Man-Way Cross Barrier - Accuform€¦ · Price per Each Material No. 1 2 - 5 6 - 9 10 - 24 25+...

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Transcript of Man-Way Cross Barrier - Accuform€¦ · Price per Each Material No. 1 2 - 5 6 - 9 10 - 24 25+...

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Man-Way Cross BarrierCross it out with Man-Way! Deter entry into vertical confined spaces with this innovative identification solution.

| 687

Barriers 689

Confined Space Signs & Labels 692

Confined Space Tags 695

Permits & Training 696

Confined spaCe

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Confined Spaces May Be Dangerous and Must Be Identified.According to OSHA, a confined space is a space that:•Islargeenoughandconfiguredinawaythatanemployeecanenter intoittoperformwork.


Enteringintoanyoftheseareasmaybenecessaryforgettingthejobdone, butitcouldbemadesaferthroughproperidentification!

When working with confined spaces, trusting your senses is never good enough.

•Allconfinedspacesmustbeconsidereddangerousand marked as such. •Employeesandworkersmustbekeptsafefromunexpectedhazardousconditionswhenenteringaconfinedspace.

•Justassumingaconfinedspaceissafecouldresultinserious injuryordeath.

Thestandardrequiresthattheworkplacebeevaluatedtodetermineif thespacestobeenteredarepermitrequiredconfinedspaces.

•Thespacesaretobepreviewedforhazardousatmospheretohumanexposure–suchas;flammableandtoxicgas,vaporormist,high oxygenconcentrationsoroxygendeficienciesandanyothersafety orhealthhazards.

•Whenaspaceisidentifiedasdangerous,warning signs must be posted.

Develop a written permit confined space program.


APermitRequiredConfinedSpaceProgramincludestheemployer’s overallprogramfor:


We provide confined space identification products to help keep your employees aware of the hazards associated with confined spaces, to help keep them safe!

29 CFR § 1910.146 Confined space means a space that: (1) Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work; and (2) Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit...; and (3) Is not designed for continuous employee occupation.

|PreventtheUnexpected–AnAccident!688 |

Confined Space | ConfinedSpaceIntroduction

Manhole Lid LifterLift and move manhole covers quickly and easily.


Manhole Guard RailSurround and protect an open manhole.



Manhole GuardEnhance the safety of an open manhole.



AccessoriesHose Guide-AttachtoManholeGuardtokeephoses,cordsandotherlinesinplaceandtanglefree.


With Lid

With Hose Guide

No. Price / Each

CHW421 $226.84

Item No. Price / Each

Manhole Guard Rail CHW303 $289.31

Item No. Price / Each

Snap Hook Loop, 1 1/2" x 2 13/16" HTL175 $0.48

Item No. Price / Each

Manhole Guard CHW201 $316.35

Hose Guide CHW207 122.95

Lid CHW209 145.91

689IdentificationProductsthatInform, Protect, and Motivate™America’sWorkforce.| |

Barriers | Confined Space

Manhole Cover SignsMark the manhole cover area with the danger message.

InstallsigntoidentifythemanholecoverisanOSHAconfinedspaceasarequirement.Thesedangersignsarevisibleatalltimestostatethereisaconfinedspacebelow.Theintentofthesignistopreventunauthorizedentryandremindworkersandotherstofollowproperconfinedspaceprocedures.Attention-getting‘stop-style’octagonalimageis17"diameter,featurescolor,layout,andconfinedspacewarningmessage.Affixthesignstoclarifythemanholecoverina confinedspace.

Adhesive Sign-Flexibleprintedsignisoverlaminatedwithclearprotective,pebble-texturedsurfaceforaddeddurabilitytowithstandtrafficcrossing.Peel-offbacklinerandstickdownfirmly.EdgeSealer(soldseparately)improvesadhesion.

Rigid Sign–Rigidsignis.060plasticreverseprintedontheundersideforcompletemessageprotectionwithaddedlaminatesheetprotectstheunderside.High-strength,thicksignisdesignedtowithstandheavytraffic.Four3/8"drilledholesforboltmount.2-PartEpoxy(soldseparately)availableforadhesionfastening.

