MASSES: 2nd Sunday of Lent (Year A) 8 March 2020 · 2020. 3. 7. · children and vulnerable adults....

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Transcript of MASSES: 2nd Sunday of Lent (Year A) 8 March 2020 · 2020. 3. 7. · children and vulnerable adults....

MASSES: Weekends: Saturday: 9:00 am, 6:00 pm (vigil), Sunday: 9:00 am (Italian), 10:30 am Weekdays: Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 8:30 am.

ADORATION: Every Friday 9am-4pm At 9:15am, Deacon James will be giving a short reflection. All welcome.

BAPTISMS: Sundays at 11:30 am.

CONFESSIONS: Saturdays following the 9:00 am Mass & half an hour before every Mass by request.

COMMUNION TO SICK: Wed, Thurs & Fri (Lay Ministers) ** In addition to visitation to the sick by lay ministers, Fr Simon is happy to visit any sick or housebound parishioners upon request.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: 1st Friday of every month, the next one being Friday 3 April 2020 LIVING GOSPEL PRAYER GROUP (LGPG): Wednesdays at 1:30 pm.

ROSARY PRAYER GROUP: Wednesdays at 9:00 am.

Home visits

If you would like Fr Simon to come for a visit and a chat, please let the parish office know.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: The parish office is attended by volunteer staff on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30am to 5:00pm. You may contact the office at any time and leave a message when the office is unattended on 9470 2586 and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Parish Bulletins Past and current Parish bulletins can be viewed online on the parish website:

Our Parish is committed to the

safety, wellbeing and dignity of all

children and vulnerable adults.

2nd Sunday of Lent (Year A) 8 March 2020

My dear Brothers and Sisters,

“From the cloud there came a voice which said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; he

enjoys my favour. Listen to him’”, St Matthew tells us in this Sunday’s Gospel

[Matthew 17:1-9]. In this 40 day season of Lent we engage in acts of prayer, penance, fasting and almsgiving. As Jesus enjoined us in the Ash Wednesday Gospel, we do all

these things quietly, without trumpeting them to the world. Last Sunday’s Gospel saw Jesus rebuking the temptations of the Evil One after 40 days in the wilderness. And this

Sunday we are presented in our Gospel reading with the great moment when Jesus was

transfigured on the high mountain in the presence of Peter, James and John. Pope Benedict XVI has said of these texts: “Considered together, these episodes anticipate

the Paschal Mystery: Jesus’ struggle with the tempter preludes the great final duel of the Passion, while the light of His transfigured body anticipates the glory of the

Resurrection (and) Jesus expresses His glory to the apostles so that they may have the

strength to face the scandal of the cross and understand that it is necessary to pass

through many tribulations in order to reach the Kingdom of God”.

And so this season of Lent prepares us to face the great Easter mysteries, but also to

face all the many trials and tribulations we encounter on our journey through life. Jesus’ transfiguration most likely took place on the snow-capped heights of Mt

Hermon, out of which flow springs of pure life-giving water which give birth to the Jordan River. In this Sunday’s 10:30am Mass two young children, Zoe and Quinn, will

receive the sacrament of Baptism in water which has come from those very springs at

the foot of Mt Hermon. We will all join with their parents and Godparents in rejecting Satan and all his works and affirming our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and


I had hoped to be taking a group of our parishioners on to the heights of Mt Hermon

this May and to gather fresh water from the springs of the Jordan. Sadly our Parish

pilgrimage has had to be postponed due to the Coronavirus health crisis which is rapidly spreading throughout the world. As you may know, we have introduced some

simple and practical measures here in our parish Church, avoiding hand-shakes, using

anti-bacterial gel and confining the chalice to the priest. It is very important to avoid undue panic as this crisis unfolds. I do suggest that older parishioners might avoid

going to public places such as shopping centres and markets. If you decide you would like to stay at home rather than coming to Mass that is very understandable. There are

beautiful Masses able to be watched on television. And I will bring you Communion at

home on a regular basis whilst this crisis continues. I hope we will be through the worst of it by spring and that a vaccine may be available by year’s end.

Lent, which means “spring”, is a time of new and renewed life, of hope for the future. In the face of every one of life’s challenges and adversities let us keep our focus firmly

on our Lord who was transfigured gloriously on the Holy Mountain, and offers the

constant and firm assurance that God loves us and ever keeps us in His care and protection. Let us do as God asks and listen to His Son, the Beloved.

