  sustainability  of  AIESEC  in  Mexico  beyond  the  term.  He/she  is  responsible  of  managing  the  Planning,  Transi3on  and  Tracking  processes,  and  of  the  implementa3on  of  Coaching,  Clustering  and  CEED  strategy,  and  overseeing  local  university  management  from  a  na3onal  perspec3ve.  Measurement  systems  such  as  SONA,  Demographic  surveys,  sta3s3cal  analysis  and  interna3onal  benchmarking,  are  also  his  responsibility.  Also  he’s  responsible  for  coordina3on  of  organiza3onal  structure  and  managing  regionaliza3on  or  centraliza3on  ini3a3ves.  Quality  measurement  and  feedback  from  stakeholders  must  be  overseen  by  MCVP  OD  in  coordina3on  with  the  program  managers.  Among  other  du3es  developing  an  integral  growth  model  Other  du3es  are  overseeing  the  alignment  with  the  interna3onal  direc3on,  and  managing  the  strategies  of  expansion  to  new  en33es.  The  MCVP  OD  supports  the  Extension  Groups  to  become  Local  Commi]ees.    

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success

•  %  of  Plan  realiza3on  •  No.  of  AIESEC  en33es  who  have  

at  least  3  months  of  their  opera3ng  budget  as  a  reserve  

•  External  Audit  Report  as  Posi3ve  

•  Less  that  30%  of  the  Budget  covered  by  non-­‐exchange  products  

•  No.  of  months  of  reserves  at  Na3onal  Level.  

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  LC  coaches,  

NST,  MST,  LCs  coachees    •  Cooperates  with:    LCPs,  LCs,  MC  


Strategic Data


•  Evaluate  the  effec3veness  of  using  the  internal  tools  like  SONA,  and  provide  recommenda3on  on  how  to  create  clear  communica3on  around  them.  

•  Evaluate  na3onal  direc3on  of  the  organiza3on:  o  Iden3fy  bo]lenecks/key  issues  in  the  na3onal  network  and  recommend  strategic  

alterna3ves  to  solve  them.  o  Iden3fy  key  drivers  for  growth  in  the  na3onal  network  and  outline  how  to  

capitalize  on  them.  o  Prepare  quarterly  analysis  about  the  performance  and  health  of  AIESEC  in  Mexico.  o  Evaluate  the  state  of  the  actual  organiza3onal  culture  and  provide  inputs  for  

culture  reshaping.    

•  Drive  the  medium/long  term  organiza3onal  vision  development  together  with  the  MCP.  •  Adjust  the  na3onal  planning  framework,  facilitate  and  track  its  implementa3on  at  

na3onal  and  local  level.  •  Oversee  the  alignment  with  global  direc3on.    

Planning and


•  Develop  quarterly  qualita3ve  and  quan3ta3ve  analy3cal  report  related  to  organiza3onal  strategy-­‐for  internal  and  external  use.  

•  Generate  Demographic  Surveys  and  provide  output  to  the  MC  •  Develop  sta3s3cal  benchmarking  comparing  Mexico  to  other  AIESEC  en33es.    

Periodical Reporting

Coaching:  •  Adjust  and  support  the  implementa3on  of  a  customized  coaching  strategy.  •  Planning  and  track  the  implementa3on  of  LC  growth  strategies.  •  Iden3fy  external  opportuni3es  to  increase  growth  of  LCs.  •  Provide  educa3on  and  training  on  na3onal  LC  growth  strategies.  •  Oversee  the  alignment  in  the  communica3on  channels.  Growth  Model:  •  Develop  a  framework  of  behaviours  and  KPI’s  that  model  the  development  

of  a  typical  mexican  LC  to  base  Planning,  SONA  and  Tracking  around  it.  Resources:  •  Update  the  online  library  of  resources  with  tools/guides  related  to  OD  to  

support  strategies  implementa3on  at  LC  level.  CEED:  •  Responsible  of  CEED  strategy  con3nuity  LC  Transi3on:  •  Responsible  for  LC  transi3on  methodology  development    

Organizational Development


Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP OD


•  Support  and  coordinate  ini3a3ve  groups  and  expansions  

•  Manage  expansion  strategy  •  Manage  expansion  team  and  expansion  summits.    