Item No. Price / EachEdge Sealer – 5-oz tube MB144 $23.682-Part Epoxy – 22-oz kit HFN606 43.16

Item Price / EachAdhesive Sign $29.20

Rigid Sign 44.84

Adhesive CMH202Rigid CMH707

Adhesive CMH206Rigid CMH711

Adhesive CMH204Rigid CMH709


Item No.Adhesive Sign

17" dia CMH245Other size CMH255

Rigid Sign17" dia CMH745

Other size CMH755

24" - 26" MWB20026 1/2" - 30" MWB220

24" - 26" MWB20726 1/2" - 30" MWB227

24" - 26" MWB20226 1/2" - 30" MWB222

24" - 26" MWB20926 1/2" - 30" MWB229

24" - 26" MWB20426 1/2" - 30" MWB224

24" - 26" MWB21026 1/2" - 30" MWB230

24" - 26" MWB20626 1/2" - 30" MWB226

24" - 26" MWB21426 1/2" - 30" MWB234

Manhole Warning Barrier™Stops Immediate EntryThebarrierfitsrightinsidethemanhole,makingitvisibleonlywhenthemanholecoverlidisremoved.Foraddedsafety,thebarrierpreventsimmediateentrybyrequiringtheindividualtophysicallyremovethebarrierbeforeenteringthemanhole.

Durable Yet LightweightThebarrierismoldedfromplastic,makingitlightweightforeasyhandlingyetstilldurableenoughtowithstandharshenvironments.Twolargeslotsintheinnerringallowforwateranddebristopass,aswellasproperaircirculation–toensurethebarrierdoesnottraphazardousgasesorfumes.Outerringiscuttofittheexactinsidediameterofthemanhole.

Instant IdentificationDurableadhesivevinyllegendlabel(111/2"octagon)alertsworkersthatapermitisrequiredbeforeenteringthemanhole.Two“NOSTEP”vinyllabels(11/2"x8")areincludedfortheliptoalertthatthebarrierisnotdesignedtosupporttheweightofanindividual.

Custom Manhole Warning Barrier™SpecifyyourdesiredOSHAheading,customlegend,andmanholecoverstyle.Refertothepartnumbersbysize,andcontactusforaquote.

Fits Dia. Price / Each

24" - 26" $64.17

26 1/2" - 30" 84.34

How to Order Manhole Warning Barrier™:

Add Manhole Cover Style letter to part number: Style A – MWB207Aþ

Choose legend, and specify diameter size by part number: MWB207 – 24"þ

NOTE: For Style C, you must also provide the additional information as outlined in the diagram above.

Fits Dia. No.

24" - 26" MWB215

26 1/2" - 30" MWB225

Style A - Specifymanholecoverdiameter.

Style B - Specifymanholecoverdiameter.

Style C - Specifythefollowing4measurements(M):

MANHOLE COVER STYLESMatchthelookofyourmanholecovertothestylesshownbelowandprovidethemeasurementsnoted.





|PreventtheUnexpected–AnAccident!690 |

Confined Space | Barriers

Price per Each

Material No. 1 2 - 5 6 - 9 10 - 24 25+

Plastic CXB555 $137.45 119.88 108.71 82.68 80.54

Aluma-Lite™ CXB655 148.54 123.16 110.37 105.91 87.88


Custom Man-Way Cross™ Barrier LegendsCustomizethelegendtomeetyourcompany’sneedbycompletingtheinformationbelow.Pleasecontactusandrefertopartnumberbymaterialforaquote.

Plastic CXB631Aluma-Lite™ CXB640

Man-Way Cross™ BarrierCross out open entryway to a Confined Space.



Plastic CXB633Aluma-Lite™ CXB642

Plastic CXB635Aluma-Lite™ CXB644

Plastic SHCXB631Aluma-Lite™ SHCXB640

Style Material Price / EachStandard Plastic $93.02

Heavy-Duty Aluma-Lite™ 101.36

691IdentificationProductsthatInform, Protect, and Motivate™America’sWorkforce.| |

Barriers | Confined Space

Confined Space Signs

29 CFR § 1910.146(c)(2) If the workplace contains permit spaces, the employer shall inform exposed employees, by posting danger signs or by any other equally effective means, of the existence and location of and the danger posed by the permit spaces. Note: A sign reading DANGER — PERMIT REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE DO NOT ENTER or using similar language would satisfy the requirement for a sign.

