Media Studies AS Level Creative Critical Analysis - Short Movie Opening - Humane

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Media Studies AS Level Creative Critical Analysis - Short Movie Opening - Humane




The genre of my movie opening is Drama. A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes.

The reason why I chose this genre is because, as a person, I like movies with an emotional background. Being a women, and containing that emphasizing factor within me, I personally wanted to go with this genre. In short, drama portrays the truth about life!

There are certain conventions of drama that are to be used and to be challenged. For e.g, In a drama film the theme is usually exhibits real life situations, sometimes portrays journeys of character development. Also, the purpose of a dramatic story line is to move the audience emotionally.

Moreover, at all times, the main purpose of drama is conflict like realistic

Struggles depicting hardships, difficulty and pain.

The main purpose why drama is produced so that the audience can relate to the story line and to the character itself. Furthermore, I believe, that I've used conventions in my movie opening rather then challenging them . For eg. Taking a soft, piece of music to go with story and also relating my narration about how people go through difficulties everyday and also, that each person has a different story.

Another convention kept is how the audience an relate to this genre. Since, my story is about a kid who lost his dear ones in a car accident , the audience will surely be able to understand what the kid might be going through.

However, a drama film does not have to be a complete drama genre based. It can interlace with many other genres like comedy, romance, musical, tragedy, thriller etc.

I've interlaced my drama genre with tragedy as you can view in my clip that towards the end an accident takes place which obviously portrays tragedy.

Moreover, the second part of this question asks how my video represents social groups or issues.

Well, it doesn't really represent any sort of social groups but it does represent an social issue. It basically represents poverty and how hard life can be while living with poverty. Especially for a child who is on his own .

However, it doesn't only represent people living in poverty, but it also portrays all kinds of people ( referring to the time lapse ).



• Since the genre of my film is drama which means that it depends mostly on In-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes .

• Since my movie opening portrays tragedy and daily struggles of life, it would require a mature level of audience to view the clip. However, it completely depends on a person as in the movie, towards the end I've shown a child struggling with his life. Therefore,we can we can depict that all kinds of audiences can watch the movie clip hence, there is no age limit. After all, the main theme of this genre clip is to make the audience feel what the clip has to say.

• Moreover, talking about future plans, I believe that my movie is capable to be screened on worldwide cinemas. I would love to join hands with Warner Bros. Pictures.

The reason why I chose warner bros. Pictures is because :

Firstly, because of its retrospective achievements, marking the fact that Warner Bros. Pictures is the pioneer ruler of hollywood and rules over the Big6 studios.

Also, the fact that Warner Bros. Are in their 14th consecutive years to achieve over billions of box office revenue. Considering their successful drama films in the past few years for example Inception which won an award for best motion picture-Drama. Another great example of would be of the famous Romance writer, Nicholas Sparks whose novel The Lucky One was turned into a movie. Also, Baz Luhrmans The Great Gatsby which was a major success earning over $350 million. Following another great hit like 'Her'.

Secondly, the reason why I want to work with warner bros is because of their brilliant marketing strategies. The master mind behind the great gatsbys success was the production house.

The Great Gatsby was marketed worldwide which is exactly what I want for my film.

The marketing strategies included a soundtrack by known artists like jayZ and

LanaDelRey etc. A lot of cooperate companies joined hands like Prada, Tiffany & co. , Brooke Brothers, Vogue etc which eventually led the movie to immense success.

Hence, I want a success similar to the Gatsbys. Therefore, I believe that Warner Bros. Pictures would not let me down in any way.

Thirdly, Warner bros Pictures deals with every genre. They release a substantial number of movies every year with mixed genres for eg. Comedy, thriller, action, horror etc..

Hence, I personally believe that WarnerBros. Pictures would be a perfect choice to distribute my movie.


PROJECT?I personally believe, to portray any idea you first have an inspiration. In my movie, for e.g: the starting of clip, I took inspiration from Gone Girls movie opening. The font style and the plain black background gave the starting an elegant look and made it look very simple. Also, I took my inspiration from produced by charlie chaplin studios to construct and shoot my sunset time lapse.

Talking about development of production skills, I personally believe that if you're shooting, especially in an outdoor setting then it extremely hard to counter problems like traffic noise and unexpected appearances and also, light issues. You may not get the perfect lighting you want for your project.

Since the beginning I didn't even know the meaning of camera angles such over the shoulders, one-third rule, low/high angles etc.

However, while producing several videos I got to know what shot is used for which situation. In my video, however, my production skills enhanced drastically.

Firstly, I got the opportunity to shoot people. Which actually meant to document them first. Through this, I got to know what they go through every single day of their lives. Since I knew what their story was, I was able to capture and shoot them in ways so that I could portray what sort of life people here have been living.

Secondly, since all of my shots were outdoor shots mostly at the sea and on the road I got to know the right angles to shoot properly which would give my clip a professional glance. For eg. I used rules of thirds to shoot my sunset time lapse. Another camera angle I used was a low angle shot to shoot the kids feet which portrayed poverty and struggle. In this way, I shot ever angle to give it a meaning and relate it to the story.

Throughout my entire media course I have developed and enhanced my production skills immensely however, while making this project I got to know the struggles of real film making. Especially when it comes to editing. However, I was able to overcome each and every obstacle quite perfectly and that is how, I believe, I've enhanced my production skills.



I believe, to construct any sort of project you always require extra information and information from the Internet. In this generation, technology has advanced to such an extent that getting answers to certain question is just one click away. Also, with new concept of smart phones, life has officially been easy. There are so many options present in a smart phone which make your life simpler by making presentations or communicating with loved ones outside countries via internet.

Just like that, internet is also a vital part in producing a movie.

However, the stem of this question asks us how have I used technology while producing my project.

Well, firstly speaking about the hardware equipments, the only equipment I used throughout my video was my canon 1200D and I used a tripod while shooting my sunset time lapse.

• Secondly, without a proper software for editing no video is complete. Since, I learned how to edit properly recently, so the editing software I chose was Windows Movie Maker. The reason why I chose movie maker is because:

I. It is very efficient and easy to use. You don’t have look for options like transitions or not add/remove clips. Hence it not complicated like other softwares. Therefore its user friendly.

II. If I did not understand any tool or the purpose of it I could just google it

III. It provides its users with amazing music options for example fading in and fading out and trimming the music etc.

IV. Compiling videos was never this easy. Its trim and split tool allowed me to professionally edit my selected footage and compile into one video, with the help of various transitions of course.

Thirdly, internet proved to be of BIG HELP!

Even though finding the right background music for my video was hard, because of the various options the internet provided me with, I still managed to find one perfect melody for my video via sound cloud. Also, searching for the perfect sound effect to blend in with the accident was just one click away.

Throughout the project, I took a lot of help from the internet. The main obstacle in my video was the editing part but because of Internet I was able to search it up and was able to find a solution to my problem.