•  Responsible  to  support  LCs  in  Structure  Development  or  Adjustment  

•  Strategic  Development  team  selec3on  and  management.    

LC Structure &


Reward & Recognition

•  Responsible  for  Reward  and  recogni3on  strategy  in  rela3on  with  LCs  Performance    

Member Vice-Committee President ���Information Management & Communications 13.14        The  main  role  of  the  MCVP  Informa3on  Management  &  Communica3ons  is  to  manage  and  give  maintenance  and  develop  the  Informa3on  Systems  and  applica3ons  of  AIESEC  in  Mexico,  and  all  the  social  media  in  which  we  are  present  (Facebook,  Twi]er,  YouTube,  LinkedIn,  Flickr)  in  order  to  ensure  proper  informa3on  use  in  the  en3ty,  as  well  as  developing  the  needed  strategy  and  tools  to  propi3ate  effec3ve  internal  and  external  communica3on  at  local  and  na3onal  level  to  all  our  stakeholders.  If  needed  MCVP  IM&COMM  is  in  charge  of  developing  new  strategies  and  tools  to  support  the  performance  of  other  areas.  

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success •  %  Of  plan  Realiza3on    

•  Number  of  LCs  with  an  effec3ve  Internal  Communica3ons  Plan.  •  %  Of  media  appearances  aligned  to  AIESEC  brand.  

•  %  Of  the  total  membership  properly  using  •  %  Of  growth  in  unique  visitors  in  our  Na3onal  Website.  

•  %  Of  Growth  of  Page/Visits  •  Time  of  average  visits  dura3on.  

•  %  Of  Growth  in  Social  Media  traffic.  •  %  Of  events  that  AIESEC  is  invited  because  of  their  youth  leadership  programs.    

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  LCVPS  

COMM&IM,  NST    •  Cooperates  with:    MC  Team,  

Interna3onal  Network    

Public Relations

and External


•  Ensure  the  crea3on  and  execu3on  of  AIESEC  Mexico’s  Public  Rela3ons  plan.  •  A]end  Events,  forums  and  mee3ngs  that  guarantee  a  correct  posi3oning  of  AIESEC  

Mexico  in  target  markets.  •  Manage  all  the  media  partners  at  na3onal  level,  ensuring  Brand  presence  with  all  

current  and  poten3al  stakeholders.  •  Come  up  with  strategy  on  new  markets  to  target  virtually.    •  Work  with  External  Rela3ons  Area  to  improve  material  and  External  image  of  AIESEC.    

•  Responsible  of  the  development,  execu3on  and  tracking  to  generate  effec3ve  internal  communica3on  programs  at  na3onal  and  local  level.    

•  Responsible  for  maintaining  and  developing  strategies  and  tools  and  training  needed  to  ensure  the  internal  communica3on  in  the  whole  en3ty.    

Internal Communication

•  Increase  the  effec3ve  usage  of  our  internal  system.  •  Providing  the  training  to  the  members  about  and  the  tools  we  use.  •  Develop  effec3ve  structures  /  rules  and  policies,  within  to  ensure  a  

proper  distribu3on  of  AIESEC  Mexico’s  informa3on.  •  Technical  Support  of  to  members.  •  Technical  Support  of  our  domain  accounts  (  •  Administra3on  of  our  server/host  and  informa3on  manager  there.  •  Provide  space  to  our  server  if  need  it  (LC  level).    

Information Systems

•  Responsible  for  the  technical  maintenance  of  the  na3onal  website,  providing  and  developing  the  needed  tools  in  order  to  deliver  an  effec3ve  message  to  the  

external  market.    •  Improve/Maintenance  of  Official  Website  (  and  training  to  

VPs  about  managing  their  websites.  •  If  needed  and  based  on  the  Google  Analy3cs  and  SEO  results,  MCVP  IM&COMM  

must  coordinate  the  branding  of  the  website’s  strategy.  •  Technical  Support  with  Official  websites  (congresses,  groups,  events,  etc.).  

•  Develop  new  applica3ons  or  tools  to  improve  AIESEC  in  Mexico’s  performance.    

