Media evaluation part 2

Post on 15-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Media evaluation part 2

Media evaluation part 2

Elbow: build a rocket boys

Artwork, in the shape of an x but could be interpreted as an animal

Band name in red, only red writing on the page

Reviews from big names, this shows reader what others think of this

Hit singles included on the album

Release date is key for this type of promotion

The bands logo

Sponsor of the band, this shows the publicity and how established the band is

The information showing the name and single and features of the album.

The album artwork that we came up with shows the band and portrays our music and approach to the genre we are in, I aim to design something similar to this which is as effective as this.

The logo was aimed to look like paint I feel this fits with the song, this will be used on my album cover.

my final album cover, as I have done allot of research , the album covers are extremely important and have to match the feel to the band and songs on it, i have found a picture of a rope and edited the colour and the look of the texture on this, I also did this to the writing and logo making them all match have used the same font as I used on my previous album cover idea I have also made a small fade to darker in the corners to make sure the rope and the writing stand out of the cover to people, I feel this is fit to purpose, for not only the band but for the music and idea behind the music

Comparing albums covers

The self titled album by of mice and men features the bands logo letter of a & sign, this is places central to the cover and is contrasted with bright colours, the picture in the back ground of waves is faded with the name of the band in the back ground as well.

Fade black edges to make the centre of the artwork the point of focus

Textured letters and rope to make the artwork look 3D

The fonts are quite similar but the size difference is huge from the logo and the name and are also meant to look like they have been painted onto the artwork

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Q 2

Brand identity

Here is a small example of how a brand can be made just from album covers, as you can see each album cover is cartoon and has a character central to the cover, these covers where used to base t-shirts, merchandise and back drops o them making the band easy to identify. The star and lead singer of the band features on 4 out 6 of the covers, fans can recognize this.

Comparison of the two

This has the logo like mine over the picture in the background the sticker displays the information

The band logo is central over a background I constructed in Photoshop the information is smaller then the logo, this leads people to reading the information after seeing the logo, also I have included the sponsor of the band

Things I used to make my ancilary

Using Photoshop I managed to get trees from a picture and the sun and mountains , I managed to fit this picture I took to the top of the picture, a good base to put my logo and text over.


I feel my genre has been represented in the ancillaries and the picture of the band, 1 fits with this idea of nature, 2 fits with the lyrics of the song

1 2

Genre•Happy•Fitting with the music•And bond with friends•Nature•Pop punk/rock/alternative

What have you learnt from audience feedback?

Q 3


I had to find similar band to compare with mine to really give me an idea of the audience I was looking to target

With all the album artworks I researched I decided to target 16+ male and female and decided that the consisting factor of all of them is a picture central to the cover I used and challenged this by flipping this idea of having the artwork plain with the logo of the band being central.

I decide3d for my video to target such a niche market that the video would have to have a light side in parallel to the song, this was done with soft touch to the shot to make the video have a warm vibe about it, this way the audience get the feeling of what it is like to be in the band, this makes them feel closer to the band.

The rest of question 3 is embedded in my blog through the format of


How did you use media technologies, in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Q 4