Lions Vidya · 2021. 1. 9. · Lions Vidya...

Post on 10-Feb-2021

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Transcript of Lions Vidya · 2021. 1. 9. · Lions Vidya...


    Welcome to yet another issue of REVERBERATIONS. This issue is special not only because it is our first e-newsletter

    but it also chronicles the school’s journey after the sudden halt in March 2020, due to the COVID -19 pandemic, which

    defines the year 2020.

    While on one hand, this abrupt closure brought several deliberations, challenges before the school on the other it led to

    reflections, creative work and opened a door of new possibilities. Despite all odds, the school marched forward with a

    positive note taking all challenges in its stride

    It has almost been nine months now and though we all have adapted and changed our habits that we spent decades

    forming, we still miss the bubbling excited faces of our students, their gleeful laughter and their flutter and skip by the

    corridors of the school.

    December is synonymous with Christmas - a season of Hope, Cheer, Blessings and Joy. This December we fervently

    hope that our hollow empty class rooms with disarrayed chairs and toppled benches are soon filled up again with glowing

    faces and noisy laughter of excited students.

    May the coming year bring loads of Good News which would not only boost our sapping energies but also fill us with

    vigour to embrace all challenges with positivity. May you enjoy this online issue of our Newsletter.


    - The Editorial Board

    Lions Vidya Mandir

    ▪ In the new normal

    ▪ Mileposts

    ▪ Transitius

    ▪ Games & Excursion

    ▪ Mindscape Unleashed

    ▪ Effloresence of Art

    Life is a journey, the path we take, what we look back on and what we look forward to is entirely

    up to us. We determine our destination.

    The present academic session encountered the biggest challenge of the century. Before it could start

    the nationwide lock down was already in place. It is now more than nine months when gradually people

    got used to the new normal, to face life with a new resolve, when almost all sectors partially or fully

    opened and began operation, it was the education sector which remained closed.

    How much we long to have students coming back to their school, have their academic and co-

    curricular pursuits! With the year 2020 almost ready to be a part of history and 2021 knocking at the

    door with a glimmer of hope and promise, we at Lions Vidya Mandir have ensured that everything is

    not lost. Regular online classes, assessment tests, half yearly exams, activities, celebrations – you

    name it, we had it all. With a committed and supportive School Management under the leadership of

    our dynamic President coupled with the efforts of dedicated teachers, caring and cooperative parents,

    we could fight the pandemic and keep the wheels of teaching learning rolling past.

    I believe that “if everyone is moving together than success takes care of itself”.

    This e-newsletter is also a bi-product of the pandemic. I am glad that we could

    come out with this edition so as to reach out to our students and parents in spite

    of all odds. I take this opportunity to convey my best wishes to the technical team

    and the editors of this e-newsletter for their contribution in its creation.


    Mrs. Kakoli Ghosh, Principal

    The academic year 20-21 is unique, unprecedented and unpredictable. It is the first year in history wherein no in-person classes have been held till date, and the

    future remains in the dark. Life at LCGVM continues with adjustments and compromises. We adjusted ourselves to online teaching, and from novices in the initial

    stages have become adept in conducting virtual classes. LCGVM SMC had a change of guards in July. A lot of new changes have taken thereafter. The school received

    a fresh coat of paint after over a decade and is looking regal. Admissions to the new academic session 21-22 have begun and are very encouraging. We will shortly

    start construction of the 5th and 6th floor of the Annexe building. 6 rooms have become operational on the terrace. The school is in the process of installing solar

    panels and will become a green school.

    We are grateful to all our parents for bearing with us in these difficult times and honouring their commitments as regards the school fees.

    We are thankful to the faculty for their support and cooperation. We eagerly await the opening of the school and look forward to seeing our dear students.

    Lion Pramod Chandak, President, School Managing Committee

    The past nine months has been learning session for all of

    us. Grappling with distance learning has been an

    interesting challenge for both teachers and children.

    There has been occasions of fun as well as frustration for

    both. But we have certainly learnt a great deal about

    delivering beyond classroom space. Nevertheless at Lions

    Vidya Mandir the teachers as well as children are

    expected to take up challenges and they have done well.

    I hereby urge all parents and children to continue

    extending their support and cooperation during this

    moment of crisis. Stay safe and God bless.

