L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114

Post on 09-Dec-2021

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Transcript of L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Botany 0 N.A N.A2 Chemistry 1 1&1 1003 Economics 1 1 & 1 1004 English 1 1 & 1 1005 Hindi 2 2 & 2 1006 History 3 3 & 3 1007 Mathematics 0 N.A N.A8 Psychology 2 1 & 2 1009 Philosophy 2 1 & 2 100

10 Physics 2 1&2 10011 Political Science 1 1 & 1 10012 Zoology 1 1&1 100


Statement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate Programme

Name of the programme:

Time table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


9473242999 घघघघघघ घघ घघघघ घघघघघ 06/07 10:00 06/07 10:50 06/07 01:20

07/07 10:00 07/07 10:50 घघघघघ घघघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ 07/07 01:20

घघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघ 08/07 10:00 08/07 10:50 घघघघघ घघघघघघघ घघ घघघघ 08/07 01:20

09/07 10:00घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघ

09/07 10:50घघघघघ घघघघ

09/07 01:20

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


Name of The Department: Hindi

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date ,Day and


Dr.Sunita Kumari Gupta (Associate


MIL घघघघघघ घघघघघघ


घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघ घघ

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes1

घघघ घघ घघघघघघघ घघघघघ10/07 10:00 10/07 10:50 10/07 01:20

11/07 10:00 घघघघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघघ 11/07 10:50 11/07 01:20


9431853689 06/07 10:50 06/07 01:20

07/07 10:50 07/07 01:20

08/07 01:20 08/07 11:40

09/07 01:20 घघ घघघघघ 09/07 11:40

10/07 10:50 10/07 01:20

11/07 01:20 11/07 11:40

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I Hindi (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

2 Paper II Hindi (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

3 Paper III Hindi (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 100

4 Paper IV Hindi (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 100

5 Paper V Hindi (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

6 Paper VI Hindi (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Dr.Sunita Kumari Gupta (Associate


omघघघघघघ घघघघ घघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघ घघ घघघघघघघ

MIL घघघघघघघघघ घघघघघ

Dr.Ranweer Kumar Rajan(Associate


घघघघ घघघघघ घघ घघ घघघघघ घघघघघघघघ घघ

घघघघघघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ


घघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ

घघघघघघघघघ घघ घघघ घघ घघघघघघ

घघघघघघघघघ घघघघ घघ घघघघ घघघ

घघघघघ घघघघघघघ घघ घघघघघघघ

घघघघघघघघघ घघ घघघ घघघघघ (L L घHindi)

घघघघघ घघघघघघ घघघघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ घघ

घघघघघघ (घघ घघ घघ)

घघघघघघघघघ घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ

(घघघघघघ)घघघ घघघघघघघ घघ

घघघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ (घघघघ घघघघघघ sub )

घघघघघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघ घघ घघघघघघ

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

7 Paper VII Hindi (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate Programme

Name of the programme:Time table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


983501839906/07 1:20 06/07 02:10

07/07 01:20 07/07 02:10

08/07 01:20 08/07 02:10

09/07 01:20 09/07 02:10

10/07 01:20 10/07 02:10

11/07 01:20


8092817348 06/07 03:00

07/07 11:40 ररररर रररर रर रर 07/07 03:00

08/07 10:50 08/07 11:40 Continued… 06/07 03:00

09/07 10:50

Continued… 10/07 10:50 रररर रर रररररर 10/07 11:40 ररररर ररररररररर10/07 03:00

रररर ररर 11/07 10:50 11/07 03:00


6239270896 06/07 10:00 Chiang Kai Shek 06/07 10:50

07/07 10:00 07/07 10:50

08/07 10:00 08/07 10:50

Lord Palmerston 09/07 10:00 Maotse - Tung 09/07 10:50

10/07 10:00 Work of Maotse - Tung 10/07 10:50

11/07 10:00 11/07 10:50

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex and Zoom

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

Name of The Department: History

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Dr.Shivesh Kumar (Associate Professor)

ररररर ररररर -रररररररररररर रररर ररररर - रररर


रररररर रर ररररररर- रररर

ररररररर रररर ररररर- रररररर

ररररर ररररर- रररर रर ररर ररररर

ररररररर ररररररर- रररररररररर रर

ररररररर ररर रररररररररर रर रररररर

ररररररर ररररररर- रररररर

ररररर ररररर- रररररररररररररररर ररररररर - रररररररररर रर

ररररररर रर रररररर ररर ररररर

Dr. Rajesh Kumar(Guest


1857 रर ररररररर


ररर ररर रर ररररर ररर ररररररररर

रर रररर रररर रररर ररररररर 1942ररररररररररर


ररर - ररररर ररररर

Dr. Mrinalika (Guest Faculty)

