May 3 Muenster School Jr. Badminton Districts - 2017... · Muenster School would like...

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Transcript of May 3 Muenster School Jr. Badminton Districts - 2017... · Muenster School would like...

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May 2017 Newsletter

Muenster School 301 Scott Street, Muenster Sask. PH: 306-682-4538

Principal’s Message

As we begin the month of May we are reminded about how fast

time flies by. I’m sure that many of the Grade 12’s are reflecting on

this too, as in two short months they will be leaving these halls. Many

leaving with great anticipation, and others perhaps with

trepidation. Either way we wish the best in their futures. Our

Graduation ceremonies occur this Friday, May 5.

Badminton winds up here shortly and blends into Track and Field.

The students have been practising here at the school for the past

couple of weeks. We wish all our athlete’s luck in their events and

hope they make themselves and Muenster School proud with their

accomplishments and sportsmanship.

Four of our students (Jacob Newberry, Kayla Moellenbeck, Alyssa

Stuckel, and Noah Hubelit) attended Student Day in Humboldt on

April 25. Student Day provides an opportunity for students to explore

and enhance leadership skills. May 10 sees our Grade 10 students in

Humboldt for the day to participate in the PARTY Program. This

program aims to provide young people with the knowledge and

skills necessary to recognize potentially injury-producing situations,

make prevention-orientated choices, and adopt behaviours that

minimize unnecessary risk. It is a day filled with uncomfortable

topics, but very worthwhile for our young students.

Plans are being finalized for the new playground, parking areas for

staff and students, and a new bus ramp. Construction begins on

July 3 and playground installation begins on July 10.

Continued on Page 2

Upcoming Events

May 3

Jr. Badminton Districts @


May 4

Jr. Badminton Districts @


May 5

Muenster Grad: Mass – 4:00

pm; Exercises – 7:30 pm

May 10

PARTY program @ Humboldt

(Grade 10 class)

May 11

Pancake Lunch 11:00 – 1:00

Public is welcome

May 16

Pre-District Track & Field @

Quill Lake

May 18

HNB Band Trip to Moose Jaw

May 19

HNB Band Trip to Moose Jaw

May 19

Day in Lieu of P-T

Conferences – NO SCHOOL

May 22

Victoria Day – NO SCHOOL

May 23

District Track & Field @


May 31

Kindergarten Orientation 10

am to 12 pm

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As we near the season of class Field Trips, I remind parents to get your Criminal Record/Vulnerable

Sector Checks in to our office. These are required if you plan on being in direct supervision of any

of our students; thank you for your cooperation. For those that have these completed in the past

you are fine until we contact you to have them renewed.

Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers on May 14!

Mr. Dennis Gerwing

Grade 7 & 8 PAA News

The grade 7/8 students attended the Provincial Skills competition in

Saskatoon and had an opportunity to try several different trades. Some

examples include brick laying, welding and pipefitting. The highlight of the

day for some students was watching the robotics competition. The day

intended to encourage students to experience many different trades and

consider a career in the trades.

Jonathan King

HN Band News

Band trip to Moose Jaw for all band students – Thursday, May 18th and Friday,

May 19th

Spring Band and Art Show – Thursday, May 25th in Lake Lenore School – Doors

open at 6:30 p.m. for art perusal and concert starts at 7:00 p.m. Goodies

and coffee to follow the concert. Silver Collection.

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For upcoming Canada 150 events visit

Check Farm Credit Canada website for a timeline of Canadian Agriculture


About KidSport Saskatchewan

KidSport is a children’s charity that assists children of families facing financial obstacles to

participate in community sport programs so that all kids can play. The goal of KidSport is to provide

these children with the opportunity to achieve physical, social, intellectual and moral development

through participation in sport. If all children have the opportunity to play, learn self-respect, gain

self-confidence, adopt active and healthy lifestyles, and realize dreams through sport, then these

children may have a better chance of becoming contributing members and leaders in our


Memorial Bird Feeder for Mr. Reist

As a memorial to Mr. Reist, we wanted to create something that embodied Paul and the memories we have of him. As a school, we have many memories of Mr. Reist, and the one that came to the forefront of every discussion was his love of music and nature walks. Our students talk often of his love of walking to the college to feed the birds. He was always in awe of the beauty found in nature, especially at the college. We found it fitting then, to incorporate both of these ideas into a memorial. We sought individuals to make us a bird feeder.

We are so happy that Tracy Kuervers was able to design and create this wonderful memorial for Mr. Reist. It is a gorgeous piece of metalwork.

We then contact Dan and Jan to have the bird feeder powder coated.

Muenster School would like to thank Tracy, Dan, and Jan for donating all of the materials, time and expertise in creating this memorial. Thank you very much.

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St. Peter’s Branch of SWF will sponsor

students to attend the SWF Youth

Conservation Camp. Drop off applications

with Wendy Benz at Muenster Co-op by

May 10, 2017. For more information

contact Wendy @ 306-682-4544 or

In the Community

Playground News

July is quickly approaching, playground has been ordered & a tentative date for demolition &

construction has been set for July 10th!!

We are still in need of various volunteers to help us in building this much-needed playground!

We would also like to be able to construct a new basketball court for the younger kids because of

changes at the school and the removal of the old one. Therefore, the deadline to submit a

donation & have your name displayed on signage will be July 1st, 2017.

During construction, we will not only be seeking volunteers to help us out but also some

equipment/tools. For example - 12"w x 48"d Post hole auger, laser level, Portable welder (180

amp, #7018, 1/8" rods), rakes, utility knives, 6' step ladders, and possibly a dump truck, trailer, skid

steer and loader.

