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Transcript of LP(Transformer)New

8/9/2019 LP(Transformer)New

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Transformer

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, at least 80% of the students should be able to:1. Define what is transformer 

2. Identify the types of transformer 3. ame the ma!or parts of a transformer 

". #tate the relationship of turns ratio to the $oltae indu&ed'. (ite importan&e of transformers

II. Subject Matter:

A. )opi&


*. +eferen&es

abila, -ilbert .,et al.2003.#&ien&e and )e&hnoloy I/. Inno$ati$e

du&ational aterials, In&. #ta.Ana, anila.pp.200201

(. aterials

2 p&s a&ti$ity sheets

2 p&s illustrationpi&ture of transformer 

D. (on&epts

4 A transformer &an &hane ele&tri&al enery of a i$en $oltae into ele&tri&al

enery at a different $oltae le$el. It &onsists of two &oils arraned in su&h a way that the

maneti& field surroundin one &oil &uts throuh the other &oil.

4 )he fa&tor whi&h determines whether a transformer is a step up5 in&reasin the $oltae6

or step down 5de&reasin the $oltae6 type is the 7turns7 ratio. )he turns ratio is the ratio

of the number of turns in the primary windin to the number of turns in the se&ondary


4 )he number of turns in the primary windin to the se&ondary windin is dire&tly

 proportional to the indu&ed $oltae in the primary and se&ondary $oltae.

. )ea&hin #trateies9 5redi&t, 9bser$e, plain6

. /alues Interation

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(ooperation, Attenti$eness

-. #;ills(riti&al thin;in s;ills, roblem #ol$in #;ills

III. Learning task 

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)A(<+=# A()I/I)> #)?D)# A()I/I)>

1. (lass routine

-ood mornin &lass@

*efore we start with our lesson, let=s

 pray first.

ho=s absent todayB

-ood mornin ma=am@


2. +e&all

• rom the pre$ious dis&ussion

what is ele&tromanetismB

• 9;ay, from that what is

ele&tromaneti& indu&tionB

• le&tromanetism ele&tri& &urrent

&an produ&e a maneti& field

• le&tromaneti& indu&tion a

&hanin maneti& field within a

&oil of wire indu&es a $oltae

a&ross the ends of the &oil

3. oti$ation

• <a$e you seen a transformerB

• hy do you thin; it is &alled a

transformerB hat does it doB

• >es.

• 5Answers may $ary6

4. resentation

lease loo; at the &ir&uit symbol for

transformer and its parts.

Do you ;now the two types of


>es $ery ood.

5#tudents will obser$e the diaram.6

• >es maam. )he two types of

transformers are #tepup and #tep

down transformers.

5. esson roper

)o ma;e these &on&epts

more understandable, let=s ha$e

an a&ti$ity.

 5)he tea&her will di$ide the &lass


C /




C 230 /


 C 1380

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IV. ssessment

12.6 hat are the two types of transformerB

3'.6 ame the three ma!or parts of a transformer.

10.6 #ol$e and identify the type of transformer used in this problem.

  A transformer whi&h has 1"00 turns in its primary &oil is to be used to

&on$ert the mains $oltae of 2"0 / to operate a / bulb. <ow many turns

should the se&ondary &oil of this transformer ha$eB

V. ssignment

  <a$e an ad$an&e readin on power plants and enerators.

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  BSEd 3B-Bio