Parliamentary reforms of 1832


Second parliamentary reform

Rule of Chiang Kai Shek

Third parliamentary reform

Achievements of Chiang Kai Shek

Hime policy of Parmeston

Foreign policy of Parmeston

Evaluation of Maotse - Tung

Name (URL) of website:  

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I HIS (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1002 Paper II HIS (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1003 Paper III HIS (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1004 Paper IV HIS (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1005 Paper V HIS (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1006 Paper VI HIS (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1007 Paper VII HIS (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: Physcis Name of the programme: PhyscisTime table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


8016204796 06/07 10:50 Bragg's law 06/07 10:00 06/07 01:20

07/07 10:50 07/07 10:00 Continued… 07/07 01:20

08/07 10:50 Continued… 08/07 10:00 Continued… 08/07 01:20

09/07 10:50 CRO 09/07 10:00 09/07 01:20

10/07 10:50 Continued… 10/07 10:00 Continued… 10/07 01:20

11/07 10:50 Quiz 11/07 10:00 Quiz 11/07 01:20


915588304506/07 10:00 06/07 10:50 06/07 11:40

Entropy 07/07 10:00 07/07 10:50 07/07 11:40

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Mr. Pintu Bhattacharya

(Assistant Professor)

2 nd law of thermodynamics

Laplace's equation and its solution


Equivalence of Kelvin- Clausius


Bragg's law & determination of


Difference between 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics

isothermal and adiabatic

workdone by gases

Wave equation and solution

Introduction to heat engine & refrigerator

Quiz on thermodynamics.

Dr. J.D.Prasad(Guest


Absolute Scale of Temperature

Potential due to dipole

Inadequacy of Classical mechanics


Potential due to quadrupole

Dual nature of radiation

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes


Change in Entropy 08/07 10:00 08/07 10:50 de-Broglie Equation 08/07 11:40

Classical Inequality09/07 10:00Poisson's Equation 09/07 10:50 09/07 11:40

Kirchoff's Law 10/07 10:00Laplace's Equation 10/07 10:50 10/07 11:40

Stefan's Law 11/07 10:00 11/07 10:50 11/07 11:40

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I PHY (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1002 Paper II PHY (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1003 Paper III PHY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1004 Paper IV PHY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1005 Paper V PHY (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1006 Paper VI PHY (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1007 Paper VII PHY (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: Chemistry Name of the programme: Chemistry Time table for conduct classes:

Dr. J.D.Prasad(Guest

Faculty) jdprasad.phy@gmail.com

Potential energy of a system of point Charges

Uncertainty PrincipleUncertainty Relation of Quantum mechanics

Application of Poisson's and Laplace's Equation

Schrodinger's wave Equation

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

S.No Part I Part II Part III


9835484665 Surface Chemistry 06/07 11:40 e.s.r.spectra 06/07 12:30

Surface Chemistry 07/07 11:40 e.s.r.Spectra 07/07 12:30

Surface Chemistry 08/07 11:40 e.s.r.Spectra 08/07 12:30

Carboxylic acids Distribution Law 09/07 11:40 09/07 12:30

Carboxylic acids Distribution Law 10/07 11:40 10/07 12:30

Carboxylic acids Distribution Law 11/07 11:40 11/07 12:30

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I CHE (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1002 Paper II CHE (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1003 Paper III CHE (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1004 Paper IV CHE (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Prof. Rajeev Narayan, Assistant

Professor (Selection Grade)

Aldehydes and Ketones

06/07 10:50


Aldehydes and Ketones

07/07 10:50

Aldehydes and Ketones

08/07 10:5009/07 10:50

Molecular Orbital and Valence Bond Methods10/07

10:50Molecular Orbital and Valence Bond Methods11/07


Molecular Orbital and Valence Bond Methods

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

5 Paper V CHE (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1006 Paper VI CHE (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1007 Paper VII CHE (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: PsychologyName of the programme: PsychologyTime table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


9431879963 06/07 10:00 06/07 11:40 Nature of fatigue 06/07 01:20

Structural model 07/07 10:00Merits of survey 07/07 11:40 Nature of monotony 07/07 01:20

