Post on 22-Jun-2015

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To begin with, we created a questionnaire asking 10 females and 10 males between the ages of 11-30+, many questions that we

believed that would help us to develop a storyline for our opening sequence. We asked questions such as what they expected in an action opening sequence, what they’d like to see and what they

preferred. By asking the audience these questions, it yielded results that helped us to decide that we wanted to aim our opening sequence to the male population in their teenage years. This is

how we attracted/addressed our target audience:

The first question in questionnaire #1, we asked the audience what they thought about the action genre. This was our response from

the male population: We can see clearly that, it is those aged 15-17 who find the action genre more appealing to


To make our opening sequence appeal more to them, we would have to use the codes and conventions that their age category

listed, such as: in question 2, we asked the question ‘what do you expect to happen (typical conventions) in an action movie?’ and here are the answers. We then picked out elements in which we felt that we could develop in our storyline. The reason why we have to focus on the answers of this specific audience is so that we

Kylie Lee


are able to create an opening sequence that allows them to feel engaged in – as it is what they expect.

After analysing our questionnaires, we held a group production meeting and this was when we decided upon our storyline for our

opening sequence. Upon making decisions on our storyline, we had to keep referring back to our questionnaires to see the audience’s preferences. This was so that we were able to create something that appealed to them by their own preferences. This is what we

decided upon:

From our production meeting, we decided upon many aspects to do with our opening sequence. For example, we had to decide clearly

on the locations that we wanted to use to film our opening sequence, so that we were able to prepare ourselves – in terms of

the use of props. Which an example of this would be converting the art room into a lab like room/scene by sticking Polaroid like

pictures of Ashley, as follows:

By doing this, it helped to make the storyline seem more realistic by creating a lab in which evil plots are taken place. In addition, it

provides the codes and conventions of a typical thriller movie.

Another example is characterisation. Our target audience is focused on the teenage age. We developed our ideas to

attract/address our target audience by including actors of the same age range. This helps to create verisimilitude which therefore

engages our target audience as it is easily relatable. This is portrayed by the final scene of our opening sequence in which we

can see the 3 characters meeting up together. We are representing friendship through 3 boys which many of our audience can relate


After creating our opening sequence, we created a feedback video in which we asked the audience 6 questions:

What did you understand from what you just saw?

What do you think the roles of each individual character was or what relationship did they have between them?

What genres do you think were represented and how do you know?

Did that appeal to you? If yes, why and if no, why not?

One thing you didn’t like so much about it?

Would you want to watch the whole sequence based on what you saw?

The question yielded very positive answers (in which you can watch in the feedback video) that they would like to know what is to

happen next after watching our opening sequence.

Overall, I believe that the feedback received was very positive in terms of being able to attract/address our target audience in

making them wanting to know what is going to happen next – in which we deliberately left our opening sequence as a cliff hanger. Although we did receive negative feedback, all participants of the

audience said that they would still want to watch on, which is what we hoped for and achieved.