Managing Director and Principal Consultant Project Management -...

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Transcript of Managing Director and Principal Consultant Project Management -...

Malcolm Stayner Managing Director and Principal Consultant

Managing Director and Principal Consultant of:

Extensive experience managing projects in: ◦ New Zealand (NZ) Central and Local Government

◦ NZ Health Sector

◦ UK & NZ IT Industry

PRINCE2™ Practitioner

Former PMP

What is excellence?

n. Surpassing merit; thing in which a person [or organisation] excels [ME f. OF, or f. L. excellentia]


From excellēns (“elevated, exalted”), present participle of excellō (“elevate, exult”)


Because without projects we will only have business as usual (unchanging)

Projects are one-off and achieve change

Projects foster innovation

Projects that are carefully aligned with business strategy will transform an organisation from what it is today into what it needs to be tomorrow in order to survive and flourish

Don’t be a dinosaur!

Ad hoc projects (that are not aligned to business strategy) are likely to produce ad hoc results

Projects run in an ad hoc way are likely to produce ad hoc results (even if they are aligned to business strategy)

Ad Hoc ကပနး

Source: PMI

If an organisation lacks PM maturity it cannot consistently achieve outstanding results

Ad Hoc





Increasing levels

of PM maturity

Project Management Maturity





အေကာငးဆး / အကးအရဆး အသးျပထားေသာ

So how do we get from Ad hoc to Optimized?

A: One step at a time!

Ad Hoc





Increasing levels

of maturity

1. Schedule Planning

2. Schedule Tracking

4. Costs

5. Advanced

3. Resources

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စစဥထားသည ေနာကေၾကာငးျပနျခငး

အရငး အျမစ


A project is: “a temporary organization that is created for purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed Business Case”

- PRINCE2 2009 definition

1. Ensuring products are delivered on time, to specification and within budget

2. Developing and maintaining effective communications with major stakeholders

3. Identifying and mitigating risks to the success of the project

Start Up Initiation / Planning

Execution / Delivery


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အစပးျခငး / အစအစဥ ေရးဆြျခငး

ေဆာငရြကျခငး / ေပးေ၀ျခငး

အျပးသတသည ။ နဂးခပသည။

Start Up Initiation / Planning

Execution / Delivery



Project Brief

Strategic fit


Business Case

Stage Plan



Recruit team

Plan deliverables

Prepare Project Plan

Develop Quality plan

Baseline Schedule

Baseline Budget

Risk Management


Risk Register

Issues Register


Communication Plan

Benefits Review Plan

Production of





Time management

Cost management

Risk management

Issue resolution



Update Project




Acceptance of


Hand over



Contract closeout

Team feedback

Recommendations for

further action

Post Implementation


Start Up Initiation / Planning

Execution / Delivery


Start Up Initiation Execution Close

Products Define / Clarify Analyse Monitor progress


Scope Scope out high level deliverables

Plan deliverables / products

Manage production of deliverables

Final acceptance of deliverables

Team / Stakeholders

Comm Strategy / Resource planning

Recruit team and involve in planning

Production of deliverables


Risk Management

Start Risk Register

Assess risks and mitigate

Ongoing assessment and mitigation

Close Risk Register

1. Risk Identification

2. Risk Assessment

3. Risk Evaluation

4. Risk Response / Mitigation

စြန႔စားမႈ က ခြျခား ေရြးထတ ျခငး

စြန႔စားမႈ က အက ျဖတျခငး

စြန႔စားမႈ က တနဖး ျဖတျခငး

စြန႔စားမႈ က တ႔ျပနျခငး

Avoid Mitigate Accept Transfer

The risk is eliminated from the project

The risk is mitigated to acceptable levels by the use of contingency plans and/or insurances

The risk is not mitigated and the project assumes responsibility for its consequences

The risk is transferred to another party or another project

Objective Achieved by

1. Ensuring outputs are delivered on time, to specification and within budget

Engaging with the project team during the initiation phase to obtain accurate estimates and commitment to completing on time, within budget and to specification

2. Developing and maintaining effective communications with the major stakeholders

Having a communications strategy and engaging with the project team and stakeholders during initiation and execution phases to ensure effective communications and planning

3. Identifying and mitigating risks to the success of the projects

Using a formal risk management framework to identify and mitigate risks

Products aligned to business strategy

Clear scope definition and tight change control

Strong sponsorship

Appropriate and skilled project team

Good communication with team and stakeholders; Meeting stakeholder expectations

Managing risks

Start Up Initiation

/ Planning

Execution Close

Authorise Initiation

Authorise Closure

Authorise the

project Authorise a Stage or

Exception Plan

Give ad hoc direction

Based on PRINCE2® Process Model for Directing a Project (2009 Edition)

Project Mandate

Project Programme Portfolio

Single project Related group of projects aligned to a business objective

Broader group of projects aligned to business strategy

Success is measured by time, cost and scope (quality)

Success is measured by ROI, new functionalities and benefits realisation

Success is measured by the aggregate performance of the components

Managed by single project manager

Managed by programme manager + project managers

Managed by portfolio manager + project managers

Doing the right projects

Ensuring outputs are aligned to business strategy and deliver tangible benefits

Monitoring projects, programmes and portfolios

Taking remedial action where required

Products give rise to benefits

It is because of the benefits that we do projects

Benefits often take time to be realised

Therefore it’s important to monitor Benefits Realisation

To implement a project management culture is a big cultural change for an organisation

It doesn’t happen overnight

A phased progressive introduction of various tools and techniques will give employees time to learn new skills before moving on to others

The speed of implementation may have to be adjusted according to rate of uptake

Culture of Excellence

Need for projects in order to change

Project Management Maturity Model

Step-by-step introduction of tools & techniques

The Project Life Cycle

Managing Risk

Project Governance

Benefits Realisation

Introduction to Project Management

Managing Risks on Projects

Project Leadership

Project Governance

Benefits Management

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စြန႔စားမႈ စမခန႔ခြျခငး

စမကနး ေခါငးေဆာငမႈ အတတပညာ

စမကနး အပခပျခငး

အကးခစားခြင စမခန႔ခြျခငး

Course objectives ◦ To understand the basics of project management;

◦ To understand basic project management terminology;

◦ To be able to manage a small project using common-sense and good communication, as well as elements of a formal project management methodology.

စမကနး စမခန႔ခြျခငး (မတဆက)

This half-day course shows you how to identify, assess and appropriately manage risks using techniques based on the ISO 31000 risk management standard.

စြန႔စားမႈ စမခန႔ခြျခငး

This half-day course looks at different styles of leadership and how they can be best used in various situations.

စမကနး ေခါငးေဆာငမႈ အတတပညာ

This one-day course teaches a framework, based on PRINCE2™ to control the projects that your organisation chooses to run.

စမကနး အပခပျခငး

Benefits are often delivered (or accrue) after the close of a project.

This course teaches a framework that can be used to define the expected benefits and measure the actual benefits realised.

အကးခစားခြင စမခန႔ခြျခငး

Choose from: ◦ Principles of Project Management

◦ Project Management Life Cycle

◦ Project Organisation

◦ Managing time, cost and quality

◦ Human Resources and Communication

◦ Risk Management

◦ Project Control and Evaluation


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