Logic Final Presentation

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  • 7/31/2019 Logic Final Presentation




    Submitted by:-

    Kamran Moazzam (L1F10BBAM2171)

    Ameer Hamza (L1F10BBAM2329)

    Ambeel Pasha (L1F10BBAM0345)

    Haziq Tahir (L1F09BBAM0055)

    Submitted to:-Prof. Umer Shaoor

  • 7/31/2019 Logic Final Presentation



    Economic system in which most of the means of production are

    privately owned, and production is guided and income distributed

    largely through the operation of markets.

    Capitalism as we all know is an economic system of producingwealth in which the wealth is privately owned. In capitalism, the

    land, labor, and capital are owned and operated by private

    individuals who are trading for one purpose that is, the generation

    of more income or profits in a legitimate way without force or

    fraud, by singly or jointly, and investments, distribution, income,

    production, pricing and supply of goods, commodities and servicesare determined by voluntary private decision in a market economy.

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    Concept of Capitalism originated in 13th-16th century.

    Adam Smith, an economic and political philosopherfrom Scotland, was the first to systematically describe theworkings of the market system (capitalism). He did notinvent it; instead, his genius came in being able torecognize and explain the market forces (supply anddemand, competition, profit motive) guiding and regulatingthe economy. For doing this he is called the "Father ofCapitalism". The book he wrote about capitalism, entitled"An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations", was published in1776.

    Capitalism has been dominant in the Western world since the end

    of mercantilism

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    Free-market capitalismSocial market economy

    State capitalism

    Corporate capitalism

    Mixed economy

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    You are free to make your own choices (right or wrong) in the market place.

    You own your life and the means to produce for your life.You can choose to run your own business or get a job with ease ofgovernment regulation.

    As a consumer, you get the highest quality of products for the cheapestprices.

    As a consumer, you get the highest variety of the types of goods and servicesyou can purchase.

    You are free to innovate and invent without the government getting in yourway.

    You don't have to pay taxes beyond that of the basics to protect your rights(police, courts, national defense, etc).

    You vote with your dollars. If you don't like a particular store, you canalways shop somewhere else.

    You have the right to own property, which comes with the right to develop itas you choose.

    You have the right to earn as much money as you want without having toanswer to the government.

    Capitalism has given the highest standards of living this earth has ever seenand no other system has ever been able to do this

    Capitalism recognizes your right to pursuit of life, liberty and property.

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    There really arent any cons for capitalism. The only cons come

    from people that want to be able to tell people what to do or how

    to live their life. In capitalism, people are allowed to make their

    own choices, good or bad, and this seems to bother some that

    think they have the right to tell others how to live their life. As a

    capitalist they feel unfortunate that people do sleep on the streets,

    but they can't feel bad for people that make the conscious choiceto stick a needle full of heroine into their veins. Everyone is

    given the same level playing field and everyone can play.

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    An ascetic religion of India, that teaches the

    immortality and transmigration of the soul and deniesthe existence of a perfect or Supreme Being.

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    An old religion

    Originated in India in 6th century BC

    Followed by 3 - 4 million people mostly in IndiaNon-violence is the hallmark of this spiritualdiscipline

    Little amount of world recourse

    Followers known as Jains

    Ultimate goal

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    JAINISMAS RELIGION:Jainism is based on the teachings of its founder Mahavira. He

    says that if you want to achieve enlightenment then you must

    follow the following teachings:

    Non-violence (do not harm others)

    Truthfulness (do not lie)


    No sexual pleasure

    Non-materialism (poverty)

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    Communism is a society in which wealth and products aredistributed equally to everyone.

    Communism is the political concept of having a completelyclassless society. An extreme form of socialism wherethere is no central government, all people are equal nomatter what background they have & all resources areshared.

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    Pros :1) everyone is treated equally

    2) everyone is employed

    3) very little crime because of strict laws

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    COMMUNISMCONS :Everything belongs to the government

    No rights or freedoms

    Strict laws enforced on the people

    Street cleaner gets paid the same amount as a doctor! Jobs are nightmares.