08/07 10:00 08/07 11:40 08/07 01:20

09/07 10:00 09/07 11:40 09/07 01:20

10/07 10:00 10/07 11:40 10/07 01:20

11/07 10:00 11/07 11:40 11/07 01:20


8969780523 06/07 12:30 06/07 02:10

07/07 12:30 07/07 02:10

08/07 12:30 08/07 02:10

09/07 12:30 09/07 02:10

Assignment Assignment 10/07 12:30 Assignment 10/07 02:10

11/07 12:30 Assignment 11/07 02:10

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Dr. Mihir Pratap (Associate Professor)

Introduction of psychoanalysis

Social psychology and society


Topographical model

Limitations of survey

Methods of reducing fatigue

Application of pschoanalysis

Application of social psychology

Methods of reducing monotony

Assignments related to previous classes

Assignments related to previous classes

Assignments related to previous classes

Conversation with Students ( Q and A session )

Conversation with Students ( Q and A session )

Conversation with Students ( Q and A session )

Dr.Veena (Assistant Professor)

Projective techniques

06/07 10:50

Normal probability distribution

Humanistic Psychology


Projective techniques

07/07 10:50

Normal probability distribution

Humanistic Psychology

Projective techniques

08/07 10:50

Application of normal probability

Contribution to Maslow

Projective techniques

09/07 10:50

Application of normal probability

Contribution to Maslow

10/07 10:50

Question and answer

11/07 10:50

Question and answer

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I PSY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1002 Paper II PSY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1003 Paper III PSY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1004 Paper IV PSY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1005 Paper V PSY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1006 Paper VI PSY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1007 Paper VII PSY (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: EnglishName of the programme: EnglishTime table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


9572170362 Modern Literature 06/07 10:00 The Rivals 06/07 10:50 W. B. Yeats Poetry 06/07 11:40

07/07 10:00The Rivals

07/07 10:50 07/07 11:40

08/07 10:00 The Rivals 08/07 10:50 08/07 11:40

09/07 10:00 The Rivals 09/07 10:50 Sailing to Byzantium 09/07 11:40

10/07 10:00 The Rivals 10/07 10:50 Sailing to Byzantium 10/07 11:40

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Dr. Rashmi Kumari (Associate Professor) rashmi.kumari172@gmail.com

Characteristics of Modern Literature

Among School Children

The Eve of St. Agnrse

Among School Children

The Eve of St. AgnrseThe Eve of St. Agnrse

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes


11/07 10:00 The Rivals 11/07 10:50 Sailing to Byzantium 11/07 11:40

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I ENG (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1002 Paper II ENG (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1003 Paper III ENG (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1004 Paper IV ENG (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1005 Paper V ENG (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1006 Paper VI ENG (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1007 Paper VII ENG (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Dr. Rashmi Kumari (Associate Professor) rashmi.kumari172@gmail.com

The Eve of St. Agnrse

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: EconomicsName of the programme: EconomicsTime table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


7979009895 06/07 10:50 PRICE THEORY. 06/07 11:40

07/07 10:50 07/07 11:40

08/07 10:50 08/07 11:40

09/07 10:50 09/07 11:40

INTEREST. 10/07 10:50 10/07 11:40

11/07 10:50 11/07 11:40

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Dr. D.P.Paswan (Assistant Professor)


06/07 10:00




07/07 10:00




08/07 10:00




09/07 10:00



10/07 10:00




11/07 10:00



Name (URL) of website:  

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I ECO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1002 Paper II ECO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1003 Paper III ECO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1004 Paper IV ECO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1005 Paper V ECO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1006 Paper VI EC0 (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1007 Paper VII ECO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: Pol.Sc.Name of the programme: Pol.Sc.Time table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


7683932030 06/07 10:00SAARC 06/07 10:50 06/07 12:30

07/07 10:00 07/07 10:50 07/07 12:30

08/07 10:00 08/07 10:50 Westernization 08/07 12:30

09/07 10:00 09/07 10:50 Industrialization 09/07 12:30

10/07 10:00 10/07 10:50 Secularization 10/07 12:30

11/07 10:00 11/07 10:50 11/07 12:30

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Mr. Tarakanta Biswal (Assistant


