Mao Zedong - On the people s democratic dictatorship

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Transcript of Mao Zedong - On the people s democratic dictatorship

  • 8/12/2019 Mao Zedong - On the people s democratic dictatorship


  • 8/12/2019 Mao Zedong - On the people s democratic dictatorship


    not recogni(e this truth is no communist. )oung

    comrades who have not studied *ar%ism-Leninism

    and have only recently +oined the Party may not yet

    understand this truth. They must understand it -- only

    then can they have a correct world outlook. Theymust understand that the road to the a"olition of

    classes to the a"olition of state !ower and to the

    a"olition of !arties is the road all mankind must take$

    it is only a ,uestion of time and conditions.

    Communists the world over are wiser than the

    "ourgeoisie they understand the laws governing the

    e%istence and develo!ment of things they understand

    dialectics and they can see farther. The "ourgeoisiedoes not welcome this truth "ecause it does not want

    to "e overthrown. To "e overthrown is !ainful and is

    un"eara"le to contem!late for those overthrown for

    e%am!le for the uomintang reactionaries whom we

    are now overthrowing and for Ja!anese im!erialism

    which we together with other !eo!les overthrew

    some time ago. ut for the working class the

    la"ouring !eo!le and the Communist Party the

    ,uestion is not one of "eing overthrown "ut ofworking hard to create the conditions in which

    classes state !ower and !olitical !arties will die out

    very naturally and mankind will enter the realm of

    /reat 0armony.[1]#e have mentioned in !assing

    the long-range !ers!ective of human !rogress in

    order to e%!lain clearly the !ro"lems we are a"out to


    's everyone knows our Party !assed through

    these twenty-eight years not in !eace "ut amid

    hardshi!s for we had to fight enemies "oth foreign

    and domestic "oth inside and outside the Party. #e

    thank *ar% ngels Lenin and 2talin for giving us a
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    wea!on. This wea!on is not a machine-gun "ut


    3n his "ook "Left-Wing" Communism, an Infantile

    Disorder written in 195 Lenin descri"ed the ,uestof the 6ussians for revolutionary theory.[2]7nly

    after several decades of hardshi! and suffering did

    the 6ussians find *ar%ism. *any things in China

    were the same as or similar to those in 6ussia

    "efore the 7cto"er 6evolution. There was the same

    feudal o!!ression. There was similar economic and

    cultural "ackwardness. oth countries were

    "ackward China even more so. 3n "oth countries

    alike for the sake of national regeneration

    !rogressives "raved hard and "itter struggles in their

    ,uest for revolutionary truth.

    8rom the time of China&s defeat in the 7!ium #ar

    of 145[3]Chinese !rogressives went through

    untold hardshi!s in their ,uest for truth from the

    #estern countries. 0ung 0siu-chuan[4]ang )u-

    wei,[5])en 8u[6]and 2un )at-sen werere!resentative of those who had looked to the #est

    for truth "efore the Communist Party of China was

    "orn. Chinese who then sought !rogress would read

    any "ook containing the new knowledge from the

    #est. The num"er of students sent to Ja!an ritain

    the :nited 2tates 8rance and /ermany was ama(ing.

    't home the im!erial e%aminations[7]were

    a"olished and modern schools s!rang u! like "am"oo

    shoots after a s!ring rain$ every effort was made to

    learn from the #est. 3n my youth 3 too engaged in

    such studies. They re!resented the culture of #estern

    "ourgeois democracy including the social theories

    and natural sciences of that !eriod and they were

    called ;the new learning; in contrast to Chinese
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    feudal culture which was called ;the old learning;.

    8or ,uite a long time those who had ac,uired the

    new learning felt confident that it would save China

    and very few of them had any dou"ts on this score as

    the adherents of the old learning had. 7nlymoderni(ation could save China only learning from

    foreign countries could moderni(e China. 'mong the

    foreign countries only the #estern ca!italist

    countries were then !rogressive as they had

    successfully "uilt modern "ourgeois states. The

    Ja!anese had "een successful in learning from the

    #est and the Chinese also wished to learn from the

    Ja!anese. The Chinese in those days regarded 6ussiaas "ackward and few wanted to learn from her. That

    was how the Chinese tried to learn from foreign

    countries in the !eriod from the 145s to the

    "eginning of the 5th century.

