Ltd-digests Feb 3 2015

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Transcript of Ltd-digests Feb 3 2015

  • 8/9/2019 Ltd-digests Feb 3 2015


    REPUBLIC VS. CA AND NAGUITG. R. No.144057 January 17, 2005

    Tinga, J.

    FACTS:Corazon Naguit filed a petition for registration of

    title !i"! see#s $udi"ial "onfir%ation of !er i%perfe"ttitle o&er a par"el of land in Na'as, (#lan. )t as allegedt!at Naguit and !er prede"essors*in*interest !a&eo""upied t!e land openly and in t!e "on"ept of o ner

    it!out any o'$e"tion fro% any pri&ate person or e&ent!e go&ern%ent until s!e filed !er appli"ation for registration. T!e +CTC rendered a de"ision "onfir%ingt!e title in t!e na%e of Naguit upon failure of Rusti"o

    (ngeles to appear during trial after filing !is for%alopposition to t!e petition.

    T!e oli"itor General, representing t!e Repu'li"of t!e -!ilippines, filed a %otion for re"onsideration ont!e grounds t!at t!e property !i"! is in open,"ontinuous and e "lusi&e possession %ust first 'ealiena'le. Naguit "ould not !a&e %aintained a bona fide"lai% of o ners!ip sin"e t!e su'$e"t land as de"laredas aliena'le and disposa'le only on /"to'er 15, 1 0.T!e aliena'le and disposa'le "!ara"ter of t!e lands!ould !a&e already 'een esta'lis!ed sin"e June 12,1 45 or earlier.

    ISSUE:!et!er or not it is ne"essary under e"tion 14

    31 of t!e -roperty Registration e"ree t!at t!esu'$e"t land 'e first "lassified as aliena'le anddisposa'le 'efore t!e appli"ant6s possessionunder a bona fide "lai% of o ners!ip "ould e&enstart.

    RULING: e"tion 14 31 %erely re uires t!at t!e propertysoug!t to 'e registered as already aliena'le anddisposa'le at t!e ti%e t!e appli"ation for registration of title is filed.

    T!ere are t!ree re uire%ents for registration of title, 31 t!at t!e su'$e"t property is aliena'le anddisposa'le8 32 t!at t!e appli"ants and t!eir prede"essor*in*interest !a&e 'een in open, "ontinuous,and e "lusi&e possession and o""upation, and8 39 t!att!e possession is under a 'ona fide "lai% of o ners!ipsin"e June 12, 1 45.

    T!ere %ust 'e a positi&e a"t of t!e go&ern%entt!roug! a statute or pro"la%ation stating t!e intention of t!e tate to a'di"ate its e "lusi&e prerogati&e o&er t!eproperty, t!us, de"laring t!e land as aliena'le anddisposa'le. :o e&er, if t!ere !as 'een none, it ispresu%ed t!at t!e go&ern%ent is still reser&ing t!e rig!tto utilize t!e property and t!e possession of t!e land no%atter !o long ould not ripen into o ners!ip t!roug!a" uisiti&e pres"ription.

    To follo t!e oli"itor General6s argu%ent in t!e"onstru"tion of e"tion 14 31 ould render t!eparagrap! 1 of t!e said pro&ision inoperati&e for it ould%ean t!at all lands of pu'li" do%ain !i"! ere notde"lared as aliena'le and disposa'le 'efore June 12,1 45 ould not 'e sus"epti'le to original registration, no%atter t!e lengt! of un"!allenged possession 'y t!eo""upant. )n effe"t, it pre"ludes t!e go&ern%ent fro%enfor"ing t!e said pro&ision as it de"ides to re"lassifylands as aliena'le and disposa'le.

    T!e land in uestion as found to 'e "o"al innature, it !a&ing 'een planted it! "o"onut trees noo&er fifty years old. T!e in!erent nature of t!e land 'ut"onfir%s its "ertifi"ation in 1 0 as aliena'le, !en"eagri"ultural. T!ere is no i%pedi%ent to t!e appli"ation of

    e"tion 14 31 of t!e -roperty Registration e"ree.Naguit !ad t!e rig!t to apply for registration o ing to t!e"ontinuous possession 'y !er and !er prede"essors*in*interest of t!e land sin"e 1 45.

    :eirs of ;a"a%en & :eirs of ;aruan

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    90 years "o%%ands t!e i%position of la"!es. :en"e, t!e;a"a%ens ere de"lared as t!e o ners of t!e land.