We congratulate Zoe and Quinn on receiving the Sacrament of Baptism this weekend.

With every prayer for God’s richest blessings to be upon

you and your families.

Fr Simon Grainger

Pax et Gratia

Parish Prayer: Generous God, We give our thanks to you for the gifts you have given to us – our life, our family and friends – time, talents and material possessions. Above all we are grateful for the Father's unconditional love, for Jesus Christ our Savior and for the Holy Spirit who nourishes us with every spiritual gift. All we have comes from you. May we remember this always and rejoice in your generosity. Sustain us on our Christian journey, so that we may constantly renew our relationship with you and all people of our parish community. Grant us the strength and courage to become better followers of Jesus: to be disciples and to live the Christian Way of Life. Amen St Raphael healer and guide protect us.

Prayers before and after Mass Guardian Angel Prayer and Prayer to St Michael

Fr Simon prays the Prayer to the Guardian Angel (Angel of God) as part of his personal preparation for each Mass. He also prays the Prayer to St Michael, which Pope Leo XIII requested be said, when he returns to the sacristy at the conclusion of each Mass. You might like to follow this practice privately yourself. These prayers are as follows:

Angel of God (Prayer before Mass) Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day (or night) be at my side, to light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Prayer to St. Michael (Prayer after Mass) Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. (Prayer cards can be found at the back of the church. Please take one)

† † † Stewardship Reflection

“Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1)

God calls all of us to leave behind our old ways and to follow Him, placing our complete trust in Him. Some of the old ways that we may have to struggle to leave behind might be materialism, selfishness, and greed. Yet God promises to show us a new land and a better way to live. Remember what St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “God does not call us to be successful, God calls us to be faithful.”


May we allow ourselves to be reconciled, in order to live as

beloved children, as forgiven and healed sinners, as wayfarers

with him at our side.

† † † VOCATION VIEW: The Lord called Abram to go forth to a new land and begin a new nation. There’s no telling what we can become by responding to the Lord’s invitation to us.


Adoration resumed Friday 28 February 2020, 9am to 4pm.

Once exposition of the Blessed Sacrament has taken place,

Deacon James will be giving a short reflection.

All welcome.

A new roster is being prepared. For those wishing to

participate, please write your name on the form in the

Saturday 6pm Mass

Eucharistic Ministers

Saturday 6pm Mass


29-Feb-20 Lucy Triulcio Kinga Harding

07-Mar-20 Amato Puli'uvea Nikki Daniele

14-Mar-20 Angela De Fazio Oskar Harding

9am Italian Mass

Eucharistic Ministers

9am Italian Mass


01-Mar-20 Bruna D'Alessandro

Carmela Molinaro

Anna Sisinni

08-Mar-20 Carmel Colosimo

Felice Comito

Paola Di Palma

15-Mar-20 Bruna D'Alessandro

Maria Bianchi-Rossi

Felice Comito

10:30am Mass

Eucharistic Ministers

10:30am Mass


01-Mar-20 Fatima Barros

Maria Gaggiano

Wendy Robertson

08-Mar-20 Amitu'anai To'oto'o

Mary Marziano

Rosetta Macri

15-Mar-20 Carmen Strojan

Josephine Knight

Giulia Digiglio

CHURCH CLEANING: Grace Croce’s Team 6 LAWN MOWING: Team 3: 21 March WE PRAY FOR:

Those who are Sick & Dying that they may find meaning in their


We pray especially for:

Giuseppina, Cabrini, Paola, Dorothy, Peter, Sebastiana, Maria, Vincenza, Vittorio, Jean, Loraine, Kristian, Isabella, Pasquale, Wendy, Giuseppe, Paul, Tony, Mary, Carmel, Paolina, Shane, Ildiko For all who have died, especially those we love:


Dawn Drummond (Requiem Mass Thurs 12/3 at 11:30am)

ANNIVERSARIES: Donato Damiano ( 1st Anniv. Sun 8/3 at 9am) Giuseppe Paolucci & Felice D’Agostino ( Sun 8/3 at 9am) Carmela D’Addona (3rd Anniv. Sun 8/3 at 9am) Damiano & Brunina Rando (3rd Anniv. Sun 8/3 at 10:30am) Pia Maria Zamparo (3rd Anniv. Sat 14/3 at 6pm) Chris O’Dea (2nd Anniv. Sat 14/3 at 6pm) …that they may share in the resurrection of Jesus.


