Manage Your Willpower

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Manage Your Willpower

Speech Title: MANAGE YOUR WILLPOWER Competent Communicator Speech #3 Speaker: Summer-joy Main Del Rey Toastmasters, CA SPEECH INTRODUCTION This is a room filled with hard-working individuals. We dedicate ourselves to varying fields, but we have something in common. That is, we are working to push the boundaries in order to live up to our full potential and achieve our goals. And have success! Yes? So how are we doing it? We've all read the books: Set goals, visualize success, make lists, diagnose and attack problems, the list goes on… Well there is one life skill that I will discuss today. It is a skill that is often overlooked, perhaps blatantly ignored. That is, how we use our time. Let me be more specific: For WHAT do we use our time? MAIN SECTION As 'over-achievers' we want to tackle the world. I know this feeling as I am sure many of you do- I have three companies, as an Independent Producer I am my own accountant, Head of Development, write all the proposals for film financing, attend seminars, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. And this is only my WORK LIFE. This doesn't include my personal life. I want to be a great daughter, a great sister, a great friend. In my hobbies, I want to be a great surfer, a great triathlete, and great rock climber. (show long scroll of TO DO list) This is my list friends. Now is it true that I have to do every task on this list in order to achieve my life goals? Is it physically or mentally possible? Goals. For WHAT do we use our time? This is a very important task at hand, my friends. When we set goals, we must use precision and very careful analysis and apply WILLPOWER. Let's look at an example. This is Brett. (show photo of Brett Favre) Brett has four goals for his life. Brett wants to be the best quarterback in the world. Brett wants to play for the Minnesota Vikings. Brett wants to be healthy and Brett wants to be a great Dad.

Brett spends the entire day at practice for Green Bay, in order to be a famous quarterback. Brett's shoulder is really hurting him from many years of football, so Brett finds he is not playing to his best potential. The Minnesota Vikings call him and tell him they aren't sure about bringing him on the team since he hasn't been playing well. Brett wants to be healthy and have a strong shoulder, but after icing his shoulder for an hour, finds he has to play with his daughters because he wants to be a great Dad. But he's not in the best mood when he's playing with them because his shoulder hurts and he's rushed to get to bed because he has practice in the morning. Brett is not accomplishing his goals. He is not the best quarterback in the world. Brett is not playing for the Minnesota Vikings. Brett is not healthy and Brett is not a great Dad. Brett needs to manage his WILLPOWER. I have brought you an excellent article that discusses managing our most important personal resource for success: willpower. I will quote the article: "Concentrating your effort on one or at most a few goals at a time increases the odds of success." So how do we do it? Simple! You sit down with a pen and paper, and ask yourself: What goal can I not live without? Brett sat down and asked himself what goal he cannot live without. Brett decided he could not live without being a great Dad. He decided to work as a quarterback to make money but he gave up his dreams of playing for the Minnesota Vikings and took a trade to the New York Jets. But he's not going to worry about his shoulder, not going to focus so much on work, all so he can BE A GREAT DAD to his daughters. Brett used WILLPOWER to decide where to focus his energies. He used SELF-CONTROL to select his life goals. CONCLUSION Now let's apply this to YOU. Sit down with a pen and paper tonight. Ask yourself the question: What do you have to do while you are on the Earth? What can you not live without? Hey, I want to be a great surfer. I would love to rip better than anyone down on the beach. But can I live without that power? Yes. But I can't live without making movies. Putting images on the screen and telling stories. I am using willpower to focus my energy on the goal of being the best Film Producer. Focus your energies by managing your willpower; it will provide you a quicker and more productive pace in tackling the world. Good luck and thank you.