May 2017 - Edmonton Catholic Schools · Happy Mothers Day to all mothers, ... Kaden B. S. Alex C....

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Transcript of May 2017 - Edmonton Catholic Schools · Happy Mothers Day to all mothers, ... Kaden B. S. Alex C....


Inside this Issue…

Information for Next Year

Jump Rope for Heart

Kids’ Convention

P.A.T. Schedule

School Activities

Bus Information

Parent Council News

Reading Corner

St. John Bosco Parish News

Health Talk

Bus Information

Alberta Education News

Bishop’s Message

Superintendent’s Message

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May 2017 Newsletter #9

Next Newsletter

Wednesday, May 31st

Principal: Mrs. Lori McDonough Assistant Principal: Mrs. Michelle LaFrance Secretary: Mrs. Renee Bourlai Web Site:

Administration Team Message:

The month of May is always very special for it brings the promise

of warmer weather and new growth as Mother Earth bursts into life

again. During the month of May, let us all remember the Mother of

Jesus, our mothers, and grandmothers. In May we reflect on the spe-

cial influence they have had on our lives and take time to show all of

our moms how much we love and appreciate all they do for us. It is

during this month that we pay tribute and celebrate through prayer

our heavenly Mother, Mary.

The staff at St. Maria Goretti School have an ongoing commitment

to make this a safe and caring place for your children. We continue to

get compliments from visitors about the welcoming and warm atmos-

phere in the building.

We are truly blessed to have such a supportive parent community

and would like to show our appreciation by inviting all our parents and

guardians to our annual Parent Appreciation Coffee Drive Thru on

Thursday, June 8th from 7:45-8:45 at the front of the school and

in the staff parking lot. Please be sure to drive by and pick up a cof-

fee and a muffin to go! Our staff will be on hand to serve you!

As we near the end of another wonderful year we continue to en-

courage you, our families, to spread the word that St. Maria Goretti

is a great environment for students and families. We are accepting

new registrations in Kindergarten to Grade 6.

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers, grandmothers and guardians of

our students!

Lori McDonough Michelle LaFrance

Principal Assistant Principal

May 14th

Happy Mother’s Day!


Important Dates for May:

Education Week – May 1st - May 5th

(Sport Ball K-3) May 1, 2, 15, 24

Wednesday, May 3rd—Hats On for Mental Health Day!

May 12th Free Footie Soccer League


Saturday, May 7th and Sunday, May 15th -First

Communion Celebrations at S.J.B.

Tuesday, May 10th—Jump Rope for heart Kick Off

Sunday, May 14th—Happy Mother’s Day!

Thursday, May11th – Gr. 6 P.A.T. L.A. Part A

Remember to rest, to eat breakfast, and to be on


Friday, May 19th– Spring Photo/ Sibling Photo

Monday, May 22nd – Victoria Day (No School)

May 22nd- to 26th – Care for Creation Week

May 23rd– Student Faith Day & Kids’ Convention

Wednesday, May 24th—Gr. 5 Immunization

Friday, May 26th– Hot Lunch/Jersey Day

May 29, 31 & June 5, 7—Grade 4 Swimming Lessons

All week we will have Environmental Facts &

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle song on S. M.G. T.V.


May 22nd

No School


May 23rd

REDUCE - Paper Free Day


May 24th

REUSE - Litter-less Lunch Day


May 25th

REDUCE - Lights Out Day


May 26th

ACTION - School Yard Clean up

Choose Safety Over Convenience

The safety and security of our students is our first priority. We need your help to ensure that our stu-

dents arrive and depart from school safely.

To this end, there is a no-parking zone in front of the school during school hours. This no-parking zone will be used by our school bus to load and unload the

students arriving and departing by yellow school bus.

We also ask that parents do not drive onto the field on the west side of the school to pick up students. This practice puts our students at great risk as they are not

looking out for cars in the school yard.

Please note that Hermitage Road is a two lane road-

way that permits parking in the curb lane.