    A sudden and forceful action like that of flooding is notthe alluvial process contemplated in Art. 457. Theaccumulation of the soil deposits must be slow andhardly imperceptible in order for the riparian owner toacquire ownership thereof. Also, the land where theaccretion takes place is ad acent to the banks of therivers !or the sea coast".


    +analo a" uired 2 lots !i"! ere originally o ned 'yJudge Ta""ad fro% 2 different people 3t!e latter6sdaug!ter and fro% an earlier pur"!aser . T!ese lots

    ere later "onsolidated into ;ot 907, a total of 10.45!e"tares. T!e lot as 'eside t!e Cagayan Ri&er, !i"!,due to flooding, ould pla"e a portion of t!e landunder ater during t!e rainy season 3 epte%'er to

    e"e%'er . /n sunny days, !o e&er, t!e land ould 'e

    dried up for t!e entire dry season 3January to (ugust .!en a sur&ey of t!e land as "ondu"ted on a rainy%ont!, a portion of t!e land t!at +analo 'oug!t ast!en under ater and as t!us left unsur&eyed ande "luded fro% ;ot 907.

    T!e 'ig pi"ture is t!is> Cagayan Ri&er running fro%sout! to nort!, for#s at a "ertain point to for% t o'ra"!es 3 estern and eastern and t!en unites at t!eot!er end, furt!er nort!, to for% a narro er strip of land.T!e eastern 'ran"! of t!e ri&er "uts t!roug! ;ot 907,and is flooded during t!e rainy season. T!e unsur&eyedportion, on t!e ot!er !and, is t!e 'ed of t!e eastern

    'ran"!. Note t!at t!e for# e ists only during t!e rainyseason !ile t!e AislandB elongated strip of land for%edin t!e %iddle of t!e for#s 'e"o%es dry and perfe"t for"ulti&ation !en t!e Cagayan ri&er is at its ordinarydept!. T!e strip of land in t!e %iddle of t!e for# totaled22.7 !e"tares and as la'eled ;ot 21* 22. ;ot 21 isdire"tly opposite ;ot 907 and is separated 'y t!e eastern'ran"! of t!e ri&er6s for#.

    +analo "lai%s t!at ;ot 21 'elongs to !i% 'y ay ofa""retion to t!e su'%erged portion of t!e land to !i"! itis ad$a"ent. -etitioners 3?inalay, et al !o possess t!e;ot 21, on t!e ot!er !and, insist t!at t!ey o n it. T!eyo""upy t!e ot!er edges of t!e lot along t!e ri&er 'an#3i.e. t!e fertile portions on !i"! t!ey plant to'a""o andot!er agri"ultural produ"ts and also "ulti&ate t!e

    estern strip during t!e su%%er.

    +analo filed 2 "ases for for"i'le entry !i"! ere 'ot!dis%issed. ;ater on, !e filed a "o%plaint for uieting oftitle, possession, and da%ages against petitioner. T!etrial "ourt and t!e C( ruled in fa&or of +analo, saying

    t!at ;ot 21 and ;ot 907 "annot 'e "onsidered separateand distin"t fro% ea"! ot!er. T!ey reasoned t!at !ent!e land dries up for t!e %ost part of t!e year, t!e t oare "onne"ted. DNote> T!e C( applied t!e ruling in Go&6tof t!e -!il )slands &s. Colegio de an Jose, !i"! asa"tually inappropriate 'e"ause t!e su'$e"t %atter in t!is"ase as a la#e so t!at t!e definition of a A'edB asdifferent.E


    !et!er or not +analo o ns ;ot 21 'y ay ofa""retion

    RULING: No.

    T!e disputed property is not an a""retion. )t is t!e a"tionof t!e !ea&y rains t!at "ause t!e !ig!est ordinary le&elof aters of t!e Cagayan Ri&er during t!e rainy season.T!e depressed portion is a ri&er 'ed and is t!us"onsidered property of pu'li" do%ain.

    T!e C o'ser&ed t!e follo ing>

    a T!e pi"tures identified 'y +analo during !is dire"te a%ination depi"t t!e depressed portion as a ri&er 'ed.T!e dried up portion !ad di#e*li#e slopes 3around % on'ot! sides "onne"ting it to ;ot 907 and ;ot 21 t!at are&erti"al and &ery pro%inent.