If you are able to volunteer in any way, have anything you could lend, would like to donate food

items, help prepare or serve meals, or would simply like to make a donation - please contact

Charmaine Baril at (306) 320-7241 (text or call).

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The Muenster Community Playground is a group of local volunteers that came together with a vision to form a non-profit

committee to rebuild an all-encompassing playground for the school and community. Funding is being obtained by

grants, donations and fundraising. The project budget of $215,000.00 includes new playground equipment, benches,

tables and required groundwork. The new playground incorporates universal design, allowing opportunities for citizens

of all ages, abilities and mobility’s to participate together! To date we have raised just over $98,000.00 and are hoping

to have it constructed, ready to use for the start of the 2017 school year.

$100-$249 $250-$499 $500+999

Bronze Silver Gold

Donations will be recognized on a mounted poster in the school.

Any donations over $999 will move to the next sponsorship level, contact the committee to set up your personalized donation over this amount.

Recognition name to read:

Name for tax receipt:

Mailing address:

Email address:

The Village of Muenster will be taking donations on our behalf and issuing tax receipts. Please

make donations payable to the VILLAGE OF MUENSTER

Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $25.00

Please mail completed donation sheet and payment to:

Muenster Playground Committee Box 122

Muenster SK S0K 2Y0 306.231.5245

OR Drop off at the Muenster Village Office

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Grade 3 & 4 News

The Grade 3/4 class is ready for the last couple of months of the school

year! In Math class, both grades are working on a Fractions unit. The Grade

3 unit is short, so expect a quiz shortly. Then they will move into single digit

multiplying and dividing. The Grade 4 unit will take a bit longer. We are continuing to work on

comma and quotation mark usage in ELA as we practice writing dialogue. We are also starting up

a Book Club in our guided reading groups focusing on adventure stories. In the gym, we are going

to spend some time making up our own games and becoming the teacher for the day as we

share our games without classmates…should be interesting! Happy Spring!

Kindergarten News

The Kindergarten class had lots of fun during the Easter Break. Their favourite part was:

Kamara: The Easter Bunny gave me lots of candy

Bella: I saw my Auntie’s new baby

Georgia: I went to my cousin’s house

Hunter: I went to my grandma’s for a sleepover

Annika: I went to Waterworld and saw lots of different animals

Jameson: the Easter Bunny hid my basket

Landen: I stayed home and went biking

Jozie: I went to the city for Jaxson’s orthodontist appointment

Mattie: I went to get a new bike

Cooper: I was at the rodeo and had 3 sleeps at Papa’s

Taylor: I played with friends

Maddix: Going to Hawaii

Zander: Going to Grandma’s house

Joshua: Playing games

Austin: Riding on the quad

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Grade 1 News

It’s hard to believe we are in the final months of grade one! Life has been busy in the grade one

room. This month for show and tell we shared about various places we had visited or we would

like to visit. The presentations were very interesting! We learned about Sydney Crosby’s

hometown, Cole Harbour, Africa, Australia, Regina, B.C., and Edmonton. India, Baffin Island, Disney

Land and Florida! This month the students set a goal to read at least 10 minutes a day for a total

of at least 300 minutes in the month of April. I am so proud of the grade one class as every student

met and exceeded that goal!!! Many students read for over 400 minutes and a couple read for

over 1000 minutes! Way to go grade one!! Keep making reading a part of your daily routine! We

have many things to look forward to in June…..field trips, Play Day….Stay tuned!

Muenster School Kindergarten


For 2017-2018 School Year Please contact

Muenster School

@ 306-682-4538

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Grade 2 News

The month of May brings a very special day when we acknowledge how special our mother is.

The class wrote similes about their mothers. My mom is…….

- as nice as a puppy when she hugs me. – Preston

- as caring as a panda bear when she is happy. -Hailey

- as angry as a bear when I don’t listen. She was excited as a new puppy when I was born. –


- as lazy as a bear when she comes home from night shifts. – Jaxson

- as confusing as a gopher when she gives directions. –Mikayla

- as beautiful as a butterfly when she goes out. She is as busy as a bee

when she is at home. – Sarah

- as busy as an ant when she is working at Shopper’s Drug Mart. – Caleb

- as sleepy as a bear when she comes home from cleaning. – Bella

- as loving as a cat when she is helping me. – Sullly

- as pretty as a princess when she wears make-up. –Ava

- as sweet as sugar when she gets me up. – Adahlia

- as worried as a skunk when I’m outside by the neighbour’s yard.- Breanna

- as beautiful as a butterfly when she puts pins in her hair. – Sierra

- as busy as a hummingbird when I have a party! – Walker

- as busy as an ant when she works. – Ian

- as funny as a clown when she tells me a joke. She is very loving and kind. – Rowan

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Grade 5 & 6 Class News

Our class had an exciting and relaxing Easter break and are now ready to work hard until the end

of the year. In fine arts we are beginning a unit on Dance. The kids will be learning some new

dance moves and hopefully learning to waltz and polka! In health we are talking about peer

pressure and have been watching the movie “How to Eat Fried Worms”. The students are learning

about electricity and have built circuits and our own electromagnet. Students have been given

an introduction to Track and Field in Phys. Ed., as the grade 6’s are able to participate in the

school track meets this year. We are all looking forward to play day, and our class field trip to

Batoche and Fort Carlton in June.

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