We ask that all parents honour the city bylaws that regulate parking and U-turns. Please refrain from mak-

ing U-turns in front of the school.

The safety of all our students is dependent on every-one’s willingness to follow these procedures. We are also encouraging our students to use the new cross-

walk on 127th avenue to cross the street.

We appreciate your support in providing a safe environment for all

of our children.

Please choose safety over


Bread & Wine Celebration

On Thursday, April 13th, the school gathered in the gym for our bread and wine celebration. Thank you to Mrs. Olynyk and Ms. Eastman’s grade one students who assisted in the preparation of this celebration.

On April 26th, students celebrated Mrs. Ziccarelli in a surprise farewell. We all wish Mrs. Ziccarelli and her family all the best in the welcoming of her new baby.

Dressing for


As the weather

warms up, clothing

should be both com-

fortable but also modest. Teachers have had dis-

cussions with students in the classroom regarding

what is appropriate dress for school learning and

how beach type clothing is different from what we

wear at school.

While some outfits may seem fine, in reality, the

tasks of sitting in desks, reaching onto shelves,

and participating in gym activities may not suit

some clothing choices. Our staff ask for your as-

sistance in providing guidance in this area for your

child. Please support us in ensuring that clothing

worn to school is conducive, to school activities.

School staff will use discretion to quietly approach

any student who may be inappropriately dressed,

to ask them to change into more appropriate


We appreciate open lines of communication and

hope that families will continue to feel that they

can openly discuss school matters with teachers

and school administration. Thank you for assisting

us in this matter.

Thank You to Our Parents! Thank you to the parents for the

many ways you have

contributed to St. Maria Goretti School!

Please mark your calendar to come by our Parent Appreciation

morning for a

muffin and coffee!

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

SMG Floor Hockey Teams:

Girls Godsfavour M. Anne Claire A. Ciara S. Johanna A. Georgia N. Jessie R. Faith K. Dilyn D. Maria K. Jade S. Alison K. Brandi L. Abegail G. Madison S.

Boys Raiden R.

William V.

Nicholas F.

Matthew M.

Kaden B. S.

Alex C.

Ashton C.

Tyson P.

Austin R.

Hunter T.

Preston M.

Raymond C.

April Kids’ Convention at St. Maria Goretti School

On Friday, April 28th, K - Gr. 6 students participated in Kids’ Convention. Teachers developed various

sessions examining First Nations, Metis and Inuit Teachings. Students were able to choose from one of

the sixteen sessions.

Sessions Included:

#K1: Catch Me A Dream! - Kindergarten students were able to learn about the special powers of

dream catchers. Students each made their own dream catchers to take home.

#2: Granny’s Giant Bannock– Students were invited to view indigenous clothing displayed and taste

homemade bannock.

#6 & 12: Talking Sticks – Students learned how talking sticks have been used for centuries by many

indigenous tribes. Only the person holding the stick is allowed to speak.

#11: Our 1st National Game - Many students were surprised to learn that Hockey is NOT Canada’s

fist national sport. Participants were invited to play Lacrosse and learn the importance it held in the

culture of indigenous people of Canada.

#14: Sacredness of Water – Students examined the magical qualities of water. Students discussed

ways to value and protect our waters. Participants each made their own water bottle charms.

“I went to KB to make a rain stick. It has beads

in it and when you close your eyes you imagine

the rain and it’s really relaxing.” (Avery, KC)

“I really enjoyed the water charm session. We talked

about how we take our water for granted.” (Maria, Gr. 5A)

“I went to the talking

stick session. I liked

the message behind the

story.” (Jordan, 3/4)

On May 26th our S.M.G. School community is hoping to raise lots of funds for this worthy cause through our Heart & Stroke Jump Rope for

Heart event.

Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause and for learning how to be “Heart Smart”. We thank Ms. Eastman and Mrs. Olynyk for organizing our event, as well as, our Gr. 6

students for leading the way!