    ' T!e eastern 'ed already e isted e&en 'efore +analo'oug!t t!e land. )t as "alled ARio +uerte de Cagayan.B

    " +analo "ould not !a&e a" uire o ners!ip of t!e land'e"ause arti"le 420 of t!e "i&il "ode states t!at ri&ers areproperty of pu'li" do%inion. T!e ord Ari&erB in"ludest!e running aters, t!e 'ed, and t!e 'an#s. DT!e sellerne&er a"tually o ned t!at part of t!e land sin"e it aspu'li" propertyE

    d T!e su'%erged area 322.72 !a is t i"e t!e area oft!e land !e a"tually 'oug!t. )t is diffi"ult to suppose t!atsu"! a siza'le area "ould !a&e 'een 'roug!t a'out 'ya""retion.

    +ore i%portantly, t!e re uisites of a""retion in arti"le457 ere not satisfied. T!ese are> 1 t!at t!e depositionof t!e soil or sedi%ent 'e gradual and i%per"epti'le8 2t!at it 'e t!e result of t!e a"tion of t!e aters of t!e ri&er 3or sea 8 and 9 t!e land !ere t!e a""retion ta#es pla"eis ad$a"ent to t!e 'an#s of t!e ri&ers 3or t!e sea "oast .T!e a""retion s!ould6&e 'een atta"!ed to ;ot 907 for+analo to a" uire its o ners!ip. ?FT, t!e "lai%eda""retion lies on t!e 'an# of t!e ri&er8 not ad$a"ent to ;ot907 'ut dire"tly opposite it a"ross t!e ri&er. (side fro%t!at, t!e di#e*li#e slopes !i"! ere &ery steep %ay only'e for%ed 'y a sudden and for"eful a"tion li#e flooding.T!e steep slopes "ould not !a&e 'een for%ed 'y t!eri&er in a slo and gradual %anner.


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    REPUBLIC v. COURT OF APPEALSGR Nos. 109 2, 10527< No&e%'er 25, 1

    FACTS: /n June 22, 1 57, R( 1 as appro&edgranting aut!ority to all %uni"ipalities and "!artered"ities to underta#e and "arry out at t!eir o n e penset!e re"la%ation 'y dredging, filling, or ot!er %eans, of any fores!ore lands 'ordering t!e%, and to esta'lis!,pro&ide, "onstru"t, %aintain and repair proper andade uate do"#ing and !ar'or fa"ilities as su"!%uni"ipalities and "!artered "ities %ay deter%ine in"onsultation it! t!e e"retary of =inan"e and t!e

    e"retary of -u'li" or#s and Co%%uni"ations.

    -ursuant to t!e said la , /rdinan"e No. 121 as passed'y t!e "ity of -asay for t!e re"la%ation of fores!orelands it!in t!eir $urisdi"tion and entered into anagree%ent it! Repu'li" Real @state Corporation for t!esaid pro$e"t.

    Repu'li" uestioned t!e agree%ent. )t "ontended,a%ong ot!ers, t!at t!e agree%ent 'et een RR@C andt!e City of -asay as &oid for t!e o'$e"t of t!e "ontra"tis outside t!e "o%%er"e of %an, it 'eing a fores!oreland.

    -asay City and RR@C "ountered t!at t!e o'$e"tin uestion is it!in t!e "o%%er"e of %an 'e"ause R(1 gi&es a 'roader %eaning on t!e ter% Afores!orelandB t!an t!at in t!e definition pro&ided 'y t!edi"tionary.

    RTC rendered $udg%ent in fa&our of -asay City andRR@C, and t!e de"ision as affir%ed 'y t!e C( it!%odifi"ations.

    ISSUE: !et!er or not t!e ter% Afores!ore landB in"ludes t!esu'%erged area.

    ). !et!er or not Afores!ore landB and t!e re"lai%ed areais it!in t!e "o%%er"e of %an.

    HELD:T!e Court ruled t!at it is erroneous and

    unsustaina'le to up!old t!e opinion of t!e respondent"ourt t!at t!e ter% Afores!ore landB in"ludes t!esu'%erged areas. To repeat, t!e ter% Hfores!ore landsHrefers to>The strip of land that lies between the high and low water marks and that is alternately wet and dry according to the flow of the tide.