Thanksgiving: $831

Presbytery: $480

Many thanks to all our contributors


Friday 13th March 2020-

Seventh Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis

† † † Envelopes for requests for Masses to be offered for deceased loved ones Please find at the back of the Church, envelopes for your use when requesting a Mass to be offered for deceased/unwell family members. Envelopes may be placed in the collection baskets.

A REMINDER…The donation box for the decoration of our altar is at the rear of the church. Many thanks for those who contribute.


Baptism Congratulations

The community of St Raphael’s congratulates Zoë and Quinn Riordan,

for their Baptisms on 8 March 2020.

Project Compassion

Please take home a Project Compassion box and support Caritas Australia this Lenten season themed “Go Further Together”. Your generosity will assist some of the world’s most vulnerable communities to lift themselves out of poverty. When we Go Further Together in love and compassion, the whole world thrives. You can donate through Parish boxes, or by phoning 1800 024 413 or visiting


The next seniors’ lunch will be on Thursday 12 March at

12:00 Mid-day at: Darebin RSL, 402 Bell St, Preston.

Please let us know if you will be attending the lunch by

writing your name on the form in the foyer.

Non seniors are also most welcome. Thank you.

Let's do something for Vocations

As a parish, we are committed to doing something to

encourage more vocations to the priesthood and consecrated

life. One of the most important things that we can do is to

pray: Ask the Lord of the harvest to send more labourers.

Prayer is the first and most important step in encouraging

vocations. As a community, we will participate in the

Vocations Office initiative of the 'Triduum of Prayer',

where parishes and communities across Melbourne will

commit one hour of prayer for vocations over the period of

20-22 March.

Our Hour of Prayer will be Friday 20 March at 3pm to 4pm

in the church. Please bring along some friends and members

of your family, to pray in union with parishes around the

Archdiocese for more vocations.

† † †

☺ ☺ SHARE A JOKE ☺ ☺

Children’s activity pages Please find in the foyer of the Church an activity box with

activity pages and pencils for young children to use quietly during Mass. At the end of Mass children are invited to

show Fr Simon their work in the Church foyer


Archdiocesan Instructions regarding

precautions to be taken during Coronavirus alarm

On March 2020 the Vicar General has issued recommendations for the Catholic community of Melbourne. A full copy of those recommendations is available in the foyer of the Church. It is very important that we respond sensibly and appropriately as the seriousness of this public health concern increases in our country. It is also important not to panic or become more alarmed than the actual circumstances justify. Here in St Raphael’s Parish the following measures have been implemented from 7 March 2020 in accordance with the Vicar General’s latest advice:- • Holy Water will not be available from the stoups inside the entrances of our Church. • Holy Water will continue to be available from the Holy Water container near the sacristy door for the use of parishioners in their homes. • At the sign of Peace parishioners should avoid shaking hands but say “peace be with you” and give a smile, wave nod or bow. • All Eucharistic Ministers should pay careful attention to the washing of hands and use of sanitising hand gel before assisting with the distribution of Communion. • Only the priest is to receive from the chalice. • Communion will not be given on the tongue but only in the hand. As Fr Simon has said in his letter in this week’s bulletin, elderly parishioners may choose not to come to the church for Mass, but rather watch it on television in their homes. However, any parishioner who does this is also most welcome to ask Fr Simon to come to bring them Communion at home. It is essential that we stay together as a parish family in the face of this challenge. All parishioners are urged to pray for the victims of this coronavirus, all those who are ill, all those who are in quarantine, and all those bringing help and support to patients. And that a vaccine soon be found and swiftly made available to the public.

† † † Parish Pilgrimage

Due to the Coronavirus crisis the parish pilgrimage has been postponed. If all is well by early 2021, Fr Simon will offer this pilgrimage again, departing Melbourne on 2 May 2021 and returning on 13 May 2021. Fr Simon will invite expressions of interest in early 2021.