    Mr Christopher Eric Jacob

    Junior School Headmaster/Administrator




    90% and above

    80-89% 70-79%

    ISC 69 8 24 23

    ICSE 121 30 41 39

    “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of

    intelligent effort.” - John Ruskin

    Students of LCGVM once again made everyone proud and

    kept the school flag fluttering high with their hard work and

    perseverance. Their outstanding performance in the ICSE

    AND ISC Examination 2020 speaks of their sincere effort,

    and ability to skilfully execute their knowledge when


    The normal examination schedule of CISCE (both ISC and

    ICSE) which began in the end of February was disrupted

    due to the abrupt closure of the whole country as lockdown

    was declared to tackle the Covid-19 Pandemic. In the wake

    of the pandemic, the few examinations left was cancelled

    by the board and rescheduled in July 2020 but were

    cancelled again due to the meteoric rise in Corona cases.

    The final results in pending subjects were determined on

    the basis of their performances in internal assessment, pre-

    board examinations and results of the board examination

    papers in subjects already conducted.

    The School applauds and congratulates the students for

    their smart work and success.


    It was indeed a new experience for parents, students

    and the faculty of LCGVM to connect with each other

    through a Virtual Orientation Programme in 2020 through Microsoft Teams. The digitalised programme

    organised for the students of Lower Nursery as well

    as Class XI. The core purpose of the meet was to

    elucidate about the new normal digital format of

    teaching and learning in this pandemic times. Parents

    eagerly logged in for their first connect with the School

    in the new session. The School Principal stressed

    about the importance of coordination between parents

    and the school during this tough time for the welfare

    of their students.

    Shibam Ghosh secured first position in

    National Space Society (USA) Space

    Olympiad Event


    School Managing Committee addresses the students in Virtual

    Felicitation Ceremony 2020


    Rishita Das secured the 1st

    position in Category B

    Jinia Sekh & Archisman Ruproy secured the 1st position in

    Category A

    A dazzling performance by the Junior students made the

    school proud in Spell Quiz organized by QUIZTION

  • Lions Vidya Mandir has reinstituted the fact that 'learning is all encompassing' and in the face of the crisis, our

    school made sure that the process of teaching-learning rolls forward. From adopting Microsoft Teams - the

    market leaders in the segment of online conferencing and teaching, to getting all the teachers geared up and

    prepared to take up online classes had been an uphill task. At LCGVM, impossible is nothing and by smoothly

    transitioning from face-to-face interaction to online teaching, our school

    and our teachers have shown that they can

    climb mountains with the zeal and

    impetus that empower them. All heroes do

    not wear capes and in this pandemic,

    along with the doctors, nurses, sanitation

    workers and care givers, the teachers

    all over the world have risen to the

    occasion and delivered when it actually

    mattered. Education cannot and should never take a back seat. No

    matter what the pandemonium, we've been able to conjure a

    harmonious serenity out of this horrid nightmare.

    The academic session, in order to compensate for the lack of face to face

    interaction, were made bright, engaging and colourful with the use of teaching aids like PPTs, videos and

    images. Comprehensive, textbook-like study materials have been prepared by the teachers for all levels and

    uploaded each day to give the child the much-needed support and clarity of content.

    Much emphasis was laid on critical thinking and impulsive reaction-based

    assignments so that the students focus in class and respond with enthusiasm. In the

    primary classes, academics has had a parallel run with activities, fun and

    games where the little tots look forward to each day's class with earnest

    anticipation and excitement. Every festival, every notable event has been

    well celebrated with their wholesome participation. We have seen and

    experienced most of the aspects of daily schooling like the children

    conjuring mischief, comprehending lessons, and, sometimes, coming up

    with jaw dropping innovative ideas all sitting in their homes, physically

    distant from their teachers and peers.

    Assessments had to be different as we couldn't stick to the pen-paper

    format. Thus, it led to the adoption of diverse methods like MCQ Tests,

    PPT presentations, debates and discussions to see to it that the students

    are periodically assessed and monitored on their development in each of the subjects.

    In the higher classes as we couldn't conduct the practicals with the students in our well-equipped laboratories in school, the teachers have

    compiled video recordings of themselves conducting the practicals which have been duly uploaded in the school website for their reference.

    Parent Teacher Meetings, which has been such an important event in the school calendar, was also

    organised online. Each parent was given one-to-one attention where in addition to the teachers

    hearing and solving their queries, a general feedback about their wards was provided. Digital Report

    Cards were shared with the parents on screen where they could view the performance of their wards,

    simultaneously listening to the remarks of the class teacher.

    Technology slowly but surely has seeped

    into our veins now and with these months of

    innovation, experimentation, adaptation and

    acclimatization, we can declare that in the

    face of crisis we stood tall and confronted it

    head-on. However, there's not a single day

    that goes without the teachers repenting not seeing their students face to face. We wait

    eagerly for the pandemic to end so that we can see our students smile, cry, laugh and

    just be themselves. Boys and girls of Lions Vidya Mandir, the school misses you all.

