Managing Your Team

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Transcript of Managing Your Team

ICCET/ICCHE Fall Conference 2012 • September 26 & 27, Utica, IL • Roundtable Discussion Notes Topic: Managing Your Team How do we make priorities clear when we can’t do it all?

Manage up

Write it down and display it in office; encourage all staff to do this

Educate entire staff about what the real goals are How do we create a team atmosphere/mentality?

Find out what motivates each individual and try to use that method (Real Deal cards is a way to discover these motivators and why employees do what they do)

Work to create an environment where everyone feels they contribute to success

Share/celebrate success stories

Remind your staff of how their work has benefitted and impacted individuals

Invite your staff to evaluate you (similar process to your performance assessments of them)

Recognize individual accomplishments, birthdays, etc. How do we address the challenges associated with change?

Try to emphasize the benefit of the change, rather than the change itself (ie: this new process will save you # of hours of work; removing this project from your plate will allow you more time to explore _____ (fill in the blank with something that really motivates the employee; we are all working toward the same goal we’re just rearranging things a bit to make things flow more efficiently)