20" x 14" MCSP017


7" x 10" MCSP11610" x 14" MCSP00214" x 20" MCSP010

10" x 14" MLCS100


14" x 10" SBMCSP002

10" x 14" MCSP109 7" x 10" MCSP14010" x 14" MCSP14114" x 20" MCSP011

7" x 10" MCSP03810" x 14" MCSP013

14" x 10" SBMCSP14120" x 14" SBMCSP011

7" x 10" MCSP00610" x 14" MCSP23014" x 20" MCSP040 14" x 10" SBMCSP230

20" x 14" SBMCSP04010" x 7" MCSP14714" x 10" MTDX03820" x 14" MCSP049

10" x 14" MCSP030 7" x 10" MCSP00410" x 14" MCSP005

7" x 10" MCSP13310" x 14" MCSP13414" x 20" MCSP143

10" x 14" MLCS106


7" x 10" MCSP13010" x 14" MCSP00114" x 20" MCSP047

7" x 10" MCSP01510" x 14" MCSP014

14" x 10" MTDX040 14" x 10" SBMCSP13420" x 14" SBMCSP143

14" x 10" SBMLCS106


14" x 10" MRSP104

10" x 14" MCSP029

7" x 10" MCSP01910" x 14" MCSP01814" x 20" MCSP051

10" x 14" MLCS108


7" x 10" SBMCSP113M10" x 14" SBMCSP126M14" x 20" SBMCSP129M 14" x 10" SBMCSP018

20" x 14" SBMCSP051

7" x 10" MCSP00310" x 14" MCSP05414" x 20" MCSP048

10" x 14" MCSP021 10" x 14" MCSP062

7" x 10" MCSP12410" x 14" MCSP125

7" x 10" MCSP10210" x 14" MCSP104

7" x 10" MCSP10810" x 14" MCSP11014" x 20" MCSP050

10" x 14" MCSP023 10" x 14" MCSP111 7" x 10" MCSP057 10" x 14" MCSP046

7" x 10" MCSP12210" x 14" MCSP02614" x 20" MCSP043

10" x 14" MCSP068 7" x 10" MCSP13110" x 14" MCSP031

7" x 10" MCSP13210" x 14" MCSP035

7" x 10" MCSP01210" x 14" MCSP056 14" x 20" MCSP044

7" x 10" MCSP059 10" x 14" MCSP020

14" x 10" SBMCSP02020" x 14" SBMCSP142

7" x 10" MCSP007 10" x 14" MCSP05814" x 20" MCSP045 14" x 10" SBMCSP058

7" x 10" MFPR00910" x 14" MFPR014 12" Octagon MCSP564

|PreventtheUnexpected–AnAccident!692 |

Confined Space | ConfinedSpaceSigns&Labels

How to Order Signs: Select Material: Plastic – VPþSelect Sign: 10" x 14", MCSP002þ þ Add the Material Code to Part Number: MCSP002VP

Confined Space Labels

Adhesive Vinyl – VSP Dura-Vinyl – XVE

Size Price / Pkg. Price / Each

3 1/2" x 5" $11.28 / Pkg. of 5 4.73

6" x 6" 20.20 / Pkg. of 5 6.42

SoldinAdhesiveVinylpackaged,orAdhesiveDura-Vinylindividually. Toorder,addmaterialcodeafterpartnumber.

3 1/2" x 5" LCSP266 3 1/2" x 5" LCSP0013 1/2" x 5" LCSP240 3 1/2" x 5" LCSP242

6" x 6" LCSP023

3 1/2" x 5" LCSP2443 1/2" x 5" LCSP280

5" x 3 1/2" LCSP100

3 1/2" x 5" LCSP604 3 1/2" x 5" LCSP608 3 1/2" x 5" LCSP6023 1/2" x 5" LCSP2683 1/2" x 5" LCSP262 3 1/2" x 5" LCSP2743 1/2" x 5" LCSP246 3 1/2" x 5" LCSP264

Hard Hat Label

Adhesive Vinyl

Size Price / Pkg.

2 1/4" Round $7.53 / Pkg. of 10 2 1/4" LHTL114


Find additional signs and labels starting on page 146.

No. 36B

10" x 14" MCSP127

# 159

7" x 10" MCSP03710" x 14" MCSP039

Semi-Custom SignsHaveyourinformationprintedinplaceofshadedtext.Toorder,refertopartnumberandprovideyourinformation.