    A strip of land margining a body of water !as a lake or stream"# the part of a seashore between the low$water line usually at the seaward margin of a low$tide terraceand the upper limit of wave wash at high tide usually marked by a beach scarp or berm. 3 e'sterIs T!ird Ne)nternational i"tionaryT!e duty of t!e "ourt is to interpret t!e ena'ling ("t, R(1 . )n so doing, e "annot 'roaden its %eaning8 %u"!less iden t!e "o&erage t!ereof. )f t!e intention of

    Congress ere to in"lude su'%erged areas, it s!ould!a&e pro&ided e pressly. T!at Congress did not sopro&ide "ould only signify t!e e "lusion of su'%ergedareas fro% t!e ter% Afores!ore lands.B)t 'ears stressing t!at t!e su'$e"t %atter of -asay City/rdinan"e No. 121, as a%ended 'y /rdinan"e No. 15 ,and t!e (gree%ent under atta"#, !a&e 'een found to 'eoutside t!e intend%ent and s"ope of R( 1 , andt!erefore ultra vires and null and &oid.;and Titles (nd eeds Case igest> ire"tor /f ;ands

    . )(C 31 <

    G.R. No. 79002 e"e%'er 2 , 1 <;essons (ppli"a'le> e". 9 (rt. K)), 1 7 Constitution3;and Titles and eeds

    =(CT > ("%e -ly ood L eneer Co., )n"., a

    "orp. represented 'y +r. Rodolfo Nazario, a" uiredfro% +ariano and ("er )nfiel, %e%'ers of t!e

    u%agat tri'e 5 par"els of landpossession of t!e )nfiels o&er t!e land

    dates 'a"# 'efore t!e -!ilippines as dis"o&ered 'y+agellan

    land soug!t to 'e registered is a pri&ateland pursuant to R( 9 72 granting a'soluteo ners!ip to %e%'ers of t!e non*C!ristian Tri'eson land o""upied 'y t!e% or t!eir an"estral lands,

    !et!er it! t!e aliena'le or disposa'le pu'li" landor it!in t!e pu'li" do%ain

    ("%e -ly ood L eneer Co. )n"., !asintrodu"ed %ore t!an -45+ ort! of i%pro&e%ents

    o ners!ip and possession of t!e landsoug!t to 'e registered as duly re"ognized 'y t!ego&ern%ent !en t!e +uni"ipal /ffi"ials of+a"ona"on, )sa'ela

    donated part of t!e land as t!eto nsite of +a"ona"on )sa'ela

    )(C affir%ed C=)> in fa&or of) F@ >

    1. N t!e land is already a pri&ate land * M@2. N t!e "onstitutional pro!i'ition against t!eir

    a" uisition 'y pri&ate "orporations or asso"iationsapplies* N/

    :@; > )(C affir%ed ("%e -ly ood L eneer Co., )n"1. M@

    already a" uired, 'y operation of la not only arig!t to a grant, 'ut a grant of t!e Go&ern%ent, for itis not ne"essary t!at a "ertifi"ate of title s!ould 'eissued in order t!at said grant %ay 'e san"tioned 'yt!e "ourts, an appli"ation t!erefore is suffi"ient

    it !ad already "eased to 'e of t!e pu'li"do%ain and !ad 'e"o%e pri&ate property, at least 'ypresu%ption

    T!e appli"ation for "onfir%ation is %erefor%ality, t!e la"# of !i"! does not affe"t t!e legalsuffi"ien"y of t!e title as ould 'e e&iden"ed 'y t!e


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    patent and t!e Torrens title to 'e issued upon t!estrengt! of said patent.

    T!e effe"t of t!e proof, !ere&er %ade, as notto "onfer title, 'ut si%ply to esta'lis! it, as already"onferred 'y t!e de"ree, if not 'y earlier la

    2. N/)f it is a""epted*as it %ust 'e*t!at t!e land as

    already pri&ate land to !i"! t!e )nfiels !ad a legallysuffi"ient and transfera'le title on /"to'er 2 , 1 Mes. )t is "lear fro% t!e la itself t!at t!ose!o applied for $udi"ial "onfir%ation of t!eir title at any

    ti%e prior to t!e "ut*off date of e"e%'er 91, 1 7< didso on ti%e, e&en if su"! appli"ation as filed during t!einter&ening period fro% January 1, 1 < to June 1 ,1 71. Respe"t s!ould 'e gi&en to t!e o'&ious intentionof t!e la %a#er in e tending t!e period for filing su"!appli"ations ti%e and again, to gi&e full opportunity tot!ose !o are ualified under t!e la to o n disposa'lelands of t!e pu'li" do%ain and t!us redu"e t!e nu%'erof landless a%ong t!e "itizenry.

