lN THE - Department of Healthro11.doh.gov.ph/dashboard/docs/RO XI Order No. 2016 … ·  ·...

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Transcript of lN THE - Department of Healthro11.doh.gov.ph/dashboard/docs/RO XI Order No. 2016 … ·  ·...

Republic of the Philippines

Department of HealthREGIO'{At OFFICE XI

DOH Compound, JP LaurelAve., Bajada,oavao CityTrunklines: +63 (82) 305-1903, 305-1904, 305-7906,2274O73,2272453; Fax 227-6320

email: dohlldavao@gmall.com website: www.ro!l.doh.tov.ph

July 7, 2016

RO Xl OrderNo.2016- 00x5



ln the DOH Regional Office Xl, the Local Health Systems Division manages the regionalhealth information system (RHIS) through the RHIS Unit. The RHIS Unit has been the leadin ensuring that the region is able to comply with the standards of and submission for thenational health data reporting. Cunently, the Unit has been encountering delays in datasubmission from the local government units (LGUs) and issues on data completeness andaccuracy. These pose a problem in communicating Davao's real state of health and overallhealth system performance. With this, the present health information system in the Regionmust be strengthened through a clear reporting flow which involves data validation,submission and reporting processes.

ln 2015, the DOH RO Xl in collaboration with the World Health Organization Philippines andAsian Development Bank started the development of monitoring frameworks and healthdashboards. These monitoring tools are envisioned to better support data-informed decision-making and accountability to help achieve the targets of universal health care and otherhealth programs in Davao. These can effectively present key performance indicators of theDOH RO Xl to important stakeholders and engage them for improvement of seruiceavailability and quality and positively impact health care access and utilization.

To support the initiative on health dashboards, a reliable health information system must bein place to secure the flow of data to feed these dashboards. Moving fonivard, strengtheningthe regional health system and continuous improvement and updating of regional healthdashboard as reference for evidence-based decision making at a policy level contributes tomore efficient resource allocation and, at the delivery level, information about the quality andeffectiveness of services can contribute to better outcomes.


This Order sets the guidelines and protocols to strengthen the cunent regional healthinformation system and ensure the implementation and sustainability of the regional healthdashboards.

Detailed objectives are to:a.) Set directions of the reporting flow of the regional health information system to

ensure data availability, completeness and accuracy;b.) Set the roles and responsibilities of the different key players in the regional health

information system; and

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"SistemanS Ayos, Serbisyong Lubos ... ISO na tayo"

Republic of the Philippines

Department of HealthREGIONAL OFFICE XI

DOH Compound, JP Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao CityTrunklines: +53 (82) 305-1903, 305-19(x,305-1906,227-4073,7272463;Fa\227-6320

email: dohUdavaoegmail.com website: wwu,ro1l.doh.tov.ph

c.) Provide leadership and define responsibilities in the development, publication, andupdating of the regional health indicators, metadata and dashboards.


A. The Regional Health lnformation System Unit shall take the lead in the maintenance ofthe Regional Health lnformation System (RHIS) or the Field Health Services lnformationSystem (FHSIS).

1. Data Submission and Validation at the Barangay, Municipal and Provincial Levelsa. All data submitted by the LGUs to the Regional Health lnformation System

(RHIS) shall follow the agreed timeline in the submission of reports.

From To Schedule of SubmissionBHS/BHC RHU/CHO/MHOiDHO 5' dav of the succeedinq monthRHU/CHO/MHO/DHO PHO/CHO 10' dav of the succeedinq monthPHO/CHO DOH Reqional Office 3'o Friday of the succeedinq month

b. The Public Health Assistants (PHA) and Nurses under the Nurse DeploymentProject (NDP) shall, aside from those stated in the Regronal Order No.2015-0020 entitled "Revised Guidelines on Duties Responsrbilitr'es of ,Vursesand Midwives under the DOH Deployment Program," conduct regular datavalidation activities, with the Rural Health Midwives (RHMs) at the BarangayHealth Station (BHS) / Barangay Health Center (BHC) and with the PublicHealth Nurses (PHNs) at the Rural Health Units (RHUs) / City Health Offices /Municipal Health Oflices / District Health Offices. Public Health Assistantsshall assist and remind their respective RHU/CHO/MHO/DHO to comply withthe agreed timeline in the submission of reports to the ProvinciaUCity Healthffices.

The Development Management Officers (DMOs) shall assist the LGUs in thesubmission of health reports based on the provisions stated in DOHAdministrative Order No. 2013-0017 entitled "Revised Roles, Functions,and Responsibilities of DOH Representatives in Support of NatonalHealth Thrusts. " Specifically, on Section V, item B1-i which states thatDevelopment Management fficers (DMOs) shall assist the LGU incomplying with the submission of required quality health data and Sec{ion V,item B4-d which, likewise states that Development Management Officers(DMOs) shall monitor/facilitate the submission of LGU required reports andvalidate prior to submission to the Regional Health lnformation System Unit.The Provincial DOH Offices (PDOHO), through their DMOs, shall superviseand closely monitor data validation activities of NDP's and PHA that areassigned in their cluster of municipalities. This shall form part of the NDP'sand PHA's deliverables.

