Logo Design & Branding What Makes a Good Logo?. Iconic Logos have 5 important design elements. They...

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Logo Design & Branding What Makes a Good Logo?. Iconic Logos have 5 important design elements. They...

Logo Design & BrandingWhat Makes a Good Logo?

Iconic Logos have 5 important design elements. They are:

1. Describable2. Memorable3. Effective without colour4. Scalable i.e. work when just two

centimetres in size5. Relevant to the industry in


Types of Logo

• Wordmark logo – mainly uses text and typeface to create its message, though other elements might be included e.g. Google

• Lettermark logo – similar to a wordmark but consists of initials or abbreviations e.g. monograms like Yves St Laurent (YSL)

• Brandmark logo – a graphic symbol usually simple but powerful, that comes to represent the company in an abstract way e.g. Nike, Apple

• A combination mark logo – (also called an iconic logotype) combines a wordmark with a brandmark, communicating both a company’s identity and its purpose, e.g. British Airways, Bank of America, Audi

Wordmark Logo• Communication funds limited - difficult or expensive to promote the brand• Your name is reasonably distinctive but not a household word

Lettermark Logo• Initials look more compelling than the brand name in full• Funding available to promote the lettermark to the public

Brandmark Logo• You need an emblem on a product• Your name is too long, too generic, doesn't translate well globally, or has no personality• You can afford to teach the public what the symbol means

Combination mark Logo• You are a start-up enterprise or small business with limited funds• Your name is reasonably distinctive but not (yet) a household word• You need an emblem on a product, but want more than just a symbol.

Which type to use?

Iconic Logos communicate more readily (instantly recognisable and memorable).

Iconic logos

Branding and Logos

Describe the organisation’s brand or image and how it can be promoted

The Open University Logo Design

There are a number of text layout variations, which gives greater freedom for those reproducing the logo in different formats. For example, the top right mark wouldn’t fit on the side of a pen as well as the centre right version .

The Open University Logo Design

This is how the OU logo appeared in the past

Coca Cola(Wordmark Logo)

1885 version of the logo. The Coca-Cola logo was first advertised in the Atlanta Journal in 1915 and also appeared on the display of Pemberton’s pharmacy.

The Coca-Cola logo was registered as a trademark in 1887 and has since then become the brand’s corporate identity.

IBM(Lettermark Logo)

1924 version of the logo

1948-56 1956


Apple(Brandmark Logo)

The first Apple logo 1976

Burger King(Combination mark Logo)

1969 version of the logo

New version of the logo

Example project brief

“Design a powerful, eye-catching logo for yourself. It should look good on paper, as a letterhead, on a website, on a T-shirt or baseball cap and as a badge. It must be easy to read at small sizes and work well when printed in black and white, as well as colour.”

A logo has to communicate an important message minimally and instantly. Design a logo projecting a positive image of you. It should describe who you are and what you’re about. When someone sees it, what’s the first thing you want them to think? Make it as striking and original as possible using colours shapes or symbols that communicate the essential you – think about icons that express a key characteristic of your personality, including your main hobby or interest, and get creative with your initials.