Pressure groups in France

Process of political development in India


Executive system Switzerland

Nature of Indian political system

Political modernization

Legislative system Switzerland

Fundamental rights in India

Judicial system Switzerland

Fundamental duties in India

Federal system Switzerland

Detective principles of state policy in India

Procedures of constitutional amendment in Switzerland

Union legislature in India

Political socialization

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I Pol. Sc. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1002 Paper II Pol. Sc. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1003 Paper III Pol. Sc. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1004 Paper IV Pol. Sc. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1005 Paper V Pol. Sc. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1006 Paper VI Pol. Sc. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1007 Paper VII Pol. Sc. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: Philosophy Name of the programme: Philosophy Time table for conduct classes:

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

S.No Part I Part II Part III


9060322473 06/07 10:00Descartes 06/07 10:50 06/07 11:40

07/07 10:00Descartes 07/07 10:50 07/07 11:40

08/07 10:00 08/07 10:50 08/07 11:40

09/07 10:00 09/07 10:50 09/07 11:40

10/07 10:00 10/07 10:50 10/07 11:40

11/07 10:00 11/07 10:50 11/07 11:40


7091138959 06/07 10:50 06/07 11:40 06/07 10:50

07/07 10:50 07/07 11:40 07/07 10:50

08/07 10:50 08/07 11:40 Invalid argument 08/07 10:50

09/07 10:50 09/07 11:40 09/07 10:50

10/07 10:50 10/07 11:40 10/07 10:50

11/07 10:50 11/07 11:40 Tutorial 11/07 10:50

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I PHI (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1002 Paper II PHI (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1003 Paper III PHI (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 100

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Dr.Ishwar Lal (Associate Professor)

The school of Buddhist philosophy

Paradox of Democracy


The school of Buddhist philosophy

Paradox of Democracy

The school of Buddhist philosophy

Philosophical method of Descartes

Thinkars of Democracy

The Religious school of Buddhist

Philosophical method of Descartes

Thinkar,s of Democracy

The Religious school of Buddhist

Importantanc of Descartes

Thinkar,s of Democracy

The Religious school of Buddhist

Importantanc of Descartes

.Thinkar,s of Democracy. Mil

Dr.Sashi Bhusan Kumar (Assistant


Metaphysical Idealism

Pantheism in Spinoza

Valid and invalid figures


Epistemological idealism

God is all and all is God- Spinoza

Valid forms of arguement

Realism and idealism

Modes and quality in spinoza

Knowledge, Knower and object relation

Parallelism theory of Spnioza

Examples of Valid and Invalid arguementsDifference between

realism and idealism

Proof of existence of God by Spinoza

Fallacy in arugments

Critical analysis of Spinoza Philosophy

Comparison between Realistic

and Idealistic theory

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

4 Paper IV PHI (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1005 Paper V PHI (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1006 Paper VI PHI (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1007 Paper VII PHI (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: ZoologyName of the programme: ZoologyTime table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


9504667744 Digestive System Tissue and glands 06/07 10:50

Digestive System Tissue and glands 07/07 10:50

Bone and Cartilage 08/07 10:50 08/07 11:40

Bone and Cartilage 09/07 10:50 09/07 11:40

Digestive System 10/07 11:40

Respiratory System 11/07 11:40

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Mr. Nillmani (Guest Faculty)

06/07 10:00


07/07 10:00 Evidences of

evolution Evidences of evolution

10/07 10:00

Process of Evolutionary change

11/07 10:00

Process of Evolutionary change

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur

2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/2020

3 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/2020

4 lncollegebu.org

5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex

6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A

7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher

1 Paper I ZOO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1002 Paper II ZOO. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1003 Paper III ZOO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1004 Paper IV ZOO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1005 Paper V ZOO. (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1006 Paper VI ZOO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1007 Paper VII ZOO (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: B.EdName of the programme: B.EdTime table for conduct classes:


Contact No.

Part-1 Part-2 Part-3

Contact Date

And Email Id & & &

Time Time Time1 9973037588 Introduction 06.07.2020


2 Mr. Gautam 9534118488 Introduction 06.07.2020

Name (URL) of website:  