    Oh Cho vs. Direc or o! L"#$s

    G.R. No. 4 921, (ugust 91, 1 4<

    GR> (ll lands are a" uired fro% t!e Go&ern%ent, eit!er'y pur"!ase or 'y grant.

    @KC@-T)/N> ;ands under pri&ate o ners!ip sin"e ti%ei%%e%orial.

    • (ppli"ation for de"ree of registration is a"ondition pre"edent to a" uisition of title. Non*"o%plian"e gi&es rise to %ere possessory rig!t.

    • (n alien "annot a" uire title to lands of t!epu'li" do%ain 'y pres"ription.

    =(CT >

    /! C!o, a C!inese "itizen, pur"!ased fro% t!e;agda%eos a par"el of land in Taya'as, !i"! t!eyopenly, "ontinuously and ad&ersely possessed sin"e

    1 0. /n January 17, 1 40, /! C!o appliedfor registration of t!is land. T!e oli"itor Generalopposed on t!e ground t!at /! C!o la"#ed title to saidland and also 'e"ause !e as an alien.

    ) F@s>

    !et!er or not /! C!o !ad title

    !et!er or not /! C!o is entitled to a de"reeof registration

    :@; >

    /! C!o failed to s!o t!at !e !as title to t!e lot, !i"!%ay 'e "onfir%ed under t!e ;and Registration ("t.

    (ll lands t!at ere not a" uired fro% t!e Go&ern%ent,eit!er 'y pur"!ase or 'y grant, 'elong to t!e pu'li"do%ain. (n e "eption to t!e rule ould 'e any land t!ats!ould !a&e 'een in t!e possession of an o""upant andof !is prede"essors in interest sin"e ti%e i%%e%orial,for su"! possession ould $ustify t!e presu%ptiont!at t!e land !ad ne&er 'een part of t!e pu'li" do%ain or

    t!at it !ad 'een a pri&ate property e&en 'efore t!epanis! "on uest.

    T!e appli"ant does not "o%e under t!e e "eption, fort!e earliest possession of t!e lot 'y !is first prede"essorin interest 'egan in 1 0.

    Fnder t!e -u'li" ;and ("t, /! C!o is not entitled to ade"ree of registration of t!e lot, 'e"ause !e is an aliendis ualified fro% a" uiring lands of t!e pu'li" do%ain.

    /! C!oIs prede"essors in interest ould !a&e 'eenentitled to a de"ree of registration !ad t!ey applied fort!e sa%e. T!e appli"ation for t!e registration of t!eland as a "ondition pre"edent, !i"! as not "o%plied

    it! 'y t!e ;ag%eos. :en"e, t!e %ost t!ey !ad as%ere possessory rig!t, not title. T!is possessory rig!t

    as !at as transferred to /! C!o, 'ut sin"e t!e latteris an alien, t!e possessory rig!t "ould ne&er ripento o ners!ip 'y pres"ription. (s an alien, /! C!o isdis ualified fro% a" uiring title o&er pu'li" land'y pres"ription.


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    =(CT >/n June 17, 1 7 , respondent spouses 'oug!t ;ots 947and 94 , Cad. s9 * , as t!eir residen"e it! a total areaof 1.77 s . %. situated in an -a'lo City, fro% oneCristeta azo ?elen 3Rollo, p. 41 . (t t!e ti%e of t!epur"!ase, respondent spouses !ere t!en natural*'orn=ilipino "itizens./n =e'ruary 5, 1 7, t!e spouses filedan appli"ation for registration of title of t!e t o 32par"els of land 'efore t!e Regional Trial Court of an-a'lo City, ?ran"! KKK). T!is ti%e, !o e&er, t!ey ereno longer =ilipino "itizens and !a&e opted to e%'ra"eCanadian "itizens!ip t!roug! naturalization.(nopposition as filed 'y t!e Repu'li" and after t!e parties!a&e presented t!eir respe"ti&e e&iden"e, t!e "ourt aquo rendered a de"ision "onfir%ing pri&ate respondentsItitle to t!e lots in uestion./n appeal, respondent "ourtaffir%ed t!e de"ision of t!e trial "ourt 'ased on t!efollo ing ratio"ination> )n t!e present "ase, it isundisputed t!at 'ot! appli"ants ere still =ilipino "itizens

