Media Sudies A2 Coursework: Youth sub culture

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Media Sudies A2 Coursework: Youth sub culture

My chosen youth sub-culture, and therefore my target audience for my final product are teenagers, in particular girls since the artist in my chosen song is female, who are creative whether that be written or in a more artistic format.

My youth sub-culture has a keen interest in acoustic and indie music. This includes a wide range of artists from dark indie such as The 1975 or more peaceful acoustic music such as Gabrielle Aplin.

The 1975 George EzraMumford and Sons Gabrielle Aplin

The lifestyle of this youth sub-culture adheres greatly to the modern world and modern media consumption. They will tend to find out about, watch, and write about new music video releases online, using social media sites such as Facebook and Tumblr and will watch new music videos on YouTube.

This youth sub-culture in particular tend to be fairly relaxed. They care about issues in the world and although they do not resort to rebel or use violent means to get their thoughts across, they may express their thoughts through posting on social media; this may be written or expressed more creatively. Issues Normally centre around conflict, women or life itself.

The way in which individuals within this sub-culture look can vary, but there are similarities within the gender.

Men will tend to wear skinny jeans (sometimes ripped), a baggy T-shirt, buttoned shirt or a tight T-shirt with a blazer jacket, or a combination of the two. Their hair will typically fall under the line between messy and smart, with swishy hair that is styled neatly.

Girls meanwhile take a similar approach with more feminine attire. They will tend to wear much tighter skinny jeans to men (sometimes ripped) or leggings; in warmer weather they will usually wear shorts or a skirt . This is normally accompanied by a baggy T-shirt which will tend to have a big logo on it, or possibly a Buttoned skirt with sleeves rolled up. Hair is similar to men’s as it is neatly styled but has a messy quality, but most girls will have long hair that flows freely.

Both boys and girls have similarities with accessories such as head and wrist wear.

This sub-culture will occasionally wear a hat or a bandana on their head; in cooler weather both genders may wear a beanie hat.Girls tend to wear more accessories on their wrists which include jewellery and wristbands (sometimes from concerts), or they may wear none at all.