No. of conducted in developing e-content &

conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


Name of the Teacher

Contact Date

Contact Date

Dr. Bhagya Narayan Thakur bnthakur1962@gmail.com

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

2 Mr. Gautam Introduction


3 Mr. Nawnit Kumar 9608448516 Introduction 10.07.2020


4 9798358100 Introduction 10.07.2020


5 9430842016 Introduction 09.07.2020


6 9430916360 Introduction 09.07.2020


7 Mrs.Madhu Kumari 9431670836 Introduction 09.07.2020


8 9708604859

9 Dr.Ranjana Sarkar 9570703616

10 Mr.Arjun Sah 90061 47562 Introduction 08.07.2020


11 6207152303

11 DR. Nutan Kumari 9546041071 Introduction



Mrs. Chandana Kumari chandu84.janvi@gmail.com

Mr. Ramanand Bharti bhartii.ramanand@gmail.com

Dr.Shilpa Choudhary shilpach1@yahoo.com


Mis.Smiriti Priyadarshani pridarshinismriti7@gmail.com



Mrs.Kumari Rajmani kumari.rajmani82@gmail.com


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/20203 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/20204 lncollegebu.org5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex and Zoom6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher1 C-1 to C-11 8 7 & 8 87.5

2 EPC-2(Drama and art in Education) 3 3 & 3 100

3 EPC-4(Understanding Self) 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: BCAName of the programme:Time table for conduct classes:

Name (URL) of website:  

developing e-content & conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

S.No Sem II Part II Part III


8084694589 BCA-201 06/07 12:00 06/07 11:00

BCA-201 07/07 12:00 07/07 11:00

BCA-201 08/07 12:00 08/07 11:00

BCA-201 09/07 12:00 09/07 11:00

BCA-201 10/07 12:00 10/07 11:30

2 Mrs. Arti

9708520668 BCA-202 06/07 01:00 06/07 11:00

BCA-202 07/07 01:00 07/07 11:00

BCA-202 08/07 01:00 08/07 11:00


9931513236 BCA-203 Unit-II 06/07 11:00 06/07 11:00

BCA-203 Unit-II 07/07 11:00 07/07 11:00

BCA-203 Unit-II 08/07 11:00 08/07 11:00

BCA-203 Unit-II 09/07 11:00 09/07 11:00

BCA-203 Unit-II 10/07 11:00 10/07 11:00

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Mr. Mukesh Kr. Singh

06/07 11:00

Paper-III-Group-B Queue

implementation using Linked list

Paper-VI-Group-B Multihreading


07/07 11:00

Paper-III-Group-B Expression Persing

Paper-VI-Group-B Multihreading

08/07 11:00

Paper-III-Group-B Expression Persing

Paper-VI- Group-B Multihreading

09/07 11:00

Paper-III-Group-B Expression Persing

Paper-VI-Group-B Syncronization

10/07 11:30

Paper-III-Group-B Non-Linear Data Structure (Tree Introduction)

Paper-VI-Group-B Syncronization

06/07 12:00

Paper-III-Group-Fundamental integrity rules

Paper-V-Group-B Transmision Media

artilncsingh@gmail.com07/07 12:00

Paper-III-Group-Fundamental integrity rules

Paper-V-Group-B Transmision Media

08/07 12:00

Paper-III-Group-Relational Algebra

Paper-V-Group-B Wireless


Mr. Chandan Kr. Jha

06/07 10:00

Paper-IV-Group-A Constructor and


Paper-VII-Group-B HTML Anchor Tag


07/07 10:00

Paper-IV-Group-Constructor and


Paper-VII-Group-B HTML Table Tag

08/07 10:00

Paper-IV-Group-Constructor and


Paper-VII-Group-B HTML Table Tag

09/07 10:00

Paper-IV-Group- Constructor and


Paper-VII-Group-B HTML Frames

10/07 10:00

Paper-IV-Group-A Constructor and


Paper-VII-Group-B HTML Form Tag

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/20203 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/20204 lncollegebu.org5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex 6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher1 BCA-201 & BCA-205 1 1 & 1 1002 BCA-202 & BCA-204 1 1 & 1 1003 BCA-203 & BCA-206 1 1 & 1 1004 Paper III (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1005 Paper IV (Group A and B) 2 2 & 2 1006 Paper V (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1007 Paper VI (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 1008 Paper VII (Group A and B) 1 1 & 1 100

Name (URL) of website:  

developing e-content & conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: B.Voc.Name of the programme: B.Voc.(IT)Time table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


8084694589 BVITGE101 06/07 09:00

BVITGE101 07/07 09:00

BVITGE101 08/07 09:00

BVITGE101 09/07 09:00

BVITCP101 LAB Work10/07 09:00

BVITCP101 LAB Work11/07 09:00

2 Mrs. Arti

9708520668 06/07 10:00

08/07 10:00

09/07 10:00

11/07 10:00


9931513236 06/07 01:00

07/07 01:00

10/07 01:00

11/07 01:00

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/20203 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/20204 lncollegebu.org5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex 6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher1 BVITC101 1 1 & 1 1002 BVITC102 1 1 & 1 1003 BVITCP101 1 1 & 1 100