Stay tuned for our total!


Administrative Assistant Day

April 26th, 2017

Thank you

Mrs. Bourlai for a job well done!

Edmonton Catholic Schools

2017 - 2018 BUS PASS FEES

GRADES Regular


Family Plan

(families of

Replace-ment Cost

Kindergarten Free n/a Free

Elementary (Yellow ) $32.00 $28.00 $5.00

Elementary (ETS) $32.00 $28.00 $73.00

Annual Pass (Elementary)

$320.00 $280.00 $5.00 Yellow only and non-

Junior/Senior (Yellow) $50.00 $46.00 $5.00

Junior/Senior (ETS) $50.00 $46.00 $73.00

Annual Pass

$500.00 $460.00 $5.00

Yellow only and non-

Upcoming Provincial Achievement Test Dates for Grade 6 Good Luck to all!




Thursday, May 11 Grade 6 9:00 – 11:30 AM English Language Arts, Part A

Monday, June 19 Grade 6 9:00 – 10:00 AM English Language Arts, Part B

Tuesday, June 20 Grade 6 9:00 – 10:00 AM Mathematics

Thursday, June 22 Grade 6 9:00 — 10:00 AM Social

Friday , June 23 Grade 6 9:00 – 10:00 AM Science

S.M.G. Free Footie Soccer Team

Congratulations to the following students who will represent SMG in the after-school

Free Footie Soccer League:

Grade 3-4 Grade 5-6

Parent Advisory Council

We are hosting a Family Dance on Fri-day, June 9th. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together for an evening of fun! Volun-teers are needed. Please call the school office, if you can assist us. Our next Hot Lunch and Jersey Day is on May 26th, and we are in need of parent volunteers. Please contact the office if you can help out! Thanks!

Thanks to our coaches: Miss Sdao,

Mrs. Desautels, Miss Villadarez and

Miss Nardi, Mr. Axe and Team Manager,

Ms. Eastman.

Maddox H.

Jason W.

Jesse Z.

John Kobe G.

Keagan L.T.

Blake B.

Achai A.

Abule L.

Rachel M.

Gabriella M.

Melinda S.

Shelby M.

Chan D.W.

Nicholas C.

Antonio D.

Deng L.

Deng A.

Ava P.

Jade S.

Lauren M.

Madison S.

Nyandeng L.

Faith K.

Abegail G.

Zewdu M.

Benjamin P/G.

Jucuntee F.

Christian R.

Kaden B. S.

Nana A. M.

Easter Mass - New Life Celebration

On April 21st, our school community went to St. John Bosco Church for Easter mass to celebrate the season of new life and

hope. A special thanks to Father Raja, and also to our teachers for preparing our students so very well.

Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen

From the Reading Corner


Home Reading Winners for April:

KA –Mason C.

KB –Bol L.

KC -Blair S.G.

1A –Niklaus K.W.

1B - Lilly C.

1C - Michael B.

2A –Keira F.

2B –Paul M.

2C -Owen R.

3A –Marcus C.

3B –Avery G.

3/4A -Keanna B.S.

4A –Isabella C.

5A—Deng L.

6A -Faith K.

6B -Raymond C.

As the weather warms up and out-side play time increases, please remember to keep making time for nightly reading.

Keep encouraging the habit of reading each night.

Games Club and Drop-In Sports at

St. Maria Goretti

The staff at St. Maria Goretti School are

pleased to offer a variety of activities for our


Throughout the year we have been running a

games club for students in grades 3-6 during

morning and noon recess. This drop-in club pro-

vides our students with opportunities to enjoy

time with friends while learning how to play

board games and cooperative play skills.

Also, during noon recesses we offer our grades

4,5 and 6 students a Drop-In Sports Club. This

club allows opportunities to

practice skills and learn how to play

cooperatively with friends.

Our staff works extra hard in providing these

valuable opportunities for the

students at St. Maria Goretti School!

KC & 2C support the

Oilers Nation!