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"Sistemang Ayos, Serbisyong Lubos ... ISO na tayo"

Level ofValidation

Person/s ResponsibleLGU DOH XI

Barangay RHM PHA, NDPMunicipality PHN/Municipal RHIS Coordinator DMO/PHA. NDPProvince Provincial RHIS Coordinator PDOHO

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of HealthREGIONAT OFFICE XI

DOH Compound, JP Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao CityTrunklines: +53 (82) 305-1903, 305-1904, 305-1906,227-4073,2272463t Fax 227-6320

email: dohlldavao@gmail.com webshe: www.ro1l.doh.gov.ph

RHIS with RHIS Unit Staff

Roles and Responsibilities of the RHIS Unita. The RHIS Unit shall regularly monitor timeliness in the submission of

PHO/CHO reports, evaluate consistency and accuracy of data, and providefeedback on status of reporting to LGUs.

b. The RHIS Unit shall conduct quarterly conferences with the Provincial, Cityand Municipal RHIS Coordinators as a mechanism for continuous systemsimprovement.

c. The RHIS Unit shall be the repository of all essential health data. Programswith special reports are directed to submit their reports to the RHIS Unit on amonthly, quarterly, or annual basis depending on program-determinedfrequency of collection. Monthly special reports shall be submitted on the 3dweek of the succeeding month. Quarterly reports shall be submitted on the 3dweek of the succeeding month after each quarter and annual reports on the3d week of January. The RHIS Unit has identified the following personnel aspoint persons for the different clusters.

Cluster/Proqram RHIS Point PersonsFamily Health Cluster Mr. Dimpol A. Umbollnfectious Diseases Cluster Mr. Lin Paul D. CasasNon-communicable Diseases Cluster Ms. Roda O.Baisa

d. The RHIS shall be the official source of health data. The RHIS ProgramManager shall validate the accuracy and consistency of all health data.

e. No data will be released unless approved by the RHIS Program Manager andreviewed by the Regional Medical RHIS Supervisor.

B. The Regional Health lnformation System Unit shall develop and maintain the RegionalHealth Dashboards in close coordination with the different clusters/programs. Theseinclude the following activities:

1. ldentification of health indicators and metadata developmenta. The RHIS Unit shall work closely with the program managers in identifying

important health indicators that will be used in the dashboards.

b. The program managers shall inform the RHIS Unit if they desire to changethe content of the dashboards. Likewise, program managers shall inform theRHIS Unit of any changes or updates in the metadata.

2. Dashboard designinga. The design of the dashboards shall be a joint activity of the RHIS Unit and the

program managers.

3. Data collection and validationa. The RHIS Unit shall be responsible in data collection and validation of all data

that will be used in the dashboard. Program managers with special reports



"Sistemang Ayos, Serbisyong Lubos ... l5O na tayo"

Republic of the Philippines

Department of HealthREGIONAT OFFICE XI

DOH Compound, JP LaurelAve., Bajada, Davao CityTrunklines: +63 (82) 305-1903, 305-1904, 305-1906,227-&73,2272463; Fax 227-6320

email: dohlldavao@gmail.com website: www.ro1l.doh.gov.ph

are responsible for validating their own data prior to submission to the RHISUnit and shall follow the timeline as stated in lhe previous sections.

b. The RHIS Program Manager shall get the approval from the PHO andprogram managers on the data that will be used in the dashboards forconsistency and legal defensibility.

Dashboard developmenta. The RHIS Unit shall be responsible in the dashboard development. The

following persons are responsible in the dashboard development of theirassigned clusters closely supervised by the RHIS program manager and lheregional medical RHIS supervisor:

1) Ms. Roda O. Baisa2) Mr. Dimpol A. Umbol3) Mr. Lin Paul D. Casas

Dashboard publication and updatinga. The Regional Health Dashboards shall be updated quarterly. Only indicators

with at least 90% of submission of reports from the barangays in theirrespective province/city will be published. Less than 90% of submission fromthe barangays in their respective province/city will be considered as NOREPORT and will be reflected in the dashboard as such. The submission of90-99o/o of the barangays in their respective province/city will be reflected inthe dashboard as PROVISIONAL.

b. The publication and updating of the dashboard shall be every quarter. prior topublication, all program managers and the Management Committee shallreview their respective dashboards.

c. Data for the dashboards of the current quarter will be published on thesucceeding quarter.

For your information and guidance.

ABOULLAH B. DUMRegional Director





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"SistemanB Ayos, Serbisyong Lubos ... ISO na tayo"