† † † RISE: HOME AWAITS – Youth Festival 2020

Calling all young people! Have you ever had questions about your faith that needed to be answered? Well, this Catholic youth festival may be just what you’ve been looking for. RISE is a popular youth festival designed to inspire and encourage young Catholics. Packed with awesome guest speakers (Fr. Rob Galea, Justine Cumbo, Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli), live music, workshops and prayer sessions, this Melbourne-based festival is just the thing to set your faith on fire. When: Saturday 21st March 2020, 10am-6pm Where: Emmaus College – 503 Springvale Rd., Vermont South VIC Age: 3 Age Streams: ▪ Yr 7 – 8

▪ Yr 9 – 11 ▪ Young Adults (Yr 12 – Age 25)

Please contact Deacon James for registry information: Or

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A warm welcome to new parishioners to St Raphael’s Please let us know that you have joined our community and if there is anything we can do for you. Are you new to our Parish? ____

Need Thanksgiving envelopes? ____

Pease complete the details below and place in the collection plate at Mass or send to the Parish office. Name: ___________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________

Address: ___________________________________

To existing parishioners: if you would like to contribute on a regular basis using the envelopes, please complete the above. Thank you.

PENITENTIAL ACT I confess to almighty God

and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned,

in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done and in what I

have failed to do,

And, striking their breast, they say:

through my fault,

through my fault,

through my most grievous fault;

therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-


all the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the Lord our God.

FIRST READING Genesis 12:1-4

The Lord said to Abram, ‘Leave

your country, your family and your

father’s house, for the land I will

show you. I will make you a great

nation; I will bless you and make

your name so famous that it will be

used as a blessing.

‘I will bless those who bless you:

I will curse those who slight you.

All the tribes of the earth

shall bless themselves by you.’

So Abram went as the Lord told him.

The Word of the Lord

All: Thanks be to God.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 32(33):4-5,18-20,22

The Response is:

Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we

place our trust in you.

The word of the Lord is faithful

and all his works to be trusted.

The Lord loves justice and right

and fills the earth with his love.

Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we

place our trust in you.

The Lord looks on those who revere


on those who hope in his love,

to rescue their souls from death,

to keep them alive in famine.

Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we

place our trust in you.

Our soul is waiting for the Lord.

The Lord is our help and our shield.

May your love be upon us, O Lord,

as we place all our hope in you.

Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we

place our trust in you.

SECOND READING 2 Timothy 1:8-10

With me, bear the hardships for the

sake of the Good News, relying on

the power of God who has saved us

and called us to be holy – not

because of anything we ourselves

have done but for his own purpose

and by his own grace. This grace had

already been granted to us, in Christ

Jesus, before the beginning of time,

but it has only been revealed by the

Appearing of our saviour Christ

Jesus. He abolished death, and he

has proclaimed life and immortality

through the Good News.

The Word of the Lord

All: Thanks be to God.

Please stand for the Gospel



Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus


From the shining cloud the Father’s

voice is heard:

this is my beloved Son, hear him.

Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus


GOSPEL Matthew 17:1-9

Jesus took with him Peter and James

and his brother John and led them up

a high mountain where they could be

alone. There in their presence he was

transfigured: his face shone like the

sun and his clothes became as white

as the light. Suddenly Moses and

Elijah appeared to them; they were

talking with him. Then Peter spoke

to Jesus. ‘Lord,’ he said ‘it is

wonderful for us to be here; if you

wish, I will make three tents here,

one for you, one for Moses and one

for Elijah.’ He was still speaking

when suddenly a bright cloud

covered them with shadow, and from

the cloud there came a voice which

said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved;

he enjoys my favour. Listen to him.’

When they heard this the disciples

fell on their faces overcome with

fear. But Jesus came up and touched

them. ‘Stand up,’ he said ‘do not be

afraid.’ And when they raised their

eyes they saw no one but only Jesus.

As they came down from the

mountain Jesus gave them this order,

‘Tell no one about the vision until

the Son of Man has risen from the


The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus



I believe in God, / the Father

almighty, / Creator of heaven and

earth, / and in Jesus Christ, his only

Son, our lord, / who was conceived

by the Holy Spirit, / born of the

Virgin Mary, / suffered under

Pontius Pilate, / was crucified, died

and was buried; / he descended into

hell; / on the third day he rose again

from the dead; / he ascended into

heaven, / and is seated at the right

hand of God the Father almighty; /

from there he will come to judge the

living and the dead. / I believe in the

Holy Spirit, / the holy catholic

Church, / the communion of saints, /

the forgiveness of sins, / the

resurrection of the body, / and life

everlasting. Amen.




We proclaim your Death, O Lord,

and profess your Resurrection, until

you come again.