7" x 10" MFPR60410" x 14" MCSP628

7" x 17" MCSP631

7" x 10" MCSP60610" x 14" MCSP609

7" x 10" MCSP60710" x 14" MCSP632

14" x 10" SBMCSP624

7" x 10" MCSP63510" x 14" MCSP634

7" x 10" MCSP61010" x 14" MCSP617

10" x 14" MPPA653 10" x 14" MCSP62112" Octagon MCSP560

Price per Each 5-Years Guaranteed 7-Years Guaranteed 10-Years Guaranteed 15-Years Guaranteed Glows

Size Adhesive Vinyl VS

Plastic VP

Aluminum VA

Dura-Vinyl XV

Dura-Plastic XT

Dura-Fiberglass XF

Aluma-Lite™ XL

Accu-Shield™ XP

Glow Flex GF

Glow Plastic GP

7" x 10" $7.44 8.26 12.02 8.55 14.08 14.37 14.97 17.97 — —

7" x 17"10" x 14" 11.15 12.33 19.95 12.82 23.44 23.93 24.93 29.91 26.13 33.86

12" Octagon 13.95 15.42 26.71 16.03 31.40 32.06 33.40 40.08 — —

14" x 20" 19.66 22.40 38.15 23.08 44.84 45.77 47.68 57.22 — —


7" x 10" 7.44 8.26 12.02 8.55 14.08 14.37 14.97 17.97 — —

10" x 14" 11.15 12.33 19.95 12.82 23.44 23.93 24.93 29.91 — —

693IdentificationProductsthatInform, Protect, and Motivate™America’sWorkforce.| |

ConfinedSpaceSigns&Labels | Confined Space

|PreventtheUnexpected–AnAccident!694 |

Confined Space | ConfinedSpaceSigns&Labels

7" x 10" CSM009

7" x 10" CSM001 7" x 10" CSM0037" x 10" CSM011

7" x 10" CSM007 7" x 10" CSM005

Magnetic Confined Space SignsIdeal for frequent changing of signs on tanks, vessels and other ferrous metal surfaces.



Size Price / Each

7" x 10" $11.22






Confined Space StencilsMark areas that are difficult to identify as confined space.

Stencilsareidealtoprovidetheconfinedspacemessageoverandoveragainonmanholes,tanks,vessels,andotherareaswhereitwouldbedifficulttoattachsigns..010"mylarplasticstencilsarecuttoproduceamessagethatfitsa 7"x10"imagearea.Headerlinehasapproximately2"highletterswithmessageareaat1"highletters.

20" x 12" PFR130

20" x 12" PFR136 20" x 12" PFR138

20" x 12" PFR140 20" x 12" PFR134



Reversible Fold-Ups®



20" x 12" PFE417Reverse

20" x 12" PFE462Reverse

7" x 10" CST7147" x 10" CST7127" x 10" CST710

7" x 10" CST718 7" x 10" CST7207" x 10" CST716

Stencil InksSpraysharp,cleanedgewithaerosolstencilinks.Availablein16-oz.cans(12-oz.netweight).Willcoverapproximately10sq.ft.

Price / Each

$26.51No. Price / Each

PMA162 $11.08


Price / Each


Price / Each



Magneticconfinedspacesignscanbecustomizedwithfacilityspecificinformation.Call,faxoremailusforaquotation;refertonumberCSM555 andbesuretoincludeyourlayoutandchecklistrequirementsandalsothenumberofsignsrequired.

Fold-Ups®canbecustomizedwithfacilityspecificinformation.Call,faxoremailusforaquotation;refertonumberPFR555andbesuretoincludeyourlayoutandchecklistrequirements andalsothenumberofFold-Ups®required.


695IdentificationProductsthatInform, Protect, and Motivate™America’sWorkforce.| |

ConfinedSpaceTags | Confined Space

Confined Space TagsTagsareavailableinPF-Cardstock,53/4"x31/4";RS-Flexcard,57/8"x33/8";orRP-Plastic,53/4"x31/4". Availableinpacksof25.WithOSHAHeaderStyleTags,chooseBackAorBackBwiththecorrespondingitemnumber.

Status Alert HolderAvailableeachin121/2"x41/2"plasticwithclearpockettoinserttags.

Standard Back A Standard Back B


Price / Each


Price / Each









(B) TCS315(A) TCS330(B) TCS341

(A) TCS332(B) TCS343

(A) TCS331(B) TCS342



Price per Package of 25

Material Price / Pkg.

