Metropolitan Junior Hockey League Rules

Post on 22-Nov-2015

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Metropolitan Junior Hockey League Rules, 2012-2013

Transcript of Metropolitan Junior Hockey League Rules


Rule 201. Composition of Teams. Must start with 6 players on ice. If team has < 4 players, forfeit. Max 18 players plus 2 goalies. For exhibition, 20 + 2. Max 4 coaches.Rule 202. Captain of a Team. 1 captain, 2 alternates. If 2 Cs, no Cs. No goalies.Rule 203. Players in Uniform. Cannot change or add to roster once submitted at game time. Goalies can change on fly, but original goalie cannot return until next stoppage; if he does, bench minor for illegal substitution. If goalie substitution, no warm-up, unless Time-out is used. Must dress minimum of 11 players (10 skaters, 1 goalie) to start game.Rule 204. Playing Lineup. Home team gets last change. Incorrect starting lineup = bench minor only if opposing team raises the issue before second faceoff in first period.Rule 205. Change of Players. Goalkeeper must be within 10 feet of bench. If premature substitution, whistle when offending team gets possession + faceoff at center ice (unless pucks in offending teams side of the ice when whistled, in which case faceoff at last play.) If bench minor for deliberate illegal substitution or leaving the penalty box too soon during last two minutes or OT, then penalty shot/optional minor awarded.Rule 206. Injured Players. If a penalized player is injured, he can go to the dressing room; if its a minor, substitute player immediately put in box; if major, penalized team can wait. If player is injured, no whistle until injured players team has possession (unless his team is in a scoring position.) Note: unless injury is serious; if so, blow it down right away. Bleeding player = immediate whistle.


Rule 301. Sticks. Max 63 inches length. Goalie handle max 26 inches x 3.5 inches. End of a hollow shaft must be covered. Max curvature = inch. Minor penalty for equipment violation if illegal stick; if team asks for measurement and is wrong, minor penalty for delay of game. If a player carrying two sticks plays the puck, minor penalty for equipment violation. If a goal is scored with an illegal stick, goal stands and penalty is assessed.Rule 302. Skates. Rule 303. Goalkeepers Equipment. Blocker max 8 x 15 inches. Glove max 8 inches wide, 45 inches circumference, 18 inches from heel to top. Leg pads max 11 inches wide, 38 inches long. Cat-eye ok with waiver, if player is 18yo.Rule 304. Protective Equipment. If helmet comes off, player can complete play and then go off ice; if he stays on: if non-offending team has the puck, play can continue until change of possession or stoppage of play; if offending team has the puck, stop play and faceoff in defending zone spot. If goalies helmet comes off, whistle immediately. Minor penalty if goalie deliberately removes his helmet. Mandatory equipment: Helmet, mouthpiece, facemask. If no helmet on bench, misconduct. If no mouthpiece, misconduct. If no mouthpiece by same player in same game, EJ. If opposing team challenges mouthpiece and loses, bench minor for delay of game.Rule 305. Dangerous Equipment. Cast/splint must be covered by .5 inch thick foam. If glove is cut inside, misconduct. No jewelry unless completely covered or taped down.Rule 306. Puck. 1 inch thick, 3 inches diameter, weighing 5.5-6 ounces. Home team responsible for game pucks.Rule 307. Equipment Measurement. Only one request per team at each stoppage. Referee can measure anything other than a stick at his own discretion.Rule 308. Electronic Equipment. No radios, lights, etc. can be used to communicate with players or goalies.


Rule 401. Penalties.Rule 402. Minor Penalties. Any non-penalized player on the ice at the time of the infraction can serve a bench minor penalty. Major served before minor. For coincidental penalties (applied at the same stoppage), 5-5.Rule 403. Major Penalties. 2nd major on same player, excluding fighting majors, = game misconduct. Can wait to put substitute player in box. Coincident major penalties = 5-5. Rule 404. Misconduct Penalties. No EJs in last 5 minutes of the 3rd period or OT; anything that would normally be an EJ then becomes a game misconduct. If a player gets 3 misconduct penalties during the season, that player gets suspended for one game; for every 3 additional misconduct penalties, that players suspension shall be increased by 1 additional game. Gross Misconduct I = At least 1 game suspension + fine. Gross Misconduct II = At least 3 game suspension + fine. You can immediately replace a player on the ice who gets a misconduct or gross misconduct.Rule 405. Match Penalties. Match penalty = 5 minute major + at least 2 game suspension. Coincident match penalties = 5-5.Rule 406. Penalty Shot. Goalie must stay in crease until puck is touched. If typical penalty shot, player who was fouled (including when stick is thrown) takes the shot. If no one was fouled (i.e. when player falls on puck in the crease), anyone on the ice can take it. If fouled player is injured, anyone on the ice can take the shot. Non-offending team can choose minor instead of shot. Everyone else must remain on bench. If during the shot someone on the other team interferes or distracts the shooter, the shooter gets a second shot, and that player gets a misconduct. If the shot call resulted from a major, match, or misconduct penalty, such penalty shall be imposed in addition to the penalty shot.Rule 407. Goalkeepers Penalties. Minor, major, and misconduct penalties on goalies to be served by someone who was on the ice. Goalie leaving the immediate vicinity of his crease during an altercation = minor. Goalie deliberately participating in play over the red line = minor.Rule 408. Delayed Penalties.Rule 409. Calling of Penalties. Do not signal a misconduct or GM penalty during play; let play continue until natural whistle. If a player commits multiple fouls, penalties served consecutively.Rule 410. Supplementary Discipline.

Playing RulesRule 601. Abuse of Officials and Other Misconduct. Player shooting the puck after the whistle = minor for unsportsmanlike conduct. Player throwing anything into the playing area during game or stoppage = bench minor. Misconduct for: intentionally shooting puck away from official after whistle, deliberately throwing stick or other equipment out of playing area, not going straight to the box after being penalized, entering the referees crease during discussions, interfering with any game official (ref, timekeeper, etc.) in the performance of their duties, AND after the third set of coincidental delay of game penalties (only after a warning is issued to both benches). EJ or GM for: touching the referee, continuing an altercation, intentionally banging the boards, glass, etc. with a stick (unless the offense is committed in protest of officials call, in which case give minor for unsportsmanlike conduct + misconduct or GM.) GM for: persisting in any course of conduct for which he has previously been assessed a misconduct or EJ, using obscene gestures and/or racial slurs. Gross Misconduct for: deliberately inflicting physical harm to a game official or attempting to do so, deliberately injuring an opposing team official or attempting to do so, OR behaving in any manner detrimental to the game (i.e. spitting at anyone or verbally threatening a game official with physical harm.) Gross Misconduct II if actual injury results from the above. Bench minor if a team official: bangs the boards with a stick or other instrument, using obscene or abusive language to any person or official, throwing anything into the playing area, using threatening or abusive language to bait a player into incurring a penalty, interfering in any non-physical manner with any game official in the performance of their duties EJ or GM if a team official: uses obscene gestures or racial slurs, persisting in any course of conduct for which he has been assessed a bench minor, interfering in any physical manner with any game official, threatening harm or injury to a member of the opposing team or game official Gross Misconduct if a team official: deliberately inflicts physical harm to official or attempting to do so, deliberately injures a player or team official or attempting to do so, OR behaving in any manner detrimental to the game (i.e. spitting at anyone or verbally threatening a game official with physical harm.) Gross Misconduct II if actual injury results from the above.Rule 602. Adjustment to Clothing and Equipment. No delay permitted to fix equipment. Minor for delay of game if rule is violated. Same goes for goalies.Rule 603. Attempt to Injure/Deliberate Injury of Opponents. Match for player on player. Gross Misconduct for player or team official on team official. Match if any player wearing tape/foil on hands cuts or injures an opponent during a fight. Double minor + EJ or Major + GM on any player who head-butts another (can also give match of gross misconduct, if necessary, as above.)Rule 604. Boarding. Minor or major, decision based on the degree of violence of the impact with the boards; applies when player is checked, cross-checked, elbowed, or charged into boards. Major + EJ or Major + GM if player is injured as a result of boarding. Minor or Major + GM for unnecessary contact on icing; if severe enough, can also be punished under 603 as match or gross misconduct.Rule 605. Broken Stick. Minor for equipment violation if player or goalkeeper plays with a broken stick. Can only get a replacement stick from the bench or a teammate on the ice, otherwise bench minor (i.e. if a player on the bench throws a stick onto the ice.)Rule 606. Charging. Minor or major when more than 2 steps are taken. Major + EJ or Major + GM if player is injured as a result charging. Minor or major if player body-checks or charges a goalie who is within his crease or privileged area; if goalie is outside privileged area, still a penalty for charging or interference.Rule 607. Checking from Behind. Minor, Minor + Misconduct, Double Minor + EJ, or Major + GM. If a player is injured, automatically Major + GM. If a player gets 2 Major + GMs for checking from behind, he will be suspended for an additional two games; suspension doubles in length for each additional Major + GM for checking from behind.Rule 608. Cross-Checking or Butt-Ending. Cross-checking: Minor or Major; If injury, Major + EJ or Major + GM. Butt-Ending: Minor + Misconduct, Double Minor + EJ, or Major + GM; Minor + Misconduct only an option for an attempted butt-end, with no contact.Rule 609. Delaying the Game. Minor: deliberately shooting puck over glass (during play or during a stoppage; if during play in defending zone, offending team cannot make a change), when a goalie shoots the puck straight over the glass, goalie taking helmet off on breakaway, AND deliberately displacing the goal post (if this deprives the attacking team of a reasonable scoring opportunity, then penalty shot/optional minor; if the goal was imminent, call it a goal.) If minor for this is awarded in last 2 minutes or OT, it becomes a penalty shot/optional minor. Bench Minor: team taking too much time to change after warning by referee Minor: holding the puck against the boards or ice (i.e. falling on puck), goalie unnecessarily freezing the puck, failure to properly line up for faceoff after warning by referee, gathering around other players at a stoppage of play and refusing to go to their benches (after three sets, misconducts start), AND embellishing or diving to get a callRule 610. Elbowing or Kneeing. Minor or major for both. Major + EJ or Major + GM if injury.Rule 611. Faceoffs. Sticks must be touching ice. Attacking player first. If at center ice, visiting player. All must be stationary. Violating player (encroachment, offsides, etc.) cannot take faceoff. 5 seconds to drop puck after liney blows whistle. 2 violations by same team on same faceoff = minor for delay of game. If a penalty is assessed during a stoppage, the offending team can change lines again. 9 dots. If gathering in front of the net, and defensemen come in past tops of the circles, faceoff goes outside the zone. When penalty is assessed, faceoff will be in offending teams zone. 5 exceptions: After a goal; End or start of period; When the non-offending team ices the puck (apply icing FIRST); When attacking defensemen enter past the circles after a penalty is assessed; When play is blown down because of premature goalie substitutionRule 612. Falling on Puck. Minor for delay of game if deliberate. Minor to goalie who covers the puck outside of his privileged area (i.e. outside of crease & behind goal line, or against the boards.) If puck is covered or hand-passed by defending player in goal crease, penalty shot/optional minor; if goal was obvious and imminent, award goal.Rule 613. Fighting. Major. During fight, all players must go to bench. If goalie enters opposing teams attacking zone to join, can treat him as an instigator. 2 majors for fighting by same player in same game = EJ. Any fight during a line change prior to faceoff = EJ or GM. Instigating a fight = Original Major + Additional Minor + EJ or GM. 2 instigators in one season = 1 game suspension. Fighting during last 5 minutes or OT = GM; if instigator applied during last 5 minutes or OT, waive automatic EJ or GM for non-offending player and give him only a misconduct. Secondary fight = automatic GM (unless instigator, then non-offending player can be given just a misconduct.) If player is deemed an aggressor, can assess an EJ or GM or match penalty (aggressor = continuing punching a guy who is down, etc.) Third man in = EJ. Intentionally removing your or your opponents helmet = automatic EJ or GM. Fighting off the playing surface = Major + GM. Fighting before/after game or period = GM.Rule 614. Goals and Assists. Distinct kicking motion = no goal. Directing a shot with the skate, without a distinct kicking motion = good goal. Direct deflection off an official = no goal.Rule 615. Handling Puck with Hands. Player picking puck up off ice = minor for delay of game. Handed or covered in the crease by player = penalty shot/optional minor. If goalie deliberately drops puck on net or piles snow against posts, minor penalty. If player bats the puck with hand straight to another teammate, kill play for hand pass. No territorial ice advantage can be gained from team batting the puck with hand. If puck only hits a players raised hand, and no territorial advantage is gained, let play continue.Rule 616. Gross Misconduct. Gross I = 1 game suspension. Gross II = 3 game suspension.Rule 617. Head Contact. Minor or major for contact to opponents head, face, or neck including with the stick or any part of the players body or equipment. If player is injured on play or if head contact was intentional or reckless = Major + EJ or Major + GM. If attempt to injure or deliberate injury = Match.Rule 618. High Sticks. Above shoulder. Contact on normal wind-up or follow through is ok. Otherwise, contact = Minor or Major. Accidental but player is injured = Double Minor. Careless = Major + EJ or Major + GM. Batting the puck above normal height of the shoulders to a member of your own team = faceoff in defending zone; if you bat it into your own net, good goal.Rule 619. Holding an Opponent. Holding body or stick = Minor. Grabbing or holding facemask = Minor, Major + EJ, or Major + GM; if during altercation = automatic Major + GM.Rule 620. Hooking. Hooking to impede the progress of an opponent = Minor or Major. If hooking leads to injury, Major + EJ or Major + GM.Rule 621. Icing. Batting the puck is still icing. Cannot have icing straight off a faceoff. No icing if defending play has a chance to play the puck and does something else. No icing if goalie comes out to play the puck or feigns playing the puck. Mistaken icing call = last play faceoff (NOT center