Managing & Troubleshooting SharePoint Search

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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This presentation introduces SharePoint 2013 Search, how to manage your search topology and how to approach troubleshooting.

Transcript of Managing & Troubleshooting SharePoint Search

Managing & Troubleshooting

SharePoint Search

#SPSJEThomas Vochten@thomasvochten

IT Pro - Level 200

About Me

Thomas Vochten SharePoint MVP. Platform architect. Speaker. Trainer. Involuntary DBA. Architect at Xylos. V-TSP at Microsoft.



• Understanding the search architecture• Creating a search service application• Managing the search topology• Troubleshooting the search topology

IT Pro - Level 200

Search ArchitectureBack to basics



Content UXCrawl

ContentProcessing Index

QueryProcessing WFE



FAST Search Index

Services & Processes

• SharePoint Search Host Controller Service


Controls & checks other components

• SharePoint Server Search Service

mssearch.exe & mssdmn.exe

Crawl component

Services & Processes

• All other components


• Search Query and Site Settings ServiceWCF Service in IIS


Crawl Component


ContentProcessing Index



File Shares


User Profiles


Lotus Notes


Custom (BCS)




FAST Search Index

Crawl Component

ULS Category: CrawlerProcesses: mssearch.exe & mssdmn.exe

• Manages the crawl queue• Protocol handlers• State lives in the crawl database• Uses a local cache • Full/Incremental/Continuous

Crawl Database

Content Processing Component


ContentProcessing Index

Crawl AdminAnalyticsProcessing


Content EnrichmentWeb Service


FAST Search Index

Content Processing Component

ULS Category: Content ProcessingProcess: noderunner.exe

• Document parsing • Metadata extraction• Stateless• Extensible

Index Component




Content Processing


Partition #1




Partition #2




Partition #3


Each replica is an index component

Index Component

ULS Category: IndexProcess: noderunner.exe

• Inserts content into binary index• Also stores security info & metadata• Indexes live on disk only• Uses partitions & replica’s

Query Component

UXQueryProcessing WFEIndex



FAST Search Index


Query Processing Component

ULS Category: QueryProcess: noderunner.exe

• Handles user queries• A lot of business logic• Stateless• Query Analyzer• Security Trimming

Query Path

• Web Server

• Search Query & Site Settings Service (HTTP endpoint)

• Query Processing Component (net.tcp endpoint)

• Index Component (net.tcp endpoint)

Analytics Component


ContentProcessing Index

QueryProcessing WFE



FAST Search Index


Analytics Reporting

Event Stream

Analytics Component

ULS Category: AnalyticsProcess: noderunner.exe

• Intensive computations• Links, social interactions, views, recommendations, …• Gets better over time• Also handles health statistics in central admin

Admin Component



Admin Component

ULS Category: AdminProcess: Administration

• Stores configuration objects• Web service for administering configuration objects• Management via PowerShell only!• Only one active but can be made redundant• Application Server Admin Service timer job

Components Placement

Search is probably the most resource intensive SharePoint service

Good Practice:

• CPC & APC together• Admin & Crawl together• Index & Query together

Start Here

Minimal highly available search architecture

Scale Out

Resource Requirements

Component CPU Network Disk Memory

Search administration * * *Crawler ** *** *** **Content processing (CPC) *** ** ***Analytics processing (APC) ** *** * **Index *** ** *** ***Query processing (QPC) * ** *

Databases Recap

• Administration DB• Crawl DB• Links DB• Analytics Reporting DB

SetupBuilding a Search Service Application

What you need

• A managed account• An application pool

Consider other service applications:• Managed Metadata• User Profiles• State Service• Usage & Health

PowerShell to the rescue

• Central Admin will give you nothing by GUIDs• New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication

Creation Process

• Check system requirements• Create Search Service Application• Create Search Topology• Create Components• Activate Search Topology

Default Topology

• 1 admin component• 1 crawl component• 1 content processing component• 1 index component• 1 query component• 1 analytics component

All components will be installed on a single server


Creating a search service applicationCreating a basic search topology

Manage the Search ComponentsGet to know your search topology


• Topology is stored in the Search Service Application• There is no user interface as in SharePoint 2010• You can deploy all components at once across the


Typical Operations

• Add search components• Move search components• Remove search components• Add additional search servers


Modify the existing topology

• Make sure crawls are in idle state• Clone Search Topology• Add Components• Activate Search Topology (can take a while!)• Wait for a green light

About Cloning

Clone the active search topology• You cannot modify an active topology

Topology Activation Process• Check for valid topology first

Topology Activation in progress• Topology A is marked as Activating• Topology B is marked as Deactivating • The deactivating topology is the one serving search.• At this point your active current topology is still Topology B• Topology A is marked Active

(Re)moving Components

• Clone Search Topology• Add new components• Activate Search Topology• Wait for the green light• Clone Search Topology again• Remove components• Activate Search Topology• Wait for the green light

Index Operations

• Adding a replica to existing partition 0

New-SPEnterpriseSearchIndexComponent … -IndexPartition 0

• Adding a new partition (can’t remove!)

New-SPEnterpriseSearchIndexComponent … - IndexPartition 1

Demo Scenario

Server A has all search components.We want to make all components redundant

1. Clone the topology on server A2. Start search service instance on server B3. Modify the cloned topology4. Activate the cloned topology5. Verify the new topology


Make all search components redundantMove components to dedicated servers

Troubleshooting 101Topology & Component Failures

Search Validation

• Windows Services

Host Controller (on every server)Search Service (on crawl servers)

• Search Topology page

Verify everything is green

Search Validation

• Crawl Test

Add documentsFull crawl

• Query Test

Search CenterTry “*”

Search Validation

• Get-SPEnterpriseSearchStatus• Custom health scripts


Search Health

• Green (ok) – sit back and relax• Yellow (degraded) – sit back and wait• Red (failure) – manual intervention needed

Approach when it breaks

• Asking questions• Looking at the crawl/query logs• Looking at the ULS logs• Health Status in Central Administration• Validate processes & services• Diagnostics scripts

Useful tools

• ULSViewer

• SharePoint 2013 Search Query Tool

• Fiddler

Some Tips

• Don’t be overwhelmed

• Always make components redundant, especially Admin

• Admin component redundancy should be priority

• Pauze & Stop search before patching SharePoint!

Some Tips

• Boosting logging levels to Verbose of VerboseEx

• You can follow crawled documents in the ULS

• You can follow issued queries in the ULS (single correlationid)

• Get to know logging categories

Importance of the Admin ComponentDown?

• No search administration possible• No search monitoring possible• No backup or restore• No topology changes possible• No new crawls will start• Queries will still work

Common Problems

• Disk space on the index servers (master merge)• Disk space on the analytics servers (temp space)• Disk space on the crawl servers (temp space)• Proxy servers preventing crawl• Domain Administrator service accounts• Missing Antivirus Exclusions• Not indexing the default zone• Stuck or long running crawls• Database problems (blocking, perf, space)

Common Problems

• Networking problems• Endpoints not being available• Problems with custom code (e.g. content enrichment

svc)• WCF endpoints

Search Data Locations

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data

Analytics Temporary StorageCrawl Temporary StorageIndex files


Get-SPSearchTopologyState.ps1Something went wrong… when querying


• Get to know the individual search components• Start with a redundant implementation from the start• Learn the basic PowerShell commands• Keep your favorite tools around when troubleshooting• First things first: don’t neglect the logfiles• Rebuilding your service application should be your last

resort, not your first


DisclaimerMost of the graphics in this presentation were created by Microsoft

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