    No public rights.

    The government decides on what the people can have,rather than what they want.

    Most all businesses are owned and controlled by thegovernment.

    Everybody is working, and most have nothing.

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    Socialism is a political term applied to an economicsystem in which property is held in common and notindividually, and relationships are governed by a politicalhierarchy.

    Individuals in positions of authority make decisions in thename of the collective group.

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    Concept originated in 1830-40

    Main idea was given by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

    Marx and Engels developed a body of ideas which theycalled scientific socialism, more commonly called Marxism

    Presented idea in First international (The International

    Workingmen's Association (IWA)

    Socialist groups supported diverse views of socialism andideas travel to Paris Commune and second international ..

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    Marxian socialism

    RevisionismState socialism


    Utopian socialism


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    Social Equality: Public education is an example ofattempting to equalize the minimum education for allpeople.

    Economic Equality: Minimum wage, food stamps, socialsecurity, and public housing are just some ways to reduce

    absolute poverty.Medical Equality: Socialized healthcare means thateveryone receives the same minimum healthcare, even ifunemployed and unable to pay for medical needs.

    Political Equality: Socialism increases workers rights and

    is more likely to allow more than only two dominate politicalparties.

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    CONS:-Higher Cost: Obviously socialism has a higher cost andtaxes are high in socialistic countries. Socialistic countriestend to have a much higher debt ratio per citizen.

    Less Entrepreneurships: Higher taxes means it is muchharder for entrepreneurs to start new companies and/or

    restrict existing companies from being very dynamic

    Less Rags-to-Riches: Socialism reduces the desire of thepoorest people to work harder, get a higher education, andinnovate, since they are guaranteed a minimum standardof comfortable living. As a result, fewer people that are

    born poor become rich.

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    Islam means submission toAllah

    (God). Islam, a name given tothis religion is an Arabic word which literally means obedience

    and peace. ISLAM is derived from the Arabic root "SALEMA":

    peace, purity, submission and obedience

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    Islam was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be

    Upon Him

    Lived from 570 CE to 632 CE in Mecca in modern-day SaudiArabia.

    Claims to be the restoration of original monotheism and truthand thus supersedes both Judaism and Christianity

    Stresses submission to Allah and conformity to the "fivepillars" or disciplines of that religion as essential for salvation

    The second-largest religion in the world, with over 1 billionfollowers.

    A monotheistic faith founded Muhammad Peace Be UponHim in 7th-century Saudi Arabia

    The angel Gabriel appeared to Muhammad Peace Be UponHim , a camel driver, in a mountain cave and delivered amessage from the one true God.

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    FIVE PILLARSOF ISLAM:The Pillars of Islam are five basic acts in Islam, consideredobligatory for all believers.

    the shahadah (creed)

    daily prayers (salat) almsgiving (zakah)

    fasting during Ramadan

    the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime.

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    Democracy is the Greek word which means popular

    government. It is a political system in which the supremepower line in a body of citizens who can elect people torepresent them

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    Ancient Athens are the Co Founders

    Originated in 508 BC

    Decision supported by Village Elders or other cooperativemode of Government

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    Occur changes in government without Violence

    Power only be transfer by Elections

    Only general of Country has right to elect theParliamentarians

    Opinions and directions are appreciated

    Belongings towards Society

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    CONS :-

    According to General observation, some people of countryare not fully aware of the political scenario

    Wrong decisions by CitizensRepresentatives will not focus on Long term Benefits

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    Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing avariety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based onteachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonlyknown as the Buddha

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    An old religionBuddhism originated in Nepal in 26 centuries ago.

    Buddhism is one of the dominant religions of Asia.

    There are about 350 million, which makes Buddhism thefourth largest of the world's religions.

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    Siddhartha Gautama

    Born in approximately 560 B.C. In northern India.

    He was the son of a ruler of Nepal.

    Gautama was surrounded with pleasures and wealth.

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    Meditation and observance of moral precepts are thefoundation of Buddhist practice.

    Forgiveness, gentleness, tolerance, harmlessness andpeace are well known trademarks of Buddhism