  • "Hope is the thing with feathers

    That perches in the soul

    And sings the tunes without the words

    And never stops at all".

    - Emily Dickinson.

    Considering the present scenario of pandemic (COVID 19) across the continents, we must have faith and hope among us that we will overcome the situation. No matter that the students

    couldn't come to school but they have made their presence by actively participating in every activity held on the virtual platform of Microsoft Teams.

    LIONS CALCUTTA (GREATER) VIDYA MANDIR would like the students to be constructively engaged while they are at home. Besides the academic performance, our little champs

    are also a little conscious about the dreadful situation.

    Hope we will definitely be able to overcome the pandemic circumstances soon and will have our children in our school.


    Along with the whole world, LCGVM has also witnessed the empty dens designed for the youngest lots. This year the Lower Nursery kids got deprived from the essence of physical

    schooling. This was a year of missing hues and yearning for smiles. But no pandemic can keep out the tiny tots distant from their first schooling. This new normal situation has made

    everything possible to bring the school into the room in the form of a mobile set or a laptop. The first sight of those adorable and joyous faces was worth watching. Gradually the little minds

    got acquainted with the new existing system. The kids also experience various activities along with day to day learning.

    In the Primary Section, the activity classes have been planned and designed in order to provide a little relief to the little ones. A small endeavor to break the monotony of studies, has been

    made through arranging an array of activities to develop their cognitive and motor development skills

    Though the pandemic has brought in its wake a worldwide spate of cancellations and postponements, it could not defer the annual mega events of the Independence Day, Activity Days,

    Agomoni, Children’s Day. Though the Covid -19scenario has diminished the ambience of the lively and noisy classrooms, but it definitely could not dampen the spirits of the Middle School

    students of our school who celebrated every event virtually. Our students enthusiastically showcased their talents through dances, songs, speeches, painting and elocution. The teachers also

    tried to fill the vacuum on Children’s Day by showing them science-fiction movies in collaboration with BITM.

    The Secondary and the Senior Secondary levels also showed their enthusiasm by arranging and participating in various online activities. Starting from the World Nature Conservation Day

    to the Sherlock Holmes Day, the students of Classes IX to XII celebrated every occasion with zest and dedication. They also paid homage to the great engineer Sir Henri Fayol by celebrating

    his birth anniversary. Besides enjoyment and fun, they also took an initiative to remember the helpless people who gave away their life due to the Hiroshima bombing by observing the

    Hiroshima Day.

    Learning goes on

    Celebrations through ‘Microsoft Teams’

  • TEAM - Together we achieve More

    Let the Games Begin!!!

    Sports Day is one of the favourite events of the LCGVM calendar and owing

    to pandemic, we celebrated it virtually this year from 14th December to 18th

    December. As ever, the emphasis was on fun, enjoyment, and pandemic

    could not dampen the spirit of our students. Right from the tiny tots to the

    seniors, the response had been overwhelmingly positive.

    The sports week was interspersed with various events like Pack up the

    school bag, Calisthenics, Karate, Yoga, Skipping, Football juggling etc.

    Students uploaded their recorded video clippings and those were judged

    by the respective teacher in charges. Children relished it thoroughly by

    taking part from their homes.

    Trips on Teams

    Field trips and excursions have always been an integral

    part of total learning experience at LCGVM. The event

    is a much awaited one for the pupils. Unfortunately, the

    COVID-19 pandemic robbed the joy and excitement of

    going to the school annual excursion this current

    academic year. Nevertheless, to compensate for the

    disappointment, the teachers took the students to virtual

    tours – to places of educational and historical interests.

    Students loved going on e-trips.

    From the Pyramids of Egypt

    Having a blast in Brazil Visiting the National Library




    Have you ever walked across the road in the rain

    at night and looked up to the street lamps….

    Just to count the crystal raindrops falling and..

    Glistening amidst the glowing splash of light

    beyond such silence of a drenched sky?

    Even in the darkest night,

    There’s a budding source of light..

    Once you are young, the sky is full of kites

    Colour it darker, or paint it bright!!

    Success will come itself,

    Just wait for a while!!



    • I am a room with no doors and windows. Who am I?


    • I am a non-living substance but I am considered to be the life saver in all

    serious cases related to human beings. Who am I?


    • I am a structure through which people can walk, but I myself cannot do so.

    Who am I?


    • Whenever you get agitated and face difficulties, I help you to bring up the

    solutions and of course I work just similar like a CPU of your body. Who am



    • People use me anytime anywhere they wish and it’s true that without my

    presence mankind is blind in this modern world. Who am I?