    3m!erialist aggression shattered the fond dreams of

    the Chinese a"out learning from the #est. 3t was

    very odd -- why were the teachers always committing

    aggression against their !u!il< The Chinese learned agood deal from the #est "ut they could not make it

    work and were never a"le to reali(e their ideals.

    Their re!eated struggles including such a country-

    wide movement as the 6evolution of 1911[8]all

    ended in failure. =ay "y day conditions in the

    country got worse and life was made im!ossi"le.

    =ou"ts arose increased and dee!ened. #orld #ar 3

    shook the whole glo"e. The 6ussians made the

    7cto"er 6evolution and created the world&s first

    socialist state. :nder the leadershi! of Lenin and

    2talin the revolutionary energy of the great

    !roletariat and la"ouring !eo!le of 6ussia hitherto

    latent and unseen "y foreigners suddenly eru!ted

    like a volcano and the Chinese and all mankind
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    the leadershi! of the Communist Party of China the

    Chinese !eo!le after driving out Ja!anese

    im!erialism waged the Peo!le&s #ar of Li"eration

    for three years and have "asically won victory.

    Thus #estern "ourgeois civili(ation "ourgeois

    democracy and the !lan for a "ourgeois re!u"lic have

    all gone "ankru!t in the eyes of the Chinese !eo!le.

    ourgeois democracy has given way to !eo!le&s

    democracy under the leadershi! of the working class

    and the "ourgeois re!u"lic to the !eo!le&s re!u"lic.

    This has made it !ossi"le to achieve socialism and

    communism through the !eo!le&s re!u"lic to a"olish

    classes and enter a world of /reat 0armony. ang

    )u-wei wrote Ta Tung Shu or theBook of Great

    Harmony,"ut he did not and could not find the way

    to achieve /reat 0armony. There are "ourgeois

    re!u"lics in foreign lands "ut China cannot have a

    "ourgeois re!u"lic "ecause she is a country suffering

    under im!erialist o!!ression. The only way is

    through a !eo!le&s re!u"lic led "y the working class.

    'll other ways have "een tried and failed. 7f the

    !eo!le who hankered after those ways some have

    fallen some have awakened and some are changing

    their ideas. vents are develo!ing so swiftly that

    many feel the a"ru!tness of the change and the need

    to learn anew. This state of mind is understanda"le

    and we welcome this worthy desire to learn anew.

    The vanguard of the Chinese !roletariat learned*ar%ism-Leninism after the 7cto"er 6evolution and

    founded the Communist Party of China. 3t entered at

    once into !olitical struggles and only now after a

    tortuous course of twenty-eight years has it won

    "asic victory. 8rom our twenty-eight years&

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    the e%!eriences accumulated in these forty years and

    these twenty-eight years all Chinese without

    e%ce!tion must lean either to the side of im!erialism

    or to the side of socialism. 2itting on the fence will

    not do nor is there a third road. #e o!!ose theChiang ai-shek reactionaries who lean to the side of

    im!erialism and we also o!!ose the illusions a"out a

    third road.

    ;)ou are too irritating.; #e are talking a"out how

    to deal with domestic and foreign reactionaries the

    im!erialists and their running dogs not a"out how to

    deal with anyone else. #ith regard to such

    reactionaries the ,uestion of irritating them or not

    does not arise. 3rritated or not irritated they will

    remain the same "ecause they are reactionaries. 7nly

    if we draw a clear line "etween reactionaries and

    revolutionaries e%!ose the intrigues and !lots of the

    reactionaries arouse the vigilance and attention of

    the revolutionary ranks heighten our will to fight and

    crush the enemy&s arrogance can we isolate the

    reactionaries van,uish them or su!ersede them. #emust not show the slightest timidity "efore a wild

    "east. #e must learn from #u 2ung[9]on the

    Chingyang 6idge. 's #u 2ung saw it the tiger on

    Chingyang 6idge was a man-eater whether irritated

    or not. ither kill the tiger or "e eaten "y him -- one

    or the other.

