Marlas Acting Lecture Pictures

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Marlas Acting Lecture Pictures

David Garrick and Susannah Maria Cibber in Venice Preserv’d, London 1762

Konstantin Stanislavski, 1863-1938

Anton Chekhov, center, with the company of the Moscow Art Theatre

John Barrymore and Mary Astor in Beau Brummel, 1924

Stella Adler

Lee Strasberg (L), founder of The Actor’s Studio, in a scene from the Godfather part 2 with Al Pacino

Marlon Brando in

A Streetcar Named


John Barrymore in Richard III,1929

James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause, 1955

Marlon Brando in Last Tango in Paris, 1972

Meryl Streep