Information Technology

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP IM&COMM

Additional Areas

Responsible  for  the  payment  of  the  Google  app,  host  and  domain.  Provides  Support  to  our  MCVP  ER  regarding  the  maintenance  of  our  social  Network  services  &  External  Focus.    Provides  support  to  our  MCVP  TM  and  MCVP  OGX  in  Recruitment  based  opera3ons.    

Member Vice-Committee President ���External Relations & Alumni 13.14

       To  fulfill  the  core  objec3ves  the  MCVP  ER  has  to  develop  a  strategic  plan  that  includes  external  events,  product  development  and  delivering  na3onal  account  management  and  the  Na3onal  ER  team.          The  main  role  of  the  MC  VP  ER  is  to  ensure  the  financial  sustainability  of  the  MC  and  the  LCs,  by  developing  Non  Exchange  Products  that  generate  financial  resources  on  short  and  long  term;  managing  the  Na3onal  and  local  partnerships,  and  suppor3ng  MC  and  LCs  to  generate  new  ones.        This  role  involves  suppor3ng  and  coaching  local  commi]ees,  in  order  to  boost  their  performance  in  diversifica3on  of  the  local  Product  Poroolio  and  genera3on  of  incomes.    

Competencies Developed Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global  Mindset   X Entrepreneurial  Outlook   X Social  Responsibility   X Emo3onal  Intelligence   X Proac3ve  Learning   X

Technical Competencies – Skills Basic Average Good Excellent

Project  Management   X Conference  Management   X Partnership  Development     X

Management  of  Exchange  Process     X People  Development     X

Strategic  Planning  and  Change  management     X Evalua3on  and  Measurement  Systems     X

Facilita3ng    and  Training     X Leadership     X

Financial  Management  -­‐  Budget,  cash  flow,  etc.     X Team  Management     X  usage  and  Management     X

Measure of Success

•  Number  of  new  Na3onal  Partnerships  signed  •  Reten3on  Rate  of  Na3onal  Partnerships  •  At  least  30%  of  the  MC  Budget  covered  by  Na3onal  

Partnerships  incomes.  •  Number  of  Alumni  contribu3ng  the  AIESEC  

Subordination levels

•  Subordinates  to:  MCP  •  Subordinates  for:  ER  Manager,  NST,  NPCs,  LCVPs  

Alumni    •  Cooperates  with:    MC  Team,  LCs,  AI    

Current National Partnerships

•  Oversee  all  contractual  agreements  and  re-­‐signing  3melines  of  all  Na3onal  partners  and  nego3ate  contracts  as  needed.  

•  Ensure  engagement  and  presence  of  all  partners  at  all  events  and  virtual  plaoorms  (website,  and  publica3ons).  

•  Look  for  opportuni3es  to  expand  the  current  rela3onship  to  larger  MC  partnerships,  as  well  as  work  together  and  decentralize  to  the  LC  level.    

•  Pursue  mature  or  emerging  markets  for  ER  in  high  growth  industries.  

•  Collaborate  with  LCs  to  iden3fy  new  opportuni3es  for  na3onal  and  local  partnerships  and  ensure  implementa3on  of  the  Na3onal  

ER  Policies.  •  Sign  new  partnerships  for  AIESEC  in  México  cover  over  30%  of  the  

MC  budget  each  year.    

New Partnerships & AIESEC Branding

•  Co-­‐ordinate  the  ER  team  and  markets  strategy.  •  Provide  support  to  MC  ER  team  in  sales,  delivery  and  partnership  

management.  •  Provide  input  and  support  to  MC’s  communica3on  plan.  •  Work  closely  with  MCVP  Finance  to  monitor  progress  towards  

securing  fundraising  target  for  current  and  following  years  budget    

Coordination of ER Team and


•  Iden3fy  the  different  strategies  for  alumni  rela3ons  and  make  a  plan  for  each  one:  Sales,  Coaching,  In-­‐kind  Sponsorships.  

•  Develop  and  track  the  Na3onal  Alumni  Strategy  •  Direct  and  coach  the  LCVPs  Alumni    

Alumni Management

Main Functions and Responsibilities as MVCP ER & AL