    ;#e want to do "usiness.; @uite right "usiness

    will "e done. #e are against no one e%ce!t the

    domestic and foreign reactionaries who hinder us

    from doing "usiness. very"ody should know that it

    is none other than the im!erialists and their running

    dogs the Chiang ai-shek reactionaries who hinder

    us from doing "usiness and also from esta"lishing
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    di!lomatic relations with foreign countries. #hen we

    have "eaten the internal and e%ternal reactionaries "y

    uniting all domestic and international forces we shall

    "e a"le to do "usiness and esta"lish di!lomatic

    relations with all foreign countries on the "asis ofe,uality mutual "enefit and mutual res!ect for

    territorial integrity and sovereignty.

    ;Aictory is !ossi"le even without international

    hel!.; This is a mistaken idea. 3n the e!och in which

    im!erialism e%ists it is im!ossi"le for a genuine

    !eo!le&s revolution to win victory in any country

    without various forms of hel! from the international

    revolutionary forces and even if victory were won it

    could not "e consolidated. This was the case with the

    victory and consolidation of the great 7cto"er

    6evolution as Lenin and 2talin told us long ago.

    This was also the case with the overthrow of the

    three im!erialist !owers in #orld #ar 33 and the

    esta"lishment of the Peo!le&s =emocracies. 'nd this

    is also the case with the !resent and the future of

    Peo!le&s China. Just imagineB 3f the 2oviet :nion hadnot e%isted if there had "een no victory in the anti-

    fascist 2econd #orld #ar if Ja!anese im!erialism

    had not "een defeated if the Peo!le&s =emocracies

    had not come into "eing if the o!!ressed nations of

    the ast were not rising in struggle and if there were

    no struggle of the masses of the !eo!le against their

    reactionary rulers in the :nited 2tates ritain

    8rance /ermany 3taly Ja!an and other ca!italist

    countries -- if not for all these in com"ination the

    international reactionary forces "earing down u!on

    us would certainly "e many times greater than now.

    3n such circumstances could we have won victorythrough

    the Communist Party? and "ased u!on the alliance ofworkers and !easants. This dictatorshi! must unite as

    one with the international revolutionary forces. This

    is our formula our !rinci!al e%!erience our main


    Twenty-eight years of our Party are a long !eriod

    in which we have accom!lished only one thing -- we

    have won "asic victory in the revolutionary war. This

    calls for cele"ration "ecause it is the !eo!le&s

    victory "ecause it is a victory in a country as large as

    China. ut we still have much work to do$ to use the

    analogy of a +ourney our !ast work is only the first

    ste! in a long march of ten thousand li. 6emnants of

    the enemy have yet to "e wi!ed out. The serious task

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    of economic construction lies "efore us. #e shall

    soon !ut aside some of the things we know well and

    "e com!elled to do things we don&t know well. This

    means difficulties. The im!erialists reckon that we

    will not "e a"le to manage our economy they arestanding "y and looking on awaiting our failure.

    #e must overcome difficulties we must learn

    what we do not know. #e must learn to do economic

    work from all who know how no matter who they

    are. #e must esteem them as teachers learning from

    them res!ectfully and conscientiously. #e must not

    !retend to know when we do not know. #e must not

    !ut on "ureaucratic airs. 3f we dig into a su"+ect for

    several months for a year or two for three or five

    years we shall eventually master it. 't first some of

    the 2oviet Communists also were not very good at

    handling economic matters and the im!erialists

    awaited their failure too. ut the Communist Party of

    the 2oviet :nion emerged victorious and under the

    leadershi! of Lenin and 2talin it learned not only

    how to make the revolution "ut also how to carry onconstruction. 3t has "uilt a great and s!lendid socialist

    state. The Communist Party of the 2oviet :nion is

    our "est teacher and we must learn from it. The

    situation "oth at home and a"road is in our favour

    we can rely fully on the wea!on of the !eo!le&s

    democratic dictatorshi! unite the !eo!le throughout

    the country the reactionaries e%ce!ted and advance

    steadily to our goal.


    1. 'lso known as the world of /reat

    0armony. 3t refers to a society "ased on

    !u"lic ownershi! free from class

    e%!loitation and o!!ression -- a lofty ideal

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    long cherished "y the Chinese !eo!le. 0ere

    the realm of /reat 0armony means

    communist society.

