LiIar of my product no institution

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of LiIar of my product no institution

L.I.I.A.R analysis of my music video

Ben Smith


For my music video I wanted to create a narrative story with elements of live performance and people dancing. In they video the use of make up shows that people don’t need to be fake by putting on make up people look good natural and you can take it off and be yourself. The pace of the song is very fast so that is why I tried to make a lot of cuts and tried to cut to the beat of the song with one or two shots going on for a bit longer. The mise-en-scene of the video worked well with most of the lyrics when I was trying to link them with the narrative. The genre of the song is pop so I tried using bright colours and just making the video as fun as possible for people to watch so they can enjoy watching it and showing it to all of there friends.


The messages and values of my video is that everyone can have a bad time in there life but that shouldn’t effect you and as in the words of the song you should just shake it off and don’t let the people or things that are putting you down effect how you are. Another message it gives out is about relationships and that they are not all perfect and people can fight and people do more on. If people have been in a bad relationship then the video shows them that they shouldn’t take it to heart and they should move on and find someone else. The message and value that I tried not to put across was the sexualisation of women I just wanted to make a video what just focused on the fun element of pop rather than making people watch it because there are half naked hot women.


Audience The audience for this music video is for teenagers and above this is because they are the people what listen to music the most. By using sexualisation it could create a wider audience but on the other hand this might not appeal to a larger audience because some people might précised it as being sexist. Because it is a fun and upbeat video it will keep people interested and they will share it with there friends and this also creates a bigger audience.


In my music video I wanted my artist to be represented in a positive light and be a role model to teenagers. The way I wanted the full video to be represented is in a fun way a song to listen to when you are sad to make you happy or when you are happy to have a good time. When making the video I didn’t want just young people in there so I added some older ones to make the video more diverse and represent different people.