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Mr. Mukesh Kr. Singh singh.mukesh96@gmail.com



BVITC101 (Algorithm Design)

BVITC101 (Algorithm Design)



Mr. Chandan Kr. Jha

BVITC102 (Programming in



BVITC102 (Programming in


BVITC102 (Programming in

C)BVITC102 (Programming in


Name (URL) of website:  

developing e-content & conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

4 BVITGE101 1 1 & 1 1005 BVITAC101 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: B.Voc.Name of the programme: B.Voc.(Acc & Txn)Time table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III

1 Dr. D.P. Paswan

7979009895 06/07 12:30

07/07 12:30

11/07 12:30



08/07 09:00

09/07 09:00

3 Miss. Binny Rani

8794980974 06/07 11:00

Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

BVACGE101 (Economics)


BVACGE101 (Economics)

BVACGE101 (Economics)

Mr. Chandan Kr. Jha meetchandan23@gmail.com

BVACCP101 (Information

Technology In Business)

BVACCP101 (Information

Technology In Business)

BVACC101 (Financial


L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

3 Miss. Binny Rani

07/07 11:00

08/07 11:00

09/07 11:00

10/07 11:00

11/07 11:00

4 Mrs. Arti

9708520668 06/07 10:00

11/07 10:00

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/20203 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/20204 lncollegebu.org5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex 6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100


BVACC101 (Financial


BVACC101 (Financial


BVACC102 (Principal of

Management and Business


BVACC102 (Principal of

Management and Business


BVACC102 (Principal of

Management and Business






Name (URL) of website:  

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher1 BVACC101 1 1 & 1 1002 BVACC102 1 1 & 1 1003 BVACCP101 1 1 & 1 1004 BVACGE101 1 1 & 1 1005 BVACAC101 1 1 & 1 100

Annexture-CStatement Conducted sessions /Classes conducted/to be conducted for under-graduate ProgrammeName of The Department: B.Voc.Name of the programme: B.Voc.(YOGA)Time table for conduct classes:

S.No Part I Part II Part III


7091138959 BVYC101 (Unit 3) 06/07 10:00

BVYC101 (Unit 3) 08/07 10:00

BVYC101 (Unit 3) 10/0710:00



07/07 09:45

09/07 09:45

11/07 09:45


9430916360 06/07 11:00

developing e-content & conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-


Name of The Teacher

Contact No and Email Id

Contact Date,

Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Contact Date, Day and Time

Dr.Sashi Bhusan Kumar (Assistant

Professor) veenapandey001@gmail.com

Dr.Veena (Assistant Professor) veenapandey001@gmail.com




Dr.Shilpa Choudhary

BVYC101 (Human Anatomy and Physiology)

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes


07/07 11:00

08/07 11:00

09/07 11:00

10/07 11:00

11/07 11:00

4 Mrs. Arti

9708520668 06/07 10:00

11/07 10:00

1 Name of the University: Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur2 Date of Commencement of e-content uploading: 06/07/20203 Date of commencement of on line classes: 06/07/20204 lncollegebu.org5 Platform used for conducting on-line classes: Whatsapp Googleclassroom, CISCO Webex 6 Statement of e-content uploaded on-line classes: format attached as Annexure-A: N.A7 Teachers who have contributed in on-line classes: format attached as annexure-B for Post graduate & C for under Annexure ‘C’

Dr.Shilpa Choudhary

shilpach1@yahoo.comBVYC101 (Human Anatomy and Physiology)

BVYC101 (Human Anatomy and Physiology)

BVYC101 (Human Anatomy and Physiology)

BVYCP101 (Human Anatomy and Physiology Practical- I)

BVYCP101(Human Anatomy and Physiology BVITAC101/





Name (URL) of website:  

L.N.College, Bhagwanpur, Vaishali,Bihar-844114 Format on Record of e-content uploaded and on-line contact classes

8Percentage of teacher who participated in developing e-content: 100

Sl. No. Subject Total No. of Teacher1 BVYC101 1 1 & 1 1002 BVYC102 1 1 & 1 1003 BVYCP101 1 1 & 1 1004 BVYGE101 1 1 & 1 1005 BVYAC101 1 1 & 1 100

developing e-content & conducting on-line session

Percentage of teacher who contributed developing e-
