Logic Presentation Group c

Post on 17-Feb-2016

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Logic & Critical Thinking Project Presentation.Philosophers:1- Karl Marx2- Confucius3- Avicenna ( Abu seena )

Transcript of Logic Presentation Group c

Group – C


Presenters:1. Abdul Waheed

(Leader)2. Nouman sahito3. Venus shaikh4. Sarang Ali Dhamrah5. Komal Ali6. Ameet Kumar7. Rukhsana Khoso8. Madiha Joyo9. Geeta


Logic & Critical Thinking project presentation Assigned by: Sir Shahid Shah Jilani

• OUTLINE1. Introduction

a) Birthb) Early life and childhoodc) Educationd) Family background

2. Ideologies/Views3. Major Works4. Achievements5. Acceptance6. Influence7. Ending Note

Abdul Waheed


1. Introduction • Birth • Early life and childhood• Education• Family background

Ideology• Confucianis

m It is

the philosophy based on the teachings of Confucius. Confucianism has a complex system of moral, social, political, and religious thought, and has had a large influence on the history of Chinese civilization. However, there remains some controversy over whether or not it should be considered a religion.

Venus Shaikh

Major works Confucius is credited with writing and editing some of the most influential traditional Chinese classics. These include a rearrangement of the Book of Odes as well as a revision of the historical Book of Documents. He also compiled a historical account of the 12 dukes of Lu, called the Spring and Autumn Annals. Lunyu, which sets forth Confucius’ philosophical and political beliefs, is thought to be compiled by his disciples. It is one of the "Four Books" of Confucianism that Chinese philosopher Zhu Xi, a self-proclaimed Neo-Confucian, published as Sishu in 1190. Far-reaching in its influence, Lunyu was later translated into English under the title The Analects of Confucius.


Modern scholars regard Confucius as the author of some of the classics. The Following Order of arrangement of the Six Classics are part of achievement of Confucius.

The Book of Poetry - ShiThe Book of Rites - ShuThe Book of Rites - LiThe Book of Music - YueThe Book of Music - YiThe Book of Changes -Chunqiu

Nouman Sahito

Acceptance Confucius was the most influential and respected philosopher in Chinese history. His ideas were the single strongest influence on Chinese society from around 100 BC till the early 20th century. The Chinese governments throughout this period of two millennia had made his ideas their official state philosophy. Confucian theories and philosophies were even exported to neighboring countries and honored as wise and noble ideals.

InfluenceWhen Buddhism finally made its way into China, it faced a very different situation than it had in India. By the time of its arrival around the first century CE, China had already been under the influence of Confucianism for hundreds of years, which instilled the Chinese with a very different set of values and concepts than those found in India. Confucianism, while offering a set of practices to be a better person for your community, is a largely secular set of beliefs.

Ending notesConfucianism is a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius "Master Kung", 551–479 BC). It focuses on human morality and right action. And it is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought that has had tremendous influence on the culture and history of East Asia. It might be considered a state religion of some East Asian countries, because of governmental promotion of Confucian values.

Sarang Ali

Philosopher Karl Marx

Birth May 5,1818 to March 14,1883

Early life and childhood

Education Jesuit high school in Trier University of Bonn University of Berlin

Family background Father: Marx heinrich Mother: Marx heinrrita Wife: Jenny von Children: (7)


IdeologyKARL MARX makes different statements about ideology at different points in his career; however, his most straightforward statement about ideology appears in The German Ideology, which he wrote with Frederick Engels. Ideology itself represents the "production of ideas

Marx's universal appeal lies in his moral approach to socio-economic problems, in his insights into the relationships between institutions and values, and in his ideas about the salvation (to save from destruction) of mankind.

Komal Ali

Major WorksThe first of karl marx’s important works was the “communist manifesto” published in 1848.Das kapital the classic three volumes book written by karl marx is considered as one of karl’s greatest work.

AchievementsHe was the founder of modern international communism featured in the Soviet Union.Marxism

Ameet Kumar

AcceptanceMarx's acceptance of this notion of materialist dialectics that rejected Hegel's idealism was greatly influenced by his study of Ludwig Feuerbach.

Accordingly, Marx argued that it is the material world that is real and that our ideas of it are consequences, not causes, of the world.

Hegel and other philosophers, Marx distinguished between appearances and reality. But he did not believe that the material world hides from us the "real" world of the ideal

Influence The influence of Karl Marx has been amazing. During the 1980s, people who called themselves Marxists or who lived under Marxist governments numbered about one half of the planet's occupantsBy any objective calculation, Karl Marx was the most influential modern thinker.He was certainly the greatest social scientist of the last two centuries. Marx most be numbered among the founders of the modern study of history, sociology, and economics

Ending Note

• The theoretical conclusions of the Communists are in no way based on ideas or principles that have been invented, or discovered, by this or that would -be universal reformer.

• They merely express, in general terms, actual relations springing from an existing class struggle, from a historical movement going on under our very eyes.

Rukhsana Khoso

Philosopher Avicenna (Abu Seena)

Introduction • Birth • Early life and childhood• Education and family background

Birth of Ibn-sina• Ibn sina Balkhi better

known as Avicinna in the west .he was the great muslim physicians and celebrated in the westren world as the father of medicine. He was born in 370 H(980CE) In Afshana a small village of Bukhara.

Early Life and childhood• Ibn sina was about 5 years

old , when his family moved to bukhara , where his father was appointed as a governor , he had memorized the Quran and great deal of Arabic poetry by the age of 10 . He studied Arabic ,science included Islamic law, astronomy, medicine ,logic and philosophy by the age of 18.

Education and family background

• He was introduced to various religious philosophical and scientific teachings at a very early age , in edition he was given some background in logic , geometry and astronomy by this other teacher abu abdullah.

• He also discovered new method of treatment , a perfect physician by age 18 , he has reported to have said :” medicine is not hard and difficult science like mathematics and meta-physics so I soon made great progress ,I became an excellent doctor and began to treat patients ,using approved remedies”, his danger illness (in 997CE).

• After his father’s death ibn sina left to bukhara.

Madiha Joyo

Avicenna Ibn Sina

• Ideology• Major works • Achievements

IDEOLOGY• Abu ali sina father of modern medicine , clinical pharm logy and geology

Major works• His first major work on metaphysics,

Philosophy for the (al-Hikma al-‘Arudiya) penned for a local scholar and his first systematic attempt at Aristotelian philosophy.

Achievements contributions

1. Medicine2. Pharm logy3. Philosophy4. Chemistry5. Astronomy6. Music7. Physics8. Geology9. Poetry10.Psychology11.engineering



Ending notes

Thank you