    !en t!ey 'oug!t t!e land in "ontro&ersy fro% its for%er o ner. =or t!is reason, t!e pro!i'ition against t!ea" uisition of pri&ate lands 'y aliens "ould not apply. )n

    $usti"e and e uity, t!ey are t!e rig!tful o ners of t!esu'$e"t realty "onsidering also t!at t!ey !ad paid for it

    uite a large su% of %oney.)ssue> !et!er or not a foreign national "an apply for registration of title o&er a par"el of land !i"! !ea" uired 'y pur"!ase !ile still a "itizen of t!e-!ilippines, fro% a &endor !o !as "o%plied it! t!ere uire%ents for registration under t!e -u'li" ;and ("t3C( 141 .

    :eld> T!e Court disagreed on t!e petition to see# todefeat respondentsI appli"ation for registration of title ont!e ground of foreign nationality. T!is Court, spea#ingt!roug! Justi"e a&ide, Jr., stated> (s "ould 'e gleanedfro% t!e e&iden"e addu"ed, t!e pri&ate respondents donot rely on fee si%ple o ners!ip 'ased on a panis!grant or possessory infor%ation title under e"tion 1 of t!e ;and Registration ("t8 t!e pri&ate respondents didnot present any proof t!at t!ey or t!eir prede"essors*in*interest deri&ed title fro% an old panis! grant su"! as3a t!e Htitulo realH or royal grant 3' t!e H"on"essionespe"ialH or espe"ial grant8 3" t!e H"o%posi"ion "on elestadoH title or ad$ust%ent title8 3d t!e Htitulo de "o%praHor title 'y pur"!ase8 and 3e t!e Hinfor%a"ion posesoriaHor possessory infor%ation title, !i"! "ould 'e"o%e aHtitulo gratuitoH or a gratuitous title 3 ire"tor of =orestry &.+u oz, 29 CR( 11 9 D1 < E . T!e pri%ary 'asis of t!eir "lai% is possession, 'y t!e%sel&es and t!eir prede"essors*in*interest, since time immemorial .-ursuant t!ereto, ?atas -a%'ansa ?lg. 1 5 as passedinto la , t!e rele&ant pro&ision of !i"! pro&ides>

    e". 2. (ny natural*'orn "itizen of t!e -!ilippines !o!as lost !is -!ilippine "itizens!ip and !o !as t!e legal"apa"ity to enter into a "ontra"t under -!ilippine la s

    %ay 'e a transferee of a pri&ate land up to a %a i%u%area of one t!ousand s uare %eters, in t!e "ase of ur'an land, or one !e"tare in t!e "ase of rural land, to 'eused 'y !i% as !is residen"e. )n t!e "ase of %arried"ouples, one of t!e% %ay a&ail of t!e pri&ilege !ereingranted8 -ro&ided, T!at if 'ot! s!all a&ail of t!e sa%e,t!e total area a" uired s!all not e "eed t!e %a i%u%!erein fi ed.)n "ase t!e transferee already o ns ur'an or rural landsfor residential purposes, !e s!all still 'e entitled to 'e atransferee of an additional ur'an or rural lands for residential purposes !i"!, !en added to t!ose alreadyo ned 'y !i%, s!all not e "eed t!e %a i%u% areas!erein aut!orized.T!e Court is of t!e &ie t!at t!e re uire%ents in e". <of ?- 1 5 do not apply in t!e instant "ase sin"e saidre uire%ents are pri%arily dire"ted to t!e register of deeds 'efore !o% "o%plian"e t!ere it! is to 'esu'%itted. No !ere in t!e pro&ision is it stated, %u"!less i%plied, t!at t!e re uire%ents %ust li#e ise 'esu'%itted 'efore t!e land registration "ourt prior to t!eappro&al of an appli"ation for registration of title. (nappli"ation for registration of title 'efore a landregistration "ourt s!ould not 'e "onfused it! t!eissuan"e of a "ertifi"ate of title 'y t!e register of deeds.)t is only !en t!e $udg%ent of t!e land registration "ourtappro&ing t!e appli"ation for registration !as 'e"o%efinal t!at a de"ree of registration is issued. (nd t!at ist!e ti%e !en t!e re uire%ents of e".