    . 2ee A. 1. Lenin "Left-Wing"

    Communism, an Infantile Disorder, Cha!ter. Lenin saidD ;for nearly half a century --

    a!!ro%imately from the &forties to the

    &nineties -- advanced thinkers in 6ussia

    under the o!!ression of an un!aralleled

    savage and reactionary tsardom eagerly

    sought for the correct revolutionary theory

    and followed each and every &last word& in

    uro!e and 'merica in this s!here with

    astonishing diligence and thoroughness.

    6ussia achieved *ar%ism the only correct

    revolutionary theory verita"ly

    throughsuffering,"y half a century of

    un!recedented torment and sacrifice of

    un!recedented revolutionary heroism

    incredi"le energy devoted searching study

    testing in !ractice disa!!ointment

    verification and com!arison with uro!ean


    E. 8aced with the o!!osition of the Chinese

    !eo!le to her traffic in o!ium ritain sent

    forces in 145-4 to invade wangtung and

    other coastal regions of China under the

    !rete%t of !rotecting trade. The troo!s in

    wangtung led "y Lin Tse-hsu fought a

    war of resistance.

    4. 0ung 0siu-chuan >114-F4? who was

    "orn in wangtung was the leader of a!easant revolutionary war in the middle of

    the 19th century. 3n 1G1 he led a mass

    u!rising in wangsi and !roclaimed the

    esta"lishment of the Tai!ing 0eavenly

    ingdom which held many !rovinces and

    fought the Ching =ynasty for fourteen years.

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  • 8/12/2019 Mao Zedong - On the people s democratic dictatorship


    Logi!, *ontes,uieu&sL'$s(rit des Lois, and

    other works were vehicles for the s!read of

    uro!ean "ourgeois thought in China.

    H. ' system of e%aminations ado!ted "y

    China&s autocratic dynasties. 3t was a methodused "y the feudal ruling class for selecting

    !ersonnel to govern the !eo!le and also for

    enticing the intellectuals. The system dating

    from the Hth century !ersisted into the early

    5th century.

    . The 6evolution of 1911 overthrew the

    autocratic regime of the Ching =ynasty. 7n

    7cto"er 15 of that year a section of the ew

    'rmy at the urging of the revolutionarysocieties of the "ourgeoisie and !etty

    "ourgeoisie staged an u!rising in #uchang.

    This was followed "y u!risings in other

    !rovinces and very soon the rule of the

    Ching =ynasty crum"led. 7n January 1

    191 the Provisional /overnment of the

    6e!u"lic of China was set u! in anking

    and 2un )at-sen was elected Provisional

    President. The revolution achieved victory

    through the alliance of the "ourgeoisie

    !easants workers and ur"an !etty

    "ourgeoisie. ut "ecause the grou! which

    led the revolution was com!romising in

    nature failed to "ring real "enefits to the

    !easants and yielded to the !ressure of

    im!erialism and the feudal forces state

    !ower fell into the hands of the orthern

    warlord )uan 2hih-kai and the revolution


    9. ' hero in the novel Shui Hu Chuan

    )Heroes of the *arshes+, who killed a tiger

    with his "are hands on the Chingyang 6idge.

    This is one of the most !o!ular e!isodes in

    that famous novel.

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    15. 8or the relation "etween the sociali(ation

    of agriculture and the industriali(ation of the

    country see n the uestion of .gri!ultural

    Co-o(eration >2ections H and ? a re!ort

    made "y Comrade *ao Tse-tung on July E1

    19GG at the Conference of the 2ecretaries of

    the Provincial *unici!al and 'utonomous

    6egion Committees of the Chinese

    Communist Party. 3n this re!ort Comrade

    *ao Tse-tung on the "asis of 2oviet

    e%!erience and our own country&s !ractice

    greatly develo!ed the thesis that

    sociali(ation of agriculture should !roceed

    in ste! with socialist industriali(ation.

    11. The ,uotation is from Chu 0si&s

    commentary on the Confu!ian Do!trine of

    the *ean, Cha!ter 1E.

    Transcription y the Maoist !ocumentation Pro"ect#

    $TM% revised &''( y Mar)ists#org

    Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung