Medieval Europe of world history class

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Medieval Europe of world history class

Medieval Europe

Culture, Hundred Years War and the Further Development

of Monarchy

Objectives: The Hundred Years’ War and Plague

• What impact did the Plague have?• How did the war start? What was

it about?• What decided the tide of the war?

The Black Death

• Killed large numbers of people• Depopulation affected European

economy and social patterns

The Hundred Years’ War in General

• England and France fought over Normandy

• Edward III of England claimed the French crown

England Took the Early Lead

• Military technology helped win early conflicts

--Crecy and Agincourt

• Longbow --distance, accuracy, armor piercing

The French Made a Comeback

• Joan of Arc unified the French• Captured, burned as a heretic

• The English lost almost all French lands

Impact of the War

• Unified both France and England• Helped end feudalism

Objectives: Country Development

• How did the monarchs increase their power? Be able to give examples.

• Identify the primary kingdoms and major rulers of those kingdoms.


• Louis XI strengthened monarchy


• Wars of the Roses, for the throne• Henry VII defeated Richard III

Spain: Ferdinand and Isabella

• Used church to unite people

Holy Roman Empire

• Not really unified• Hapsburgs gained power through