    • I have lots of holes on my body and I have the ability to hold water, also I am

    very soft in texture. Who am I?


    • I appear white in colour but after I get cooked no one can see me. Who am I?


    - Subechcha Roy IX B

    Smiles and scars

    Her face was sealed with a smile,

    But, who knew what was behind?

    Perhaps a deep, dark scar

    Caused by -the anonymous stranger,

    she meets everyday

    On her way!

    The scar had to be hidden-

    And with a smile- it was thus replaced-

    Her anonymous scar

    As always- disappeared!

    Into the unknown-

    And was never shown

    To the cruel world

    Which caused the scar?

    It was hidden and always will!

    So, there might be a scar- there's no link with her smile!!!

    .Riyana Roy Chowdhury, Class VII-D


    I got admission at Lions in class V. I was the most ordinary student in the class, neither did I participate in any school programs, competition nor

    could I score good marks in the exam. My friends used to tell me, “Why are you like this? Do something that will attract the people.”I listened

    to their opinions and I tried to change myself so that others can accept me. But eventually, I realized that while doing so, I was making a lot many

    mistakes. This went on till class VIII. I was not good in any particular subjects till then. I used to hear people saying, “Mathematics is not for

    me”, “I cannot prosper in life with Mathematics” etc. I also started giving up. With the guidance of my elder sister; I scored 43 on 50 in the First

    Term. I gained confidence and thought, “Yes, I can also do it.” Eventually, I improved in almost all the subjects.

    It is thus very important to have faith in yourself. You will just have to be the way you are and then everything will fall in its place. I remember

    my teacher telling us, “Always keep your targets high.” Positive Vibes is all that we need to be successful…..

    Sujan Basu, Class XII

    यह भारत दशे हमारा यह दशे हहैमारा अनोखा सा,

    लगता ह ैबडा ही प्यारा।

    आजादी यहााााँउत्सव सा,

    ना डरेगें हम, ना झकेुगें हम,

    आत्मननभभर भारत के भारतीय हम।

    सरहद के रक्षक, जीवन के रक्षक, ज्ञान के रक्षक।

    आजादी हम जीते हैंशान से,

    इस दशे मेंहम रहते हैं,भाईचारे से।

    इस दशे मेंइच्छाशक्तत से सबका ददल जीतते हैंहम।

    यह भारत दशे हमारा ह।ै

    ------ सक्ृ टि डागा

    7 C

    রাত শেষের শ ার

    রাত শেে হওযার শ াষর --- সময তখন পাাঁচটার ঘষর.

    নতুন দিষনর সূচনার শসই- ক্ষণ শ াাঁযায মৃি ুশিালা আমার মষন প্রদতক্ষণ|

    ঘুম াঙাষনা একটি পাদখ--- বৃক্ষ োখায বষস, মৃি ুস্বষর কষর ডাকাডাদক, শেন মষন হয আাঁধাষরর পিদ া সদরষয ---

    দিষনর আষলায শিয দরষয| এ ধরায জষে আদম অদত াগ্যবান,

    নইষল শকমষন জানতাম, প্রকৃদত এত রূপবান!! শহ দবধাতা, তুদম প্রণময ---

    এই অধমষক করষল তুদম ধনয|| অঙ্কন নাথ শেণী - েষ্ঠ দব াগ্ - ঘ

    Creativity as a form of self-expression is the most cathartic, and free of judgement. There is nothing more satisfying and

    fulfilling than to be able to express oneself openly. Students of LCGVM have explored it through a variety of artistic discipline.

    Being locked up within the four walls of their houses for months, Lionites have nurtured their creative skills by expressing

    themselves freely.

  • The Peace Poster Contest conducted by the Lions Clubs International provides an excellent opportunity to the kids to express their vision of World Peace. Reiterating the prayer for a peaceful and harmonious world, LCGVM organized Online Peace Poster Competition owing to pandemic on the 5th of November, 2020.

    In an attempt to preserve the “GOLDEN BIRD- PEACE”, symbols of peace, predilection of a peaceful world, peace through a young mind were explored in canvas by our students. They represented on canvas their perception of a better world and conveyed the message that there is no way to peace, peace is the only way. We really feel proud to announce that Atiqaa Hussain of Class VII C of Lions Calcutta (Greater) Vidya Mandir bagged the first position at the District level.

    1st - Atiqaa Hussain VII C 2nd -Madhurita Shome-7A

    3rd - Sanchari Giri VI C


    Lions Calcutta (Greater) Vidya Mandir WB310

    ( An English Medium Co-educational Institute).

    Vidyasagar Block, Chowhati, Kolkata

    Pin code: - 700149

    033 2427 7292 / 1584/ 7044096127