ice.)Rule 622. Interference. Minor for interfering with someone without the puck, deliberately knocking a stick out of an opponents hand, preventing a player from picking up a dropped piece of equipment, or shooting an abandoned or broken stick toward an opposing puck carrier. Interfering with play from the bench or penalty box = Minor. Contact with the goalie when puck is not in the crease = Minor. When goalie is in the crease, players cannot stand in, hold his stick in, or skate through the crease (unless pushed in); if goal is then scored, no goal; if attacking team has possession, kill play and faceoff in neutral zone. Stick or other object thrown at player past his own defending blue line = penalty shot/optional minor.Rule 623. Interference by Spectators. If player is restrained by spectator, kill play, unless his team has possession of the puck in which case play is allowed to be completed; last play faceoff. Player physically interfering with a spectator = GM. Objects thrown on the ice = kill play and last play faceoff.Rule 624. Kicking Player. Using the skate to push off an opponent = Major + GM. Actually kicking or attempting to kick an opponent = Match.Rule 625. Kicking Puck.Rule 626. Leaving the Players Bench or Penalty Bench. Leaving the bench or box during altercation = Major + GM. Second such penalty in same season = 2 game suspension; additional penalty = 1 additional game suspension. First play to leave the bench to join or start an altercation = automatic 5 game suspension. Player cannot leave penalty box during timeout. Leaving the penalty box before penalty expires = Minor (unless its the timekeepers fault.) Illegally entering game and interfering at all with a breakaway = Penalty Shot/Optional Minor. Team official stepping on the ice during a period = Bench Minor and optional Misconduct. Goal scored while player is illegally on the ice after leaving bench or box early = no goal, relevant penalties imposed. Player(s) leaving the bench during altercation = suspension of coaches.Rule 627. Offsides.Rule 628. Passes. Rebound off goalie is not considered a change of possession.Rule 629. Puck Out of Bounds of Unplayable. Generally, last play faceoff. Kill play when puck is on net for longer than 3 seconds. Puck resting on boards = playable, no whistle.Rule 630. Puck Must Be Kept in Motion. Failure to advance the puck is only acceptable when shorthanded; otherwise, kill play, last play faceoff.Rule 631. Puck Out of Sight and Illegal Puck. Whistle!Rule 632. Puck Striking Official. No whistle!Rule 633. Refusing to Start Play. When both teams are on ice, if one refuses to start, warn the captain and give 15 seconds; if they still wont go, give a Bench Minor; if it continues for 15 more seconds, suspend game and give the coach a Gross Misconduct. If one team refuses to go onto the ice, give them Bench Minor; if they again refuse to start play for 5 minutes, suspend game and assess a Gross Misconduct.Rule 634. Slashing. Slash or attempted slash = Minor or Major. If injury, Major + EJ or Major + GM. If during an altercation, GM or Match. Contact with the goalie in the crease when puck is covered = Minor.Rule 635. Spearing. Attempted spear = Minor + Misconduct. Spear = Double Minor + EJ or Major + GM.Rule 636. Start of Game and Periods. Crossing red line during warm-up = Minor. If both exit through same door, have visiting team exit first. If game is delayed by 2.5 hours at the start or 2 hours during because of conditions beyond control, suspend game after conferring with both teams.Rule 637. Throwing Stick. If a player/goalie throws a stick at the puck carrier in the defending zone, allow that team to complete play, and if no goal is scored, award penalty shot/optional minor. Throwing stick toward puck in any other zone = Minor. Throwing a stick outside the playing area = Misconduct; if in protest of an officials decision = GM.Rule 638. Time of Match or Time-outs. 1 timeout of 1 minute per team.Rule 639. Tied Games. In Met, 2 minute rest, then OT + 5 player Shootout. Teams do not change ends. Home team shoots last. Infraction against the goalie during a shootout = GM and goal is disallowed. Infraction against another player during a shootout = GM. If a team pulls its goalie during OT and loses, they forfeit the automatic point (unless goalie had been pulled because of delayed penalty.)Rule 640. Tripping. Tripping with stick or leg, or clipping = Minor or Major. If injury, automatic Major + EJ or Major + GM. Player fouled from behind when on breakaway past his own defending blue line = Penalty Shot/Optional Minor; do not stop play right away, only when defending team gains control. If goalie is pulled when this happens, automatic goal.Rule 641. Roughing. Minor or Double Minor. If worthy of a major, assess as fighting. Physical contact after the whistle = Minor or Major; if injury, a Major + EJ or Major + GM. If a goalie uses his blocker to hit an opponent, automatic Match.3