Maria josé 1º bach ccss

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Maria josé 1º bach ccss

In Pántul , a small town , two years ago a girl called Roxy, committed suicide because she was insulted and harassed by HER classmates.

One of the classmates was Peter. Peter celebrated his sixteenth birthday with HIS friends. While they were celebrating the doorbell rang. Peter opened the door and there wasn´t anyone, only a small box WITH A MESSAGE WRITTEN ON IT: “For Peter”. He thought someone had given HIM it. He opened the box and it was a alarm clock.

When Peter went to sleep, set his alarm clock up. Next morning the alarm clock rang, Peter pressed the button to stop IT ringing, but something strange happened . Suddenly, he appeared in a dark and gloomy place. BESIDES, it was cold.

Scared, HE began to cry. FROM darkness a girl with a terrifying aspect APPEARED. IT Was a zombie! . The zombie with a painFUL voice said: - I felt lonely and helpless! Like you now! Now all, one BY one , are going to feel this pain!-. QUICKLY, the zombie ,Roxy,killed Peter with a bite.

In Pántul, the child was found dead in his bed but no one understood the reason . The alarm clock was passed to from child to child and each day a child appeared dead. This case was never SOLVED and everyone thought it was a deadly epidemic.

The last girl , Mary, who had the alarm clock also appeared in that dark place but she managed to kill Roxy with a rock, but OUT of darkness Peter and otherS in the form of zombies APPEARED and finally they bit her.

The spell of the alarm clock ended.