PF-Cardstock — CTP $13.84

RS-Flexcard — FTP 25.35

RP-Plastic — PTP 36.86

How to Order Tags:

Select Material: PF-Cardstock – CTPþ þAdd the Material Code to Part Number: TCS321CTP

Select Tag: TCS321þ

For custom tags, see page 572.

Safety Training ProgramProvide employees training, risk understanding, and learning of important safety measures for confined space environments.








English Spanish Price / Set

CTP434 CTP443 $405.56



Secure-Status HolderAvailableeachin10"x31/2"plasticwithscissorjawsthathingeopentoinserttagandmount.Holdsupto4padlocks.

|PreventtheUnexpected–AnAccident!696 |

Confined Space | Permits&Training


Permit Holder BoardBoard communicates the requirement of Confined Space to hold the related entry permit.

Hangorsetthecenterboardsnearorattheentrance oftheconfinedspacetobereadilyseenbyallthoseinvolved.Boardfeatureslargesignlegendwithclearacrylicpockettohold81/2"x11"entrypermitsheets(availableseparately).Constructedofdurable1/8"thickPlasticmeasuring12"Hx19"Wwithmountingholes.

CBS129 CBS131

Binder & RackKeep expired and canceled entry permits in this specially marked binder and display rack.

Organizeyourentrypermitformsinthe3-ring,11/2"polyethylenebinder.Store anddisplaythebinderinthePVC-coatedsteelwirerack(9"Hx133/4"Wx5"D).Availableasset.Binderisalsoavailableseparatelytostoreadditionalforms.



Confined Space Permit StationMake permits accessible where they are needed - at the site.



Confined Space Ladder Shield™Identify confined spaces at the access point.


Top View

Price / Each


No. Price / Each

CBS420 $59.68

Item No. Price / Each

Ladder Shield™ Kit KLB450 $82.53

Replacement Cable Hasp KDD623RD 28.20

Replacement Padlock KDL812RD 17.23

Item No. Qty / UOM Price / UOM

Binder and Rack CBS345 Set $47.48

Binder Only CBS347 Each 22.60

Confined Space Ladder Shield™ Kit includes:

1–ConfinedSpaceLadderShield™ 1–Cable-hasplockout 1–Padlockwithkey

Back View

Easy to use:





Custom Ladder Shield™ Availableincustomlegends.Pleasecontactusforaquote,andrefertopartnumberKLB455 forakitandKLB355forLadderShield™only.

29 CFR Subpart X 1926.1053(b)(8) … a barricade shall be used to keep the activities or traffic away from the ladder.

697IdentificationProductsthatInform, Protect, and Motivate™America’sWorkforce.| |

Permits&Training | Confined Space

Entry PermitsEntry Permits are required at the time of entry – then kept as a permanent record, documenting the entry procedure.

Permit Sheets - Checklist Shown


Item No. Price / Pad of 100

Checklist CBS244 $10.46

Entry Permit CBS246 10.46

Sewer Entry Permit CBS248 10.46

Item No. Price / Pkg. of 10

Entry Permit Tag CBS220 $22.15

Permit Tag - Double-sided


KLB760 KLB764 KLB762KLB766

Custom Ladder Shield™ WrapsAvailableincustomlegends.Pleasecontactusforaquote,andrefertopartnumberKLB755forakitandKLB655forwraponly.

Item Price / Kit

Ladder Shield™ Wrap Kit $56.11

Confined Space Ladder Shield™ WrapsStop unauthorized access onto ladders leading into confined spaces.




Permit SheetsPermitSheetareavailableinthreedistinctstylesandconvenientlypackagedineasytotearoffpads.PermitSheetsarebestdisplayedinaConfinedSpacePermitHolderBoard;seepreviouspageformoreinformation.Easytowrite.


Permit TagsUsefullsheetsizeEntryPermitTagswhenspaceislimitedfordisplayingapermitholder.Tagisdesignedtobehungatthelocationofuseeliminatingtheneedforapermitholder.Tear-resistant,waterproof,PF-Cardstocktagswon’tcrackorshrinkoverawidetemperaturerange.Includesa3/8"pull-proof,metalgrommetfor securefastening.

11"x81/2"double-sidedtagfeaturesOSHA’sAppendixD-2EntryPermitonthefrontandAppendixD1-BPre-Entrychecklistontheback.Easytowriteon. Availableinpacksof10

Easy to use:



Ladder Shield™ Wrap Kit includes:

